Do not die

Chapter 127 The excitement from all sides, the power of body refining

In the past, although there were not too many second-level spiritual planters in Mikawahara, compared to the demand for second-level spiritual planters in Mikawahara at that time, they were basically balanced.

Because of the special need for spiritual planters in Sanchuan Plain, and because of the deliberate efforts of the Sanchuan Society to win over them, the number of second-level spiritual planters in Sanchuan Plain ranks among the top among all the second-level spiritual veins in the Qingxuan Territory.

However, all this changed completely with the attraction of Jade Lake Fairy City to second-level professionals.

As people go to higher places, what practitioners are most concerned about is only progress on the great road.

In a very short period of time, almost all the second-level spiritual planters from Mikawahara left.

The only one left is the head of the Fan family, who is now rotting and stinking in this quiet room.

It was precisely because of his existence that the Sanchuan Club, and even the entire Sanchuan Plain, was able to survive last year's seemingly calm year, but in fact there was an undercurrent.

Now, he died silently in his quiet room.

This sudden situation made President Pan feel a little troubled.

At this moment, two foundation-building monks hurriedly entered the quiet room, wanting to report something to the old man.

But he suddenly turned around and looked at President Pan, as if he had some scruples.

President Pan frowned and suddenly said, "Should I avoid it?"

The old man said: "President Pan is one of our own, there is nothing to avoid, let's talk."

"We have everyone under control," one of them said.

The old man nodded and said: "Okay, we must not let them escape until the truth comes to light! ... Did they take precautions against your actions in advance?"

"No, they didn't even show any basic resistance. They were just very confused and kept asking us why we did this...Looking at their expressions, it doesn't look like they are being fake."

The old man sneered and said: "If you don't seem to be lying, are you really innocent?

It's when this kind of person gets into trouble that it really kills him! "

President Pan felt bad when he heard the conversation between the two, but he listened patiently. Then he looked at the old man and asked in a deep voice: "Old Dai, who did you control?"

The old man whom he called Lao Dai, whose real name was Dai Shouli, made no secret and said, "Zhu Qian, Luo Dai, and Luo Xing."

President Pan was so shocked that his hair almost stood on end, and he hurriedly said: "You, you... why are you controlling them?"

Dai Shouli said:

"The day the head of the Fan family died was around the time the Luo family father and son came to Sanchuan Plain.

We lost a second-level mid-level spiritual planter. Oh, there just happened to be a second-level mid-level spiritual planter from outside.

Is there such a coincidence in this world? ! "

President Pan's eyes widened and he looked at him in disbelief.

"You... you conclude that they are related to the death of the Fan family based on this? Are you too far-fetched?

Don’t you think this is more likely to be a coincidence deliberately created by the real murderer?

Think about it, if this matter was really related to them, no one with a little bit of brain would come up with this coincidence and would just choose the time to commit the crime at another time.

By doing this now, wouldn't it be to deliberately draw suspicion onto yourself? "

Dai Shouli said, "Isn't that also related to them?"

President Pan was confused: "What do you mean?"

"Why did the murderer behind the scenes frame them and not someone else?!"

"I believe that as long as we follow this line, we will definitely find the real clue!"

Looking at the plausible and unquestionable reasoning of the old man in front of him, President Pan felt his scalp numb.

He knew that if he continued to struggle with the other party on this matter, he would be the fool.

He decided to directly discuss his interests with the other party.

"Old Dai, do you know that now more than half of the spiritual fields in Sanchuan Plain are newly reclaimed land.

If there were no spiritual planters to take care of them, would these spiritual fields suffer a large-scale reduction in production or even no harvest? "

Dai Shouli said indifferently: "What does this have to do with me and us?"

President Pan was stunned for a moment, and then felt a chill in his heart.

The upper limit of the newly opened spiritual fields is only second-level mid-grade, and the proportion will not be too high.

The improvement in the quality of the spiritual field actually means that the leyline spiritual energy in the area is becoming more and more active.

In Sanchuanyuan, there is only one most effective way, and that is continuous management.

After more than ten or twenty years of management of the newly opened spiritual fields, coupled with the subtle influence and continuous adjustment and sorting of the spiritual plants themselves all year round, the spiritual fields can basically become mature spiritual fields, and there is no need to worry about the problem of rising earth energy.

Continue to serve, and as the operation time becomes longer, the quality of the spiritual fields will gradually improve. Thirty to fifty years later, the proportion of second-order middle-grade spiritual fields will exceed that of second-order low-grade spiritual fields.

The Lingtian, which was originally a second-level mid-grade product, will gradually improve its quality and reach a second-level high-grade product.

For example, among the thousand acres of spiritual fields owned by the Fan family, there are 300 acres of second-level high-grade spiritual fields. This is the result of at least seventy or eighty years, or even hundreds of years of continuous management.

For the local forces in the Sanchuan Plain, such spiritual fields are the most important assets.

It is equivalent to a second-level high-grade spiritual material mine.

At the same time, there is another fact that is counterintuitive to most people, that is, the higher the quality of the spiritual field, the easier it is to manage it.

Let's take the Fan family's thousand acres of spiritual land as an example. There is no need to consider the problem of rising earth energy, and the chance of suffering from diseases and pests is also very low.

