The Burning Demons are one of the Advance Force soldiers in the Overworld universe that come to Arad from Otherworld to collect negative energy from the Abyss.

The player's Abyssal mode is to expel the Cosmic Demon race.

Branz is haunted by raging fire energy, and ordinary people are instantly vaporized when they get close.

Lin Shuo had the bizarre Kaija on him, and the monstrous Karo that emanated a monstrous power, two kinds of demonic gods surrounded him and stood there as if he was an ancient fierce beast that was not vain to burn demons at all.


Branz moved!

Only to see it move with a large hand, a huge red meteorite tore through space and descended from the sky, smashing straight towards Lin Shuo's direction.


Lin Shuo coldly snorted in disdain as the Ghost Shadow Whip twisted at extreme speed, and behind him, Carlo held the Plutonian Sword and followed Lin Shuo's movements.Ghost Shadow Whip!!!




Like nimble black snakes, the three Ghost Shadow Whips shot towards the meteorite at extreme speed, and Carlo synchronized his swing of the Plutonium Sword as dozens of black inflammation balls gushed out wildly to meet the meteorite falling from the sky.




The Ghost Shadow Whip was the first to reach the meteorite, and the spirited whip quickly coiled the meteorite, followed by the black inflammation balls.




Boom !!!!

Here comes the dark attribute blast!

The meteorite was stopped from falling by the Ghost Shadow Whip, while the purple-black Plutonian Orb struck the meteorite head-on.Boom!




The dark attribute explosion instantly disintegrated the meteorite.

At that moment, Branz made another move.

It struck a special pose, followed by an even denser swarm of meteorites falling from the sky.

Dozens of meteorites leapt together from interdimensional space, and upper space turned into the color of a blazing sun.

"Trying to swarm Laozi?" Lin Shuo drew back his Ghost Shadow Whip and reverted back to his Soul Release Taisho.

"Frost Saya!"

The taijutsu plunged straight into the ground with a boom, and an icy wail steeply appeared.




The tens of meters tall silver-white Saya stood in the middle, and endless cold erupted from within her.




The space that had just been warmed up by the meteorites was immediately knocked back to its original form, and the swarm of meteorites that fell from the sky were tinged with a layer of white frost due to the extreme cold.

Without waiting to land, the swarm of meteorites was frozen in its trajectory by Saya's cold and ended up wheeling straight to the ground.

Thud thud thud!

It landed and shattered.

Where was Branz at this point?

Still holding that humiliating pose, turned into an icicle.

- Wan!



Killed Lord Burning Demon Branz, player gains 0 experience points!"





The moment the Burning Demon died a violent death, a dazzling flash of light erupted from his body.


That's it?"

Lin Shuo froze, the boss exploded with equipment as soon as he died?

Was it that easy?

Actually it was Lin Shuo who thought wrongly, this was a normal level Abyss, there were only Cosmic Demons and no APCs, so naturally it wasn't much of a challenge.

The only thing that Lin Shuo's attributes are top-notch, so it's not too easy to hit the normal level.

If it was a hell level, the equipment that would be exploded would be better, but naturally the difficulty would have to be several times or even a dozen times higher.

Lin Shuo was indeed a bit surprised, at least it was the top level Abyss, it should be very difficult, he was ready to summon the 7th Demon God, but he didn't expect it, one Saia solved it.

Anyway, it was right that the equipment was exploded.

Lin Shuo hurried to where Branz died and picked up three pieces of equipment.

Two pink pieces and one epic.

A normal level abyss that could explode a purple suit could be said to be lucky, now two pink and one epic, what does it mean?

It means that the Euro ticket is so dominant.

The sound of the empty cicada: level 80 artifact lightsaber...

Ice flare: level 85 artifact tai saber...

Wisdom of the Gods: Great General, Level 80 Epic Right Slot...

"..."Rubbish, but it can be sold for money.

Lin Shuo skimmed his mouth, not bad for a normal abyss, the items produced were really trash.

Epics could not be traded, they could only be broken down, and the two pink suits should be able to sell for some money.

The level 80 and above artifact weapons were still quite expensive, bringing Lin Shuo about 5 million gold coins, although he was not short of money.

The only other thing you can do here besides testing your skills is to open a map.

The normal level was not very interesting, but the hell level was worth waiting for.

Putting his equipment into his parcel, Lin Shuo moved on to the next room.



Pass the Grundy Power Station (Normal level)" "Ding!

Obtained Grundy Power Station (Adventure Level) challenge access!"


In about ten minutes, Lin Shuo's figure reappeared at the entrance of the power station.

Not bad, he was satisfied with the skill test, so he could prepare for the attack on the Soul Map next.

Besides, Anduin was about to descend to the Heavenly Realm, so it would be very lively.

Thinking of this, Lin Shuo entered the map again and chose the Grundy adventure level.

This wave will not open the abyss, the difficulty is too low, a waste of Euro tickets.

(I beg for flowers,, let me add more,,,).

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