DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 186 The first class of the second grade


Malfoy almost couldn't catch his breath when he saw Ron's expression of wanting to use a spell to charm him but failed.

"Ouch~, Box~...Weasley, are you trying to use funny magic to make me laugh?"

Malfoy pulled out his wand and said to Ron playfully.

Ron was so angry that he wanted to slam the wand in his hand on the ground and step on his feet. It hasn't been normal since it was cut in half by the Whomping Willow last night. But he calmed down a bit, and chose to put it back on his waist from the heart.

A wand costs about ten Galleons, which is a huge sum of money to him!

Ron stood on the spot and analyzed calmly, after a little thought, he made up his mind. He resolutely turned into an oil tycoon—a berserker, and he rushed up immediately after he roared, clenching his fists, and he was about to have a fist-to-body duel with Malfoy.

"Weasley~, how can you still look like a wizard?"

Seeing that Ron couldn't cast magic and was still a long way away from him, the sarcasm on Malfoy's face became more intense.

"Oolong out of the hole!"

He waved his wand lazily, obviously not paying attention to Ron who had lost his wand, and even if he was held accountable, it was Ron who made the first move, and he was just forced to fight back.

A big black snake "hissed" and spitting out a letter, and slid towards Ron quickly with a Z-shaped snake skin, and there was no trace of emotion in the cold snake's eyes.

Seeing the poisonous snake summoned by Malfoy, Ron turned pale with fright and instantly woke up, then hurriedly stopped his impulsive behavior and began to back away.

Malfoy laughed even more wantonly when he saw that Ron's face was pale with fright.

Immediately Hermione couldn't stand it anymore, she drew out her wand and stepped forward, muttering something.

"Eliminate the invisible!"

An exquisite disappearing spell hit the snake, and it turned into a pile of ashes in a blink of an eye.

"It turns out to be Miss Know-it-All, why do you like to meddle in other people's business so much?"

Malfoy watched the spell he summoned being sent away by Hermione, and couldn't help but snorted coldly, looking a bit in a bad mood. But seeing Ron's frightened and stupid look made him feel better. Otherwise, it wouldn't be Miss Know-It-All, maybe Mudblood would be nicer?

The two looked at each other, and the surrounding air was full of gunpowder, but they still didn't do anything, because the class would start soon...

Carl smacked his lips to show that he was a little bored, but he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and he couldn't wait to see Ron and Malfoy have a fierce hand-to-hand fight.

Since he came to this world, it has been twelve years since he saw the fiery dance of the Bulgarian demon king and the wrestling scene of Billy king. Just now, he was looking forward to a live broadcast or something, but now it seems that it is just vain. Thinking of this, Karl felt a little dull, boring, boring...


After finishing the meal, he packed up the textbooks that he would need later, and the Hogwarts uniform on Carl's body began to change its style, becoming a khaki-looking protective suit that looked rough.

His first class at Hogwarts was Herbalism with Professor Sprout...

"I don't know how poor Professor Sprout felt after seeing that Whomping Willow..."

Carl ate the last piece of pudding, thinking secretly.

The surrounding Ravenclaw students looked at Carl, who changed his clothes with one click, with envious expressions on their faces.

After Naiyali made a big splash at the sorting ceremony last night, he simply didn't bother to hide anything anymore. Otherwise, it would be rumored that his elder brother and younger sister manipulated the show, and he couldn't stand the grievance.

After exchanging sweet goodbyes with Niyari, Carl and a few plastic roommates who looked like they had eaten lemons started walking towards the third greenhouse. Come to think of it, the industrious Professor Sprout should have been waiting there for a long time...

They strode across the lawn. The gate outside the third greenhouse had already been opened, and it could be seen that almost half of the students were already inside.

For the hard-working Hufflepuff and the knowledge-hungry Ravenclaw, being late is absolutely not allowed.

Of course, except for Carl...

Herbology is taught by Professor Sprout, a pudgy witch. A patched hat was worn over her flowing hair, and her clothes were always stained with dirt. You can see that she has great enthusiasm for this job.

As soon as Karl entered the third greenhouse, a large smell of damp soil and fresh dragon dung manure rushed straight into his nostrils, and there was also a strong natural flower fragrance in the middle of this pungent smell, which prevented him from Cracked completely.

Apparently, Professor Sprout knew that with the character of little wizards, he definitely wouldn't want to stay in such an environment any longer. For this reason, she specially transplanted some nice-smelling flowers.

"Welcome everyone to the third greenhouse, come~, come closer..." Professor Sprout said happily. She has always been kind and always smiling. Even though her beloved Whomping Willow was seriously damaged yesterday, she still abides by her principles and will never bring bad emotions into teaching.

But Carl thought that Harry and Ron, the two worry-free people, must have been on Professor Sprout's blacklist.

The greenhouses are arranged according to the size of the number. The higher the number, the more interesting the plants inside, but also the more dangerous. Karl heard from the senior Ravenclaw seniors that in the seventh greenhouse at the end, Professor Sprout's real secret collection can even see high-end plants such as dragon claw vines and phoenix inhabited sycamores.

Just as Carl was having so many thoughts in his mind, the chubby witch was already standing behind a stool in the middle of the greenhouse, with twenty pairs of earmuffs of different colors placed on the platform.

"Today we are going to learn how to repot the Mandrake, and please wear the earmuffs. Can anyone answer why I wear earmuffs?"

Professor Sprout asked the students to pick a pair of belts one by one, and then began to send points to Carl with a smile.

"Because the mandrake is an extremely dangerous plant, as long as the mandrake leaves the land, it will cry, and the sound can kill people, but this can only be done by an adult mandrake, according to the greenhouse To a certain extent, at most, it will make people unconscious for a while."

Carl raised his hand and replied, "I can't refuse the free points!"

"Perfect answer! Ravenclaw adds ten points!"

Professor Sprout was very satisfied with Carl's answer and immediately gave him extra points.

Then Professor Sprout looked around at the little wizards, saw that they had put on the earmuffs, and then demonstrated how to repot the Mandrake.

These small humanoid ginseng-like things are growing crazily. The original flowerpots have almost limited their growth, and they must be replaced with larger ones to keep up with their growth pace...

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