91. Grass is a plant. We must cherish it and not trample it!

When several snack shop owners heard that Lu Qin was going to pick up his daughter from school, they thought it was outrageous.

Are young people nowadays so willful in doing business?

Why don’t you arrange your household chores in advance?

And the timing was so good. They had just finished their turn to order and you did this!

Just now they were mumbling a few words, and the customers behind them started to complain.

Hey, hey, hey! You all heard it, right? Now this young boss is leaving for such a long time to pick up his daughter. Tell me if it’s absurd or not. Hurry up, drown him with saliva.

Unexpectedly, the customers had no complaints at all and even helped Lu Qin look after the stall, allowing him to go without worry.

“Boss Lu, it’s important to pick up our daughter. Don’t be late. Go quickly!”

“Please bring your cute baby over here, I miss her so much!”

“Alas, my own daughter has grown into a little crazy woman. I can only look to Boss Lu’s house to comfort my broken heart.”

“Boss Lu, please go pick up your little cutie quickly. We”Six, Seven, and Three” are not hungry and can still fight!”

“Go quickly, let Yaoyao wait!”

“Boss Lu, how are you going? Take a taxi? It’s hard to get a taxi here. I’ll take you there! Save the seat for me!”

Several bosses watched helplessly as a customer drove a”Don’t Touch Me” X5 and took the ground crew to pick up his daughter.

Good job!

Is there any kind person who can explain it to me?

Why can a street vendor be treated like this? Can anyone tell me?

It is said that customers are king, but how come it is the other way around for this young boss?!

There was no other way, so the snack shop owners could only wait, as there was no business in their shops anyway.

They were waiting to eat the fried noodles and teach the young man a lesson, so that he would know what it means to be evil! Ugh! What does it mean to be careful of others’ territory?

In less than 20 minutes, Lu returned with Lu Xiyao.

“Thank you uncle for driving us.~!”

The little guy held Lu Qin’s hand and jumped up and down, looking very happy.

“You’re welcome, it’s just a small favor!”

Seeing the long line, the little guy couldn’t help but sigh:

“Wow! Papa! So many customers are queuing up!~!”

“Dad is awesome!~!”

The customers were delighted to see the little guy.

“Boss Lu is so cute. It’s time to get out of school. Is kindergarten fun?”

“Come, Yaoyao, eat an apple and grow taller!”

“Auntie, we have some beef jerky here. Take two more packs!”

“Come here, my dear, uncle has some White Rabbit candy.~!”

The little guy’s eyes lit up. He hadn’t eaten White Rabbit milk candy for a long time. Land maintenance was strict and it was easy to get cavities.

“Thank you uncle! You are a good person.~!”

Adults have big hands, so the little ones have to hold a handful of candy with both hands.

“Haha~! I’m rich!~!”The little guy’s eyes lit up

“Yaoyao, two are enough.”

When Lu Qin’s voice came, the little guy immediately wilted.

“Okay~! Uncle, I only need two~!”

The little guy only took two White Rabbit candies and gave the rest back to his uncle.

“Boss Lu, I don’t eat milk candy either, you take it.” This customer bought it specifically to feed the little guy. They really like the little guy.

“Yes! Dad! You take it. Uncle won’t eat it either.~!”

Everyone around laughed, and everyone knew the little cutie’s heart.

Lu Qin pinched the little guy’s fair face and stuffed the White Rabbit candy into his pocket.

I’m busy frying noodles, and the little one is taking her own money.

The first few snack shop owners were standing or squatting, almost waiting to doubt their lives.

When they saw Lu Qin, several people started to curse.

“It’s not like this. How can you do other things while setting up a stall? Do you have any professionalism?”

“Young man, I’m not saying anything bad about you, but how could you do this? You let so many customers wait here. Look at the other stalls around you, they are all working diligently, but you left your stall to meet customers!”

Several snack shop owners found a legitimate reason, and they started to criticize the landing staff.


Boss Niu had thought of a series of speeches and was about to put them into practice when he saw Lu Xiyao behind Lu Qin.

How come there is such a pretty little girl?!

Like a fairy!

Boss Niu’s voice suddenly stopped.

“Grass…ahem, grass is a plant, we must cherish it and not step on it!”

“Uncles and uncles, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long! Please don’t blame my dad.~!”

“My father raised me alone and also had to run the stall, which was very hard.~!”

“I don’t want my father to work so hard, so I sometimes try to persuade him not to set up a stall, but he won’t listen, saying that money is needed everywhere at home and he has to set up a stall to make money.~!”

The little guy said pitifully, looking like he was about to cry.

Several snack shop owners were stunned. Wow, this is so emotional, how can they say anything more! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But they didn’t say anything, and the other customers suddenly became angry.

“Why are you guys blaming Boss Lu like this? It’s just to pick up a child, and you can’t wait for less than 20 minutes?”

“Boss Lu has to take care of the child alone and make money at the same time. What’s wrong with taking the child in? I can’t understand this. Do you have any sympathy?”

“Setting up a stall is a freelance job. You can set up a stall if you want to, and you don’t have to set up a stall if you don’t want to. Boss Lu really thinks of us. He came back to set up the stall after picking up the kids. He could have just packed up and left! Such a good person, how dare you say this about him? Don’t you feel guilty?”

“Uncles, how can you say that to a child? Such a cute and well-behaved child, how can you say that to him?!”

Several snack shop owners are getting more and more worried, their backs are sweating, and they feel a little ashamed……….

When did they say that they were children? I’m suing you for defamation!

“Sorry to have kept you waiting.”

“You guys have already ordered. You want three servings of fried noodles, right? The uncle wants one serving of twice-cooked pork.……”

Lu Qin turned on the fire and started frying the noodles

Several snack shop owners looked at each other and thought that this young man had a good memory and remembered what they ordered before.

Heat the fire, add cold oil, and beat an egg

Lu Qin’s technique is very skillful, and an expert can tell at a glance that he is a master.

Several people looked at Master Zhong with some interest. His family also sells fried noodles, so there is a comparison.

Master Zhong frowned, feeling an inexplicable sense of oppression in his heart.

In two minutes, the opponent flipped the spoon 208 times, no more, no less.

Stir-fry over high heat, and turn the pan frequently, otherwise it will get mushy.

Only by stir-frying over high heat can you get the unique taste of being burnt but not mushy.

1.9 lots higher!

No, he is a top master![]

A drop of sweat fell from Master Zhong’s forehead

Full of pot gas

Several bosses’ nostrils fluttered,”Oh my god, it smells so good!”

Several people couldn’t help swallowing their saliva

Lu Qin packs the fried noodles into boxes

“No need to pack, let’s try it first”

Lu Qin handed them the fried noodles and started to stir-fry the twice-cooked pork.

All three portions of fried noodles were opened, and several people shared the chopsticks.

“Master Zhong, look, this fried vermicelli falls apart easily when you stir it with chopsticks. It’s not greasy and not dry. It’s much better than the ones you make!”

“That’s right! Master Zhong, I’ve eaten your fried noodles before, and they were all clumpy and not evenly fried! This one is much smoother! Try it!”

No comparison, no harm

Master Zhong silently endured the critical strike

Their level is indeed much higher than mine, the truth is so cruel!


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