46. ​​Let us do the rough work. Your hands are for making delicious food, so be careful not to bump into them!

When Lu Qin was closing the morning stall, there were still many customers helping him.

“Boss Lu, let me do it. I can’t let you do such a small thing as closing the stall by yourself!”

“That’s right, Boss Lu, we will do the rough work. Your hands are used to make delicious food, so don’t bump into them. What if you can’t fry the noodles?”

“Boss, where are you setting up the stall this afternoon? Do you have twice-cooked pork and chicken tofu pudding? I’m already craving for them!”

“Boss Lu, I now contribute all my monthly salary to your snack stand, so you have to support me!”


The stall is closed very quickly, no need for help from others

But Lu Qin refused to intervene.

The last few customers who had finished shopping put their fried noodle ice crystal cakes aside and started to help the ground attendant pack up.

I even wiped the stove.

Lu Qin couldn’t help but laugh, these customers are so cute

Chen Dahai looked at this scene and nodded secretly.

It is said that customers are God, but for Lu Qin, it seems to be the opposite.

“Mr. Lu, please ride slowly and be careful on the road.”

“Can I see your daughter this afternoon? I miss her!”

Lu Qin rode on his three-wheeled motorcycle, waved at them, and said with a smile:

“Goodbye, eat fried noodles while they are hot, the taste will be affected if they are cold”

“My daughter is still in kindergarten in the afternoon, so I bring her out to set up a stall in the evening.”

“That’s a pity. I have to work overtime tonight. Bye.”

Just as Lu Qin was about to start, Chen Dahai came over and stopped him.

“Boss Xiao Lu, where are you setting up your stall this afternoon? I also want to try your twice-cooked pork and chicken tofu pudding!”

Chen Dahai not only wanted to eat Lu Qin’s food, but also wanted to observe Lu Qin as a person.

“Join the Penguin group, the stall location will be notified in the group”

“I’m an old man and I don’t know what Penguin Group is. Can you add your number?”

In fact, Chen Dahai had seen Lu Qin’s information before and had saved his number in his phone.

But I don’t know what identity to call.

At present, there is only one identity – customer

“Sorry, it’s not very convenient. Give me your phone number and I’ll help you join the Penguin group. It’s very simple.”

Chen Dahai took out his phone, unlocked it and gave it to Lu Qin.

Lu Qin took the phone, operated it, and pulled Chen Dahai into the group.

“Okay, please pay attention to the group announcement this afternoon. We will notify you where to set up the stall.”

“Okay, thank you, Mr. Lu.”

“You’re welcome”

Chen Dahai glanced at Lu Qin’s departing back, then looked at the penguin colony.

There are 523 members in the group

There is no ban at this moment, and the messages inside are scrolling non-stop.

【Boss Lu’s Leg Pendant]: I successfully bought fried noodles and ice cake today, yay!

【Mrs. Lu: How come there are over 500 people in this group? It was only over 300 two days ago. With so many competitors, the waiting time will increase again!

【[The foodie supported by Boss Lu]: The food made by Boss Lu is so delicious, but it’s too popular. Buying fried noodles is as difficult as seeking for the secret!

【Wanshun Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows]: I have been eating fried rice noodles three times a day for four or five days in a row, and I still want to eat it. I never get tired of it! How come Mr. Xiao Lu’s cooking skills are so amazing?!

【I will die if I don’t eat fried noodles】: Damn! There is chicken tofu pudding in the afternoon!! The worst thing is that I haven’t eaten the twice-cooked pork yet!

【Jiangcheng Peng Yuyan]: Hehehehe! I ate twice-cooked pork! It was so delicious that I almost drowned in my own saliva!

【Crazy dry powder man]: I have gained three pounds in the past few days, I give up!

【Boss Lu’s fiancée]: Three pounds? I gained five pounds!


Chen Dahai is browsing the group messages, all of whom are foodies.

