Do not die

Chapter 138 Black Toad airborne, breakthrough in cultivation

The power of Qi and blood can benefit the human body, which is clearly reflected as early as the first level of body refining.

When Meng Zhou first practiced the Henglian method, he was also interested in the comprehensive benefit effect of the power of Qi and blood, and more importantly, the defensive effect against evil, mysterious, and spiritual attacks.

After reaching the second level of body refining, qi and blood become a conventional form of power. The biggest difference from mana is the source and storage method.

Gradually, this emphasis on the original characteristics of the power of qi and blood turned into a study of the specific operation and use techniques of qi and blood.

I can't say it's wrong, but when I saw the "Angry Monkey Tyrant Body" again, Meng Zhou felt like he had "found his original intention."

Subconsciously, I feel that this is the direction in which Qi and Blood Power should strive most.

Otherwise, qi and blood are just "number two magic power" and cannot really reflect the superiority of dual cultivation of law and body.

The mana spells on the Qi refining side are responsible for diversity and breadth, moving up the heaven and down the earth, and calling for wind and rain.

The qi and blood method on the body refining side is responsible for bursting into attack and the second phase of transformation.

Everyone has his own place, does not hinder each other, each is good at winning, and maximizes his own characteristics and value. This is the real value of dual cultivation of law and body.

The secret method of Angry Ape Tyrant Body uses anger as a guide and burns Qi and blood. In addition to gaining over-level combat power, it also has super strong "resistance to evil interference" and "resistance to mental attacks".

According to the secret method, if a mid-level second-level body-refining achiever successfully performs this secret method, he will not only gain combat power comparable to that of the late second-level one.

Evil sects, secret arts and spiritual attack methods below the second level can also be automatically blocked. Before they attack the true master, they have been burned together in the "raging flames" where the blood is burning.

The power of higher-level evil spells and spiritual attacks will be greatly weakened after passing through this "burning layer".

Just when Meng Zhou lowered his head and carefully pondered this secret technique, Kan Yue handed over another jade slip.

Meng Zhou paused, looked up at him, and asked doubtfully: "What is this?"

"You'll know if you take a look."

Meng Zhou took the jade slip and penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness.

"The mountain ape loses the true power of the mountain"

As soon as his spiritual consciousness scanned the name and general outline, Meng Zhou immediately pulled out his spiritual consciousness and looked at Kan Yue in surprise:

"Is this the third-level body-refining method you obtained?"

Meng Zhou was really surprised.

Of course he really wanted to get this body-training method, so as to prove the shortcomings of his own body-training method.

He was already prepared that it would take a lot of effort, but he didn't expect that Kan Yue would hand it over to him so easily.

Kan Yue nodded and said: "I have memorized this method by heart. I can carve out another copy at any time if necessary."

“The secret method of Angry Ape Domination comes from this body refining method.

Although the body training method cannot be changed at will, with it as a reference, it will be easier for you to get started and the safety will be more guaranteed. "

Meng Zhou did not excuse himself with pretense and politeness. After silently calculating his cultivation plan in his mind, he said to Kan Yue:

“Okay, then I’ll give it a try.

However, fellow Taoist Kan, don’t expect me to have any results within three to five months.

After all, they are different from the Three Innate Skills. I have to spend more time thinking about them before I officially start using them. "

Kan Yue nodded in understanding, and even took the initiative to comfort him:

"Fellow Daoist Zhuang, please don't be impatient. I also know how difficult and dangerous this secret technique is, and so far I haven't dared to really try it.

Although I really hope you can refine it, I hope you can refine it safely. "

He very much hopes to get some advice and inspiration from "Zhuang Daoyou", a genius in body training, but he doesn't want him to try it with his life.

Meng Zhou nodded and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Kan, I will be able to grasp the appropriateness myself."

Kan Yue smiled and said: "That's good, that's good."

After revealing the matter to Meng Zhou, he also relaxed. He joked casually with Meng Zhou for a while, then stood up and cupped his hands and said:

"Then I won't disturb fellow Taoist Zhuang's Qingxiu practice. I'll take my leave."

After watching Kan Yue go away, Meng Zhou looked at an ancient classic and a jade slip lying on the low table, and chuckled at the corner of his mouth.

He did not immediately delve into the two methods that came to him, but put them all into the jade volute.

This can be regarded as a matter of course, right?

