Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 75 Small! The Pattern Is Small!

But without systematic rewards, Lin Yufeng and ancient fans have no fate at all.

He only hopes to become popular or epic when he finishes fighting the abyss monster.

After finishing the half-pipe fatigue, Lin Yufeng only exploded an SS weapon [Tianji Qiankun Sword].

This lightsaber is still level 45.

If you farm Scream, you will lose level 50 pink equipment and epic, and you will lose level 45, so Lin Yufeng is not surprised.

After clearing the rest of the fatigue value, nothing exploded.

In other words, Lin Yufeng's exhaustion just gave him a level 45 epic.

Although a bit depressing, but in this version, this is no longer a normal thing.

Even in the 70th version, the probability of a bald head due to fatigue is not low.

And the cost of brushing the abyss is very high.

Swiping the Scream once requires 15 Challenge Books of Tough Demons.

At present, the price of the tough devil's challenge book is 20,000 gold coins per piece, and 15 copies are 300,000 gold coins.

188 points of fatigue can clear 31 screams.

One tube of fatigue a day is all used to clear the screams, and 450 challenge books are needed, which is almost 900W.

And the ticket to Scream requires 10 Calamity challenges.

Calculated in this way, a tube of fatigue is all used to brush the Abyss of Sorrow, and the cost exceeds ten million gold coins.

It is really impossible for ordinary players to be so capricious.

After clearing the fatigue, Lin Yufeng directly disassembled [Tianji Qiankun Sword], and obtained 45 splendid cosmic souls.

Ouyang Tian and the village entrance seem to have gone to the abyss again.

A person was a little bored, so he came to the duel field.

The update of Chapter 5 has also balanced many occupations, and the chance of misses in the PK field will be greatly improved.

In this way, the personal operation level of the players will be tested even more.

Lin Yufeng's favorite thing to fight is the ring battle.

He randomly entered a room, which was full of PK bosses from Supreme 1 to Supreme 10.

Under normal circumstances, for players of this level, the sky set is already a standard configuration.

The strength of opponents at this level is already good, but facing Lin Yufeng, who is invincible in hand speed, he still has no chance.

The acceleration buff of the soul of the white tiger can also be triggered in pkc.

He is playing more smoothly than before! The experience is also constantly increasing.

Those supreme players were beaten away by Lin Yufeng one after another.

In the past few months, Lin Yufeng has basically never laid down in the PK field.

After I don’t know how many times I have played [the system rewards are suddenly triggered! "Ding! The host Imada’s continuous online time has reached the main hour. In the next half an hour, the chance of the host single-swiping any map with rare and above-level equipment will increase by 5 times!"

At this moment, Lin Yufeng was in a PK with someone, if he couldn't quit halfway, he wished he could return to the town right now.

After finishing this one, returning to the town, Lin Yufeng went straight to the mourning cave.

In the four rooms in front, Lin Yu 057 Feng did not become an ancient fan.

When he came to the fifth room, he killed the bunch of bugs, and then he shot the abyss pillar blue.

This time, coming out of the abyss pillar is the demon who can throw seeds and grow flowers, named the flower-growing madman Ogros.

After killing Ogros, the Four Great Juggernauts appeared.

When killing these APCs, some players are more particular, and feel that whoever is left at the end has a higher chance of becoming a fan.

In the previous life, Lin Yufeng liked to leave A-Gump left for the last, but today he didn't have so much time, one big suck followed by big collapse, and all four sword masters were killed in seconds.

The last one to die was Xilan. When he died, a bunch of equipment exploded instantly.

Among them is an epic that Lin Yufeng has coveted for a long time: 【Shadowless Sword-Ai Renault】!

Even with a 50-fold increase in the drop rate, Lin Yufeng never imagined that the second day after the fifth chapter was updated, the graduation equipment Shadowless Sword would be dropped by him.

This saves him a lot of time!

