DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 443 The Coming Guests

Carl looked up, and Peeves noticed him now.

It was still wondering which little wizard was so stubborn and dared to look up, but when he opened his eyes and saw Carl's face clearly, he was shocked.

It's the devil! It couldn't forget any of the things Karl had done to him. Whenever he was confidently ready to play pranks and plan to trick those little wizards, as long as he met him, he would have no good fruit to eat.

And never once!

Peeves froze for a moment, let out a shrill scream, and then threw all the remaining water polos down, while he turned around and flew towards a higher place, trying to escape the scene at the speed of light.

Unfortunately, it was too late to understand.

In fact, when Karl saw it for the first time, it couldn't run away.

Karl gave a strange laugh, like a villain who did all kinds of evil in movies and TV dramas, and Peeves was the poor victim.

When the walnut wand was lightly tapped, the dozen or so water balls thrown by Peeves exploded in mid-air, merging and merging into a huge palm.

The five fingers of the palm were clenched suddenly, and then flicked. Peeves' scream instantly spread throughout the main Hogwarts castle, and under this huge force, the whole ghost flew around like a deflated balloon and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Damn Peeves, my hair is all wet!" Hermione stomped her feet and kept combing her wet hair.

"What happened here, did Hogwarts flood?!"

A cold and stern voice sounded in everyone's ears. Professor McGonagall couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the water-stained floor and the little wizards in distress.

Her thin lips were pursed, and she looked at the little wizards with stern eyes, only wanting an explanation.

"It's Peeves!" Hermione said through gritted teeth, pinching the corner of her robe that was a little wet.

"It's terrible!" Professor McGonagall took a deep breath, with a serious expression on his face, "Everyone dry your clothes first before queuing up to enter the auditorium! We will have guests arriving soon, please remember, you represent the most powerful in Europe Magic Academy, please don't let them read the joke..."

"Warm as day!"

Professor McGonagall waved his wand, and the warm light like the sun shone on the little wizards. They felt that they were starting to warm up instantly, and the coldness on their bodies was quickly disappearing...

"Embracing the warmth of the morning light..." Karl stretched out his right hand to feel the warm radiance, thinking silently in his heart.

Professor McGonagall came over to check the situation and gave some instructions before leaving in a hurry. In order to welcome the guests and the branch, she still has a lot of things to do...

"Hey! Did you listen carefully to what Professor McGonagall said, this time there are guests visiting Hogwarts!"

"I don't know who it is that made her so serious!"

"In my opinion, it must be Dumbledore's friend! Only a great wizard of this level can make Professor McGonagall so dignified!"

After Professor McGonagall left, the place exploded in an instant. The little wizards excitedly began to discuss what secrets were hidden behind this.

"Triwizard Tournament!" Carl's lips moved slightly, and then he began to recall what might happen this year in his mind.

Ten minutes later, the prefects of each college came to the team of their own colleges and began to greet the little wizards to line up and enter the auditorium in an orderly manner.

The hall was as resplendent as it had always been, freshly decorated for the opening ceremony, golden plates and goblets gleaming in the light of hundreds of floating candles.

Four long tables were filled with gossiping students, and at the top of the hall staff sat at a fifth table, facing their students.

Harry looked up at the table where the professors were sitting. There seemed to be a lot more vacant seats than usual, and the long tables of the four colleges seemed to be much longer. He guessed that this might be for those guests.

But... are there that many?

For a moment, Harry fell into deep doubts.

"Where is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Hermione also looked up and saw no strangers.

They have never seen a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who can persist for more than a year. So far, Harry's favorite teacher is none other than Lupine, but he resigned last year after all, which made him very sad . He looked up and down the staff desk, and there were absolutely no new faces there.

"Maybe they won't be able to find the next one!" Harry shrugged and said helplessly.

The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts is a consumable, and every year there will be problems due to force majeure. above.

The worst one will belong to this year's Professor Moody. Others can last at least a year, but he has finished before he even started...

While they were thinking about chatting, Professor McGonagall was ready to start sorting. This year's sorting ceremony looked more grand than ever. Professor McGonagall kept a straight face from the very beginning, and there was no trace of a smile on his serious face...

She unfolded a roll of ancient parchment with a solemn expression, and lowered her eyes to read the names on it. The freshmen whose names were read were either excited, restless or calm, and finally sat on the stool for a while. As soon as you put on that patched hat...

About twenty minutes later, after the Sorting Hat announced the fate of the last little wizard in the next seven years, this year's sorting ceremony came to a successful conclusion.

Professor McGonagall relaxed, waved his wand to move the stool away, and then walked to the teaching staff seat above.

Dumbledore slowly stood up from the C seat in the entire auditorium and nodded slightly towards Professor McGonagall. Then he showed a kind smile on his face, opened his arms, and said with a smile:

"Welcome... welcome back to Hogwarts, everyone!"

"I only have two words to tell you..." The old wand appeared in his hand, and the old headmaster's steady and heavy voice echoed in the auditorium, "Eat!"

As he finished speaking, while waving his wand gracefully, food taller than the little wizards was piled up on the tableware made of pure gold.

"Sure enough! The start-of-school banquet has never let me down!"

On the Gryffindor long table, Luo Hun, who was already hungry and growling, his eyes turned red instantly. He used both hands together, grabbing one chicken leg with one hand and taking a bite before changing to the other.

Carl brushed his hair, a pure smile appeared on his face, and then he blinked secretly at Dumbledore above...

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