As long as he properly displays some qualities, he doesn't need to search hard for them.

What he wants to seek will come to him on his own initiative.

After Kan Yue left, Meng Zhou finally settled down and began to enter a new round of regular practice.

This time, his training focused on the River Burning Technique.

Before officially starting to practice the River Burning Technique, Meng Zhou made some improvements to the pond, which was about an acre in size.

He transplanted all the aquatic spiritual plants and spiritual fish into one area, leaving the other area alone.

Then, he used the chemical substance technique to create a high wall from the bottom of the water that was more than one meter thick and as hard as a second-level low-grade defensive magic weapon, completely separating the two waters.

Burning the River is a typical fire spell.

The reason why it is called "Burning the River" is that it is so large that even the river can be burned as long as the magic power is enough.

Second, this fire is a spiritual fire that directly uses mana as fuel and stirs up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to ignite it.

As long as the mana is enough, it can burn without the help of anything else, and the ground, sky, and even water will continue to burn.

Water will not extinguish it, and at most it will increase the loss of mana, which is also one of the reasons why it is called "Burning River".

Therefore, practicing the River Burning Technique does not necessarily require a water environment.

But in a water environment, it will become more difficult to cast, and the consumption of mana will intensify.

And this is Meng Zhou's purpose.

This will increase his experience gain per unit time and make his practice more efficient.

Finally, Meng Zhou looked at the two mysterious turtles in the painful tug-of-war. His heart moved, he stretched out his hand to grab them, and threw them all into the empty water.

The changes in the surrounding environment made the two mysterious turtles confused and panicked.

Immediately afterwards, a joke-like words came into their minds, making them confused again.

"Come on, let's have turtle soup today."

However, soon, the two Xuanling Turtles no longer had any doubts, but struggled desperately in the water.

But, to no avail.

They only feel that the temperature of the water around them is getting higher and higher, and the abdomen with the weakest defense is like being roasted on the fire. The continuous and terrifying heat soon penetrates along the carapace into the extremely fragile flesh and blood tissue. .

The two turtles thought they had downplayed the pain, but at this moment, they sadly discovered that it was not that they were really powerful, it was just that the pain they experienced was very little and one-sided.

Compared with the flesh and blood trauma directly caused by the moon blade, the pain of this "stewed turtle" is even harder to bear.

Not long after, as a bit of strange fragrance spread from the pool, the two mysterious turtles, known for their defense, were half-cooked, and their minds were jumping back and forth between extreme pain and numbness.

Meng Zhou gently waved his hand, fished them out of a pool of hot soup, and threw them into the cool water next to them.

Meng Zhou was distracted for a moment and noticed that the seals of the Yun Yu magic array placed deep in the hearts of the two turtles were flickering slightly.

The two mysterious turtles, enjoying the scorching heat from the inside out, follow the instinct of life and naturally want to get close to things that can bring them cool comfort.

As he fished them out of the hot soup and threw them into cool water, the situation not only did not alleviate, but worsened.

Because the "heat" brought by the Burning River Technique, like the shadow power of the Shadow Killing Sword Code, is stubbornly diffusive and corrosive, penetrating from the outer shell into the flesh, muscles, bones, and internal organs.

It is extremely difficult to remove, like a gangrene attached to the bone.

This is heat and poison, fire poison.

The two Xuanling Turtles were completely burned out.

Under such circumstances, the cloud and rain magic talisman seal that was placed deep in their hearts and had been unresponsive was triggered.

There was no spiritual rain falling around them, but with their hearts as the center, another strange "light rain" fell slowly and hard.

The fire poison that has seeped into the depths of their bodies is being washed away bit by bit by a gentle drizzle of water-based power.

Starting from the deepest part of his body, the fire poison was washed away bit by bit.

Although this efficiency is very slow, it is enough to ensure that their lives are safe.

Seeing this scene, Meng Zhou was filled with joy and took the opportunity to replenish enough mana for the two cloud and rain talisman seals in the two turtles.

"Sure enough, for them, reward and punishment incentives are still too advanced. The most brutal and extreme life-and-death coercion is the most effective."

Meng Zhou sighed in his heart.

After that, Meng Zhou continued to practice the art of burning rivers.

On October 29th, Meng Zhou suspended the practice of burning the river because today was the day to irrigate the thousand acres of spiritual fields.

However, this time, he did not do it himself.

