DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 267 Who Am I? Where do I come from? Where are you going?

In the dark secret room, Naiyali was sitting on a luxurious chair that was conjured aside, lowering her head and constantly tinkering with her manicure. She temporarily lent all the treasures she had at the bottom of the box to Carl, so she was not worried about the safety of the two of them at the moment.

Even just now she was excitedly thinking about Death and Karl tearing their faces apart, and then the Night Growler summoned by the shining Cubectahedron died tenderly.

Beside her is a fiery long-tailed Scottish turkey, which is arranging its ruffled feathers. As soon as it flew in just now, it was almost knocked down by Naiyali, and then was frantically masturbated because it disturbed her. Do nail art.

Fox really wanted to scold MMP, this script is wrong, shouldn't he be the one who arrived in time at the critical moment and provided assistance to Carl before destroying the diary?

How come it just arrived and the battle is over, and how did this girl catch it? It's not magic!

Just when it wanted to breathe fire to express its dissatisfaction, Karl Yoyo, who was sitting on the floor meditating, woke up and opened his eyes.

"Hey~! That old Grim Reaper wants to play tricks on me..."

The boy stretched his waist greatly, stretching his sore body after sitting for too long.

"It hurts! Bah, bah, bah~... What is this, it hurts!"

At the same time, Harry, who was lying on the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead, also struggled to get up. With a distorted expression, he spat out the foreign object in his mouth, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a black petal.

"What kind of plant has black flowers, and it's so bitter, Carl's interest is really unusual!"

Looking at the black petals all over the body, Harry complained in his heart for no reason.

"Stop yelling! Be quiet! If you make my nails messy again, you're going to be in trouble!"

Naiyali put down the diamonds inlaid with her nails in her hand, and said angrily.

"What a waste, you have to know that it took me a lot of effort to cultivate this petal. Otherwise, you would have to lie with those people on the hospital bed of the school hospital for at least three months~..."

Carl looked at the rose petals spit on the ground by Harry with some pity, and turned around and told Snape and Lily to ask them to add more money. He was not a loser.

"Carl! Tom Riddle is Voldemort. He was hidden in a diary and was obtained by Lockhart. I resurrected him!" Harry suddenly remembered something and said eagerly.

"I knew it a long time ago..." Carl tapped his finger, and a piece of gravel on the ground instantly turned into a gorgeous sofa.

"I've seen him before. After finishing Lockhart, I don't know if it's because of swelling or some other reason, but he sent it to his door..."

"And then, where did he go? How did you get...to get there?" Harry sat down next to Carl, eager to know what happened next.

"Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is. So, he died...

I was blown away by me and Naiyali, and I think you should get a new pair of glasses. Can't you see a big diary in front of you? "

Karl calmly pointed to the diary that had a big hole beside it and was covered with black ink, and said in a flat tone.

"Then what about this crown?"

Harry rubbed his eyes and straightened his damaged glasses. Next to the diary, there was a dilapidated diadem.

"Tom Riddle had seen Carl's power in the dueling class back then, so he didn't feel relieved, so he went to hire another helper, and then both of them rushed to the street and were instantly killed by me..."

Naiyali, who was doing manicure on the side, brushed her drooping hair and said with disdain. Her head robbed a group of six.

"Karl, thank you for coming to save me...you~, do you know what the last sentence of Death God means~..."

Harry hesitated, still finding it too magical. He actually saw the god of death, and even managed to escape from him, it's unbelievable!

At this moment, Naiyali also stopped the movement of her hands, and looked up at Karl with a little curiosity in her beautiful eyes. She also wanted to know what Karl had talked with the god of death in the boundary between life and death.

"Don't worry about that pervert who likes to collect souls, our lives are still long. If we encounter him again in the future, we just need to resist the temptation and not accept anything from him.

The will of the world stipulates that he cannot directly attack the living! "

Recalling the malicious look in the bones, Carl couldn't help getting goose bumps all over his body.

Undoubtedly, the god of death has known about the fact that I used the resurrection stone to take advantage of the loophole to resurrect Lily, but because of the rules of the yin and yang worlds, he cannot directly intervene, but I must have been recorded by him in the small notebook, and I don’t know what It's time to shade yourself. Just as he was thinking about what kind of posture he should take to face the god of death again in the future, another voice sounded from the corner in the long-silent secret room.

"Who am I? Where am I? Where am I from? Where am I going?

where is this place? Did an earthquake just happen? "

Lockhart, who was fainted by Carl, supported his waist and struggled to get up from the obsidian floor full of dust and gravel, with a dazed look on his face as if he had lost his mind.

Due to the previous battle between Carl and Tom Riddle, the aftermath of the battle also affected Lockhart. He lay down for a long time before waking up.

"Who are you guys? Do you know who I am?" Lockhart looked around for a week. In this strange looking place, Niari was doing her nails like a normal person, and Harry was suspicious of life. expression. He had no choice but to set his sights on Karl, who looked relatively normal, and asked with a pleading look on his face.

"Close your mouth obediently! If you dare to say one more word, I will kill you immediately, and I will throw your ashes away!" Carl was angry when he saw Lockhart being so stupid. If there was no such thing How could Tom Riddle have made so many moths, so he took out his wand from his pocket and pointed it at him in great displeasure, with a faint green light emitting from the tip of the wand.

Lockhart looked at the angry Carl and couldn't help trembling all over his body. Although he didn't remember the effect of the Forgetting Curse, this scene seemed familiar. His subconscious told him that he must not anger the little wizard in front of him.

Otherwise~...it will be very miserable...

So he quickly covered his mouth with his hands, not letting himself make a sound, for fear of offending Carl.

Seeing that Lockhart was so obedient, Carl nodded in satisfaction, and then began to test the effect of his forgetting spell just now, wondering if he actually remembered those things...

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