It can be said that for a spiritual field like this, even if there is no spiritual planter to take care of it for two or three years, there will not be any major problems, as long as it keeps raining on time.

What are local monks and local forces?

If our family doesn’t have hundreds or thousands of acres of “Lingtian Mine”, how can we have the nerve to call ourselves “local”?

This is an obvious advantage that local forces have over foreign landowners.

The landowners of foreign villages do not really own the ownership of the spiritual fields. When they leave, these farmlands will enter the rotation of Sanchuanhui.

What is certain is that when those farms that have been continuously operated for more than fifty years are vacated again, they will only be transferred into the hands of local forces next time.

The new landowners from outside the village can only open up new spiritual fields or obtain a piece of land that has been cultivated for 20 to 30 years, but the real mature spiritual fields will not be in their hands.

The Sanchuan Club, represented by President Pan, is also happy to see this happen.

First of all, this is an important reason why the Sanchuan Society has been able to develop and grow to its current situation with the tacit approval of many local forces.

Furthermore, this also objectively led to the high dependence of outside village landowners on spiritual planters, and the value of the Sanchuan Society was thus reflected.

People's hearts are so strange. If Sanchuan would take good care of the spiritual fields of the landowners from outside the village, after planting the spiritual seeds, as long as they water them on time, a bumper harvest will come in a few years. At that time, Sanchuan would jump in to share the profits, and Zhuang Landlord would inevitably have various psychological imbalances.

On the other hand, if a small piece of spiritual land is allocated, something will happen every three days. The Sanchuan Society will respond to every request and provide people with help. When the time comes to harvest the share, facing the Sanchuan Society as a sharer, the owner of the village will basically think, "It should be done." Yes, Sanchuan will earn hard-earned money, so it’s not a loss.”

This is why President Pan feels chilled.

Since the middle of last year, the spiritual fields operated by a large number of migrant farm owners are basically the spiritual fields newly opened up, and many of them are even newly opened!

Lao Dai arranged for people to control the only two spiritual planters in Sanchuanyuan in the name of "suspects". At first, he thought he was an old fool.

Only now do I realize that this was simply a cunning attempt to take advantage of the situation and push the situation along.

His purpose was not at all to find the two spiritual planters Zhu Qian and Luo Dai, nor to find the real murderer, but to target these outside village landowners.

Just thinking about the consequences, President Pan felt his scalp numb. He looked at the old man and said seriously:

"Old Dai, do you know what you are doing? Do you think those foreign foundation builders are soft persimmons who are easy to bully?

If they take the opportunity to attack, do you know how serious the consequences will be? "

Dai Shouli's old face was unruffled, and he said calmly:

"The worst that can happen is that Mikawahara will be returned to what it was more than 80 years ago. It's not like you and I haven't experienced it at that time, so what's so scary?!"

President Pan glared and said:

"Do you know what you are talking about?! Do you know how many foreign foundations there are now?

It’s almost five times, it’s almost five times ours, do you know? "

His words did not make the old man rational, but instead seemed to completely anger an angry old lion.

His old eyes were wider than President Pan's, filled with anger and violence.

"You still have the nerve to say, isn't this all your fault?!"

"Me? What's wrong with me?" President Pan was shocked.

Dai Shouli said:

"Since you have foreseen in advance that the number of foreign foundation builders will increase dramatically in these few months, you should take precautions in advance, make it more difficult for those foreign foundation builders to move into Sanchuan Plain, and control their number!

It's a good thing for you, not only don't you control it, but you try to attract and attract it in different ways.

People will be starved to death if they eat too much. Don’t you understand such a simple truth? "

President Pan was silent.

Dai Shouli continued:

"Do you admit it? Since the number of outside foundation builders exceeded a hundred, you have lost control of the situation!

Don’t you have any idea in your mind?

Years ago, a small joint pressure forced you to deal with it carefully.

Have you ever been so passive before?

Has Sanchuan ever been so cowardly?

This year, the number of foreign foundations is still increasing. In the future, you will only become more and more passive!

It won't be long before the illusion you carefully maintained will be exposed.

When the time comes, it won’t be a big deal for Sanchuan to do anything!

Since it will eventually be exposed, don't deceive yourself and others. It would be more honorable for us to expose this cover ourselves! "

President Pan continued to remain silent.

"Now, there are indeed a lot of foreign foundation builders, but after careful analysis, our advantages are still huge."

“First of all, these foreign foundations are basically in the early and middle stages of cultivation. There may be hidden late-stage monks, but there won’t be many.

Therefore, although their numbers are large, the gap in strength between them and ours will never be too large. "

"Secondly, excluding some individuals who hide their identity and strength, most of the foundation-building monks who come to Sanchuan Plain to farm have relatively shallow foundations, and their reserves of magical weapons, talismans, and elixirs are far less rich than ours.

And they are not good at fighting and fighting by nature. Many of them have improved their strength through this Qinglinfang auction, and there are many parallel imports. "

"Thirdly, although there are many people coming from outside to build the foundation, they are like a piece of loose sand. It is difficult to knit them together in a short time. We are different!"

