Do not die

Chapter 147 Moisturizing things silently, knowing the smallest details

After that, Meng Zhou gradually mastered the two sword-controlling techniques of dividing light into shadows and cutting mountains and dividing seas.

Time has unconsciously passed from early March to the end of late March.

Mid-March, that is, March 15th, is the date when the second black market opens.

The day before, Meng Zhou received a summons reminder from Kan Yue.

This was because he knew that Meng Zhou had become an idiot in practice, so he sent a message to remind him, but he was not necessarily allowed to participate.

After the excitement of the first opening of the market, the reputation of the black market has been successfully established. The subsequent operations will be steady and steady, and there is no need for him to do more.

After thinking about it for a while, Meng Zhou took the initiative to cancel the trip and continued to study at home to comprehend the Soul Retrospective Soul Technique.

Time flies and it is March 30th.

Meng Zhou once again suspended his study of looking back at Yuan Guang, finished picking the two spiritual tea plants that had entered the picking season again, and processed them into new tea.

Apart from routine retreats, Lingcha was almost never away from him.

The process of learning to retrace Yuan Guang is really too taxing. If there were not so many high-quality spiritual teas to cleanse the body and mind at all times, his learning progress would not be as fast as it is now.

But this also resulted in his consumption of spiritual tea being very large this month.

In the past, when every new batch of tea came out, there would still be a lot of old tea left.

After a month of continuous consumption, not only all the new tea harvested at the end of January was used up, but also the perfect quality spiritual tea that had been accumulated before.

This harvest came just in time.

And it was also in the afternoon of this day, after a month of continuous study, Meng Zhou finally broke through all the obstacles in tracing back to Yuan Guang and successfully entered the field.

Meng Zhou pondered for a while, then reached out and pointed at the Qingling tea tree that had just been picked not far in front of him.

A strange, seemingly ethereal water droplet flew out from his fingertips and landed in the center of the Qingling tea tree.

Then, the magical water droplets turned into a halo of light that seemed to be nothing, enveloping the entire Qingling tea tree.

In Meng Zhou's field of vision, two Qingling tea trees appeared, one was real and the other was completely illusory.

Meng Zhou's heart moved, and the real Qingling tea tree disappeared from his sight, leaving only the illusory tea tree.

This is like a "soul shadow" forcibly extracted from the real Qingling tea tree, but Meng Zhou certainly knows that this is not a soul shadow. To be more precise, it is the "information" in this area at this moment. body".

This is the result of looking back at Yuan Guang's "reading" and "processing" of the known information in this area.

To maintain this "information body", Meng Zhou clearly felt that his soul was being consumed at a slow rate.

As Meng Zhou's thoughts moved again, the Qingling tea tree in his field of vision began to "reverse growth" rapidly. The branches on the treetops that had just been picked suddenly sprouted new green buds. Then, these green buds began to grow in a visible way. The speed "shrinks" and becomes smaller and smaller.

During this process, Meng Zhou felt that his soul power was rapidly being consumed like a floodgate opening.

When he felt that he could no longer continue, he decisively cut off the use of this soul technique.

In the field of vision, the Qingling tea tree shattered and disappeared.

At this moment, the Qingling Tea Tree has returned to its appearance a month ago.

In other words, this retroactive light, which he has just started to learn, can allow him to see the scene as far as one month ago.

Looking further back, there was nothing he could do.

The scene in his eyes once again changed into a real courtyard scene.

The Qingling tea tree has also returned to its original state just after picking.

Retrospective Yuan Guang experience +150, entry level 150/750.

Meng Zhou's attention stayed on the data "750" for a moment, then he nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Just get started."

As for the difficulty being greater than the soul-shaking technique, he said it didn't matter.

As long as he successfully gets started, the greater the difficulty, the greater his gains, which is a good thing.

late at night.

Meng Zhou felt that the negative energy accumulated in his body due to the previous round of retreat was about to be cleared, and another drop of life dew took shape in his dantian, and he took it out.

This month, Meng Zhou's mana has hardly been consumed violently, and he has steadily produced a drop of life dew every day. Adding the remainder from the previous time, there are now 33 drops accumulated in the spirit sealing bottle.

Meng Zhou took out twenty-nine drops of living dew and thirty drops of living dew, and fed them to thirty spiritual plants with a snap of his fingers.

Thirty first-level high-grade spiritual plants began to grow rapidly. When they stabilized again, they completed about half a year of growth accumulation.

It originally took about two years of growth to complete the accumulation of first-level high-grade products. Through two consecutive drops of Life Spirit Dew and their own growth during these times, thirty spiritual plants have completed more than a year's growth in this short period of time. accumulation.

After dealing with all this, Meng Zhou entered the quiet room and started a new round of routine retreat.

Early morning on the third day of April.

Meng Zhou woke up from seclusion and inspected this harvest.

Cultivation progress +35, foundation building six levels 484/1000;

Second level Spring Water Sutra +700, Grandmaster 18900/32000;

Soul Pool Refining Moon Heart +700, Grandmaster 8200/32000;

Black Turtle Body Refining Technique +700, Grandmaster 14230/24000.

