4. Prepare to set up the stall. Yaoyao’s father’s three-wheeled food truck is so cool

7:00 AM

Lu Qin got up, washed up, and then went to wake Lu Xiyao up.

“Yaoyao, it’s time to get up and go to school, you lazy pig”

The little guy’s biological clock was adjusted very well by Lu Qin. He went to bed at 9:30 every night and woke up at 7:00 in the morning.

Sleep time is enough, sleeping too much is not good

However, the little guy has a lot of bad temper when he wakes up.

“Dad, I’m sleepy~!”

The little guy turned over and wrapped himself into a small”zongzi””

Lu Qin patted him gently and said with a smile:”Be obedient, you have to go to kindergarten today.”

“Daddy, can you not go to kindergarten? Yaoyao will accompany you.”

“No, Dad needs to make money.”

“I help my dad make money together?” The little guy suddenly sat up, as if he thought this was a very good idea, and suddenly he became interested and didn’t stay in bed anymore.


Lu Qin stretched out his finger and gave the little guy a slap on the head.

“Woo woo woo~!”

“Your little head is full of unrealistic thoughts. Go to kindergarten obediently. This is your first priority.”

“Okay~! Dad, are you going to work at the company?”

“No, Dad is going to set up a stall”

“Setting up a stall? Wow, that must be fun.”

The little guy had no idea about the high and low of making money. He asked questions curiously while getting dressed.

Although they moved, the daily lives of the father and daughter did not seem to have changed much.

Lu Xiyao stood on a small stool and brushed her teeth and washed her face in the bathroom while Lu Qin made breakfast in the kitchen.

Breakfast is simple, milk, fried eggs and bread

“Wow! Dad! Today’s fried eggs taste great.~!”

The little guy opened his mouth wide and took a big bite of the egg. It was so delicious.

Lu Qin helped the little guy wipe his mouth. After breakfast, he sent the little guy to kindergarten. Then he started to prepare to set up a stall to sell fried noodles.

The cost of setting up a stall is very small, the biggest thing is to buy an electric tricycle

Some time ago, the domestic”three-wheeled vehicle” became popular in foreign countries. Owning a three-wheeled vehicle can make you the most handsome guy on the street.

The orders for three-wheeled vehicles abroad have increased sharply, but the domestic prices have not changed.

A three-wheeled vehicle with good range, good quality and durable driving costs about 3,000 yuan.

What surprised Lu Qin was that some stores selling three-wheeled vehicles also provided decoration services.

They decorate the three-wheeled vehicle to look like a small food truck, and give it advertising signs, such as”One yuan for a string of Bobo chicken””、”Hot marinade”、”Fried skewers and barbecue”……

Lu Qin chose a”Zongshen” car, a big brand with quality assurance

“Boss, does it include a brand?”

“It costs an additional 50 yuan to register the car. If you want to make it into a dining car, it costs an additional 600 yuan for customized decoration. There are also ready-made dining cars. It depends on which one you want. You can choose it yourself.”

“I’ll choose the finished product.”

It takes two or three days to pick up the customized decoration truck. Lu Qin couldn’t wait that long, so he spent 3,600 yuan to buy a yellow and white dining truck.

The boss gave me a license plate service

The layout of the dining car is reasonable, and there is no problem setting up stalls to sell various foods

“Young man, scan the code inside to pay. After the license plate is registered, you must pick up the car at the store by 3 pm at the latest. Here is the receipt.”

After buying the motorcycle, Lu Qin took the bus to various vegetable markets, supermarkets, and farmers’ markets to purchase fresh high-quality rice noodles, eggs, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and other ingredients.

With the full-level skills of the system, Lu Qin has achieved the ultimate control over the ingredients.

Good ingredients combined with superb cooking skills can create wonderful food

Take rice noodles for example. Ordinary rice noodles and high-quality rice noodles taste different when fried.

The handmade rice noodles in Anyang County are of high quality. Lu Qin found the authentic Anyang rice noodles in a corner of a small vegetable market.

“Boss, how much is your rice noodles?”