“Fourth, and most importantly, to measure the strength of both sides is not just based on the level of cultivation.

How long have we been operating here? How long have they been here?

Our farms and fields can be easily connected together, and the forts are connected with each other, and are protected by perfect formations.

And what about their farmland?

Not only are they scattered among themselves, most of them don't even have a decent array of protection.

So what if there are so many of them?

It’s just a bunch of rabble! "

President Pan took a deep breath and said slowly: "Lao Dai, I really didn't expect that you... or you guys have thought so carefully. Then have you ever thought that this is probably the real culprit behind the scenes? What’s the purpose?!”

"He just wants to instigate conflicts between local monks and foreign monks, so that we can cause chaos and fight, and eventually beat Sanchuan Yuan to pieces."

"If the situation really develops to this point, who do you think will be the proudest person?"

Dai Shouli closed his old eyes for a moment, then opened them again and said calmly:

“I only know that the further we go, the more difficult our situation will be.

If we don't do something now, I'm really afraid that when we want to do something one day in the future, we won't be able to do anything. "

"No matter what the reason is, now is the best opportunity! It is also our last chance!"

President Pan looked at this former companion who was determined to cause trouble, and suddenly said: "Old Dai, have you never paid attention to the general trend of Qingxuan Territory?"

Dai Shouli said calmly: "I'm not as big-minded as you. I don't care about any general trends. I only care about my own three-quarters of an acre of land."

President Pan seemed not to have heard the sarcasm hidden in his words, and just said calmly:

"The foundation-building pill has now been turned into an ordinary pill by Qingxuan Sect that can be purchased with spiritual stones. In the future, the number of foundation-building pills in Qingxuan Domain will become more and more.

Although most of them are useless and have no way out, their demand for various second-order resources will not decrease because of this, and will even become more fanatical.

The second-level spiritual veins in Qingxuan Domain are limited, and Sanchuan Plateau is one of the few places where second-level spiritual fields can be opened up on a large scale for large-scale planting.

Under this general trend, Sanchuanyuan cannot be avoided no matter what.

This time, everything develops according to your imagination and the best situation. It won't be too long before the foreign foundations that you drove away will come back.

Moreover, after learning the lesson this time, they will no longer be a piece of scattered sand, but will come to cultivate in an organized manner!

Likewise, they will treat you equally because of the hostility you have shown this time! "

"You don't care about the general trend? Haha... the general trend will not be lenient to you just because of your indifference!"

Under the gaze of the foundation-building monks inside and outside the quiet room, President Pan turned around and strode out.

"Go and see where they're holding people."

Facing the complicated looks in their eyes, President Pan said directly to the two congregants who had followed him and looked embarrassed at the moment:

“I don’t ask you to rescue people, but you must ensure their safety and be careful not to add fuel to the fire behind the scenes and make the situation completely out of control.

Also, don’t let people do stupid things like humiliating and forcing confessions. "

In his opinion, the seemingly well-thought-out plans of Dai Shouli and others were "foolish things."

The party that was obviously being reasonable turned into the most unreasonable party after some manipulations.

Return to the Sanchuanhui headquarters.

Facing the concerned eyes, President Pan ignored them.

He just asked: "Do you know everything?"

How could you not know about such a big thing?

After all, the members of the Mikawa Society were all born from the Mikawa Plains, and their relationship with the local forces was one of breaking bones and connecting tendons.

President Pan nodded, waved away all the people who wanted to come forward to care and greet him, and returned to the room alone.

He lay back on the armchair, eyes closed, motionless, as if asleep.

After a while, he suddenly asked: "What's the date today?"

The female apprentice Ding Ning's voice came into her ears: "Teacher, have you forgotten? Today is May 16th."

On weekdays, he would feel unhappy just thinking about her replying so unclearly.

At this moment, he only felt at ease.

He still lay on his back with his eyes closed and said, "Xiao Ding, do something for me."

"Kill that old stubborn guy named Dai?"

Ding Ning actually learned to take the initiative to answer questions. Obviously, she was also unhappy with the old guy's challenge to the teacher.

"What are you thinking about? Is this a problem that can be solved by killing someone?!"

President Pan scolded him, and after a while, he said, "Go to the Blue Blood Plains."

This answer completely exceeded Ding Ning's expectations, leaving her stunned. After a while, she said with suspicion:

"Teacher, are you arranging for me to go to the Blue Blood Plains at this time?...Don't you feel that you are in danger and want me to run away in advance?"

President Pan was furious.

With his eyes closed, he accurately found the location of the pen holder.

Kicked away, the pen holder flew away and hit Ding Ning on the forehead, who did not avoid it at all.

"What are you thinking about all day long?!"

"You just say whether you want to go or not? Are my words, an old guy's words, still of any use?"

Seeing the teacher so angry, Ding Ning felt relieved and said quickly: "Go, of course I will go. I will go wherever you tell me, teacher."

After a while, she asked: "But why should I go there?"

"Find Old Yao of the Blue Blood Army and tell him that I agreed to what he proposed back then." President Pan said.

"Uncle Yao? What did he propose to you? Why didn't I know?" Ding Ning felt more at ease when he heard that he was looking for an acquaintance, but new doubts emerged from his heart.