Early in the morning, when the genius was bright, Yang Chong organized a group of Qi-training monks who were waiting outside the spirit field formation to prepare for irrigation of the spirit fields.

However, Meng Zhou sent a message telling him to send the people away and just let him wait here alone.

Yang Chong was confused, but he dismissed the crowd and waited alone outside the spirit field formation.

After a while, I saw a medium-sized airship flying from a distance and arriving over the Lingtian area of ​​Zhuangtianzhuang.

Then, a man's head popped out of the spaceship cabin and shouted to Yang Chong: "Come up!"

"Me?" Yang Chong pointed at himself and asked with some uncertainty.

"Are you the one responsible for taking care of this spiritual field on weekdays?" the man asked.

"Well, yes." Yang Chong nodded.

"Then you are right, come up."

The spacecraft lowered its altitude and was only three or four feet above the ground. For Yang Chong, it was not difficult.

After getting on the spaceship and entering the cabin, Yang Chong saw the monk who greeted him just now.

He was the only one in this spaceship.

This person should have just broken through to foundation building, and he still cannot control his own aura well.

But Yang Chong's eyes did not stay on this man for too long, and soon moved to the three strange creatures behind the cabin.

Three huge toad-like creatures, but covered with a strange leather muff.

The mouths were also covered with a halter and could only be opened and closed slightly. They were staring at each other with big eyes, and Yang was looking at me and me, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"Is this the Rainforest Black Toad?" Yang Chong asked.

The man piloting the spaceship nodded.

"What do they mean by these leather jackets?" Yang Chong was curious.

The man had answered this question countless times in the past few days. When he heard Yang Chong's question, he repeated the words he had said countless times without expression.

"The rainforest black toad's natural rainfall ability is adjusted by the dryness and humidity of the skin. When they feel the drier their skin, the greater their rainfall ability will be.

Conversely, once their skin becomes moist again, their ability to rain is reduced or even stopped.

The function of this leather case is to flexibly adjust the dryness and humidity of their skin. You can see now that the part where their skin and the leather case connect is wet and sticky. This is their most comfortable state.

So, they don't rain now. "

Yang Chong suddenly understood and expressed that he had learned.

The man explained a little, answered Yang Chong's doubts, and then asked:

"Since you are responsible for the daily maintenance of this spiritual field, do you know the rainfall requirements of each area and the dividing line between the second-level low-grade and medium-grade spiritual fields?"

Yang Chong nodded and said, "I know everything."

The man said: "Then let's get started."

With that said, the man maneuvered the spacecraft into the spirit field area.

He waved his hand in the direction of the three rainforest black toads and cast three spells in succession. Yang Chong could clearly see that the area where the leather sheath came into contact with the rainforest black toads quickly became dry.

The three rainforest black toads that were originally very quiet slowly became agitated. If they were not restrained by their bridles, they would have started croaking.

If their movements were not restricted, they would have been thrashing about.

As this change occurred, Yang Chong felt that the air around him quickly became moist.

Soon, it started to rain heavily in the cabin.

He turned to look outside the cabin, and the rain became even heavier.

The innate abilities of the three rainforest black toads are superimposed in this airspace, and the rain effect even exceeds the cloud and rain technique used by the monks in the later stages of foundation building.

Under the control of the man, the spacecraft circled around the spiritual field slowly and slowly. In the spiritual field below, the originally lazy and languid Jade-Hearted Crimson Fruit Vine was hit by the rain falling from the sky. The branches, leaves, and roots were all doing their best. Absorb this precious water.

Yang Chong's attention shifted from outside the spacecraft to inside the spacecraft again.

The three rainforest black toads desperately mobilized their natural rainfall abilities to irrigate the thousand-acre spiritual field below. Even the entire spacecraft was immersed in the rain caused by their natural abilities.

But they themselves didn't enjoy it at all.

All the rain was ruthlessly blocked by the leather jackets around them.

As a result, they become more and more irritable.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Chong's only thought was that his wife must not see this scene.

Influenced by Liu Ying, Yang Chong also has some empathy for animals.

And he knew even more clearly that if Liu Ying were to see such a scene, she would be extremely sad as she has a strong ability to empathize with spiritual beasts.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Chong inexplicably thought of the scene when Senior Rizhuang "trained" the two young birds.

What he didn't know was that the "Senior Zhuang" he was thinking about at the moment was actually on the same spaceship as them.

