DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 492: The Eve

"Are you that confident?" Hermione looked at Carl speechlessly, "Fire dragons are not creatures that can be subdued casually!"

"That's for other people!" Carl replied as it should.

Harry stood aside very envious, he didn't sleep well last night because of this incident, and as a result, he didn't have much appetite for breakfast today, and at this moment his stomach had already started to growl.

After the Transfiguration class, Harry impatiently grabbed Hermione and Carl. He didn't forget to learn the Flying Curse. They went straight to an empty classroom, where Harry, under Carl's tutelage, did his best to make various objects in the room fly towards him.

But it is still a bit difficult and not proficient enough. Those practice books and quills often lose their center of gravity halfway through the air and fall to the ground like stones.

"Harry, you need to pay attention!" Hermione stood in the corner and reminded him anxiously.

"Haven't I been concentrating as much as I can?" Harry, who had failed many times, looked a little annoyed, he raised his wand again panting, "But somehow it just doesn't work! Well, let's do it again."

"The key to the Flying Curse is the will of the caster. You have to make the item obey your will as much as possible! Don't think about what kind of dragon you will draw tomorrow!"

Carl sat leisurely on a chair beside him, correcting Harry's mistakes. He could tell at a glance that Harry was anxious about the upcoming game tomorrow.

When practicing magic spells, emotions can almost be regarded as the first factor affecting efficiency.

With Carl's advice, Harry calmed down a little. He paused his frenzied practice and sat down on the slightly cool floor to rest for a while.

When he stood up again, his complexion was much better, at least the night that had been lingering in his mind just now would no longer affect him.

Time seems to be advancing in a way that has never been done before, and it is fleeting. One minute they are still concentrating on practicing spells in an empty classroom, and the next minute the door of the auditorium is close at hand.

Unknowingly, a morning passed like that.

"Are fire dragons that scary? It takes so much time to practice a Flying Charm..." Carl walked in front, put the Philosopher's Stone back in his pocket, and couldn't stop talking.

The Flying Curse is actually very simple, and the incantations and gestures are not complicated, as long as you have a little firm will and some practice, you can quickly master it.

At least Carl was like this when he learned this magic from Snape. He learned it without much effort, which made the old bat itch at the beginning - another chance to be weird.

But Harry is different. It may be that the scene last night was too shocking. The shadows of the four fire dragons ran out to make trouble when he was practicing, which made him really unable to concentrate, so that Karl had to use magic. Shi reversed the time for half a day - he didn't want to come back to practice with Harry in the afternoon.

Not enough talent, time to make up.

Although the clock had only ticked a quarter, it had been a solid day in the classroom for Harry.

Due to the time reversal, if they were placed at normal times, they should have already had dinner by now, but it's just noon now.

"It's really not easy to practice with you!" Hermione dragged Harry to find a seat and sat down quickly, picked up a chicken leg and stuffed it into her mouth. She was almost starving to death.

"I didn't mean to..." Harry said weakly, he felt that if Hermione was on him, he wouldn't necessarily be better than himself.

"You still need to practice your Flying Curse again, otherwise it will be terrible if you lose the chain tomorrow!"

After eating something, Hermione finally regained some strength, she thought carefully and reminded again.

"You can rest assured!"



In the eerie Potions classroom, Snape frowned at the sudden ringing of the dismissal bell. He flicked his large cloak and hurried back to the podium, his empty eyes swept over every little wizard present. A malicious smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth.

"I want to see a paper that is filled with at least two parchments before next week! Of course, if you insist on completing my thesis according to Professor Binns' request, hum...then I can only wish him Good luck..."

Snape bent down and grabbed a typical paper from the podium and said to the little wizards gloomily. At this time, a cold wind blew by, and all the little wizards present shivered.

They naturally know what the old bat means. Professor Binns has always been confused, so they usually expand the line spacing in the papers he assigns to achieve the purpose of being lazy.

However, last week, a young Gryffindor wizard thought the same thing about Snape's homework.

Then, then there is no more...

He was almost strangled to death by the furious old bat on the spot, and the confinement lasted until the end of Christmas...

"Ah~ I almost forgot, Mr. Harris seems to have immunity for this assignment?

That's right, tomorrow is the day when the Triwizard Tournament begins, and warriors always need to be special. But I hope he doesn't have any problems..."

Snape licked his lips, then turned his head for a moment, his eyes fixed on Carl.

What the hell is going on with this damn old bat today!

Karl cursed secretly in his heart, but there was still a smile on his face: "Thank you for your good words!"

Seeing that Carl held back his temper and didn't choose to confront him, Snape snorted coldly, looking rather displeased.

"Come to my office later! There was something wrong with your homework last time!"

He said coldly, flicked the wide sleeves of his wizard robe, put away all the teaching materials, and walked out of the classroom quickly. The wind blowing into his robe made it agitate, and it looked like a flying bird from a distance. Dementors.

"Tsk..." Carl raised his eyebrows, thinking that Snape couldn't help but want to be slaughtered again?

But thinking about it, he didn't know what the content of the Triwizard Tournament would be tomorrow, and Lily might be in a hurry right now.

"Good afternoon, Professor Snape! I don't know why you are looking for me this time?"

Hearing a light click, Carl gently pushed open the office door, revealing a gap, poked his head out from inside to hold the door frame, and blinked at Snape, whose hair was full of black lines.

Snape resisted the urge to beat him up and gave him a wink to come in and talk. He still remembered that Carl first entered his office in this manner three years ago.

Then, he went on a road of no return...

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