Dnf: Dominate The Entire Server From Version 60

Chapter 89: New Version Explosion Strategy!

"Ahem! I told you, I won't lie to everyone! The meteor will explode right now?" Lin Yufeng picked up the two weapons with a smile.

Meteor Falling Lin Yufeng has lost count of how many times he has exploded.

It was also the first time Lin Yufeng had seen this inherited giant sword.

[Inheritance: Executing Great Sword of the Underworld Fire Elf] Great Sword 17800 Gold Coins

slow attack speed max

Can be used above Lv50

Ghost Swordsman can use

Physical attack +550

Magic attack +100

Strength +15

Casting Speed ​​-2%

fire attribute attack

[Burst of Rage] Skill v+1

[Soul Eater and Demon Slash] Skill +1

This is an inherited giant sword with a fire attribute attack, and the price will definitely not be much cheaper than Meteor Fall, after all, the inherited weapon comes with a cool afterimage.

Exploding two fire attribute weapons at once, this feeling is still very good.

After flipping the cards, Lin Yufeng clicked to challenge again.

This time he still walked into the room just now, but this time it was no longer the fire room, but the blessing room.

This room is full of balloons. After he exploded those balloons, a lot of candies popped out.

These candies are consumables used to increase blood, Lin Yufeng was too lazy to pick them up.

When you come to the Treasure Swallowing Box, slash it! Several blue sky and white clouds come out directly.

Among them, another piece of inheritance equipment appeared, this time it was no longer a weapon, but armor: [Inheritance: Holy War Goddess Titanium Steel Chain Armor].

This is a level 50 heritage plate armor that can be sold for tens of millions of gold coins.

After two consecutive successes, Lin Yufeng said with a smile: "It seems that this marsh of choice is easy to explode good things! You must not miss this event!"

For such a good event, he must do his best to promote it.

In the next two, Lin Yufeng broke out the pink armor and the inheritance respectively! Among them is a level 50 inheritance heavy armor.

He is at level 60, so if he brushes here, the equipment that will explode will only be level 55-60.

If you are a level 40 player, you will usually get level 40 equipment when you hit here.

Although the explosion rate of the Marsh of Choice is astonishingly high, Lin Yufeng knows that it is not so ridiculously high.

The reason why each of the first four can burst into inheritance is inseparable from the rewards just triggered by the system.

At the fifth one, Lin Yufeng used up the last [Invitation Letter of Hope.

This time he was lucky and came to the blessing room.

After the treasure swallowing box was exploded, a pink necklace burst out.

Lin Yufeng didn't care about it at first, but when he was about to pick up this equipment, he realized that it was a level 55 powder equipment: [Pelus' Honor]!

With the update of Chapter 9, some level 55 pink outfits have been released, and [Pelus' Honor] is among them!

Lin Yufeng, who has been playing Berserk for more than ten years, how could he not know about this equipment!

Picking up the honor of Perus, Lin Yufeng said with a smile: "Look! This last one lost another pink outfit! Today's five choices, I have not returned empty-handed once! Everyone can see the success rate! In my eyes! This is the effect of today’s practice, all right! This video will end here first! I wish you a lot of fans and inheritance!”

After finishing the recording of the video, Lin Yufeng couldn't wait to open his backpack, and found [Perus' Honor].

[Honor of Perus] necklace 11800 gold coins

Can be used above Lv55

lowest level

Magic Defense +6000


When attacking physically, there is a 5% chance to increase the strength of oneself by 11%, and the effect lasts for 30 seconds

Without any hesitation, Lin Yufeng directly adjusted this equipment to the highest level, then unsealed it and put it on, replacing his mourning necklace.

Although the Necklace of Sorrow can increase damage by 8%, it still pales in comparison to Perus.

Perus was born specifically for occupations that required strength, such as Berserker, Big Gun, and Street Fighter.

Most importantly, the buff that increases Perus's strength by 11% can be superimposed.

In the current version, the only necklace that can rival Perus is probably only [Soul Hunter].

But Soul Hunter is not necessarily better than Perus for Berserker.

Lin Yufeng was about to edit the video when he saw Fairy Qi sent him a window chat.

It's Fairy Qi: Little Kuangzhan! I brushed the Swamp of Choice and a legacy broke out!

At that time, I was young and young: Is that so? I broke out 5 inheritances.

It’s Fairy Qi:  ………

Lin Yufeng started to edit (of Zhao Zhao) video husband.

It took more than an hour to edit the video.

When I opened Ai Pai, when I was watching the video, I took a very simple and rough title for the video: [The best strategy for the new version to explode CC and explode fans]

Next, he clicked upload.

In fact, at this time, many people have already tasted the sweetness in the swamp of choice.

And this video released by Lin Yufeng will remind some players who haven't brushed the Swamp of Choice...

No surprise, once the video was released, the group was wiped out!

Lin Yufeng already has a group of fixed fans. He always clicks to refresh the webpage and read the comments at the bottom of the video.

Almost every time it is refreshed, the number of views will be thousands more! The number of comments will be dozens more!.

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