15. Do you know what he is doing? Setting up stalls in the streets and alleys!

Teacher Li looked closely at Lu Xiyao’s fried noodles.

A little different from other fried noodles

The rice noodles fried to golden brown look not greasy and have an alluring aroma.

“Then Teacher Li will take a bite”

“”Yeah.” Lu Xiyao politely pushed the fried noodles over.

Teacher Li went to get a pair of chopsticks and came back, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.

The refreshing and soft texture, with a light burnt aroma, and the salty and fresh taste tickles the tip of the tongue, it feels so wonderful

Why is this fried noodle so delicious?

“Teacher Li, is the fried rice noodle delicious?”Lu Xiyao asked

Teacher Li nodded:”It’s really delicious, Yaoyao, did you bring this fried noodle from home?”

“Yeah, my dad did it.”

Teacher Li then remembered that Lu Xiyao’s father, Lu Qin, rode a food truck to send his daughter to school.

It turned out to be a stall selling fried noodles.

However, this divine fried noodle is really too delicious.

Teacher Li has never eaten such delicious fried noodles.

“Teacher Li, do you want to eat more?”Lu Xiyao stretched out her white and tender little finger and pointed at her fried noodles.

“I want…Oh no, I don’t want to eat it anymore, Yaoyao, you eat it.”

In fact, she wanted to eat, but……

Teacher Li smiled awkwardly, placed the fried noodles in front of Lu Xiyao, and touched her little head.

It’s not good for teachers to eat students’ lunch.

Lu Xiyao started eating her fried noodles again

The kids around were staring at Lu Xiyao’s fried noodles, and their own lunch didn’t even taste good anymore.

Teacher Li smiled bitterly and patted the back of the heads of the children one by one:”Hurry up and eat your own food, and concentrate on your studies.””

Zhong Shuyi picked up the half stick of fried rice noodles that was left by her lips and slurped it into her mouth. She said to Lu Xiyao:

“I will also ask my chef to make fried rice noodles for me tomorrow.”

“Yes, it’s OK.” Lu Xiyao’s mouth was greasy as she ate, and she was in a very happy mood. It was so delicious that she was overwhelmed.

She took out another bowl and opened the lid. Inside was a bowl full of green bean paste. She took a sip with a spoon and felt even more satisfied. She dangled her feet under the table.

Zhong Shuyi looked at the yellow-green soup and asked,”Yaoyao, what is this?”

“Green bean paste, also made by my dad, is delicious”

“Can I try it?”

“Okay, you try it.”

Zhong Shuyi scooped some mung bean paste with her rice spoon and put it into her mouth.

“It’s so sweet and delicious. Your dad is really good. Everything he makes is delicious! I will also ask my chef to make green bean paste tomorrow.”

“Yes, sure.”


When playing in the afternoon, there were many more children around Lu Xiyao.

“Lu Xiyao, this strawberry hairpin is for you. I have two, I’ll give you one.”

“Lu Xiyao, my robot toy dog ​​is for you to play with.”

“Yaoyao, let’s play with plasticine together”

“Lu Xiyao, can you bring some more fried noodles tomorrow so I can try it?”

“Lu Xiyao, I’ll give you some beef jerky. Can I try the fried noodles your father made tomorrow?”


Seeing so many people surrounding her, with expectant eyes on their faces, Lu Xiyao thought for a moment and then said:

“Sure, I’ll ask dad to make an extra portion tomorrow and you can share it.”

As soon as these words came out, all the children started to jump up and down with joy.

Free time

Lu Xiyao’s phone watch rang

The watch screen showed two elderly faces. They were Shen Muyan’s parents and Lu Xiyao’s grandparents.

“Grandpa! Grandma! Hello!”

“Yaoyao, my little baby! Grandpa and grandma miss you so much!”

“Dad said you went traveling abroad. Was it fun abroad?”

“It’s not fun at all. The main reason is that the food is too bad. It’s either raw meat or fast food. Your grandpa is so thin because of hunger. Shen Hongda touched his stomach and looked miserable.

This old man in his sixties was dignified and outspoken in the company, but in front of Lu Xiyao, he was a cute old naughty boy.

“Then grandpa, please come back soon so I can ask my dad to make fried noodles for you?”

“Fried noodles? Grandpa doesn’t eat fried noodles, so he takes Yaoyao to eat delicious food.”

Jiang Qin, who was standing by, smiled kindly:”My little Princess Yaoyao, do you miss your grandma? How are you doing recently? Are you being well behaved in kindergarten?””

“Yaoyao is a very good kid. My parents are divorced, and I live in another house with my dad.”

Lu Xiyao pouted. Seeing her grandparents, the little one remembered her parents’ divorce. The divorce had some impact on her.

At the other end of the video, the smiles on the faces of the two elderly people disappeared immediately

“What? Divorce?”

“Divorce? When did it happen?”

Shen Hongda and Jiang Qin both had difficulty breathing.

They briefly learned about the situation from Lu Xiyao, and then began to comfort their precious granddaughter.

“Yaoyao, your grandparents will always be your grandparents.”

“Yes, Yaoyao, if you want to come back to live with grandpa in the future, tell grandpa and he will pick you up in person.”

Listening to the comfort from Shen Hongda and Jiang Qin, Lu Xiyao’s depression disappeared and she became happy again.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Hongda asked someone to book the fastest flight back home.

Ourui International Hotel

Top floor luxury office

Shen Muyan’s phone rang. She was a little tired after the meeting, but she was perked up by Shen Hongda’s scolding on the phone.

“Dad! I told you about my divorce from Lu Qin a long time ago.”

“I told you I don’t agree. Where can you find such a good son-in-law like Lu Qin? Go and remarry me immediately!”

Shen Muyan was speechless:”Dad, this is a matter between Lu Qin and me, please don’t interfere, we are both adults, think about it, why would Lu Qin agree to a divorce?”

Shen Hongda was silent for a few seconds, his tone still bad:”Your mother and I will be pissed off by you sooner or later!”

“Why did Lu Qin leave the house with nothing? How did he live with Yaoyao? Do you know what he is doing now? Setting up a stall in the streets!!”

“Setting up a stall?”

Shen Muyan frowned slightly. She was very surprised by this. After all, Lu Qin graduated from a prestigious university. No matter what, it shouldn’t be a problem for him to find a good company to work for.

“I can help with this matter and arrange a good job for him immediately.”

Shen Hongda immediately said:”No, men have self-esteem. Since he doesn’t want the property after the divorce, he won’t want the job you arranged for him. Don’t worry about it. I will take care of it.”

Shen Hongda lectured Shen Muyan for another five minutes, and then Jiang Qin took the phone and continued to nag for more than 20 minutes.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Muyan rubbed his swollen temples, feeling a little irritated.

Setting up a stall?

Why does this man want to set up a stall?

And with the little one?

Shen Muyan was also a little speechless. She could imagine that scene.

She picked up the phone with her slender fingers and made a call, asking someone to investigate the situation.

In the two days after the divorce, she had a lot of work to do, otherwise she would have sent someone to find out about the living conditions of the father and daughter.

Shen Muyan picked up her phone again, opened WeChat, and sent a message:”He is setting up a stall with his daughter.”

Fang Ya:”???”

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