Like a nimble bird, Harry easily dodged the sure-killing blow of the fire dragon. Immediately afterwards, the fire dragon saw that his attack had failed, and opened its mouth wide. Huge fireballs were spewed out by him one after another. For a while, it was as spectacular as a meteor shower.

As soon as the fireball hit the hard ground, it exploded violently. The scorching air wave mixed with the debris from the explosion caused Harry a lot of trouble.

"Shenfeng Wuying!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and invisible void blades surrounded his body. Once a gravel approached his body, it would be cut into powder immediately...

While smashing the obstacles that blocked him, he didn't forget to attack the fire dragon. The golden egg was tightly covered in its arms, making it impossible for him to do anything. He had to let it take the initiative to let it out!

"Torn apart!"

Harry yelled, and a Splitting Curse greeted the dragon's huge and ugly cheek.

But such a curse, which is enough to blow a big rock apart, seemed to sink into the sea after successfully hitting the fire dragon. It didn't have the slightest effect, and the fire dragon didn't even blink its eyes.

Suddenly Harry was terrified, and at the same time, a tongue of flame that could burn him into carbon exploded above his head, and now he didn't care about the golden egg, and hurriedly controlled the Spiritual Leap of God to dodge quickly.

Purely as a broomstick, its performance is estimated to be the best in the world, and under Harry's superb control, those scorching fireballs didn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

However, it is not an option to avoid it all the time! His goal is the golden egg, not a game of peek-a-boo with the dragon!

Harry gritted his teeth and decided to take the initiative again. The wand in his hand was like a machine gun, shooting various spells one after another from the tip of the wand.

Although these spells are like tickling the fire dragon, the more times it makes it more angry.

In his eyes, Harry seemed like a fly buzzing around him, but the most annoying thing was that the fly was flying so fast that it couldn't do anything about it.

Finally, after a flame curse exploded on its forehead, the Swedish short-nosed dragon finally chose to eat Harry first.

It moved its huge body, waving its forelimbs vigorously, and at the same time, its big mouth full of fangs was not idle, and the huge fireball approached this not too big enclosure at a faster frequency.

Harry was overjoyed when he saw the big stupid dragon finally couldn't hold back and left the lair, and now he was more than half successful.

But the more he got to the critical moment, the less he dared to take it lightly, because Furong's lesson just now left him too deep an impression, the giant dragon would definitely go crazy when faced with his child being robbed!

In order not to have a powerless scene like Fleur just now, Harry strictly controlled the magic power in his body to keep it in a stable state. Anyway, his magic spell couldn't even break the fire dragon's defense...

And the more angry you are, the easier it is to show your flaws. Taking advantage of the gap between the fire dragon roaring up to the sky again, Harry's eyes lit up, and he looked at those scarlet eyes without fear!

The scales are impenetrable, but what about the eyes?

"It's now! Shenfeng Wuying!"

He made a decisive decision, several invisible void blades turned into sharp daggers and pierced towards the fire dragon's eyes.

Although there was nothing in front of him, the humming sound and the threat of death could not be faked.

The fire dragon quickly closed its eyes, and the next moment, five invisible daggers pierced its eyelids fiercely, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

Taking advantage of the momentary blindness of the fire dragon, Harry passed by its claws with a whoosh, and in the blink of an eye a golden egg was held in his arms...

He manipulated the Spirit of God to spin beautifully in the air, and after jumping off, he landed firmly on the ground.

Unlike Fleur's blood-stained face after finishing the game, Harry didn't get hurt at all. He just patted the dust on his clothes and tidied up his somewhat messy hair. His golden egg wanted to get back into the tent.

In the tent, Krum, who had witnessed the whole process of Harry passing the level, frowned and his face became even more gloomy.

It was originally his plan to use the broomstick to get the dragon eggs, but this was the way he and Karkaroff discussed overnight! Originally, he thought that relying on his superb strength as a world-class ball seeker, he could pass this level without much effort...

Unexpectedly, the change was always faster than the plan, and Harry just went ahead of him on the stage, and also thought of the method that the two of them thought of.

What can I do?

The answer is, of course, nonsense!

"It's not fair!" Karkaroff on the referee seat began to protest loudly when Harry had just finished the game, "Magic items of this level should not appear in the Triwizard Tournament! Otherwise, the test of the game Is it the strength of the warrior itself or the strength of magic props? !

If this is the case, then in the future Triwizard Tournament, everyone will take out the bottom-of-the-box items of their own colleges and compare them!

And, Albus, this is the second time! As a referee, I will absolutely not allow any more injustice to happen! I think Harry Potter's achievements this time should be taken for granted! "

Karkaroff stared at the Spirit of God that had not been put away in Harry's hand, his acerbic face was full of anger.

As for the first time, of course he refers to the time when Karl used the Philosopher's Stone to forcefully break through the age line.

Karl from the tent came out, and couldn't help but sighed slightly after hearing Karkaroff's speech.

It's too damn shameless, Harry didn't say it when he just touched it. The competition is over, and now it's time to play tricks, and the results will be voided if you keep your mouth shut.

The old Yin compares.

Dumbledore also frowned. He had a premonition when he saw Harry calling Carl's Spiritual Leap before that he might cause trouble, and now it really came true!

"Oh~...Igor!" Dumbledore stretched his brows and smiled gently: "The Triwizard Tournament tests their strengths, courage, theory, reasoning ability, and ability to overcome danger...

Obviously, whether it's a variety of spells or superb flying ability, Harry has played to his strengths perfectly, allowing us to see a wonderful game...

That being the case, how can it be considered a violation? "

Karkaroff's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and Dumbledore's answer was impeccable.

Just when he was so angry that he wanted to fight again, Bagman stepped in again...

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