"You'll love it there," Hagrid whispered mysteriously, "it's worth a look, trust me.

Hmm... But don't tell anyone I'll take you there, understand? You should not know. "

"Of course I won't tell others." Maxim immediately nodded slightly as if he understood something, and said with blinking eyes at Hagrid.

They walked on, Harry checking his watch now and then, trotting to keep up with them, growing impatient. Even though they were wearing invisibility cloaks, the midnight cold still lingered on their bodies like a gangrene.

He thought to himself that if they didn't reach their destination quickly, he would turn around and go back to the castle, leaving Hagrid and Maxime to enjoy their moonlight walk.

Carl and Harry followed them until the castle and the lake were out of sight, when they heard something, someone shouting ahead, and then an ear-splitting bang.

"Be careful, Harry! We should be almost there!" Carl reminded in a low voice, and at the same time quickly waved his wand, and then threw out several spells to hide his figure.

After Hagrid led the Maxi around a bush, he stopped. They hurriedly followed and stood beside them. There was a faint fire flickering in the bushes, followed by a large group of people shouting excitedly, as if some kind of ceremony was being held.

"Let's go and have a look!" Carl raised his eyebrows, then pushed aside the bushes beside him, and pulled Harry closer.

After seeing that shocking scene, Harry stepped back a few steps, covered his mouth and almost screamed, at this moment he couldn't believe his eyes.

Four giant adult dragons! Standing up, growling, and breathing in a plank-walled enclosure—their wide-open mouths not only had fangs, but bursts of flame that stretched fifty feet into the air.

A silver-gray-blue dragon with long, pointed horns roared and roared at the wizards on the ground, and another phosphorescent green dragon twisted its body and stamped heavily on the ground with all its might...

There were at least forty wizards in the paddock, and every ten or so of them dealt with one dragon, trying to control them as much as possible, desperately holding on to the iron chains tied around the leather rings around the necks and legs of the dragons.

The spell rays of different colors shone in the night sky, and the thick and hot dragon's breath was suppressed by the huge water flow summoned by the wizards before it had time to ignite the surrounding trees.

Every second, dozens of dazzling and powerful stun spells were shot at the giant dragons. At the same time, the spells of confinement kept them in place, making it difficult to move even a single step.

Harry was completely stupefied by this scene. He raised his head and looked at the eyes of the black giant high in the sky. There were round cat-like eyeballs in those eyes, which were bulging big. He didn't know whether it was because of fear or anger. The voice resounded through the sky, and it was extremely terrifying.

They are the most powerful magical creatures in the wizarding world, but they can only bow their heads in the hands of wizards who are far more numerous than them.

"Stay there and don't come over in a hurry, Hagrid," a young wizard near the wall noticed Hagrid on one side, and he grabbed the chain in his hand and shouted, "This dragon can spray water within twenty feet. Fire can scorch people in just an instant!"

"But isn't this beautiful? Look at their perfect bodies~..." Hagrid rubbed his palms together, looking at the four controlled fire dragons with infinite tenderness in their eyes, he wished he could go up and rub them immediately.

"You're the only bastard who thinks that! This is life-threatening! Damn the Ministry of Magic!" Another thin wizard rolled his eyes and yelled at him, "Don't just look, come here and pull the chain, this thing You are very strong! Wait for me to count to three, and use the Stunning Curse together!"

"Here we come!" Hagrid replied, strode over happily, and grabbed a chain that the man handed him. The half-blood giant's talent showed its power, the dragon let out a mournful cry, and almost fell to the ground directly.

"Now! In a swoon!"

The leading wizard raised his arms with joy, and the rest of the wizards also shouted in unison. The stun spell shot into the night sky like lit fireworks, and then turned into a meteor shower and fell on the dragon's disk-like hide. superior.

Harry watched as the dragon closest to them began to wobble on its legs, swinging dangerously from side to side, opened its mouth suddenly, let out a howl, snuffed out the fire, but the smoke was still rising... and then, very slowly, , fell down—

That strong body weighing several tons fell to the ground with a bang, like an earthquake, the ground trembled, and endless smoke and dust surged up...

The huge impact spread in all directions, causing Carl and Harry, who were peeking aside while wearing an invisibility cloak, to stagger and almost fall.

After dealing with one of the dragons, the wizards freed up a team, and soon the second and third were also subdued by them.

"Above Merlin!"

Harry looked at the four fire dragons that fell to the ground in front of him, and he was completely shocked. Their power made Harry clearly understand why this magical creature was at the top of the food chain.

"Could it be that our first project is to face these dragons..." Harry swallowed hard, covering his face, if he still doesn't understand why Hagrid brought them here, then he The heart is also too big.

"Isn't the dragon a standard configuration for warriors? It seems that both fairy tales and real life like to connect these two elements..."

Carl smacked his lips, and replied lightly as if he had expected it.

"A dozen or so powerful adult wizards had to exert so much effort to subdue a chained fire dragon. There are four here, and there are exactly four warriors... No way no way!"

Harry was almost dumbfounded, he never expected that the first event of the Triwizard Tournament would be so exciting. He glanced at the protruding fangs of the giant dragon with some fear, and secretly thought about the probability of surviving after being bitten by this thing.

Hmm~, with half of my body chewed to pieces, the chance of surviving is probably equal to zero...

"Don't think too much, Harry!" Carl patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "If you want to defeat a fire dragon head-on, even an Auror-level wizard needs at least seven or eight wizards, otherwise it's just sliding... "

"Sliding shovel?" Harry's mind was full of question marks at the moment, "What do you mean?"

"Ah, this!" Carl shook his head,

"The fire dragon rushed over, and I slid under him with a sliding shovel. I turned my wand into a knife and cut open his stomach, and the internal organs fell all over the floor.

Or just lean back on the spot, turn the wand into a long and thin tip and press it against the ground, and the fire dragon will pounce on the ground and stab it to death...

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