Everything went as expected. He took out the two drops of new life dew from his dantian and stored them in the sealing jade bottle.

Then, after a slight adjustment, Meng Zhou began to practice regularly.

Meng Zhou first used Retrospective Light. In order to prevent his mental state from getting too bad, Meng Zhou did not mobilize the power of the soul excessively.

This is the same arrangement as when he first practiced the soul-shaking technique, to maximize the potential of the soul while ensuring that the daily state can be maintained at a normal level.

During the process of using "Retrospective Circle Light" on a spiritual plant, Meng Zhou's attention was not on the scene in that area, but on the changes in his mental state.

And when he confirmed that his mental state was about to fall below a certain threshold, he promptly stopped performing this soul technique.

Then, Meng Zhou's figure rarely appeared outside the courtyard, standing on the wasteland next to the thousand-acre spiritual field.

As the mana was introduced from his feet into the earth, with the place where his feet stood as the center of the circle, the ground, which was as hard as a second-level mid-grade defensive magic weapon, rippled like water waves.

It's like a huge boulder dropped into calm water. With the rockfall point as the center, ripples spread out to the surroundings.

Under this ripple vibration, the hard and compact wasteland quickly became loose.

This efficiency is more than ten times higher than the chemical transformation technique that is not suitable for professionals.

The only problem is that this spell consumes far more mana than the Transformation Art. Like the River Burning Technique and the Thunder Drop Technique, they are both big consumers of mana.

At the beginning, Meng Zhou wanted to practice the "Hurricane Technique" first, and the "Earth Wave Surge" training plan came later.

However, after he actually started practicing, Meng Zhou still prioritized the "Earth Waves" training plan.

Because if he wants to practice Earth Wave Surge, he will definitely not be able to use it in the courtyard.

Half of the two-acre courtyard is a water storage pond with high walls. The other areas are either planted with spiritual plants or are quiet rooms and elegant homes. There is simply not enough area for him to perform.

If you're not careful, you may have to uproot a patch of flowers and plants.

Therefore, to practice this spell, you have to go out of the yard, and it is most suitable to cast it in the vast wasteland outside.

Moreover, last year a group of village landowners drank the first soup and harvested the wool from the Sanchuan Club. This year, all the village landowners have started queuing up at the Sanchuan Club to apply for the use of the shaking cattle and rainforest black toads.

At the last gathering at Kan Yue's house, most of the topics discussed were related to this.

Increasing the land reclamation area of ​​Lingtian has become the consensus of the people and is a major trend.

At this time, if he continued to sit still, he would look more unusual.

In this case, then I will continue to open up some wasteland, and by the way, I will also practice the Earth Waves.

Since sooner or later we have to take advantage of the surging cultivation land to continue to open up wasteland, of course the sooner the better.

Although he didn't care much about the output of the newly opened spiritual field, he basically used it as a cover.

But it is naturally better to open up wasteland and plant seeds earlier.

As soon as Meng Zhou appeared next to Lingtian, the Qi-training monks in several guard booths around Lingtian had already noticed him.

They watched from a distance with respectful expressions on their faces, but none of them stepped forward to chat with him without permission.

Since the first day they were arranged to come here by Yang Chong, everything they do here is arranged by Yang Chong.

If Meng Zhou had anything to say, he would directly tell Yang Chong and had no direct contact with them.

In the beginning, when they first arrived, Meng Zhou still had the intention to contact them and show some kindness and power.

But after secretly observing Yang Chong's management of them, he knew that he did not need to do more. Not only would it distract his energy, but the effect would not necessarily be better.

The gap between Qi-training monks and Foundation-building monks is too huge.

Maintaining a sufficient sense of distance is not a bad thing, and these Qi practicing monks will not slack off because of this.

However, although they did not come forward to strike up a conversation, they reported the news to Yang Chong immediately.

Soon, Yang Chong's figure came next to Meng Zhou.

Meng Zhou saw him standing aside respectfully, glanced at him, and continued to cast spells on the ground, while saying:

"I'm not watering the ground today, so why are you here, helping me hoe the ground?

Your first priority now is to practice seriously and improve Liu Ying's cultivation as soon as possible! "

Meng Zhou, who said this, had a very serious attitude.

But Yang Chong felt the strong bad taste of Senior Zhuang.

Yang Chong stood beside him, slightly embarrassed, but soon he asked seriously:

"Senior, do you want to continue to open up wasteland and spiritual fields?

How many acres of wasteland do you plan to open up this time? Do I need to recruit more people in advance? "

Meng Zhouyi was stunned. He had only cared about his own practice before and really didn't think about this.

After Yang Chong reminded him, he finally realized that he should indeed prepare more manpower in advance.

However, he himself does not know the specific area of ​​land reclamation. It depends on when he has perfected the practice of Earth Wave Surge.

"Let's recruit some more..."

