DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 507 Carl: Hermione, can you dance?

Chapter 507 Carl Hermione, can you dance?

In the early morning of the next day, although the game was over, the little wizards were still discussing the performance of the Warriors in twos and threes. In particular, Carl and Harry suppressed Fleur and Krum, which made them even more excited.

However, Hogwarts is a magical school, regardless of natural disasters or man-made disasters, it will never stop functioning.

Thanks to Dumbledore's favor, the little wizards who enjoyed an extra half-day vacation got up early in the morning and had to accept many upcoming courses.

Even Karl couldn't avoid this problem, because the game has come to an end, which means that he has no reason to ask the professors for leave.

He looked at the Transfiguration classroom with the door open to him, sighed helplessly, put the required magic book on top and walked in.

"Find a seat and sit down, Mr. Harris! We're about to start class!" At this moment, Professor McGonagall had finished finishing the teaching materials, and looked at him urgently.

"Okay, Professor McGonagall!" Carl nodded at her, and he saw Hermione beckoning to him, and there was an empty seat beside her.

It was another boring transformation class. In fact, Professor McGonagall could do it with his eyes closed at his current level of magic.

The content of the fourth grade is really too simple.

"Potter! Weasley! Listen carefully, will you?

What I'm about to say next is very important! Don't blame me for not warning you if you mess up! "

Professor McGonagall's hoarse and irritated voice startled Harry and Ron, who were making jokes, and jumped up. They looked up at her in embarrassment, their faces flushed.

"I have something to announce to everyone—" Professor McGonagall gave them a cold look, and then continued:

"Christmas is coming, and Hogwarts will hold a grand ball. This is a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament, and it is also one of the few opportunities to communicate with foreign guests.

Students from the fourth grade and above can participate, but you can also invite lower grade students as dance partners, if you like..."

After hearing the 'big event' announced by Professor McGonagall, Harry shrugged disapprovingly. He thought she was going to talk about something big, but it turned out to be a ball.

It has nothing to do with him, he can't dance, and he doesn't want to dance.

"Oh~...It's tradition again, why are there so many traditions!"

Harry muttered unhappily, he felt that this Christmas party was destined to be a lot worse than his previous experience.

Just because he didn't want to go to the ball, it didn't mean that other little wizards didn't want to.

In fact, just after Professor McGonagall announced the news, the little wizards in the classroom who were a little listless immediately became excited.

The dance party is one of the most suitable places for socializing, especially for those little wizards whose feelings have just been aroused at the age of fifteen or sixteen. develop.

"It's the prom, but what if I don't know how to dance..." Carl also slammed his mouth, he encountered the same dilemma as Harry, he can dance a fart, if he really does it, he might be ridiculed .

He didn't want to lose face, social death was too scary.

But as a warrior, he seems to have to attend this ball again, because the original intention of this ball was originally held for them, which is also in the tradition.

For a moment, he was caught in a dilemma.

"It would be great if there was a heavenly dancer, even one of them..."

Karl murmured melancholy, this set of armor that provides the power of harmony is named after the five dances in the world.

Romantic melody waltz, sexy free and easy tango, charming rhythmic rumba, fierce joyful tap, passionate dancing samba.

After collecting a set, it comes with its own BGM, which saves even the stereo and two and a half years of practice time. It is worth having... What a fart!

With a backhand set of Dimensional Traveler, his combat power can break through the sky in no time!

Although the effect is a lot of crotch, but Karl feels that according to the power of time manifested by his magic stone, this set of equipment may also inherit the effects of those dances.

However, stretching the hips is at least the highest-level epic, and it may not be affordable to empty him out.

Hermione, who was sitting next to him, took a sneak peek at him, and couldn't help but feel hot when she saw him lost in thought. She unconsciously tapped the quill on the book, and wanted to turn her head to say something to Carl several times but couldn't The hesitation stopped.

"Hermione, can you dance?" Carl put his elbows on the table, put his palms on his cheeks and asked the little witch beside him with his lips pursed.

"Ah? What did you say, can you repeat it again. I'm sorry, I didn't hear clearly..." Carl's unexpected question made Hermione tremble, and she asked embarrassingly while touching her face.

"What's the matter with you today?" Carl frowned. Being absent-minded in class is not something Hermione can do. "I said, can you dance?"

"Is it about the prom?" Hearing that Carl asked this question, Hermione's mind suddenly became active, and she raised her head and said proudly: "Of course, I can do things that are more common at proms, such as waltz and rumba! Cha Cha , I have also learned tango and so on!"

"You're amazing!" Carl twitched the corners of his mouth. Miss Know-it-all is worthy of being Miss Know-it-all, she knows a little bit about everything, "Then can you teach me?"

"Huh?" Hermione's eyes widened, and she began to panic, and now her heart was beating wildly.

Is this another meaning of inviting her as a dance partner? Although she had been looking forward to this moment for a long time, the sudden realization of this fantasy caught her by surprise...

"Of course! Dancing is very simple, you can learn it in a few days at most..."

Hermione forced herself to calm down, took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Miss Granger, Mr. Harris... Please note that it is class time! If you have anything to say, you can leave it until after class!"

Before Carl could thank him, Professor McGonagall floated over like a ghost and stood beside them silently, his anger rising faintly...

"Ah... sorry, Professor McGonagall! The dance was too sudden, we were just too excited, and we will definitely not do it next time!" Carl hurriedly apologized to her, annoyed that Professor McGonagall didn't have good juice to eat.

"I know you are all very excited, but you should also pay attention to the occasion... You can talk about this kind of thing slowly after class, anyway, it's still about a while before Christmas..." Professor McGonagall's expression turned slightly Somewhat relaxed, but still said with a straight face.

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