In fact, these low-level soldiers really want very little.

As long as these careful wishes are met, their enthusiasm will break through the clouds, and naturally they will not disappoint you.

"At the moment, the Lingzhan Legion has completely cancelled its organization! No new corps will be added for now!"

"The cultivators of all races in the Spirit Battle Legion can join the Human Emperor Legion, the Wing Teng Legion, and the Temple Guard Legion!"

"The basic requirements for joining the Human Emperor Legion: Above the King Realm!"

"Basic requirements for joining the Yiteng Legion: Nine Stars Awakened or above!"

"Basic conditions for joining the Temple Guard Corps: Seven Star Awakened or above!"

"I hope you all participate! Fight for the guardian of the palace!"

"Starting today, all corps will pay monthly military pay!"

"Ordinary soldiers of the Imperial Army will give out ten thousand crystals every month! Ten low-grade crystals! Officers will be given special treatment!"

"The ordinary soldiers of the Wing Teng Legion will give out five thousand **** crystals every month, and five low-grade spirit crystals! The officers will be given special treatment!"

"Ordinary soldiers of the Temple Guardian Legion will give out 1,000 crystals per month, one for the lower grade, and the Legion will treat them separately!"

"I hope you don't disappoint me!"

When Fang Fan said a word, the audience was boiling!

Military pay! Still such a high amount of military pay.

Since then, they have never considered the so-called military payment! For them, isn't all these things taken for granted? It is an honor to fight for the lord and for the patriarch! What kind of military pay? Never had such a concept in my mind.

Of course, this is before, now...everything!

"Swear to the death allegiance to the lord!"

The people's aspirations, even the ranks of their believers, have been raised a bit.

Fang Fan chuckled and nodded to himself, not to mention all kinds of grand truths, in the face of practical life, these are all nonsense!

If everyone can't open the pot anymore, what good is the chicken soup?

Only by letting ordinary soldiers really feel the benefits of joining the major legions can they become more motivated!

Of course, what can they do if Fang Fan insists not to pay military pay?

There is no reward for killing the enemy, no salary in the army, and you can still rely on majesty for a while, but how long does it take? When this enthusiasm fades away?

Obviously, this is not a long-term solution.

The implementation of the military payment system is something Fang Fan has been worried about before, but he has never found a particularly suitable opportunity.

As for the low-level soldiers of the three legions, the salary is different... that should have been.

In the Human Emperor Legion, all soldiers are in the one-star king state, and the Temple Guardian Legion, as a reserve army, many soldiers are simply Seven Stars and Eight Stars Awakened. The gap between the two is not one star and a half.

In this case, can they still keep them the same salary?

It is not a blind gift of benefits or an excellent leader. A respectable leader must be fair, confident and wise!

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth rose slightly, and the Palace of the Human Emperor... gradually finally took on a bit.

After all, it’s already an eighth-rank power, and maybe it won’t be long before it can be directly promoted to a seventh-rank power. Some formal things must be controlled...

In addition... I will reward ordinary soldiers with **** crystals and spirit crystals, hoping that they can quickly improve their cultivation so that they can keep up with the promotion speed of the human palace...

The Palace of Human Emperor, like a new star, is rising!

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