"For example, poor Eros..." Professor Sprout had a sad expression on his face, and then said with some uneasiness: "Her "Flaming Bear" learned well, and tried to use this spell to get rid of acne."

"That girl..." Professor Sprout shook his head and said, "Some accidents happened in the end, which forced Madam Pomfrey to fix her nose with nails..."

After listening to these bizarre stories from Professor Sprout, the corner of Carl's mouth couldn't help twitching violently, and he used the flame spell to get rid of the acne. That girl was indeed a cruel person, at least he didn't dare to think about such things .

"Is acne really that terrible?" Carl smacked his lips, ignoring the distorted faces of other students, he took out a small mirror from his pocket and opened it to see his unparalleled handsome face.

"Ah~, the man in the mirror is so damn good..."

"Stop being narcissistic! Do you still want to stay here... Kouku~..."

Alex squeezed his nose and patted Carl's shoulder, urging him, the smell here was about to make him vomit, and if he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he would even vomit out the overnight meal.

"No way... no way~... no one really can't stand the cutie raised by Professor Sprout, right?"

Carl smiled charmingly, no one would love the bubble head curse once it was cast!


Alex gave him a blank look, and didn't bother to pay attention to him, and fled the third greenhouse tremblingly holding the next class book.

If he didn't leave, he was afraid that he would die here. Carl, a black-bellied and greedy guy, would definitely not help him collect his body!

"Is it that scary?" Carl shrugged, muttered and hurriedly followed.

Just had herbal medicine class, gotta go back and shower! Although those weird things didn't touch him at all, it seemed that something was missing if he didn't take a bath...

Just like Voldemort, who pursued a sense of ritual, must use the relics of the Big Four as Horcruxes...

After a frustrating first class, Carl's life was fine for the next two days, at least nothing major happened to him. But he understood that all of this was just a superficial phenomenon, because Hagrid's Magical Creature Protection class was coming soon, um~, tomorrow...

In this school year, in a sense, his thinking coincides with that of Professor Sprout, who likes to make those disgusting things to torture the students.

The only difference is that one of them chose plants, while the other chose animals.

Fried-tailed snails, just the name can make people get goosebumps all over.

At noon, Carl sat in his seat and counted what he would find in the future with his fingers.

At the Gryffindor table, Harry and Ron were comforting poor Neville, while Hermione, sighing, was using a spell to remove the frog's intestines from under his fingernails.

Professor Snape's vindictiveness seemed to reach a new level after a summer when he detained Neville and made him give a bucket full of horned toads so he couldn't magically disembowel them, which made him I almost had a nervous breakdown when I came back.

However, Professor Snape said that this is what he should do!

He has always speculated about Gryffindors with the greatest malice, but he didn't expect, and he didn't believe that Neville would be so cruel and vicious——

Neville didn't give him face in the first Potions class. Not only did he burn through two new cauldrons prepared by Hogwarts this school year to show his muscles to the other two schools of magic, but he also artificially created an explosion. !

The entire table was torn apart, and that power was stronger than that of the splitting curse with the same name!

Snape went berserk on the spot, turned into a master desktop cleaner and overturned Neville's desk, almost killing him with an Avada Kedavra curse.

"Do you know why Professor Snape has such a bad temper?" Ron sneaked a glance at Neville, who still had some tears on his face, and asked Harry in a low voice.

It wasn't once or twice that he was caught saying bad things about the professors behind his back. This time, he behaved himself, secretly observed and made sure that there was no sign of the old bat around him, and then opened his mouth quietly.

"Of course." Harry replied with great certainty, "it's because of Professor Moody, he failed again this year! But it's a little strange, he seems to be avoiding him all the time..."

As we all know, for some unknown reason, Snape had been coveting the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but he still lost the competition in the fourth year.

With the mentality that I can't get it and let others have it, Snape has always hated the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and showed his dislike.

But this year Snape's attitude made him very strange, he actually carefully hid his hatred for Moody, indeed. Whenever Harry saw the two of them together, at dinner, or in the hallway...

He was distinctly aware that Snape was avoiding Morty's eyes, normal or magical.

"Maybe, according to my father, Professor Moody used to be a very powerful Auror, and now he captured half of the dark wizards imprisoned in Azkaban..." Ron shrugged, "He doesn't As irritating as the previous few, Snape might be afraid..."

"When you are discussing these things, you should think about how to spend the potions class in the afternoon! If you make him a little dissatisfied, you will feel better!"

At this moment, Hermione finally helped Neville clean out the frog's intestines under her nails. She blew on her wand and said to the two of them calmly.

"You don't have to worry about that!" Harry smiled mysteriously. In fact, he never worried about Snape after reuniting with Lily.

You target me again believe it or not I told my mother? !

The phrase came to Harry's mind automatically, and he smiled and shook his head.

That Malfoy guy talks about his dad all day long, and now it's my turn, it's so unpredictable...

However, it feels really cool!

Harry suddenly understood what Malfoy was thinking. He hadn't enjoyed what family affection brought him for more than ten years, but now someone was cheering him on behind his back to shield him from the wind and rain...

"Then I wish you luck!" Hermione took out the Potions textbook and began to preview, and replied without looking up.

"Don't worry!" Harry nodded confidently.

But Ron, who looked at him confidently, was stunned. He threw himself on Harry and touched his forehead, and then his whole face was squeezed into a painful mask: "No, this doesn't have a fever either." , why are you talking nonsense?!"

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