“4.5 yuan per pound”

“Can I buy more at a lower price? I want 50 catties”

“50 jin? Then let’s say 4 yuan per jin”

This kind of handmade rice noodles is as white as crystal ice, as smooth as black silk, and as tough as a rubber spring. It will not become mushy even if you cook it a lot. It is not greasy if you stir-fry it with too much oil, and not astringent if you stir-fry it with too little oil. It is the best rice noodles.

Lu Qin paid 200 yuan, carried the heavy rice noodles, and bought ten kilograms of local eggs, three kilograms of lean meat, three kilograms of ham, oil, salt, vinegar, etc. in the vicinity, spending a total of 364.8 yuan.

You can often find a store selling disposable tableware next to the vegetable market. Sure enough, Lu Qin found a store after he left the vegetable market and turned left.

1,000 pairs of disposable chopsticks cost 30 yuan, and a box of 240 disposable medium-sized plastic packaging boxes costs 75 yuan

There are other groceries in the store

Lu Qin bought another box of tissues, ten rags, a wok, and an apron.……

“Young man, you bought so many things, are you going to set up a stall?”

“Yeah, boss.”

“It’s not easy to get it. If it’s nearby, I can deliver it to you. Come to my house often to buy it.”

“Thank you, boss. The address is Futian Garden.”

“Futian Garden? That’s very close, two and a half kilometers. Young man, you can get on my delivery pickup truck.”

The pickup truck travels through the streets and alleys. Mr. Zhao, who sells disposable tableware, is very familiar with the old neighborhood and has lived here for more than 30 years.

“Boss, if I want to set up a stall, where is the bustling place around here?”

“Young man, you are asking the right person. My wife used to set up a stall to sell cold noodles, but she had to get up early and go to bed late every day. I was afraid that her body couldn’t handle it, so I stopped her.”

“For breakfast, go to the entrance of Yangguang Primary School. There are many people there. There are only one or two breakfast shops, and the rest are stalls. If you close the stalls before 8:30, the urban management will not come to chase you away.”

“Go to the University Town for dinner and supper, but don’t go to the main road of the University Town, because they charge stall fees there, and it’s very expensive. There is a small alley on the left side of the La Meizi Hotpot Restaurant, which is full of small stalls. They don’t charge stall fees, and you can set up the stall as long as you want. You just have to go early. If you grab a spot at the intersection, the business will be booming all night.”

Boss Zhao was a warm-hearted man. He talked endlessly, allowing Lu Qin to understand everything clearly.

Lu Qin did not expect to have such unexpected gains by buying disposable tableware. In addition to expressing his gratitude, he established a long-term cooperative relationship with Boss Zhao.

After shopping for everything in the morning, Lu Qin took a 45-minute nap and then started preparing for the stall.

Soak the rice noodles, separate them into balls, chop the lean meat into strips, dice the ham… With the system, Lu Qin can do these tedious preparations in an orderly and handy manner.

At 4:30 pm, the ground staff prepared everything, drove the food truck back to the store, and then loaded the food into the truck.

After loading the car, I went to pick up the kid from school.

When the eye-catching three-wheeled dining truck stopped at the school gate, all the teachers, parents and students looked at it sideways.

Lu Xiyao was so excited when she saw the new tool Lu Qin brought.

“Dad, this car is so cool~!”

“Lu Xiyao, what kind of car is your father driving? It’s so cool~!”

“Wow! This is an electric tricycle! There is a small house at the back where you can get in!”

“Dad, can you pick me up in a tricycle like Lu Xiyao’s dad next time? I don’t want to take a car.~!”

Jiangcheng has a developed economy, almost every household has a car, and luxury cars are everywhere.

On the contrary, Lu Qin’s three-wheeled motorcycle is unique and has become the most attractive guy at the entrance of Xingguang Kindergarten.

Lu Xiyao was so happy that she got on the car triumphantly and sat next to Lu Qin. She raised her fist high and shouted loudly in the envious eyes of many other children:

“Dad, let’s go.~!”

The education and school spirit of Xingguang Kindergarten are very good. There is no comparison mentality.

Lu Qin’s food truck did not cause any contempt from teachers or parents. Everyone was just very surprised. Why did Lu Xiyao’s father start setting up a food stall?


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