He was right next to three rainforest black toads, but he was a transparent person after using the Perfect Invisibility Technique.

Neither the two people in the spaceship nor the three rainforest black toads knew of his existence.

The purpose of his appearance here is, of course, to study the rainforest black toad at close range.

This time, instead of casting rain himself, he asked Governor Li to coordinate and arrange for the rainforest black toad to airborne in advance. This was the real purpose.

Some time ago, Governor Li sent a special summons to Meng Zhou, detailing the specific arrangements for the two newly launched services of Sanchuan Club.

The use of the Earth-Shaking Bull and the Rainforest Black Toad is divided into two situations: free and paid.

Each farm owner has the right to use a shaking cow to work for him for free one day a year, and this power can be accumulated.

For example, if the landowner of a certain village chooses a six-year spiritual plant, and it takes six years to fully plow it, he can obtain the right to use the six-day shaking cow.

Of course, it can also be the case that the Sanchuan Society coordinates to bring six shaking cattle to your spiritual field for a day's work.

In addition, if you want to apply for more usage rights, you will be charged.

The rules for using Rainforest Black Toad are similar. Each farm owner has a certain free quota every year.

After the free quota is used up, you need to pay.

There is no need to pay cash for spiritual stones. You can just deduct them first when the spiritual fields are harvested, and the price is not high.

After Meng Zhou saw it himself, he thought it was very reasonable and even cheap.

In another place, that fee wouldn't be enough to buy a second-level special monster for you to call upon.

However, based on the rich experience of chopping hands in the previous life, as well as the blood and tears lessons accumulated in various bets, when the harvest is settled in the future, the fees deducted will definitely be an amount that will make the hearts of most farm owners twitch.

However, Meng Zhou made up his mind that once the free quota was used up, he would not continue to call for auxiliary support even if he was beaten to death.

This time, the Rainforest Black Toad was called to airborne, in line with the idea that the free credit would not be used in vain, but the more important purpose was to study the Rainforest Black Toad's natural rainfall ability at close range.

The good news is that, like the Xuanling Turtle, they are both water-based spirit beasts.

For Xuanling Turtle, the value of reference is even greater.

After more than half a day, the spacecraft circled the entire Thousand-acre Spiritual Field area, and the amount of rain fully met the needs of the Jade Heart Vermilion Fruit Vine.

The only price is that the three rainforest black toads consume a lot of energy. They went from being violent at the beginning to now looking like three half-dead rotten flesh lying on the ground.

The natural rainfall ability is also much smaller than at the beginning.

The man performed three spells, and the leather sheaths on their backs began to leak thick wet fluids.

The three rainforest black toads that were lying in a ball on the ground immediately widened their eyes, and their condition improved a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The rain outside also slowly stopped.

The man waved his hand and cast another spell, and a whirling breeze blew in the spacecraft.

When the wind stopped, the wet interior of the spacecraft became dry again.

The spacecraft flew out of the Lingtian area, dropped slightly, and put Yang Chong down. Then, it raised its head slightly and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Yang Chong looked at the departing spaceship, dazed for a while, then turned and walked towards the courtyard.

At this moment, Meng Zhou was already sitting cross-legged in the elegant house.

He is trying to digest today's harvest. For ordinary foundation-building monks, the rain forest black toad's natural rainfall ability and the cloud rain spell's rainfall ability, although they are both rainfall, are two things that cannot be hit with eight poles. They are two completely different things. system.

It is even less likely to have the effect of "drawing conclusions by analogy" or "stones from other mountains can attack jade".

But for Meng Zhou, who had perfected the Cloud and Rain Technique and had a glimpse of the "reality" behind the technique, he no longer stuck to the specific technical techniques themselves.

"Get the Dharma and forget the Dharma", leaving only its essence and charm.

On the other hand, he is proficient in multiple professional systems and has a strong ability to summarize, purify and streamline the innate abilities of spirit beasts - this is like the difference between a mathematician and a person who can only do arithmetic. The former can A beautiful mathematical model was extracted from a common, everyday event about which the latter was completely ignorant.

Meng Zhou, who combined these methods, first refined the rain forest black toad's natural rainfall ability, and finally streamlined the talisman array.

Then, he compared the gifted rainfall talisman array with the talisman array seal with perfect cloud and rain skills, and based on their similarities and differences, he learned from each other's strengths and weaknesses.