President Pan said: "Don't worry about it. Just tell him and he will know."

"Oh." Ding Ning responded, and after a while, he said: "Then... I'm going right now?"

"Go ahead."

Just when Ding Ning turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly reminded: "You must keep this trip a secret and don't let anyone know."


In response, Ding Ning simply disappeared from the house without even leaving the door.

Located in the outer area of ​​the Blue Blood Plain, the communication barrier with Sanchuan Yuan has never been the distance, but the second-order evil veins surrounding the Blue Blood Plain.

Bixueyuan organizes group outings every year and requires a large team to ensure safety.

If you are alone, no one can guarantee whether you will become the food of a powerful monster.

But when the master and disciple discussed this matter, they completely ignored this issue.

Same as May 16th.

Village Grange.

A martial arts arena on the surface of the pond.

Meng Zhou's figure flashed and disappeared from the spot. The next moment, he appeared dozens of meters away.

Then, the three innate skills that had all reached the master level were launched one after another. Meng Zhou didn't care at all how much noise they caused outside.

After the three innate skills were struck, Meng Zhou had closed his eyes and devoted all his energy to the violent changes within.

Under Meng Zhou's intentional control, the three innate masters almost simultaneously completed the accumulation of the master level, advancing from master to perfection.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, in the pool of soul.

The true forms of these four qi and blood skills appeared, but the next moment the true forms appeared in the soul pool, the three true forms of the innate three skills merged into one.

A more complex and changeable true shape of the palm.

Sometimes he can grasp, grab, press and strike, being flexible and changeable;

Sometimes he transforms into soldiers with a snap of his fingers, using swords, spears, swords and halberds as he pleases;

Sometimes he clenches his palms into fists, blasts, smashes, swings, and hammers, and uses the most direct method to deliver the most violent output.

Meng Zhou also realized that the Three Innate Skills were originally a Qi and Blood Skill, but because the threshold was too high and difficult to practice, it was split into three skills.

Now that he has cultivated all three secrets to perfection, he can naturally integrate them and complete the integration.

And at the moment when this new true form of the Three Innate Hands was born, a powerful attraction came from the blood and body.

At the same time, the true form of this innate three-jue hand did not resist the "seduce" coming from the Qi, blood and body at all. It didn't even push him half-heartedly, and rushed in both directions.

Soon, the true form of the three innate hands was completely dissolved into the blood, body, limbs and bones.

At this moment, Meng Zhou's consciousness had withdrawn from the sea of ​​consciousness and was completely immersed in the various subtle changes in his body.

He clearly felt that all the innate abilities related to his hands had been further strengthened.

Among them, the talent of Crane Control Hand, which has been strengthened by the Object Control Technique once, is included.

There are also finger sword and palm knife talents, Thousand Hands talents, and left and right fighting talents, all of which have been further strengthened.

After all the changes calmed down, Meng Zhou raised his hand and looked at his fingers, thinking in his mind, and suddenly pointed forward, and a flying sword that was made purely of blood but seemed to fly out from his fingertips.

This small flying sword was like a heavy punch thrown with all its strength.

A loud "boom" sound hit the high and thick wall in the distance.

That high wall that had been blessed by a quasi-third-level formation, in the past, even with his master-level three skills, he could do whatever he wanted without even trembling, just like an unbreakable copper wall.

But this small flying sword of energy and blood caused the high wall to tremble continuously. Then, in the center of the bombardment, a huge hole appeared, and cracks like spider webs spread to all sides.

The spiritual water stored in the pond rushed outwards. Meng Zhou had an idea, and the formation that created a gap immediately blocked the gap.

Meng Zhou's figure flashed and appeared next to the huge gap. He used the chemical substance technique to quickly repair the gap and cracks.

Meng Zhou was still recalling the power of the sword just now.

It can blast a gap into a high wall protected by a quasi-third-level formation. Even with the advantage of a point of Arrancar, this power cannot be reduced.

"The power of this sword must be at least level three, right?"

The so-called quasi-third level refers to a fake elixir that has been completed but has not been baptized by the heavenly tribulation.

Generally speaking, the naked combat power of fake alchemy monks is stronger than that of the peak foundation-building monks, but it is completely incomparable to the real alchemy-forming monks.

However, the fake elixir has a huge advantage over the Peak Foundation Establishment, that is, it can use third-level magic weapons normally.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

Meng Zhou sighed in his heart. Since establishing the foundation, he has devoted a lot of time to the cultivation of various second-level spells.

It has been more than a year since the foundation was established last year, and there are more than a dozen of them that have been cultivated to perfection, and they have also brought various benefits to themselves.

However, in terms of absolute attack power improvement, it's really not that good.

The one most closely related to attack is the second-level low-grade shape-shifting technique.

Then there is the all-rounder's ability to transform objects, which is a little bit involved.

Others are all for the purpose of survival, defense, stealth, and invisibility, and there is a serious lack of direct attack and killing methods.

On the contrary, the three innate skills that have only been used for less than 20 days have been combined with the late second-level Qi and blood physique through layer upon layer of bonuses to give him the strongest attack method.

First, the perfect three-jue hand itself completed the integration, adding one.

