DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 123 Dumbledore who came late

Hermione tugged on Dumbledore's sleeve more eagerly, trying to pull him in.

When the three of them had just crossed the threshold where Fiendfire was extinguished, they were instantly stunned by the sight in front of them.

None of the more than ten huge stone pillars used to support the dome were intact, the ground was cracked, huge broken stones were scattered all over the ground, and there were faint burn marks of magma flowing. The ground was covered with a large pile of dust, and countless withered roses exuded a rotten stench, and they collapsed three points downward.

And the deadly breath released by the dark blue icicles in the room, which symbolized death, made Dumbledore tremble a little.

He didn't expect such a big battle at all. He originally thought that the lifeless Quirrell would die tragically under Harry's claws and turn into a pile of ashes.

Needless to say, Ron and Hermione, even Dumbledore was secretly startled. If the two of them hadn't listened carefully to Dumbledore's words that the two were still alive just now, and seeing this tragic battlefield, they might have thought that the two of them had died in the battle against the mysterious man. Gwartz died...

Although Carl was also very strong before, and even a magic beat Professor McGonagall's chess game. But this level of fighting has even gone far beyond what they saw in the Forbidden Forest that day.

"Hermione, you're here..."

Looking at the three people walking towards him quickly, Harry finally relaxed completely. When Quirrell took him away, he tossed him a lot. Now that he saw a familiar person again, he finally let go of his last defense, his legs softened, and he fell into a coma.


Hermione saw Harry collapsed in front of her eyes, and then noticed Carl who was dead beside him, and tears welled up in her eyes instantly.

"Don't worry, Miss Granger. Both of them are fine. Carl just fell asleep due to exhaustion; Harry only suffered some minor injuries. It should be affected by the big fight. It's okay..."

Dumbledore stepped forward quickly, lightly tapped the chests of the two with the Elder Wand in his hand, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

He didn't expect Voldemort to be so bold that he dared to capture Harry directly in Hogwarts, and came up with an operation to steal the crystal. Fortunately, fortunately, he failed in the end.

After Dumbledore checked the injuries of the two, a mysterious light flickered in his semicircular glasses. He didn't know what he was thinking, and began to carefully inspect the battlefield.

When he came to the shattered Mirror of Erised, he felt a bit of a headache, and now it would be difficult to explain to Felius.

Looking at the black ashes under his feet, he slowly squatted down, put some on his fingers and sniffed it close to his nose.

Yes, yes! This rotten black devil smell is undoubtedly the ashes of Quirrell!

At this time, Ron helped Hermione use magic to lift the unconscious Carl and Harry to a relatively clean place, and then walked over.

"Professor, what are you doing, besides, where is Quirrell?"

Ron watched Dumbledore meditating on a cloud of ashes, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled. Dumbledore listened to their clues on the road just now, and told them bluntly that Snape was wrong, and that the murderer should be Quirrell.

"This should be the last trace of Quirinus left in the world."

Dumbledore twirled the ashes in his hand and spoke lightly.

"The last trace?"

Ron was puzzled for a moment, and then suddenly realized, but his teeth chattered a little when he spoke.

"This~, this can't be Quirrell's ashes..."

Pointing to the ashes on the ground, he stumbled and said, what kind of forbidden magic should be able to wipe out a powerful wizard in such a short period of time.

But Dumbledore frowned. He didn't feel the burning taste of Lily's love on it. Instead, he felt the cold that froze the soul, an inexplicable powerful force, and a seemingly It is the charm of blood sacrifice.

The first two forces were naturally the Ice Feast released by Alice, and the huge treasure chest released by Celia's elven power. Together, they completely smashed Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, to ashes.

Dumbledore raised his head to look at the huge icicles around him, and looked thoughtfully at Karl, who had experienced the battle but was still dressed neatly and fell asleep, and made some guesses.

And the gorgeous Xinghuayueyin robe changed back to the school uniform before Karl passed out.

"Quirinas, why are you doing this?"

Dumbledore stopped staring at Carl, but focused his attention on Quirrell's ashes again. The Elder Wand waved beautifully in the air, and a beautiful back garden appeared in his hands, and then the cover flew up automatically. The small pile of black ash on the ground broke free from the dust and fell into it. Anyway, Quirrell has been a professor at Hogwarts for so long, so he should be given a decent funeral.

Putting on a good Muggle Studies class and not teaching it, but I don’t believe in that evil, I want to pursue excitement and challenge the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and finally get cursed and die. Is Voldemort, the MLM master, just kidding you?

This small box is your forever home!

Hermione also followed Dumbledore's footsteps and walked over. Although Dumbledore said that the two of them were fine, she was still a little worried and wanted to leave this ghostly place as soon as possible and send the two of them to Pang Mrs. Frey.

Looking at Carl's slightly pale face, Hermione's face was not bad, but when she saw the bloodstains on Harry's face cut by debris and the tattered clothes, she felt a little regretful. If her flying skills were superb With some words, she would be able to find Dumbledore faster.

Yes, that's right. Miss Know-It-All, who was as active as Carl, picked up the broomstick and took Ron wildly out when she returned to the key.

With her female driver's driving skills, the journey would inevitably be a bit difficult, but it saved a lot of time, otherwise it would have been a waste of time just climbing up the devil's net.

"Okay, I've basically finished my investigation. Now, it's time for us to leave. Although the two of them are not seriously injured, we'd better take them to Madam Pomfrey as soon as possible. Otherwise, wait a while She's going to blame me for delaying the student's best treatment period..."

Dumbledore put away Quirrell's urn properly, and when the old wand waved two strong stretchers appeared out of thin air on the ground, then he used the Levitation Charm to put Harry and Karl on it, stroking his snow-white beard helplessly like an old urchin smiled.

Hearing Dumbledore's final decision to go back, Hermione had a smile on her face that she hadn't seen since entering this room.

It's nice that Carl and Harry don't have to hang out in the damn thing anymore...

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