DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 196 Snape's Past

Harry sighed and recounted exactly what happened just now. He also felt that Ron's behavior at that time was quite stupid. He knew that there was something wrong with his wand, but he still wanted to die like this.

"By the way, what does the word Mudblood mean? Why did everyone react so strongly just now?"

After telling the story, Harry asked with some doubts. With just one word, the conflict between the two colleges broke out in an instant, which made him very curious about the true meaning contained in it.

"That's a very insulting word," Niali stopped her hands and said softly, "In the eyes of wizards born in pure-blood families, wizards born in Muggles are all of low blood, and in their minds, they don't even deserve to have A qualification to learn magic."

Harry felt very uncomfortable after hearing the definition Niallie gave to Mudplant. He couldn't understand how it could be so vicious...

"No way, this contradiction existed thousands of years ago, and it has never been resolved. So, don't worry about these details, it's all caused by jealousy..."

Carl said this reassuringly.

"Well, you made the right choice." Hagrid looked at Niari and Hermione with some concern, "But you should go to Professor Dumbledore to solve the problem, after all, Malfoy's father Lucius It's the school manager..."

Carl sat down and poured himself a cup of black tea just made by Niali, and said very calmly: "It's okay, Lucius, he can't trouble us, and I guess Malfoy and the others wouldn't dare to tell Snape , otherwise they are dead. This time, they only have broken teeth and swallowed blood foam in their stomachs..."

"Snape! How could he punish Malfoy in turn?!"

The three of Hermione said in unison, with great doubts on their small faces.

"He's a bastard who only targets Gryffindors, especially me!"

Harry even said angrily that he still couldn't forget the scene where Snape targeted him in the final exam of Potions class last year.

Carl shook his head slightly, looked at the little savior with concern and pity in his eyes, and said softly: "To be honest, Harry. Every cause must have its effect, and your retribution may never be Snape. Never for no reason You should think about why Snape would target you like this in normal times.

If you continue to be so dull, believe me, not only at Hogwarts, you will suffer even as an adult..."

Harry: "..."

What kind of ghost prophecy is this! Why does it look like he owes Snape...

"Why do you say that?!"

Harry suppressed his inner uneasiness, he was intrigued by Carl, and now he wanted to know why.


"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully!"

Carl raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said mysteriously.

"Old bat, old bat, you have to thank me well this time, how about next time, hehehe~..."

Thinking of this in his heart, the guilt of having cheated Snape so much Galleon also eased a little.

"Don't be a fool! I often see you running towards the old bat's office every day, and I know that you have a special relationship with him..."

A row of black lines emerged from Harry's head, and he spoke eagerly.

"This matter started more than thirty years ago~..."

With just this little sentence, Carl dragged his voice for half a minute, whetted the appetite of Harry and the others. Then he touched his nose suddenly and said with some embarrassment: "I suddenly remembered an important factor, why don't you just pretend that I never said a word?

This involves the privacy issues of many people, and I am afraid that it will be inappropriate to reveal their old background. After all, there is a saying that is very good, the less you know, the safer you are..."

"And if one day you big mouthers, especially Hagrid, leak it to me accidentally, and the person concerned finds me in a panic, I'm afraid I'll be overwhelmed..."

Carl thought about it carefully, and felt that this question was a bit complicated. Lily has been tricked by him, and he hastily involved the past of the old bat, creating a butterfly effect and playing big.

But everyone in this room, including Naiyali, was so appetized by Karl, and now he suddenly stopped talking, so who can stand it?

The next moment, five pairs of eyes shifted their gazes to stare at him silently. Naiyali even took off her silver hairpin, put it aside with a sigh, and polished it more and more sharply.

"Hurry up, what's the point of saying half and half?!" Harry urged unceremoniously.

"That's right, don't dawdle, just say it!" Hermione rarely reached an agreement with Harry.

"You managed to get my attention..."

Naiyali is as domineering as a queen. She shook her extremely sharp hairpin in front of Karl, and there was something in her words...

Carl showed embarrassment and refused to look at her, and then gave the little savior a look of extreme pity: "No, I have to think carefully about whether you can bear it or not.

If you follow Snape's words, I'm afraid that if I say it, your immature brain, which is not much smarter than a troll, will directly cause brain death because you can't figure out the complicated relationship, and you will die on the spot..."

"Won't your conscience ache when you say that?" Harry was about to go crazy.

"I'm sorry, if you don't have a heart, you won't feel pain. And, no matter what I say, I'm telling the truth, including what I'm saying..."

Carl didn't care about Harry's feelings at all, and continued to pierce his heart.

"Okay, don't change the subject, hurry up and talk!" Niyali interrupted Karl's daily taunting impatiently.

"Okay, okay. Before that, I need to lay the groundwork, let me ask you a question first..."

"If a person has done a bad thing before, do you think that person will do bad things all his life?"

Carl put away his hippie smile and asked a little seriously.

"This question varies from person to person. Some things really only have the difference between zero and countless times. Muggle prisons can well demonstrate this..."

Naiyali pondered for a while, and gave a well-regulated and objective answer. She used to walk in the endless dimension world and guide the prosperity and extinction of the world. An extremely sinful soul.

"Next person!"

Karl nodded with satisfaction.

"Snape must be like that!"

Harry said angrily that when he first entered Hogwarts last year, Snape made him so hard that he was so picky that he would be imprisoned if he didn't agree with each other.

"I agree with Nayari's statement..."

Ron finally finished vomiting the slug at this moment, and spoke weakly.

"The answer is not bad, so let's start!"

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