Then, the integration of the three unique skills was completed, which further strengthened the talents related to the versatile spirit body, with a bonus of two.

What Meng Zhou didn't expect the most was the bonus three, which was the linkage between the talents related to the ever-changing spirit body and the talents related to the natural sword body.

Although these two spirits are still in a "mutilated" state, this does not hinder the wonderful chemical reactions that occur after they are linked to each other.

Due to these various reasons, the lethality of his Qi-blood sword was able to break through the second level limit.

Meng Zhou tried again to use the power of Qi and blood to create knives, hammers, spears, and fists...

Although their attack power is not weak, and they can make the high walls roar, they always seem to be just a little short of breaking through the defenses.

"The attack power of the second-level best is basically the attack power of the second-level best. This is the normal situation after leaving aside the unexpected factor of the natural sword body."

Even if it is the second-level best, this is the strongest combat power output that Meng Zhou can produce through conventional means.

And this is just one of the changes brought about by the perfection of the Three Innate Skills.

In addition, there is another change. Originally, this was what Meng Zhou was looking forward to most.

This was even the direct reason why he asked Kan Yue about the body-refining method.

Meng Zhou jumped out of the water, stood on the high wall, and unfolded the "Qi and Blood Domain".

Taking the perfection of the art of controlling objects in September last year as the node, before that, Meng Zhou did not have the concept of "Qi and Blood Domain" in his mind.

As the art of controlling objects was perfected and integrated into the innate ability originating from the Crane Control Hand, Meng Zhou integrated these methods into the "Qi and Blood Domain" through constant adaptation and exploration.

At that time, the coverage area of ​​the Qi and Blood Domain was only one hundred feet, and even within a short distance, his maximum output power was only 60%.

Since then, the body-refining method has been adjusted and updated many times, and the version has been upgraded, and the foundation of the body-refining method has become more and more profound.

In addition, the level of body training is also improving, from just entering the middle stage of the second stage to now stably entering the late stage of the second stage.

These changes have increased the coverage of the "Qi and Blood Domain" from a radius of one hundred feet to a radius of about one mile.

But the maximum output power is still only 60% of the body's ability, and this has not changed.

This time, as the three innate skills transformed into corresponding spiritual body talents.

Two intuitive and significant changes occurred.

First, the coverage range has been increased from a radius of one mile to a radius of two miles.

The second is the maximum output power, which has been increased from 60% to 80%.

At the same time, there are also Qi-blood swords with the strongest attack that can reach the third level, and other Qi-blood attacks can also be stabilized at the second level.

——It is worth mentioning that there are differences between these two attack modes.

The "Qi and Blood Domain" covers indiscriminately. As long as he is within the range, he can attack multiple targets at the same time.

The "Qi and Blood Sword" is a single target attack.

Meng Zhou was confident that with the cooperation of these two methods, all the monks in the late stage of foundation building would suffer within a hundred feet.

Within one mile, as long as he has the intention, the monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment will not be able to leave alive.

Unless it is absolutely and comprehensively stronger than one's own strength, the human sea tactic, which relies on the strength of numbers to surround oneself, will be ineffective.

Meng Zhou suddenly discovered that it was only one step from having few attack methods to transforming into a "harvester" in the foundation-building realm.

"Well, you can't say that. How do you say that if you feel full after eating five steamed buns, it cannot be said that it is the fifth steamed bun's contribution.

The contributions of those steamed buns cannot be ignored and are indispensable. "

Meng Zhou experienced it for a while and was pleasantly surprised by the change.

However, it is not without its drawbacks.

Meng Zhou watched as the majestic power of qi and blood in his body decreased rapidly like a flood after the two tactics of qi and blood domain and qi and blood transforming weapons were fully activated.

what is this?

It clearly has a weapons arsenal for fighter jets and even bombers, but it is equipped with a tractor's fuel tank.

Meng Zhou ate multiple pieces of carefully prepared second-grade high-grade monster meat in succession, which replenished the vitality and blood that had dried up to the point of bottoming out.

"It seems that we need to reserve more high-quality monster meat in the future. When the next exchange group from Blue Blood Plains comes over, we will have to buy more."

Thinking of this, Meng Zhou suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Because he thought that he would have to replenish his qi and blood quickly in the future, he kept feeding "monster meat fuel" into his mouth, thus ensuring that his body had enough qi and blood to operate at high load.

Inexplicably, he found that scene very funny.

He even thought of a joke for no reason, "A hundred miles consumes two bowls of rice."

Meng Zhou made a comparison and found that taking monster meat to replenish qi and blood is far more economical and efficient than using mana to restore qi and blood, and then using spiritual stones to restore mana.

After thoroughly digesting the explosive improvement brought to him by the perfection of the three innate arts, Meng Zhou began to consider the next direction of his training.

Meng Zhou discovered that with the completion of a large number of knotting skills, there were not many uncompleted skills left in his skill library.

[Skills: Master of Myogenic Art 600/2000, Beginning Water Escape 400/500, Beginning Earth Escape 400/500, Master of Fire Bending 600/4000, Master of Water Bending 600/4000, Master of Processing 600/ 4000]

Besides, no more.