After equipping the Shadowless Sword, Lin Yufeng couldn't help but look at its attributes.

[Shadowless Sword-Ai Renault] short sword 19200 gold coins

Normal Attack Speed ​​Up

Can be used above Lv50

Ghost Swordsman can use

Physical attack +450

Magic attack +550


Release speed +2%

Physical critical strike rate +2%

Magic critical strike rate +2%

When attacking, add 30% damage.

The 30% white damage is really amazing.

The shadowless sword cannot see the blade, this does not mean that it has no blade, but because the blade of this sword is completely transparent, there is no shadow at all.

Holding this sword, it seems that there is no equipment. It looks very low-key, but in fact it is full of style, which is in stark contrast to the huge blade of the magic sword.

The sword was baked on the spot, and Lin Yufeng used it directly.

He wanted to see which one was faster with the Shadowless Sword compared to +17.

Rushing into the last room of the mourning cave, Boss Bug King Gu became his test product.

Lin Yufeng handed over 【Outburst of Anger】, and blood gushed out instantly.

The blood volume of the Insect King's Killing Gu is obviously much higher than the damage he can explode with anger while carrying Meteor Fall!

Rage explosion is a skill, and +17 Meteor Fall adds physical attack.

Lin Yufeng began to slash flat again, and the damage would be lower than that of Meteor Falling.

In other words, if you use skills, the shadowless sword will do more damage.

If it is cut flat, the damage of Meteor Fall will be higher.

This is still in the case that the Shadowless Sword has not been strengthened...

Obviously, for a berserker relying on blood and strength, the shadowless sword will do more damage. After all, a berserker is not a sword soul. (bheh) The second abyss quickly started.

Lin Yufeng sometimes uses the newly released Wuying Sword, and sometimes uses Meteor Falling, which is very comfortable to use.

As for the +13 cross knife used to cut blood, Lin Yufeng rarely uses it now.

His damage is completely sufficient, there is no need to use that low-level epic sword.

Because apart from cutting blood, the effect of the cross knife is too limited.

Go to the fifth room, smash the abyss pillar, and the steel pipe man appears.

Lin Yufeng dropped the pole man in seconds, and several fighters appeared.

A few more skills dropped these apcs in seconds, a [Dark Elf Ring] and a bunch of blue equipment fell out.

Lin Yufeng picked up the ring.

There is still one ice elf ring left, and he is about to collect all these elf rings.

This ring is not cheap, if you buy it from Galantis, you need 450 [Brilliant Cosmic Soul].

Kill to the sixth room in front of the insect king killing Gu [Lin Fengfeng quickly solved the boss.

A spear exploded from the boss' corpse.

This is a pink spear: [Bone Spear for Killing Gu].

Just like the bug cannon, this weapon is definitely the strongest weapon for a battle mage!

Not having time to study the spear carefully, Lin Yufeng clicked to challenge again.

Lin Yufeng already had a wealth of experience in brushing the Crying Cave.

He spent very little time on the first four pictures.

But when Sorrow enters the second room and the third room, it needs to wait for the monster to appear.

For Lin Yufeng, this was indeed a waste of time.

If the explosion rate rewarded by the system has no time limit, he can slowly brush it. If there is a time limit, he must use the fastest speed to brush it.

These 30 minutes are prime time, which is equivalent to picking up money.

When they came to the fifth room, Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao came back from the Internet cafe.

"Damn! I brushed the abyss all day today! Nothing exploded! Bad luck!" Ouyang Tian looked depressed.

"I'm also using Sorrow, but luckily I don't have money to use Abyss, I just go to pan for gold, hehe." Xie Hao laughed.

The two walked behind Lin Yufeng while chatting.

At this time, Lin Yufeng just killed the last abyss monster.

A level 50 epic lightsaber [Wu Xuan Zhi San Po] burst out.


The two happened to see this scene, and almost shouted in unison.