In the end, he combined them into two brand new talisman array models.

One of them is based on "rainfall optimization". With this talisman array as the core, the efficiency of Meng Zhou's own cloud and rain spell will be increased by 50% again.

The rain spell that originally took eighteen hours to complete was now confident that Meng Zhou could do it within twelve hours.

The other one is based on "fit optimization", and its rainfall efficiency is slightly worse than the Perfect Cloud and Rain Technique before Meng Zhou's optimization, and is slightly stronger than the Grandmaster level.

But its effect is that it is the most friendly to the two mysterious turtles who are both water spirit beasts, and it is easiest for their bloodlines to recognize, recognize, and ultimately adapt to it.

After completing this optimization, Meng Zhou decided to use the second type of talisman seal first, and let the bloodline of the two mysterious turtles adapt to it first, and then replace the second type of talisman seal with the first one. , from the priority of fit to the priority of rainfall efficiency.

After replacing the cloud and rain spell seals deep in the hearts of the two mysterious turtles, it can be clearly seen that their control over the seals has greatly improved.

After completing all this, Meng Zhou began to continue practicing the River Burning Technique.

However, time has arrived on October 30th in a blink of an eye, and it is the bimonthly spiritual tea picking season.

After all the spiritual teas from the two spiritual tea trees were picked and processed, the fire-bending, water-bending, and processing skills were all increased by 600 experience points again. These three skills finally completed the accumulation of the master level and successfully advanced to perfection.

After concocting all the spiritual tea, Meng Zhou stored the less than half a kilogram of spiritual tea in a separate sealing box.

Then, he took out some and brewed a pot for himself.

Even before the tea soup entered his throat, the refreshing aroma made him feel refreshed.

After one cup went into his throat, Meng Zhou closed his eyes and thought about it for a long time.

After a long time, he praised softly: "Good tea!"

As the aftertaste of this spiritual tea spreads in the body, not only the physical power is relaxed, but also the mind seems to be slowly soothed.

With his current soul strength, ordinary quality second-level spiritual tea could no longer give him such a touch.

"Second-grade top grade." Meng Zhou tasted it in his heart.

The quality of these two spiritual tea trees could only reach the second-level mid-grade. This growth has been very rapid, but now after being processed with the perfect level of processing technology, it has directly reached the second-order high-grade quality.

The only disadvantage of this treatment is that the weight of the spiritual tea, which has been greatly reduced after processing, becomes even less.

This is not a problem for Meng Zhou. Two Ling tea trees are harvested every two months for his personal consumption, so there is already a lot of surplus.

Previously, all the spiritual teas prepared by him below the master level were given to Yang Chong and his wife for use, but he still had many spiritual teas prepared by the master and grandmaster levels.

I can't finish it, I can't finish it at all.

Because the practice process was too fragmented, it was not until late at night on the 30th that Meng Zhou stopped practicing the River Burning Technique and returned to the quiet room to start his routine retreat.

Taking stock of the gains from this round of training in his mind, he found that Fenjiang Shu had gained a total of 1,450 experience points, completing the accumulation of entry and initial achievements, and advancing to Xiaocheng.

"Small success in burning river technique 700/1000"

In addition, the lightning technique still remains in the same state as when I first started.

Then, in this round of practice, the fire-bending arts, water-bending arts, and processing arts have been accumulated to the master level and advanced to perfection.

The last one is the Soul Shocking Technique, which is still a gain of 2240 experience points, completing the further accumulation of the master level.

"Master of Soul Shock 13900/16000"

On the third day of November, after finishing his routine retreat practice and getting used to the newly added magic power, Meng Zhou began to practice regularly.

The experience of the soul-shaking technique is slowly but steadily improving every day, and the limit of being a master is getting closer and closer.

The daily experience gained from the practice of Burning River Technique is much more than that of Soul Shocking Technique. However, with the cultivation level of the fifth level of foundation building to practice this second-level high-grade spell, it can be seen from the experience gain alone that far It is not easy to practice those second-level low-level and mid-level spells.

The daily experience gained from the Burning River Technique is around 400 points.

Every once in a while, the water in the pond specially used for practicing the art of burning rivers will emit the unique aroma of stewed turtles.

The two Xuanling Turtles, under the threat of life and death from "half-lived" and "half-cooked", also showed the strong survival instinct that should be expected from the bloodline of quasi-third-level monsters. Their adaptability to the cloud and rain spell formation seals is rapidly increasing. promote.