Meng Zhou's eyes stayed on the Water Escape Technique and the Earth Escape Technique for a moment, then he shook his head and moved away.

Meng Zhou turned his hand and found a jade slip and two ancient classics in his hand.

This jade slip was purchased from Hexin Tower through Zhang Wei. Meng Zhou had already mastered eight of the twelve spells contained in it and practiced them all to perfection.

The remaining four are all second-level high-grade ones, namely the Burning River Technique, the Thunder Drop Technique, the Qi-Looking Technique, and the Soul-Shocking Technique.

The two ancient classics come from the newly established Ji Zhuoyuan.

One book contains three spells, stealth, invisibility, and shadow escape.

Meng Zhou had already mastered the first two sects and practiced them all to perfection.

A book called "Shadow Killing Sword Codex", including attack and killing techniques, and these three stealth spells are a perfect match, adding even more power to a tiger.

Meng Zhou decided that the next stage of practice would be based on Soul Shock Technique, Shadow Escape Technique and "Shadow Killing Sword Codex".

The reason for this choice was also inspired by the explosive improvement in his strength after completing the Three Innate Skills.

His situation is special. Although his cultivation level has improved very quickly, his magic power still seems to be lagging behind compared to the body refining energy, blood and consciousness sea soul.

The reason why his combat effectiveness in body refining has been so exaggeratedly improved is not because of how powerful his innate three skills are.

Instead, they exchanged the results of his late second-level body refining.

If you think about it carefully, this situation is more than just Qi and blood refining the body?

The same situation applies to the Consciousness Sea Divine Soul, even worse than body refining.

The body refining method and the soul refining method are both at the master level, but for the moment, the foundation of the body refining method is obviously not comparable to the soul refining method.

The results of body refining can be exchanged for such powerful combat power through the three innate skills.

Meng Zhou believed that if the soul refining results could be exchanged, the effect would not be bad.

Moreover, among the three parts of Jing, Qi and Shen, the shortcoming of "Shen" is also very obvious.

After much thought, the second-level high-grade "Soul Shock Technique" was the most suitable to plug this loophole.

After he became a master of the Soul Refining Technique, it was not difficult for him to practice this technique.

As for the Shadow Escape Technique and the Shadow Killing Sword Code, on the one hand, they want to strengthen the attack power of "Qi".

Before this, although he had practiced a lot of spells, serious attack methods were very rare, and the Shadow Killing Sword Code could just make up for this.

Unlike the majestic Burning River Technique and the Thunderbolt Technique, which consume a lot of mana in exchange for combat power, neither the Shadow Escape Technique nor the Shadow Killing Sword Technique consumes too much mana.

Because its core essence is concealment, subtleness, smallness, end, and silence.

Minimize mana output in exchange for maximum effect.

The Shadow Escape Technique has high requirements on the soul, while the Shadow Sword Sword Code focuses more on skills and has high requirements on swordsmanship talent. These two items happen to be Meng Zhou's strengths.

In addition, there is another reason for choosing these two skills, which is to enrich your "weapon arsenal".

The current "weapon arsenal" is powerful, but it is too single, and the characteristics of Qi, Blood and Body Refining are too obvious.

Second-level body refining is rare in Qingxuan Domain, and even less so in Sanchuan Plain.

This drawback becomes apparent if something must be done when necessary.

Meng Zhou had no intention of doing this at first, but the scene he saw through the moon mirror ten days ago still made him alert and did not dare to forget it.

If you can practice the Shadow Killing Sword Code, the situation will be much better.

As for the sword issue.

Meng Zhou stretched out his hand, and two wooden sticks more than one meter long and as thick as an adult's arms appeared in front of him.

They were said to be two wooden sticks, but when they collided with each other and hit the ground hard, they made a metallic sound.

If you observe it carefully with your spiritual sense, you can also find that its internal structure is dense and it also shows regular and beautiful fish scale patterns.

These two wooden spiritual materials came from Xu Wanzhen's collection. After identification, they were the second-level top spiritual materials, steel scale wood.

Meng Zhou's plan was to make one of them into a second-level top-grade magic sword, hold it in one hand, and use his powerful physique and energy to exert his fighting power.

One is made into a second-level top-quality flying sword, which can be used for soul sacrifice and mana control.

According to his aesthetics, whether it is a magic sword or a flying sword, he only needs them to have basic functions, be sharp and tough, and nothing else is needed.

In this way, it is convenient and simple to make.

Meng Zhou picked up one of the wooden sticks and activated the perfect level of chemical transformation.

On the premise of ensuring that all the properties of this spiritual material remain unchanged, the appearance changes little by little.

In the end, it turned into a long sword of moderate size, appropriate weight, and even the change of center of gravity.

Fortunately, he has mastered the art of transformation to a perfect level. Otherwise, with this second-level mid-level spell, if he wanted to deal with the second-level top-level steel scale wood in this way, he would not be able to handle it as easily as he showed.

With another wooden stick, Meng Zhou stretched out his hand to summon Yaya.

When the grasshopper jumped into his palm and quickly turned into a long rope, Meng Zhou took out some non-whole wood spiritual materials that were dismantled from the waste vessel and used as auxiliary materials, and filled them into the rope. In the net bag woven by the spirit, finally, fill it with this second-level top-grade steel scale wood.