"Damn it! Light saber! Epic lightsaber!" Ouyang Tian grabbed Lin Yufeng's shoulder fiercely, his eyes widened, "Why did you explode my equipment! I'm so mad

Lin Yufeng picked up the lightsaber with a slight smile on his face, and then opened his inventory.

The few epics and ancient fans he released today were seen by Ouyang Tian and his wife.

"Fuck! Shadowless Sword! You actually exploded with Shadowless Sword!"

"And that dark elf ring!"

"Damn! Brother Feng! What kind of character are you? Did you save the earth in your previous life?"

Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao couldn't calm down for a long time.

And Lin Yufeng has already started the next abyss.

"I finally know why I didn't explode the epic! Because the epic has come to him alone!"

"Brother Feng! You are such a dog! If I knew this, I would have told you to take me with you!"

The two were still chattering there.

And Lin Yufeng came to the room where the Abyss Pillar was located.

After the abyss monsters were eliminated, another epic giant sword burst out: [Wrath of the Dragon]!

This giant sword is quite suitable for berserkers, because it increases the number of attacks of [Rage Burst].

Ouyang Tian's mood calmed down now, he seemed to accept that Lin Yufeng's character is so much better than his...

Xie Hao kept muttering: "Trust! You are dnf's trust..."

In the next round, Lin Yufeng didn't explode at all, and the time for increasing the explosion rate has officially expired.

When he came to the blacksmith Linus, Lin Yufeng turned on the dismantling machine and began to disassemble the equipment.

He was about to disassemble [Wuxuan's Scattered Soul], but was forcibly held back by Ouyang Tian: "Brother Feng! Don't disassemble it!"


"Keep it anyway, show me this lightsaber when you have nothing to do! It's good to have a thought..."

"I disassembled that spotlight sword yesterday! What are you doing with this one if you don't disassemble it?"

Ouyang Tian: ...

After a while, Ouyang Tian took Lin Yufeng's hand and said, "Brother Feng! You must take me to the abyss tomorrow! Please!"

Xie Hao also looked at Lin Yufeng with a begging face: "Brother Feng! I beg you too! As long as you don't explode the epic lightsaber! I will give you any pink costume epic! It is really impossible! I am full of materials! If not! I will be a corpse That's fine too!"

Ouyang Tian said: "I can also be a corpse! Eyes, challenge book, and all materials are given to you! As long as you are willing to take me into the abyss!"

The humbleness of the two made Lin Yufeng amazed.

Others don't know, but Lin Yufeng himself is very clear that his character will be so unnatural only after receiving rewards from the system.

And the system clearly prompts that the golden 30 minutes will only be effective if you swipe it alone, and it is useless to lead people.

Before the system rewards, it is okay to take them, but the burst rate is exactly the same as that of ordinary players.

Lin Yufeng nodded: "Okay, I will take you to brush the abyss tomorrow afternoon, and prepare your own tickets and abyss tickets."

The two kept nodding like chickens pecking rice.

After returning to Celia's room, Lin Yufeng clicked on the auction house as usual, and directly put the bone spear that exploded today on the auction house.

he gave this

The price of the weapon is 700 million. If you can't sell it, you can leave it in the mailbox, so that it won't take up the slot in your equipment column.

For Lin Yufeng, who is hoarding titles frantically recently, the grids in the equipment bar are very important.

He put the bone spear on the shelf, and he put on the skin fragments of the killing Gu at the same price.

Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao who were watching this scene were drooling.

After finishing this matter, Lin Yufeng began to search for the soul of the white tiger in the auction house.

After a day, the price of the soul of Tianhu came to around 1400W.

This is a conscience price, Lin Yufeng bought more than 20 titles in one go!

This operation made Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao look stupid.

It turned out that Lin Yufeng reminded them to buy titles, and he was really not joking.

After opening the mailbox to receive these titles, Lin Yufeng clicked on his 【Sturdy Diamond Vault】.