Late at night on the tenth day of the lunar month, I had just started practicing the Soul Shocking Technique for a while, and my soul had not been consumed much. The Soul Shocking Technique, which had been at the master level for a long time, had finally accumulated enough experience.

The soul-shaking technique was successfully promoted from master to perfection.

As this first divine soul spell reached perfection, Meng Zhou not only gained more skills and insights into the soul-shaking technique.

At the same time, the understanding of the soul has become deeper.

Originally, the soul pool was like a quiet pool of stagnant water. Only when the soul refining method was improved each time and the soul transformed, the soul pool would have obvious ripples.

Other times, not even he himself could stir up trouble in this soul pond.

Not only can't it be done, but it can't be done either.

After all, the soul is more fragile than blood and mana, and it is closer to its roots. If it is not handled properly, it will shock oneself into an idiot, or it will destroy some memories.

Now, following the harvest after completing the soul-shaking technique, he can naturally create ripples in the soul pond without any deliberate effort.

This soul technique is used to kill enemies, and the effect is equally amazing.

If you don't pay attention, the enemy's soul will be shaken into pieces and shattered into pieces.

But what it gained Meng Zhou was far more than just a divine soul spell that could kill enemies invisibly. It also broadened the boundaries of his knowledge of the divine soul.

After the soul-shaking technique is completed, because the body's condition has not been completely relieved, there is still some time before the routine retreat.

Meng Zhou did not continue to practice the Burning River technique, but took out the magic jade slip and began to learn the last spell recorded in it.

Qi gazing technique.

Late at night, Meng Zhou began his routine retreat practice.

In this round of practice, the Burning River Technique gained a total of 2,400 points of experience, leaping from a minor level to a great level, and advanced to the realm of master.

"Master of Burning River Skill 100/4000"

November 13th, early morning.

After finishing the retreat, Meng Zhou looked at the gains from the retreat.

Cultivation progress +70, foundation building level 5 988/1000;

Second-level Spring Water Sutra +700, Grandmaster 9100/32000;

Soul Pool Refining Moon Heart +600, Master 14600/16000;

Black Turtle Body Refining Technique +600, Grandmaster 4630/24000.

After a little adapting to the current situation, Meng Zhou continued to study and understand the art of qi reading.

This is because after completing the soul-shaking technique, Meng Zhou gained insights and insights into the soul.

At this time, inspiration is the most active. As time goes by, the "freshness" is lost, and you gradually become accustomed to it, and the inspiration will become less.

Before, he had to practice in seclusion, but had no choice but to interrupt. Now, he didn't want to miss it again.

The Burning River Technique has reached the level of a master, and there is no problem in pausing for a while.

With the in-depth study of Qi-Wang Technique, Meng Zhou gradually understood.

The two second-level high-grade spells, Burning River Technique and Thunder Drop Technique, focus on mana and less on the soul.

The soul-shaking technique focuses entirely on the soul and almost does not involve the use of mana. This is a "soul-to-soul" attack method.

The Qi-Wang Technique's emphasis on the soul is only slightly less than that of the Soul-Shocking Technique. Although its demand for magical power is not much, its requirements for magical skills are quite demanding.

Because this magic ultimately requires the use of eyes to "see".

There is no need to emphasize the fragility and sensitivity of the eyes, just be cautious.

Therefore, when Meng Zhou actually started to learn the Qi Watching Technique, he found that although the learning progress was much faster than the Soul Shocking Technique, it was still much slower than the River Burning Technique and the Thunder Drop Technique.

Until November 20th, he was only halfway through learning this spell.

Meng Zhou was not in a hurry. As soon as the sky darkened, he paused the study of the Qi-gazing technique and began to enter the quiet room, doing it cross-legged and silently adjusting his mood.

He had a lot of expectations for this retreat.

Cultivation improvement was only one aspect. More importantly, he wanted to see what would happen if he improved his level after his life span reached the limit.

Among the three fundamental methods he practiced, the Chun Shui Jing after completion was the highest, followed by the soul refining method, and finally the body refining method.

The soul refining method has already harvested two innate abilities, one is "Moon Mirror" and the other is "Nature's Heart".

There are deficiencies in the body training method, and it is understandable that he has no natural ability for the time being.