Because all knitting skills are perfect, the professional level of the knot master has also reached the late second level.

In addition, Yaya, who is a second-level top-grade spiritual material, has also been given many helpful talents by Meng Zhou, and she has basically reached the standard for handling this second-level top-grade spiritual material.

Meng Zhou felt the spiritual changes and judged that it would take two or three days to complete the spiritual polishing and reshaping and coordinate with his soul's magic power.

He stretched out his hand and placed it properly in the quiet room.

Then, Meng Zhou calmed down and prepared to learn how to practice the soul-shaking technique.

Suddenly there was a movement in his heart, and his consciousness quickly sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he looked at the bright moon at the bottom of the pond.

Since observing the suspicious scene through the moon mirror that day, Meng Zhoudu kept the bright moon at the bottom of the pond in the moon mirror's detection state while not practicing, and it was still within the limit of a radius of ten miles.

This was not difficult for Meng Zhou, who was able to multi-purpose at the Qi training stage, as long as he got a little proficient in it, and he quickly mastered this method.

Once any unexpected situation occurs within the scope of the Moon Mirror, Meng Zhou will immediately be alert.

After ten days, this was the first time Yue Jing warned him.

Meng Zhou naturally did not dare to neglect, and his consciousness immediately sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

When his attention swept towards the moon mirror, he was immediately startled.

Because the direction of the abnormal movement was impartial, it happened to be in the same direction as the "moving night" he saw through the moon mirror ten days ago.

Even the movement trajectories are quite different.

Only, in the opposite direction.

Meng Zhou thought, and the two moving images quickly enlarged.

Meng Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he knew the two people who came, they were Kan Yue and Lu Quan.

At this moment, they were quickly approaching me, with very solemn expressions.

Seeing that he was about to reach the courtyard area, Meng Zhou's consciousness exited the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and through the formation, he looked at the two people flying from a distance.

But he thought quietly in his heart: "Is it really such a coincidence?"

Soon, the two of them had arrived outside the formation. Meng Zhou waved his hand to hide all the second-level top-grade spiritual plants in the courtyard. Before the two of them could knock on the door, the formation in front of them had already opened.

Meng Zhou sat in the elegant house, preparing tea, and welcomed with a smile: "What kind of wind brought you two here together today?"

Kan Yue and Lu Quan had solemn expressions on their faces, but they didn't relax at all.

The two of them flew straight into the hospital, came to the elegant house, and sat down on two futons opposite Meng Zhou.

Meng Zhouyi was stunned and asked in surprise: "What's going on? What happened? Why do you two look like this?"

Seeing this, Kan Yue couldn't help but said: "Fellow Taoist Zhuang, don't you know what is happening outside?"

Meng Zhou was stunned: "What happened?"

Kan Yue couldn't help but shook his head and said:

“Fellow Daoist Zhuang, it’s true that you want to practice quietly, but you can’t just bury yourself in this three-acre land. You still have to pay attention to what’s going on outside!

This news should have spread by now. Not many people know about it. "

At this moment, a flying message suddenly flew from outside the hospital and landed in front of Meng Zhou.

Meng Zhou stretched out his palm to take it, and the information contained in it quickly entered his mind.

The brief message made Meng Zhou unable to recover for a long time.

The local foundation-building monk, the only second-level mid-level spiritual planter, was assassinated to death through the formation ten days ago in his retreat room, and his completely corrupted body was discovered today?

The local foundation-building monks headed by Dai Shouli believed that this matter was closely related to Luo Dai, the second-level mid-level spiritual planter who came to Sanchuan Plain ten days ago, and others. The Luo family father and son, including Zhu Qian, have been placed under house arrest and controlled by them?

Kan Yue suddenly asked: "Is it because the head of the Fan family was assassinated and the two spiritual plant masters were placed under house arrest?"

"Yeah." Meng Zhou said.

"Who sent it to you?" Kan Yue asked again.

"Governor Li Xiangli of Sanchuanhui." Meng Zhou said.

Hearing this, Kan Yue snorted softly and said, "At least Sanchuan has some conscience and doesn't really treat us as enemies."

Lu Quan, who was standing next to him, sneered: "This is because things are getting out of control, so it has to be like this, right?"

At this moment, two more flying messages flew into the hospital and landed in front of Kan Yue and Lu Quan respectively.

The two of them read the information one after another and said: "They are all reporting the matter, and also reminding us to exercise restraint. The Sanchuan Association is actively coordinating and handling this matter."

After saying this, Kan Yue sneered and said:

"It seems that the attitude within the Sanchuan Association has been unified. However, there is obviously a big difference between what they reported and what we have learned."

Meng Zhou asked hurriedly: "What's the difference?"

Kan Yue said: "As far as I know, that old guy named Dai Shouli, who has only been alive for a few years, is an extremely stubborn local.

They regard the Sanchuan Plain as their private property, and we, the migrant landowners, only have food to eat with their gifts.

Last year, as the number of foreign monks increased, he expressed his concern about this situation on many different occasions, believing that Sanchuan would have the responsibility to immediately control the number of foreign monks.

