DNF for All: Awaken the Dark Sovereign At The Start

Chapter 54 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The army of monsters as numerous as the stars made the live broadcast room silent.

I'm riding a horse...there are too many monsters!

Is the apostle Andrian so terrifying?

The audience of the two new worlds is even more unbearable. Just watching the live broadcast, they feel that any monster here can destroy their world...

Woohoo, that's horrible! Want to scare people to death!

back to the battlefield

The leaders of the major coalition forces did not do anything, because they still did not know the strength of the monster. Although the monster has the strength of the awakened person in the perception, it is still necessary to observe and observe whether it is fake.

But the overwhelming army of monsters still made the strong men pale.

For the first time, they saw a monster invasion of this scale, with the momentum of overwhelming and destroying everything. Can our people really hold it?

Lin Shuo opened the celestial map and saw the locations of the eight war zones.

It is the eight directions of the heaven, and the monsters will advance to the heaven Ghent in a way of encirclement, and then to the continent of Arad.

The criterion for the failure of the attack is that the Ghent continent is destroyed, so as long as the eight lines of defense can stop the monsters or destroy the monsters, then the first wave will be stable.

The speed of the meteorites is very fast, and in a moment, they have arrived in various war zones.

The first wave of monsters in the war zone is composed of elite monsters Tartan wizards, Tartan warlocks, and Tartan demons. They are medium and long-range attack monsters with a level of 85.

The horse monkey troops first arrived in the western theater, which is close to Nospis Island. The number of monsters is up to one million, all of them are elite monsters.

[Tartan wizard: elite, level 85, attack power 170,000 points, HP: 3 million, defense power...]

Looking at this attribute, the monkey face in Malaysia is green, my day! It's all made up of elite monsters!

This attribute can already kill the Awakened in seconds.

But what is an assistant for? Naturally, it is to add attributes to the team.

"All support is on!" The horse monkey roared.



The scarlet eyes of the horse monkey became more and more blood red.

The Emperor's Blood Killing Heaven occupation, Berserker Erjue, is a very terrifying occupation with explosive power.


Blessings of courage!

Guardian blessing!

Blade of Light!

The sun shines!

Breath of the wind!


"..." Auxiliary occupations added buffs to the whole group, and the red and blue upper limits of the defense and attack power of the monkeys were increased several times.

"Physics rush for me! Interrupt the monster's spellcasting!"

"The legal profession is responsible for outputting in the back! Paladin, Nian Di, hold up the cover to protect the mage!"

"..." Da Ma Hou took the lead and charged forward with his Bie Yun sword.

The Bie Yun Sword was exploded by Lin Shuo when he brought the abyss, and the horse monkey directly dropped the Shadowless Sword at that time.

With the addition of a level 85 heavy armor Thousand Spider Shadow Shattering suit and ice and snow suits, his combat power has reached around 10,000, and he is a stable martial arts master.

Berserkers are also known as Red Dogs. When they add rampage, they will reduce their intelligence and become a mad dog who is irrational and only bites people.

Although Er Jue has overcome this problem, the rampage still makes the horse monkey very impulsive.

coming! Approaching the first monster!

The wizard Tartan on the opposite side raised his staff and seemed to want to cast a spell.

"Want to do it? Laozi cut you first!"


The horse monkey screamed, and the whole person rushed forward in an instant. Under the stunned expression of the Tartan wizard, he grabbed its body and slammed it for several kilometers, and then slammed down.

Boom! ! !

-12 million! Crit!

-12 million! Crit!



Wizard Tartan's body suddenly exploded, and the shock wave slammed into the nearby green name, triggering a second blood-colored explosion, blasting a blank area with a radius of several kilometers.

With one blow, hundreds of monsters were killed.

I rely on! Awesome!

The team members who followed the Malaysian monkey shouted that they cheated my brother.

Wizard Tartan also reacted, waving his magic wand, and many fireballs with a diameter of two meters flew out of the void and went straight to the core of the team.

Holy Shield! !

Palatine stood in a row, and immediately, a huge half-walled shield of pure white was erected, forming a ㄟ-shaped shield with a height of 10,000 meters and a width of 100 kilometers.

On the other side, Nian Di opened the hood to guard the team members inside.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fireball hit the shield without causing any damage.

This side has attracted firepower, and the physics team over there has rushed into the green army.

"Crazy Slash!!!"

"Hahahahaha!! Die for the Lord!"

"..." The horse monkey swung the Bieyun sword at high speed, and the violent bloodstains slashed at the monster, tearing it to pieces.

Lightning dance!

The members of the Valkyrie profession turned into blue lightning, and dozens of monsters were kicked at a speeding speed every second.


Thunderbolt triple kick!

Xingyun: Disease!

Fantasy swordsmanship!


"..." The physics profession is blocking the footsteps of the elite monsters, and the French troops in the rear are starting to do it.

Inside the Holy Shield, the Elementalist troops are condensing to cast spells.

High in the sky, the fire attribute energy was tumbling violently, and a flame hexagram magic circle with a radius of 200 kilometers appeared. The magic circle was spinning at a high speed and continued to grow, as if it was calling for something.

"Lili, can you still stop it?" Mi Le, the captain of the first team, the elementalist team, asked Lili, the captain of the Paladin.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The dense fireballs are still attacking the Great Shield of the Holy Shield, and the Paladins are holding up their shields to resist.

"It's alright, but you have to hurry up!" Lili said, gritted her silver teeth.

The attack density of the fireball was too high, and even with hundreds of Paladins maintaining it, it was still somewhat overwhelmed.

But they have to buy time for the elemental division team, otherwise so many monsters, it will be difficult to kill all of them by physical occupation.

It's not that the physics profession doesn't have great skills, but the great skills are very mana-intensive, and the weak God-level powerhouses may not even be able to cast a complete second sleep, so the great skills are generally not used casually, so they are good at group attack magic. Many legal professions are very suitable for the current situation.

After a while, Lili sweated coldly on her forehead, and asked loudly, "Lele! Are you guys all right!!"

In another ten seconds, her blue will be empty, and the rest of the defense will have to be handed over to Emperor Nian.

hum! !

High in the sky, the big magic circle is spinning faster and faster! The rich fire attribute energy seems to melt the space.


"Jack is here!!" Mi Le shouted coquettishly.

(Are there any flowers,,,,嘤嘤嘤,,).

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