DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 384 So Unwilling!

"catch him!"

"He must have been deluded by the devil!"

The knights strode towards Gryffindor and surrounded them, their armor rattling.

With a smile on his face, the black bishop raised the torch again. He wanted Gryffindor to witness with his own eyes how he sent these two little devils back to hell.

A murderous intent flashed in Gryffindor's eyes. In his eyes, the people of the Holy See were devils in human skin! The silver sword that nailed the torch to the wall trembled violently, and then flew back into his hand with a rustle.

He glanced at the knight rushing towards him indifferently, and slashed down with his sword, the space seemed to be dislocated, and those thick armors were as fragile and ridiculous as tofu under this blow.

The long swords in the hands of the knights fell to the ground at the same time. Their widened eyes seemed to want to ask why. The leader of the knights lowered his eyelids with the last bit of strength, and blood gushed out from his chest and turned red. The armor for which he would give all...

"Devil...you will go to hell!"

The knight commander kept spitting out foam, and the miserable laughter was mixed with unspeakable hatred. He supported his increasingly uncontrollable body with his long sword, and finally half-kneeled on the ground, looking at the bishop in black on the high platform who seemed to be praying for something, but the bishop he was loyal to just watched coldly All this, until the last gleam of light in his eyes gradually began to disappear...

"So you are the real devil! Whoa, whoa!

Go to hell! "

Standing in black, the bishop didn't know whether he was excited or nervous, and tremblingly stretched out a finger from the high platform to point to Gryffindor.

"It's just a bishop in black, I really don't know who gave you the courage!"

Gryffindor stroked the silver-white sword lightly, and the contempt in the eyes of the lying knight grew stronger and stronger.

Is this the Holy See that you are willing to sacrifice everything and believe in?


On the empty street, there was not a single person to be seen—the Muggles all went to see the devil, and Karl was bored drinking magic juice to kill the remaining power of time and space in his body.

"Why haven't you come back yet, is it so troublesome to solve a few knights?"

The wind and sand flying all over the sky rolled up the garbage on the path, and Carl's buttocks hurt from sitting, so he stood up and looked into the distance with some concern, and finally decided to take a look.

In case he encounters any trouble, he should hurry up and prepare to run away, right?

Carl walked very slowly because his injuries did not allow him to make much movement. Along the way, the Muggles were running around in terror, and they kept yelling about the devil, which made his heart sink. Could it be that Gryffindor really had an idea of ​​backing the Holy See? The cardinal, right?

That's a big deal!

"No, I have to make some preparations!"

A gleam flashed in Karl's eyes, and then the gold coins in his account were reduced again, and he suddenly felt that the pain in his body was nothing.


On the other side, on the battlefield in the middle of the town, the Muggles didn't dare to stay after witnessing the spectacular scene of many knights under the sword of Gryffindor rushing to the street together, and they all dispersed. My parents didn't give me two missing legs.

The bishop in black was paralyzed on the steps, gasping for breath, and the cross necklace on his chest had already been broken to resist Gryffindor's fatal sword before. But even so, the bishop's uniform on his body was also covered with sword marks, and blood was constantly flowing from those sword marks.

Another silver-white sword light slashed at the angle. The bishop in black gritted his teeth and released a cross-shaped wall of holy light to barely block this round of attacks. The strength of Gryffindor is now even approaching the end of the mountain.

However, even death can't make this devil feel better!

From the corner of his eye, he saw that the two little devils who were bound on the cross had already broken free and hugged each other excitedly. The iron chains on them were completely vulnerable to the light of the silver sword.

"The Lord said that the lowly, dirty, and lowly things should die, and that the good things should be created.

Walk on the earth with my will, I will burn the earth with fire for seven days and nights until all the evil spirits fall into hell, and I will stop the fire. "

The black-clothed bishop continued to utter pious voices of prayer. He used his fingers to draw the cross on his chest, and the speed became faster and faster. In the end, a bright white flame appeared on his fingertips.

"I told you, you can't save anyone today!"

The look of pity on the face of the black-clothed bishop was gone. He struggled to get up from the ground, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, looking crazy and ferocious.

"You are not worthy of me pulling out my wand, and the next strike will be your death!"

Gryffindor frowned, his feet moved violently, and the next moment the silver sword pierced the black bishop's heart.

"Go to hell, devil!"

As if it wasn't his own heart that was pierced, the corner of the black-clothed bishop's mouth raised an inexplicable smile. The ray of white flame at his fingertips swallowed his body in an instant and then swelled into a huge thing.

"Fiendfire Curse? No!

This is Holy Flame! Fuel with soul and vitality! "

Seeing this flame as terrifying as Fiercefire, Gryffindor drew out his long sword fiercely, and then an apparition disappeared into the distance.

However, the flame that condensed the soul and vitality of the bishop in black did not attack him, but rushed straight towards the high platform.

"Never, never separate..."

There, the two little wizards who had just been saved were embracing each other and crying, the tears blurred their vision, and they didn't notice the danger coming...

"You can't save anyone~..."

Only then did Gryffindor understand what the bishop in black meant. His hands and feet were cold, and he could only watch this scene happen.

"Ah! It hurts!"

As if their hearts had been ignited, the two little wizards only felt an indescribable pain that was transmitted to all parts of their bodies through nerves.

Gryffindor was heartbroken, he took out his wand and waved it violently, a huge waterspout appeared and poured on the pure white holy flame, but the huge waterspout was evaporated into a cloud before it touched it. Group of white mist.

How could the flame fueled by life and soul be extinguished by just a waterspout?


"Go away, boy!"

"Where did you come from, little beggar! Go away, don't block my eyes!"

Endless ridicule lingered in the ears of the two, and everything they had experienced in the past eleven years played back in their minds. Isaac and Aubrey knew that they might die, under this strange flame.

But why? Why!

I am so unwilling!

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