In extreme circumstances, he even believed that in order to continue to take the initiative in Sanchuanyuan, he would not hesitate to reduce Sanchuanyuan to ruins again! "

Having said this, he looked at Meng Zhou and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhuang, you might as well think about it again. At this time, what is the purpose of putting the only two spiritual planters in Sanchuan Plain under house arrest?"

The drunkard's intention is not to drink.

Xiang Zhuang's sword dance was intended for Pei Gong.

If Meng Zhou didn't understand the meaning of Kan Yue's words, he would be an idiot.

However, he said in surprise: "How do you know this information so clearly?"

He thought to himself, no matter how crazy Dai Shouli was, he wouldn't express his thoughts in public, right?

"How do you know? That's how you know. It's not a secret now.

I think, apart from fellow Taoist Zhuang, there are not many people who don’t know this. "

There are too many foundation-building monks in Sanchuan Plain now, so maybe some of them have abilities such as "Shunfeng Ear".

Once the incident has spread to this extent, it is impossible to trace it back to the source.

Meng Zhou became more and more certain that there must be a force behind this matter that was deliberately promoting it.

Kan Yue said in a deep voice: "We are here this time just to discuss with fellow Taoist Zhuang how we should deal with this matter.

You may not know that the reason why Dai Shouli and the others dare to act so wantonly is because they are convinced that although there are many of us, we are in disarray.

Compared with them who are highly organized, it is impossible to confront them head-on!

Since they think so, we can't do what they want! "

Meng Zhou nodded, but suddenly asked: "Where did you come from just now?"

Kan Yue said:

"After I heard about this, I immediately set out for you and didn't go anywhere else.

I happened to be passing by Daoist Lu's residence, so I invited him to come with me. "

Lu Quan also nodded in approval.

When Meng Zhou heard this, his heart skipped a beat, but he couldn't help but add something on his face, "Have you not contacted those Taoist friends from the last gathering?"

Kan Yue shook his head and said: "At this time, it is Brother Zhuang who makes me feel the most reliable."

It doesn't seem strange that he has such thoughts.

After all, Meng Zhou is also a practitioner of Dharma and Body. Although he is not a "hometown native", it can still give him some feeling of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

And although he didn't have much contact with Meng Zhou, they had a frank exchange of ideas and even gave Meng Zhou a set of three innate skills. In his opinion, this was more than those meetings, but the topic was always floating. Superficial acquaintances are much more reliable.

Next to him, Lu Quan also nodded in agreement, pretending to be a follower who said "I am the same".

Indeed, before today, Meng Zhou's impression of Lu Quan was almost that of a follower.

Logically speaking, apart from Kan Yue, he was the one who had the most interactions with him among the other village landowners. How could he create such a feeling for himself?

Meng Zhou communicated with the two of them with a normal expression, but he became more wary than ever about this "near neighbor".

Meng Zhou recalled the first time they met, when Governor Li took him past here, looking for a suitable place to take root and open up wasteland nearby.

The second time, he and Kan Yue came together.

Thinking about it carefully, the direction the two came from was also the same direction just now.

In addition, under the coordination of the Sanchuan Society, I went to his spiritual field several times to sort out the earth's energy.

Isn't the direction of his home the end of the extension line in the moon mirror?

Of course, based on these alone, it certainly cannot be concluded that Lu Quan was the existence he saw through the moon mirror that night, and was the murderer behind the murder of the head of the Fan family.

There are still too many uncertainties.

With these thoughts running through his mind, Meng Zhou said on his face:

"Fellow Daoist Kan, I think that before we discuss how to deal with the malicious intent of local monks like Dai Shouli, there is one thing we must not forget!"

"What's the matter?" Kan Yue was confused.

"Who is the real culprit who killed the head of the Fan family?" Meng Zhou stared at Kan Yue without squinting, and said solemnly.

Next to him, Lu Quan couldn't help but frown slightly after hearing this.

However, this movement was very subtle and was quickly covered up by him.

Seeing that neither of them paid attention, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't help but nodded and said, "I think what Fellow Taoist Zhuang said is reasonable. We must guard against people like Dai Shouli, but the real culprit behind the scenes cannot be ignored.

If people like Dai Shouli are villains standing in the open, then the real murderer is a poisonous snake hiding in the dark! "

Having said this, he looked at Meng Zhou and asked sincerely:

"Fellow Daoist Zhuang, could you please tell me who you think is the real culprit behind this?"

Please give me monthly tickets. As long as everyone spends a lot of monthly tickets, I will have the motivation to pay back all the debts from the previous few days in the next two or three days. I made up 2.3k today

This plot is not intended to be a suspenseful plot about solving a crime, it is just to show that "things are universally connected". The reason for writing this is what I have always wanted to avoid, which is that the protagonist "plays alone" and the world background is static. In the stickers, characters other than the protagonist are like NPCs. I want to avoid this.

To say that the protagonist is troubled and bad things follow wherever he goes is not understanding what I really want to express.

What I want to say is that in the context of this plot, at this time point where the protagonist has passed through, as long as it is in the Qingxuan Domain, as long as it is a place where one can practice, there is absolutely no place that can be called absolutely safe and can develop stably. environment.

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