What's more, if you really want to worry about it, the "Qi and Blood Domain" and "Qi and Blood Sword" that can grow together with the body refining achievements are also qualified to be called innate abilities.

It's just that it has not been included in the information list for the time being.

Compared with these two, Chun Shui Jing seems very strange.

At first, Meng Zhou thought that the inherent abilities of the fundamental method needed to be explored and created. In this case, it is understandable that non-original Chun Shui Jing does not have its own innate abilities for the time being.

But it wasn't until the Soul Refining Method revealed two innate abilities one after another that he gradually realized that innate abilities did not need to be explored and created. It was itself a "by-product" of the fundamental cultivation method.

As long as the fundamental method is there and progressing, this natural ability will change and improve along with it.

Looking at it this way, it seems very abnormal that Chun Shuijing has not shown his talent for a long time.

However, this does not deny the importance of the Spring Water Sutra.

Not to mention the performance of its rich vitality characteristics in practical applications, the extraordinary improvement of his upper limit of life beyond the normal foundation building time and time again is also attributed to the Spring Water Sutra.

At one point, Meng Zhou suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his heart and thought of a possibility.

"'Extraordinary life span increase', isn't this an innate ability?

Seriously, how many innate abilities are there that are more powerful than this and more direct to the core of spiritual practice? "

But when his thoughts came to this, new confusion came to his mind.

Why is this ability not included in the information list?

It can’t be that you’re not qualified, right? !

Although his thinking was fruitless, Meng Zhou would not give up and put down these thoughts for the time being.

Until he felt the limit of life and verified the "ten-year limit" through the longevity pill, Meng Zhou's thoughts changed again.

He thought of a passage from his previous life:

[Moreover, the accumulation of water is not thick, so it will not be able to carry a large boat.

Put a cup of water on the col hall, and the boat will be made of mustard. Put the cup in place and make a glue. The water is shallow but the boat is big.

If the accumulation of wind is not thick, then its large wings will be unable to carry it...]

"So, Chun Shui Jing has never shown its innate ability. Is it because the previous life state has not reached the conditions for the emergence of innate abilities?"

With these expectations in mind, Meng Zhou's consciousness sank into the depths of his body little by little.

The next moment, it was as if the heaven and earth were turned upside down and the world was reset. His consciousness was like the way of heaven, high in the ninth heaven, overlooking the rivers, lakes and seas below, roaring, and the clouds, mist, rain and dew rising and circulating.

In such a state, the passage of time in the outside world becomes blurred.

It seems like a long time has passed, and it seems like the next moment.

Meng Zhou "saw" that below, a huge dense water network, with a lake as huge as an ocean at its core, had undergone changes visible to the naked eye.

The lake becomes larger, and the amount of water it can store will become deeper and wider.

The river network with it as its core has become larger, more numerous, and denser, and their interactions with lakes have become more frequent and convenient.

Of course Meng Zhou knew that the lake was actually the Qihai Dantian, the dense network of water was the meridians, and the roaring river flowing through it was the mana.

He realized that the changes he saw at this moment were actually the changes in his Dantian, meridians and mana after his cultivation broke through from the fifth level to the sixth level.

Apart from these changes, what concerned Meng Zhou the most was the center of the "lake".

In the deepest part of the lake, two crystal-like gem-like objects were suspended there.

Meng Zhou's heart was shocked, and he realized that this was probably the innate ability of the second-level Spring Water Sutra that he had longed for.

However, he restrained this sudden change of emotions and continued to maintain the stable circulation of the three poles of energy, energy and spirit in his body.

Until the negativity accumulated in the cycle made him feel that he could no longer continue, he stopped the three-pole cycle and stopped practicing. His consciousness, which originally seemed to be high in the ninth heaven, suddenly "sinked" into the huge lake.

After his consciousness entered his Dantian, Meng Zhou finally saw two new things in his Dantian.

Those were two crystal clear droplets, and the vitality condensed on them had completely materialized.

After a long time, Meng Zhou's consciousness withdrew from his dantian and looked at the changes on the information panel.

[Life span] has not increased, it is still 600 years old.

[Status], no change, still "complete".

The changes in cultivation are also in line with expectations.

[Realm: Foundation Building Sixth Floor 29/1000]

The change that Meng Zhou is most looking forward to appears in the "talent" category.