Apparently, I am now

Meeting a chef like Lu Qin is a blessing for foodies


Lu Qin rides a three-wheeled motorcycle and speeds on the road

That’s right, he has the full-level three-wheeled vehicle driving skills that the system has drawn, and the driving efficiency is full.

Basically, I drove by following the speed limit sign.

It used to take about 20 minutes to ride four or five kilometers, but now it only takes 12 or 13 minutes.

Of course, intense driving is only when you are alone.

If there are small animals or fragile food on board, the ground staff will naturally take stability as the priority.���

The three-wheeled vehicle stopped at the entrance of Jingyuan Vegetable Market.

Although this market is small, the food is complete and fresh.

Lu Qin has been purchasing ingredients here, saving the trouble of running around

“Hey! Is Boss Lu here?”

It was Mr. Zhao who sold disposable tableware. He was unloading goods at the door. When he saw Lu Qin, he hurried over with a smile.

Boss Zhao reached into his pocket and handed over a cigarette

“I don’t smoke”

“Hey! Look at my memory!”

Boss Zhao was too lazy to put it back and lit one for himself.

“I have to go to the Hai Market next door to purchase supplies today, so I can’t deliver your tableware and ingredients. You’ll have to come and pick them up in person, Mr. Lu!”

“I can’t keep bothering you, Boss Zhao. It’s only right for me to buy it myself.”

“Don’t be polite to me. Every time you deliver goods, you give me fried vermicelli ice cake. I’m getting a great deal. I’ve been to your snack stand twice and got a queue each time. Your business is so good!”

After a brief chat, I heard Boss Zhao shouting into the store.

“You little bastard, move the things out and help Boss Lu load them into the car!”


A boy wearing black-framed glasses came over holding a large box of tableware.

Lu Qin recognized him. He was Mr. Zhao’s son. He was in junior high school and a day student. He came to the store to eat lunch and work as a laborer.


Lu Qin quickly reached out to hold on to it, feeling like he was about to fall.

Boss Zhao waved his hand and said,”Boss Lu, it’s okay, these tablewares are not that heavy, they are very light!”

Although Xiao Zhao looks skinny, he is quite strong and quick in his movements.

Put the tableware into the three-bengzi dining car

“Hello, Brother Lu~!”

When Xiao Zhao saw Lu Qin, his eyes lit up a little bit, revealing admiration.

“Call me Uncle Lu, what Brother Lu?”

Boss Zhao gave him a slap on the back of his head, but he didn’t use much force.

Lu Qin took out two boxes of ice crystal cakes from the bottom of the foam box and said with a smile:

“These two boxes of ice crystal cakes are not sold out. Take them and have them.”

Xiao Zhao was so happy that he danced with joy

“Brother Lu~! I love you so much~! I’ve been craving for ice crystal cake for a long time~!”

“I just ate it the day before yesterday, you little glutton!”

Boss Zhao shook his head

“Mom, Brother Lu gave me two boxes of ice crystal cakes~!”

Boss Zhao’s son rushed into the store holding a crystal cake

Soon, the surprised voice of Mr. Zhao’s wife was heard from inside.

Boss Zhao shouted in a loud voice:”Wife, son, don’t eat it all, leave some for me!”

“Boss Xiao Lu, I’m transferring money to you, but I can’t eat your food for free every time and make money from you for the lunch boxes!”

“No need, you always send me extra lunch boxes and help me deliver the ingredients!”

After a few polite words, Lu Qin refused to take the money, and Boss Zhao did not insist.

Boss Zhao thinks he is a very good judge of people. He knew Lu Qin was a very good person the first time he dealt with him.

After spending some time together, it is true.

The most important thing is that their cooking skills are top-notch and their snack stand business is booming.

He has seen it on Douyin

Fortunately, he has some connections with Lu Qin, so I can occasionally eat his fried noodles and ice crystal cakes.

Such delicious food, you can’t buy it even if you queue up!

It was him, Old Zhao, who took advantage!

Lu Qin went to the vegetable market to buy ingredients for twice-cooked pork and chicken tofu pudding


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