DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 466: Hagrid Falling In Love

Of course not!

Because I am lying to you!

How could the wizards of this world create an intelligent race out of thin air, that is an authority that can only be touched by gods.

"But...but they also have wisdom, and they have emotions, they shouldn't live in such an environment!" Hermione murmured to herself in a low voice.

"Then you may only know the answer to this question by asking their creators..." Carl tapped the table with his fingers and smiled at her.

After getting this answer, Hermione sank down like a deflated ball, and the corners of her mouth were still muttering.

Hagrid wanted to go up to comfort her, but she turned and avoided him, so he had to clear the tableware.

After the not-so-pleasant lunch, the sky began to rain. Carl sat by the stove, listening to the soft patter of raindrops hitting the window, while Hagrid was sewing with a ball of wool.

The big pumpkins outside the window are becoming more and more tender. If you ignore the little witch who is still sulking, all this looks quite harmonious and comfortable.

It started getting dark after 5:30, and Carl felt that it was time to go back to the castle, not only for the Halloween dinner, but more importantly, when the names of the warriors of each school would be announced.

"I'll go with you." As if thinking of something happy, Hagrid smiled inexplicably, and put his needlework aside, "Please wait a moment."

He got up, went to the bed, and groped for something in the chest of drawers. At the beginning, they didn't pay much attention to it, but after a long time, an unpleasant smell rushed straight into their nasal cavity.

Kalmer didn't say anything, but quickly put a head-bubbling spell on himself. He glanced at Hermione, thought for a moment, moved his fingers lightly, and gave her one too.

Ron coughed and asked, "Hagrid, what are you looking for? Ahem..."

"Huh?" Hagrid turned around, holding a large bottle. "Don't you like it?"

"Is it cologne?" Hermione's expression was a little bored.

"Uh, yes...it's cologne," Hagrid muttered, blushing and mumbled, "probably a little too much...I'll wash it off, later..."

He walked out of the hut, bent down and washed vigorously.


Several people were packing their things, and Ron suddenly pointed out the window and shouted.

Carl looked in the direction of his finger. Hagrid had just stood up and turned around. If he blushed just now, it was nothing compared to what he was doing now.

Cautiously, they stood up and looked out the window so that the half-giant in love would not notice them. Madame Maxime and the group of Beauxbaton students just got off the carriage, obviously they are also preparing to start the banquet.

Hagrid was talking to her, and they couldn't hear him because of the distance, but they could see the fascinated, hallucinated look on his face as he spoke.

Harry had only seen that look once, in his first year, when Norbert the dragon had just hatched.

"He's planning to go to the castle with her!" Carl twitched his lips, Hagrid's actions really annoyed him, "I thought he was waiting for us!"

He saw from a distance that Hagrid followed Madam Maxime without looking back. They walked quickly along the grounds towards the castle, and Beauxbaton's students followed their footsteps. trot to keep up with their strides.

"It's obvious! He likes her!" Ron shook his head, thinking the world was crazy, "Well, if they get to that point, they'll set a world record - I bet Their babies weighed a ton each!"

"A reasonable guess!" Carl echoed. Although he didn't know what the final outcome of Hagrid and Maxim would be, it didn't prevent him from gossiping at all.

They laughed and walked out of the hut, closing the door, and up the sloping meadow. It was dark outside now, and Harry couldn't help wrapping his cloak tightly around a cool breeze.

"Oh look, it's them!" whispered Hermione.

Without her reminding, Karl saw the group of Demstrang's people getting up from the lake to the castle from a distance. Krum and Karkaroff walked side by side, the other students trailing scatteredly behind.

Ron looked at Krum excitedly, he couldn't let him go in the end, but it was a pity that Krum didn't look around, just walked straight into the castle.

Today is Halloween, and the entire hall has been redecorated by the professors.

Black bats flapped their wings and flitted across the starry sky above their heads. There was a faint blue ghost fire inside the jack-o-lantern, floating around under the influence of magic, and ghosts screamed and whizzed past...

They walked through the corridor between the long tables to find a good place to sit. The hall was already full of people with flickering candles, and the burning Goblet of Fire had been moved to the professor's chair, just in front of Dumbledore's chair.

Ron looked at his two older brothers, Fred and George, who had lost their beards and seemed to have calmly accepted the fact of defeat.

Probably because it was their second feast of the school year, the Halloween dinner lasted a bit longer than usual.

But many little wizards didn't like the carefully prepared food as much as usual. They all stretched their necks to look around, with faint impatient expressions on their faces, and stood up from time to time to see if Dumbledore had finished eating.

Like them, Harry just wanted to finish eating quickly to find out who was selected from the other two schools. He felt that there was basically no suspense in Hogwarts.

Although in class these days, although he would fantasize in his heart from time to time that he would become a warrior and finally win the championship, he also knew in his heart that he was far behind Karl.

Even if he can break through the age limit, there is a high probability that the Goblet of Fire will not choose him. After all, there is only one warrior in each school...

Just as he was thinking wildly, those golden plates were finally cleaned up with a wave of Dumbledore's big hand and restored to their golden appearance, but the noise in the hall continued unabated.

But as soon as Dumbledore stood up, all the noise disappeared immediately. Karkaroff and Maxim stood on both sides of him. They looked as nervous and hopeful as the others.

The two referees from the Ministry of Magic also stood up from their chairs, and the expressions on their faces formed a sharp contrast. While Bagman smiled and winked at many of the students, Crouch seemed indifferent, even annoyed.

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