DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 427: Ending

"Crying eyes?" Hermione knocked on the table lightly upon hearing this, but her mind kept spinning. But even though she recalled it for a long time, she didn't think of any record about this name.

Even though she is so good in the history of magic, how come she has no impression at all! The sudden frustration made her a little annoyed.

Noticing Hermione's strangeness, Carl glanced at him without leaving a trace and then secretly smiled inwardly. If you know the second sister, you will be a ghost...

"So how long will this process last?" Lupine pursed his lips and asked his question softly.

This question is very important. If it is going to last for more than ten or twenty years, it will still be a snakeskin.

"I don't know the details~..." Carl touched his chin, thought carefully before giving his own answer, "It will be more than half a year, and it won't exceed too much..."

"Half a year?" Sirius nodded, this time is not too long, he is quite satisfied with the result.

"Then it looks like I have to take the chamaejasme potion for more than half a year~..."

Lu Ping said with a smile, also full of expectations in his heart, he would be able to get rid of this painful life in just half a year.

"Loverbane potion? This thing is useless to you..."

Carl looked at him very unexpectedly, as if to say that my things are so unpopular in your eyes?

Immediately after he organized the language in his mind, he said slowly:

"As long as you wear it on your body, its magic power will help you completely suppress that animalism.

At that time, your transformation time will become shorter and shorter in the future, and when you can look directly at the full moon, it means that you have returned to normal..."

"This...really...I understand!" Lupine's eyes flashed with excitement. Originally, he thought that he would have to rely on taking wolfbane potion to get through the half-year transition period.

The three of Harry are also sincerely happy that Lupine can return to normal at this moment. The smile on the corner of Sirius' mouth couldn't be stopped no matter what, the goblet in his hand just collided with Harry and the others one after another.

Time passed slowly unknowingly, and soon, a ray of bright red sunset fell on Carl's hair through the window of the box.

A blush appeared on the cheeks of Sirius and Lupine, they would have been very drunk if Cal hadn't brought some hangover medicine in time.

This party has come to an end, but the excitement on Harry's face has not weakened in the slightest. He raised his head and told one by one the interesting things that happened since he entered Hogwarts.

"You don't have to go back to the Dursleys' house in the future, the door of 12 Grimmauld Place is always open for you!"

Sirius patted Harry's head and hiccupped, looking like he was still full of ideas.

Let alone alcohol in Azkaban, it is already a happy thing to have unpolluted water to drink.

"Okay, we should go back! Otherwise, the professors will be unhappy later, I don't think you want to see that scene..."

Carl licked the cream at the corner of his mouth, looked at the gradually dimming sky and said calmly, he didn't want to sneak back with Harry and the others tonight and be caught and scolded by Professor McGonagall.

"Hi~, that... that's good... remember... be careful... be safe~..." Sirius exhorted, holding a bottle of sherry with his tongue out.

"Don't worry!" Carl stood up, his tone very flat, "If anyone messes with me, he will die a miserable death~..."

"That's good~..."


It was late when they got back to Hogwarts, at least the dinner party was over.

Facing the smooth dinner plate in front of them, the little wizards wiped their mouths, leaving the auditorium in twos and threes.

Professor McGonagall stood on the professor's seat and glanced at them quite unconcernedly. If it weren't for Lupine's reassurance, she would give them a good lecture on everything she said.

"Minerva~, we should be more tolerant..." Dumbledore stroked his beard with a kind smile on his face, "They are still children, and there are indeed too many twists and turns in this matter..."

Professor McGonagall shook his head helplessly when he heard the words, and just got up to leave Dumbledore but stopped him again.

"Wait a minute, Minerva! There is one more thing!" Dumbledore hurriedly stopped Professor McGonagall as if he had thought of something important, "Can you inform Harry and Carl? I have something to ask them Two, but please don't let them come together..."

Snape, who was watching Harry next to him, couldn't help frowning when he heard this. He didn't know what trick Dumbledore was playing again.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore, my pleasure..."

Professor McGonagall nodded and walked down.

"We went to the Three Broomsticks today! Sirius bought a lot of food, and it's the first time I've seen Professor Lupine drink so much wine!"

At this moment, Harry was surrounded by a large group of people listening to him talk about what happened today. Most of them are Gryffindor lion cubs, but there are also some little badgers and eaglets who want to watch the excitement.

Malfoy, who was passing by, gave Harry a vicious look and then walked away quickly. He still couldn't figure out why Harry became so powerful.

A year ago, the two of them were evenly matched opponents, and the battle depended entirely on philosophical exchanges. How come this year they were unilaterally crushed and beaten?

It's not magic at all!

"Mr. Potter! I think if you come back so late next time, no matter what I say, I won't allow you to go to Hogsmeade..."

Harry was chatting vigorously with his Gryffindor friends at the moment. The sudden arrival of Professor McGonagall made the scene suddenly cold, and the noisy speech stopped abruptly.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips tightly, her expression a little stern.

"Sorry, Professor! I was so excited today, I know I was wrong..."

Dare next time.

Harry pouted and said, every little wizard in Hogwarts dare not contradict Professor McGonagall, so some things are destined to only be said in his heart.

"Professor Dumbledore wants to talk to you about something. Today's password in the principal's office is zizi honey..."

Hearing Harry's apology, Professor McGonagall was very satisfied, and his tone softened unconsciously. She reminded Harry a few words to pay attention to time in the future and strive to become a qualified time manager before leaving.

"Scared me to death...Professor McGonagall is really scary!" Ron patted his chest and watched Professor McGonagall go away, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. He thought they didn't make her happy anymore.

"It's okay..." Harry shrugged, looking quite helpless. "It seems that I have to go, Professor Dumbledore is still waiting for me!"

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