Ouyang Tian and Xie Hao couldn't help but gasp for the titles of the Soul of the White Tiger inside.

Ouyang Tian: This...

Xie Hao: Oh God! All my net worth is added up! It’s not as valuable as your title!

Lin Yufeng shook his head: "It's small! The layout is small! What I value is the future."

"Brother Feng! If we hadn't known each other for so long, I would have thought you were a black merchant! Even if you were a black merchant! I wouldn't dare hoard titles like you!"

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"Businessmen are always smarter than you! I think they all say that the appreciation space of this title is not high! Don't lose everything when the time comes!"

"A businessman must be right?" Lin Yufeng said, "I just trust my intuition."

"Hey! You man! Don't blame me for not reminding you when this equipment drops to millions." Ouyang Tianyu persuaded earnestly.

"Don't worry, I understand." Lin Yufeng thought to himself, I believe you.

No one knows the direction of the dnf version better than Lin Yufeng.

The update of Chapter 5 will make the number of players in this game hit a new high.

During this period of time, players' need for titles can be said to be rigid.

However, the labor package in the near future is also a garbage title, so it is natural that the soul of the white tiger will be sold at a sky-high price.

Of course, Lin Yufeng is a time traveler, he knows it, but Ouyang Tian and the others don't know it.

In order to hoard more titles, Lin Yufeng wiped another 50,000 omens of disaster on the auction house.

There is no limit to the amount of material listed for this edition.

50,000 disasters are enough to make the price of disasters drop by several hundred gold coins in a short period of time.

Selling disasters provided Lin Yufeng with more than enough money to buy titles, and recently he has been selling gold coins.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Tian said silently: "If you didn't take me with you tomorrow, I really want to say that you are a black businessman.

Lin Yufeng just smiled, and continued to buy titles.

As long as he sees a slightly cheaper title, Lin Yufeng will drop it immediately.

Soon, he ran out of equipment slots and storage slots.

Including the title purchased yesterday, he has bought more than a hundred white tiger souls.

The average price of these titles is around 13 million, and it cost Lin Yufeng more than a billion gold coins to buy the titles.

For Lin Yufeng, this is just the beginning.

The Spring Festival set will be on the shelves for one month, and he will continue to hoard titles during the next period of time.

However, his equipment bar and warehouse grid are not enough.

Lin Yufeng can only choose to create a number.

Already having a Berserker, he chose to create a Sharpshooter.

After completing the novice task, Fairy Qi happened to be online, so he asked Qi girl to take him to upgrade.

In the middle of version 60, it is no longer difficult to refresh pictures as before, and the speed of upgrading has also become much faster.

Lin Yufeng almost changed his job after finishing fatigue.

The biggest purpose of his playing the trumpet is to stockpile things.

After upgrading his warehouse to the full level, Lin Yufeng began to transfer the title to the trumpet again.

Just after the transfer, a familiar voice rang out: "Ding! The host has been online for 5 hours, within the next 15 minutes! The host can strengthen the success of any equipment.

Power will increase by 50%. "

This system! It really does whatever you want!

He switched the tuba, quickly came to Kaili's enhancer, and directly began to strengthen the Shadowless Sword.

Congratulations! Strengthening 【+1 Wuying Sword-Ai Renault】successful!!

Buzzing buzzing... thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! Strengthening 【+2 Shadowless Sword-Ai Renault】successful!!

Buzzing buzzing... thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! Strengthening 【+3 Wuying Sword-Ai Renault】successful!!

After strengthening the Shadowless Sword to 10, Lin Yufeng continued to strengthen it.

Buzz buzz buzz... thump thump thump thump! Congratulations! Enhancement [+11 Shadowless Sword - Ai Renault] succeeded!!

After that, Lin Yufeng didn't forcefully go to the Wuying Sword anymore, but opened the auction house and started buying mats.

It has to be said that since the auction house was established, daily life has become much more convenient. .

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