[Talents: Moon Mirror, Heart of Nature, Soul Dew, Variety Spirit Body (Incomplete), White Lotus Spirit Body (Incomplete), Natural Sword Body (Incomplete)]

Among the talents, "Spiritual Dew" has been added.

When Meng Zhou's consciousness focused on "Spiritual Dew", he probably learned its efficacy.

It has a very wide range of functions, all of which are inseparable from the word "vitality".

It is not only an excellent healing product without any side effects, but also a rare spiritual tonic.

For those who are seriously injured or have hidden diseases, the rich vitality contained in it will quickly heal the injuries and eliminate the hidden diseases.

For people who are in good condition and healthy, the rich vitality contained in it will directly increase the growth of the target's existence.

Meng Zhou had an idea and took out a drop of spiritual dew from his dantian. He looked at the thumb-sized spiritual object, thought about it, raised his head and swallowed it into his belly.

He carefully watched the changes in his body. Unfortunately, the good thing of kicking off his left foot and right foot and falling to the ground did not happen.

The life dew was swallowed by him and quickly dispersed into a rich vitality. After going around in his body, it soon emerged from his dantian again, as if it had never left.

Meng Zhou thought for a while, then took out a jade bottle of the best quality, which he had imprinted with the shielding and confinement talisman array. He took out all the two drops of life dew from his dantian and put them in the jade bottle.

Meng Zhou sat down cross-legged, his consciousness immersed in the magical power of the master-level Spring Water Sutra and the changes in his Dantian.

It can be clearly seen that when the rich vitality in the mana passes through the Dantian, the most essence and pure part of it automatically precipitates and is deposited bit by bit in the Dantian.

He tried it, and the speed of deposition was not determined by his own subjective will, but by the mana itself.

The Grandmaster's second-level Spring Water Sutra builds up the sixth level of cultivation, and the vitality contained in the magic power is constant.

Therefore, the speed at which this life dew is deposited in the body is also constant.

"However, it's not necessarily..."

Meng Zhou left the quiet room and used the Burning River technique to quickly empty the body of mana.

Then, sit cross-legged and adjust your breath, constantly refining the external spiritual energy into your own magic power.

After his mana was restored, Meng Zhou looked at his Dantian again, and then he realized that he was stupid.

His "big blood exchange" method to drain the mana in his body did not speed up the birth of Life Dew, but actually slowed it down.

"So, under normal circumstances, it only takes about one day for my Dantian to condense a drop of Life Dew, but if my mana is frequently consumed during practice, this time will basically be doubled, and it will take two days to condense a drop. "

Just as a new drop of Life Dew was precipitating out of his body, Meng Zhou did another experiment. He quickly swallowed two drops of Life Dew.

These two drops of life dew quickly appeared in the dantian, but that and a lot of life dew precipitated from the mana were once again transformed into life and integrated into the mana. The excess life had a tendency to escape outwards.

Meng Zhou quickly took out the two drops of life dew from his dantian, allowing the pure vitality that was about to escape to appear in the dantian again in the form of dew drops.

"So, my Dantian can only hold two drops of Life Dew at most now. If there are more, there will be no room for it."

"I don't know how effective it is."

With this thought in his mind, Meng Zhou stepped up to the high wall and looked at the two mysterious turtles that had basically changed from a semi-cooked state to fully cooked again.

Meng Zhou had better heal all the injuries in their bodies first and restore them to their best condition.

After all, if there are injuries in their bodies, the Life Dew will have the first goal of healing their injuries. This is not only a waste of the only two drops of Life Dew, but also inconsistent with his purpose.

After confirming that both turtles were in perfect condition, Meng Zhou injected two drops of life dew into the bodies of the two mysterious turtles.

Meng Zhou's spiritual consciousness followed, followed...

The life dew completely disappeared.

It cannot be said that there has been no change, I can only say that it is minimal.

The bloodline status in their bodies has indeed become more active based on his understanding of the two mysterious turtles.

But this is only the result of one or at most two days of extreme pain.

In other words, even without these two drops of life dew, they can grow to this state in at most two days.

Meng Zhou looked at the two Xuanling Turtles, both of which were over ten meters in diameter, and silently complained in his heart: "Discussing efficacy regardless of dosage is just a hooligan."

He decided to change his test subject.

Meng Zhou looked at the spiritual plants in the courtyard. Compared to the exaggeratedly large mysterious turtles, their sizes were much more normal.

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