DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 219 How old is Brave Gryffin

"Why are you looking for me?"

In the library, Carl closed the diary, raised his head and looked at the three people in front of him at a loss. He was chatting vigorously with his pen pal Tom Riddle just now, and the three of Harry broke into his world impatiently, without any precautions or concerns...

"The man I told you about last night is here again..."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, and he said that if he wanted to find Carl, he had to go to the library.

He pondered for a while, began to organize the words in his mind, and then crackled and crackled what happened last night like a cannonball, which made Carl's head dizzy.

"You want to know what happened fifty years ago, right?"

Karl said that he was very tired, how could they just make up their minds like this? He just wanted to warn Dobby last night to stop messing around, but he didn't expect...it's really hard to say...

The Gryffindor trio immediately nodded like chickens pecking rice, their faces full of curiosity.

"Actually, nothing happened, and a student died because of an accident..."

"What?! It's not a big deal if a student dies?!"

Before Carl finished speaking here, Harry exclaimed bluffing.

"After listening to me, can you speak again?!" Carl said angrily when he was suddenly interrupted.

"You say you say~..."

Harry sneered, a little embarrassed.

"Hogwarts has a history of thousands of years since its establishment, but most of its secrets have not been discovered by the students, and there are countless hidden rooms that have never been opened.

Remember the room of secrets I told you about last year? It was secretly built by Salazar Slytherin, one of the Big Four. He believed that pure blood was paramount, and magical education should only be suitable for magical families.

His ideas completely conflicted with those of the other three founders, and no one supported him so he could only leave Hogwarts indignantly, even though it was his original home.

Before Slytherin left, he thought about it, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him to leave like this? Hogwarts was originally donated and transformed by him. No one knows it better than him, so before he left, he secretly built a secret room in the castle that no one could find but his heir could open. I hope that one day in the future his heirs will be able to open and liquidate those unclean bloodlines...

The secret room has never been opened for thousands of years, and everyone regards it as a legend...

But the secret room that disappeared for a thousand years just fifty years ago was opened, and it is said that a monster was released to attack a student..."

Carl talked eloquently, and quickly explained the reason for the secret room.

"You said last year that the chamber of secrets is a treasure house. Why is it so scary now? You were lying to us before..." Ron said bitterly, wringing his fingers.

"I didn't lie to you either. The Chamber of Secrets was left to his heir by Slytherin. In essence, it is a treasure house. There must be many good things left by him. And anyway, he has been dead for so many years. His long-cherished wish is not entirely based on the heir's own will, he can do whatever he wants..."

Carl spread his hands, expressing helplessly that he never lied, but just liked to tell the truth in another layer of meaning.

"Then it seems that what Dobby said about history repeating itself should mean that this secret room is opened again, and that thing belonging to Voldemort is the key!"

Hermione said categorically that after listening to Carl's story, she finally figured out the truth of the matter.

Listening to the little witch's speech, Carl gently stroked the cover of the diary, feeling a little funny in his heart. That thing is in his hands at the moment, and he has been subdued by him, how can he have the ability to stir up the slightest disturbance?

However, in the depths of his invisible diary, in the illusion constructed, the handsome face of Tom Riddle sitting on the stairs was somewhat distorted, and he felt that things were getting more complicated. The powerful wizard with shape-shifting ability doesn't know what happened, and he is looking for him all over the world.

"Damn it! It must be the enemy left by the deity before, and they are starting to take revenge on me now! It seems that this plan must be carried out in advance. The first step is to get rid of this mysterious and invisible little wizard. He's just too dangerous..."

Obviously, the strength shown by Carl made Tom Riddle feel very threatened, and he was in danger of being destroyed by him all the time. So now I'm already planning how to run away.

"If what Dobby said is true, then you really need to pay attention to it. Although only one student died when the secret room was first opened fifty years ago, it was really panic at that time. Everyone is in danger, afraid that they will become the next victim. Therefore, before there is no definite evidence, it is best not to talk about these things, if some people notice and use them to make a big fuss, then it will be..."

Karl expressed his opinion at the right time.

"Perhaps we should inform Professor Dumbledore in advance, otherwise it will be too late by then!"

Hermione still felt that since this kind of thing happened, she should go to the headmaster to make a plan earlier.

"It depends on your own wishes. With the lessons from last year, I think Professor Dumbledore should believe you more or less this year."

Carl opened the diary again, kept writing and drawing on it, and replied without raising his head.

Faced with Carl's attitude, the three of them have long been familiar with it, because he has always been like this.

The three of Harry made up their minds again and prepared to head for the principal's office. Before leaving, Hermione hoped that Carl would go with them, but he refused.

Although he has already had a showdown with Lao Deng, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Anyway, he feels that as long as the diary has no long legs, it is absolutely impossible to escape from his hands. He still wants to squeeze Tom Riddle dry, so he doesn’t want to go Dumbledore exposed it there.

"If that old Glass Dumbledore knew that I had one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, he would definitely want to destroy it right away..."

Looking at the backs of Harry and the three of them going away without hesitation, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart. They really are a group of Gryffindor boys, incomparable, incomparable...

"Tom, you told me before that you were a student fifty years ago, so do you know what good things are in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets besides monsters?" 』

Carl picked up the quill, just taking this opportunity to test his tone.

"Although I lived through that period, I also came from Slytherin. But I really don’t know what’s inside the Chamber of Secrets. The victim turned into a ghost and didn’t even see what the monster was. Maybe you can only ask the heirs of Slytherin to know this question...』

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