11. Son, don’t be anxious, Dad will make two bites first and then give it to you!

While Lu Qin was preparing the ingredients for fried rice noodles, he had already soaked ten kilograms of mung beans in water.

It is best to soak mung beans for 25 to 30 minutes

The land staff sifted and washed the water twice to remove the floating shells.

The mung beans were put into the pot with cold water, and Lu Qin added some tangerine peel.

Tangerine peel can not only increase the sweet taste of mung bean paste and add flavor, but also neutralize the coldness of mung beans, strengthen the spleen and stimulate appetite.

Boil over high heat, and stir constantly with a long spoon to ensure that the whole pot of soup is heated evenly and the mung beans will not stick to the pot.

After cooking until the meat and shell are separated, filter the whole pot and crush the bean dregs to extract the juice.

Pour the filtered soup into the pot, add brown sugar and two and a half slices of lemon in water, and the cooking is done when the brown sugar dissolves.

Lu Qin poured a small bowl, cooled it, tasted it, and was immediately amazed.

The sand was soft, sweet, and fragrant, much better than the mung bean paste he had had before.

Now that technology is advanced, wall-breaking machines are very popular. Many people have bought wall-breaking machines at home.

Mung bean paste can also be made with a wall breaking machine, but that will seriously affect the taste of the mung bean paste and the nutritional content of the mung beans.

There is no comparison with the mung bean paste made by Lu Qin

Lu Qin scooped out the mung bean paste, packed it, and sealed it, a total of 120 cups

At 7 o’clock, Lu Qin called the little guy to get up

The little guy seemed to be still in a dream, with sleepy eyes and his little mouth making babbling sounds, as if he was eating something.

“Yaoyao, get up, the sun is going to kick your ass”

“Dad, if you want to kick my ass, just say so, don’t make excuses”

Lu Qin squeezed toothpaste for the kid and said,”Brush your teeth carefully. I’ll make breakfast for you.””

“Okay, Dad, I want to have a custard bun for breakfast, the kind with a piggy shape, is that okay?”


The piglet custard buns are the frozen ones bought from the supermarket. They are not really that delicious, but the little one likes the cute piglet.

Lu Xiyao finished washing up and breakfast was already set on the table.

Fried eggs, custard buns, green bean paste

“Yaoyao, have breakfast”

“”Okay, daddy, the fried eggs smell so good~! What is this?” Lu Xiyao pointed at the mung bean paste.

“Mung bean paste, try it, it’s sweet”


The little guy’s eyes lit up and he took a sip of the mung bean paste.

“Wow! Dad, this green bean paste is delicious~!”

“Eat the fried egg and custard bun first, then drink the mung bean paste”

“Dad, I had a dream last night. I dreamed of a very big bun, as big as a table. I ate it as hard as I could, and my belly was about to burst, but I still hadn’t eaten the filling. I was so angry.~!”

The little guy was eating while exaggeratingly describing the shape of the bun to Lu Qin.

Lu Qin found it funny. What a little foodie!

“Then you continue to dream and eat tonight, and try to get the meat filling.”

“Of course I must have meat filling tonight.” Lu Xiyao said solemnly

After breakfast, Lu Xiyao took Lu Qin’s hand, shook it left and right, and said in a soft and sticky tone:

“Dad, I don’t want to eat the kindergarten meal at noon today. I want to eat the fried rice noodles you made, and this delicious mung bean paste, okay?”

Lu Qin was stunned and asked,”Why, the food in the kindergarten is not tasty?”

“It’s OK, but the fried rice noodles made by Baba are more delicious, and the green bean paste is sweet and super delicious.~!”

Lu Qin thought about it and nodded:”Okay.”

“Yeah, thank you for your hard work, Dad.~!”The little guy jumped up happily and kissed Lu Qin on the face.

When the little guy first went to kindergarten, Lu Qin was worried that the little guy would not be used to the school meals, so he brought the food for a while.

Later I thought that I couldn’t let the little one become picky about food, and my own little foodie wasn’t picky about food, so I stopped bringing it.

Lu Qin fried the noodles, took out the lunch box he used to bring to the kid, washed it, and filled it with fried noodles.

I poured another bowl of mung bean soup, packed everything up and put it in the handbag.

After sending the kid to the entrance of Xingguang Kindergarten and waving goodbye to each other, Lu Qin rode the food truck towards Sunshine Primary School.

It took seven or eight minutes to reach the destination.

There are indeed only two breakfast shops opposite Sunshine Primary School, one is a steamed bun shop and the other is a bakery, and the rest are all small food trucks.

At this time, the crowds

Residents of several nearby communities, parents and students sending their children to school, are all stuck together during this time period, and the flow of people is particularly high.

The time is now 7:18. Lu Qin is late. Other stalls have already done several orders.

Lu Qin could only find a spot on the edge to set up his stall.

The school starts at 8:30 am. Most students are still at the school gate buying and eating breakfast.

Even though Lu Qin’s position was not good, some people still paid attention to his stall.

But primary school students like to eat hand-grabbed pancakes, purple sweet potato glutinous rice, steamed buns, etc., and they are not very interested in fried noodles

A father with his child stopped at Lu Qin’s booth when he saw that there were few people there.

“Boss, I want fried noodles with eggs”

When the child heard that he was going to eat fried noodles, he immediately became unhappy and started crying.

“Dad, I don’t want fried noodles, I want hand-pulled pancakes!”

“No, eating pancakes every day is not good for your health. I can only eat fried noodles today.”

Children are generally picky eaters. How could this father not know his child? He only ate the sausage and chicken fillet in the pancake, and only had two bites of the pancake left.

The sausages, hot dogs, chicken fillets, skewers, etc. sold at street stalls are often made with a lot of chemical elements because they are loved by children.

No matter what, I can’t spoil my child today. I’ll let him eat whatever I buy for him. I can’t let him be picky about food anymore.

“No, I don’t want to eat fried noodles, I just want to eat hand-pulled pancake!”

The child started to get worse and the noise became more intense.

The man’s face darkened, and his hand slowly reached for his waist.

On the belt buckle, a wolf pattern shines

The voice of the naughty child gradually weakened, and finally disappeared.

This incident had no effect on Lu Qin, and the rice noodles in the big pot had already started to stir-fry.

Soon, a rich aroma wafted out

My father snorted a few times and couldn’t help but say,”Boss, your fried noodles are so delicious!”

The child next to him also began to swallow his saliva

When Lu Qin takes the fried noodles out of the pan, the bright yellow color is full of appetite.

“Do you need to pack it up?” Lu Qin asked

“No need to pack, we eat it directly”

The man scanned the code and paid 9 yuan. The child next to him couldn’t help but reach out to take the fried noodle box, but his hand was too short to reach it.

The man put his phone in his pocket, picked up the fried noodles and started eating.

I have long forgotten that this fried noodle is my child’s breakfast.

The child immediately became anxious:”Dad, please let me eat it, this is my fried noodles!”

The child looked at the delicious fried noodles but couldn’t eat them, so he grabbed his father’s trouser legs anxiously.

“Son, don’t be anxious. Dad will take two bites first and then give it to you. The portion is also large, and you can’t finish it as a child.”

My father said as he stir-fried the noodles.

Wow, this fried noodle is so delicious!

I finished half of it in two or three gulps.

The little boy was about to cry when he saw that only half of the fried noodles were left.

“Dad, give it to me quickly, I want to eat too!”

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