DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 459: The Powerful One

Karkaroff was stunned, staring back at Harry, unable to believe his eyes.

Behind him, Durst Lang's students also stopped. Karkaroff's eyes slowly scanned Harry's face from bottom to top, and finally stopped on the scar.

The Durstrand students were all staring at Harry curiously, too. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw the look of enlightenment on some of their faces.

The boy with food stuck to the front of his robe lightly touched the girl next to him, a look of sudden realization suddenly appeared on his face, and he blatantly pointed to Harry's forehead with trembling fingers, speechless in shock.

"You read that right, he is Harry Potter! Why, Karkaroff, do you have any thoughts about him?!"

There was a growl from behind, followed by the sound of a wooden clubbing on the floor.

Karkaroff turned, and Moody was standing in front of him, leaning against his student, and his dark blue magic eye was staring unblinkingly at him, the Demstrang's. headmaster.

Karl heard the movement, and hurried over to see what happened, anyway, he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"You!" He stared at Moody, covered his chest and took a few steps back, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Huh? Interesting... I don't know if Death Eaters scare Death Eaters or not..."

Karl watched the two Death Eaters tear each other with great interest, and it was very interesting. He keenly observed that Karkaroff's face changed color, revealing a terrifying expression mixed with anger and fear.

"Me? What's wrong with me, tell me!" Moody said with a sneer, "Professor Karkaroff, but if you have nothing to say to Harry, you should step aside. You blocked the door..."

When Moody said this, he deliberately emphasized the word 'professor', and there was an expression of extreme disdain on his scarred face.

And he was right, half the students in the hall were waiting behind him, craning their necks to see what was causing the blockage.

Karkeroff didn't say a word, and led his students away with a blank expression.

Moody watched him go out of sight, and his magic eyes stared at his back again, with a look of extreme disgust on his fragmented face, and it wasn't pretending, he was really upset with Karkaroff.

When Harry returned to the lounge, he directly stopped Hermione, who was about to go back to the dormitory, and mysteriously pulled the little witch with a doubtful expression aside, hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice:

"Hermione, can you come out for a moment? I have something to ask you..."

"Is it about Carl?" Hermione knew what he wanted to ask, so she asked softly.

Harry nodded, and walked out.

"What the hell was that Vera you were talking about at the dinner party just now?"

Harry found a corner and asked anxiously. He wanted to ask this question just now, but he never found the opportunity.

"'Vera' means the one with great power in the Elvish language... It refers to the great existence that entered the world at the beginning of time and assumed the responsibility of guarding and governing the endless land...

In the distant ancient times, they were gods believed by elves and humans, and when their power reached a certain level, they would leave this world, at least that's what I found in the magic book..."

Hermione recalled the materials she checked in the library before, and said with mixed emotions.

"So maybe Karl will leave our world in the future?" After hearing this explanation, Harry almost couldn't stand up.

"I don't know about this..." Hermione shook her head, her understanding of this aspect was still very shallow.

"By the way, you just mentioned time...from the beginning of time? Do the 'Villas' have the power to control time?"

As if he had caught some key point, the memory fragments in Harry's mind kept flickering. He thought of the way Carl taught him to learn magic to restore his state last year, and the scene of Scabbers retreating automatically when he escaped...

"I said I didn't know!" Hermione replied to him a little irritably, then turned around and walked towards her bedroom without looking back.

"Hermione!" Harry hurriedly chased after her, but by the time he caught up, Hermione had already entered the bedroom door.

So, he had no choice but to go back to his dormitory a little depressed and then climbed into Ron's bed. He thought that the two of them could talk about what happened today tonight.


The next day was Saturday, and normally most students would have a late breakfast. However, not only Harry, but even Ron, who usually slept until noon on weekends, got up early.

When they entered the entrance hall, they found that there were already a dozen people wandering around in the hall. Of course, Karl was not among them, because no matter what happened, it was impossible for him to give up the weekend, which was a time when he could sleep until he woke up naturally.

Unless, someone who doesn't know what to do is playing Quidditch outside his window!

Some of these people were eating toast, some drinking milk, but it was remarkable that each of them was carefully watching the burning goblet.

It's in the middle of the hall on top of the stool that usually holds the sorting hat. On the surrounding floor was a thin golden thread, forming a circle with a radius of ten feet around it.

"Where's Krum? Did you see him? Did he put his name in there?"

Ron eagerly grabbed a Gryffindor student who came earlier, and asked anxiously.

"Of course, as a matter of fact, all of Durham's gang have been released, and no one has been left behind..." The innocent little wizard replied, and then sighed softly, "But I haven't seen any of them until now. Someone from Hogwarts put their names in..."

"What's the matter...I bet some of them threw names in after we left last night."

Harry stepped forward and patted the shoulder of the newly enrolled elementary school boy and said very relaxedly: "If it were me, I would do that, and I don't want everyone to see it.

What if the cup spit out your name right away? "

"Hey! Harry, you also said that you don't want to participate in the competition, so it's exposed now?"

Someone laughed behind his back.

Harry turned to see Fred and George rushing down the stairs, each looking excited with a crystal bottle in their hand.

"Would you like some aging agent? We just boiled it this morning and it's still warm. As long as you drink it later, you will be able to succeed in one fell swoop!"

Fred moved his big face closer, and then started to dangle the aging agent in his hand with a hey smile.

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