DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 477 Snape's Reasoning

"The old bat suddenly changed sex? No way, no way...it's not logical..."

Ron frowned and muttered to himself.

But he forgot that as long as he speaks ill of others behind his back, that person will inadvertently appear behind him...

After he finished complaining, he concentrated on cooking the potion. Although the old bat looked a little weird today, he didn't think that he would let him go so easily if he didn't do a good job before get out of class was over.

"No...why is it getting colder and colder?" Ron couldn't help rubbing his hands by mistake, feeling a little strange, since the cauldron in front of him was still burning, why the temperature dropped so much all of a sudden.

Then he glanced inadvertently, just in time to see the long shadow on the ground under the light, and in an instant, his skin got goosebumps.

Ron's pupils shrank sharply, and he almost couldn't catch his breath. He clenched his teeth, and his neck turned like a rusted gear bit by bit, with great difficulty. Snape's black His stinky face like the bottom of a pot is gradually enlarging in his eyes...

"Ah, Mr. Weasley..."

Snape's lips were pursed thinly, and he gradually outlined a meaningful and vicious smile. When he lost Harry as a target at the beginning of this semester, he suddenly felt quite uncomfortable, as if It's like something is missing.

Didn't you find it?

"You must think it would be a wonderful thing to imitate the professor's tone of voice and mock him in turn?"

Snape stared at him intently, admiring the expression of despair on Ron's face with great interest, and he suddenly felt extremely happy in his heart.

Yes! That's how it feels!

"Hiss...Professor Snape...huh...sorry..."

Ron's face instantly froze into a mask of pain, stammering and trying to beg Snape for mercy.

But the emotion of pity obviously does not appear on the old bat. Except for Lily, he has always been so ruthless to others. Even Harry is just a lover, let alone let Ron go.

"Twenty points deducted from Gryffindor for insulting the professor behind his back! Plus, confinement this Saturday! Flobberworms will love their new companion!"

Snape mercilessly delivered the final judgment to Ron, and after admiring Ron's desperate look about to cry again, he shook his dark cloak and wandered around the classroom. After all the lectures are finished, the rest is up to them to realize it by themselves...

Seeing this scene, Harry couldn't help shaking his head. Because of the previous incident, Ron didn't even want to sit next to him in the Potions class this time.

The time for a Potions class passed quickly. Harry had a great time in this class. He packed his textbooks contentedly and sat in his seat waiting for Snape. He still had a few questions he wanted to ask him. Let's take a look. Can I ask him for some magical potion, and wait for the Triwizard Tournament to start.

Poor Ron was different. When he stood up, his legs were weak. If Neville hadn't helped him in time, he might have fallen immediately.

In the cold and damp Potions classroom and the Potions professor who usually likes to talk about yin and yang, it is obvious that no one will stay here too much. Almost after Snape coldly said the word "end of get out of class", the little wizards packed up their things and went straight to the next classroom...

"Come on, Potter!"

Snape came down, said something coldly, and then walked towards his office on his own.

Harry wasn't angry when he saw this, but just followed silently. If it had been before, Snape's attitude was probably much worse than it is now.

Entering Snape's office again, Harry felt a long-lost feeling. But this time is different from the past. In the past, he came here to help Snape as a coolie. It has never been like this time...

"Ask if you have any questions!" Snapa opened a chair and sat in front of his desk, casually glanced at the homework handed in by the Hufflepuffs this morning, and frowned.

"If Voldemort really came back..."

"He has no chance to be resurrected again!"

Before Harry could finish speaking, Snape roughly interrupted him. The old bat looked away from the pile of homework with a gloomy face and raised his head. His pair of empty eyes were fixed on him. Harry.

"How do you know he won't be resurrected?!" Harry said angrily.

"Don't worry about it, I just know!" Snape sneered, and the iconic mocking smile returned to his face.

In the past few days, the Black Demon mark on his arm became hot from time to time, and this situation instantly aroused his vigilance.

The thing hasn't made any movement since Voldemort disappeared, and there is only one possibility for it to suddenly become hot right now—that is, Voldemort's power is gradually recovering, and it has gradually begun to affect them, former Death Eaters.

But he didn't panic about it at all, because the few words Carl had shown before made him understand that he was actually prepared long ago, waiting for Voldemort to take the bait.

"Heh... wanting to be resurrected...how can it be possible without my father's bones?"

Snape sneered inwardly, he still clearly remembered that Carl asked about the resurrection potion two or three years ago, in fact, every conversation between him and Carl would be firmly in his mind.

The vampire seemed to be able to predict the future, and what was vaguely revealed must be related to something that was about to happen.

Should have died but did not die, lingering in the world, expecting the bones of his father, the flesh of his servants, and the blood of his enemies to recast his body, who else could he be except his former master?

Snape couldn't think of a second partner.

The meat of the servants is easy to deal with, and there are many Death Eaters, so just get one.

As for the enemies...

Thinking of this, Snape looked at Harry more deeply. This time he somehow became a warrior representing Hogwarts, maybe his boss was plotting his blood.

No blood from an enemy who had nearly killed him was more effective and ritual!

Both of these are alive, and they don't have the only factor. After all, Voldemort has many enemies. That being the case, the vampire will definitely hit the "father's bone"...

Potion is an extremely delicate science, any wrong step will cause a chain reaction...

That's what he told him...

Based on such a deduction, Snape dared to conclude that the day Voldemort implemented his plan would be the day when he failed miserably again!

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