As he was talking, Meng Zhou suddenly asked: "How many people are here now?"

Yang Chong said: "The largest number of people come before and after each irrigation period, about thirty people.

On weekdays, there are not so many people who only need daily maintenance care, only about ten people at most. "

Meng Zhou nodded and said, "At other times, everyone is with you?"

"Yes." Yang Chong replied.

"With so many people, can we arrange it?" Meng Zhou asked.

"Just continue to expand the scale of land reclamation." Yang Chong said.

"How big is your farmland now?" Meng Zhou asked.

"Nearly three thousand acres." Yang Chong said.

"It's developing very fast!" Meng Zhou said.

When Yang Chong first took possession of the farmland, he mentioned this matter to Meng Zhou. At that time, it was only a few hundred acres in size.

It has only been over a year now, and it has reached such a scale. This is because Yang Chong himself is basically here and does not have much personal intervention.

"The main purpose is to better place this large group of people."

Yang Chong replied that this was what he meant.

Under Meng Zhou's force, the couple basically focused on cultivation. Wherever they looked, they were basically building foundations and things after foundation building. For most Qi practicing monks, Stimulating things no longer provide effective stimulation to them.

More than a year ago, they were very excited because they finally had their own farm and their dream came true for many years.

But now, the area of ​​the spiritual field in Zhuangtian has increased so much compared to when it was first taken over, but the two of them can already look at the matter calmly.

In the past, Liu Ying would often travel back and forth between the two places alone, but now she has slacked off and devoted herself almost wholeheartedly to practice.

But the thing is so strange. The status of that farmland is getting lower and lower in the hearts of the two people, and it is becoming more and more "unfavored". However, its development has not stagnated, but is getting better and better.

"We will recruit another group of people this time. In order to accommodate more people, we will continue to expand the land reclamation area. However, once we reach about 5,000 acres, we should be done."

"Why is this?" Meng Zhou was curious.

"There is no new ground to open." Yang Chong said.

Meng Zhou was slightly startled, the waves on the ground beneath his feet kept surging, and his communication with Yang Chong did not stop.

Meng Zhou thought about the first-order spiritual land he saw when he first came to Sanchuan Plateau. Although the density of Zhuangtian was more than that of the second-order area, the area of ​​each Zhuangtian was relatively small due to the limited abilities of Qi-training monks.

Overall, only a small part of the area is actually stably managed as spiritual fields, and most of it is undeveloped wasteland.

Meng Zhou asked out his doubts.

Yang Chong shook his head and said: "It is no longer two years ago. Not only have a large number of first-level farmlands been added, but all farmlands are continuing to be reclaimed.

There are fewer and fewer areas that can be converted into spiritual fields, and there are already many adjacent farmlands that are bordered by spiritual fields. "

This is really a situation that Meng Zhou has never paid attention to. Ever since he came to Sanchuanyuan, his activities have been completely restricted within a very small range.

Most of the time, it is within the two acres of my own courtyard.

Occasionally I go to Kan Yue's place, and the number of times I go to Sanchuan City can be counted on one hand or five fingers.

When I was most active, that is, during the two months when I was sent by the Sanchuan Society, I traveled to many places.

But the activity area is always within the scope of the second-order spiritual land.

At the gathering at Kan Yue's house, everyone discussed many topics, but the situation of the first-order spiritual land in the Sanchuan Plain was not discussed once.

It is said that "talking and laughing are all about building the foundation, and there is no practice of Qi in communication", so that before this information came out from Yang Chong's mouth today, Meng Zhou didn't know anything about these changes.

If this happened to other foundation builders in this world, they would not take it seriously and would not think there is anything wrong with it.

It is natural for practitioners to look forward and upward.

After completing the foundation building, unless you have family members, disciples, or interests related to it, you will not pay attention to the Qi training level. This is normal.

Meng Zhou felt a little wary.

Because in his eyes, the world is one.

To expand your horizons and strengthen your understanding of the world, you must not only look far away, but also look up. You must also not ignore all changes under your feet.

Otherwise, the world in his eyes will be seriously "distorted."

With this in mind, he continued to ask:

"Is Sanchuanhui also responsible for the management of Zhuangtian within the scope of the first-order spiritual land?"


"how do you feel?"

"They are very responsible. They know that Liu Ying and I are basically here and don't have much energy to take care of, so they took the initiative to help us solve many things.

They spend more time there than we do. "

Speaking of this matter, Yang Chong couldn't help but say a few more words.

It can be seen that he is truly satisfied with the service provided by Sanchuanhui.

"However, there has been some confusion during this period." Yang Chong added.

"Oh, what's going on?"

“Personnel changes are too frequent, and basically half of the old batch has been replaced.

Although the new batch of people are very attentive, it will take a lot of time just to re-understand the conditions of each farm.

...But it should be fine after a while. "

"Is it such a big move?"

Meng Zhou was a little surprised, but when Yang Chong explained again, it turned out that those old people from the Sanchuan Society who had been replaced were sent to Qinglinfang for "further training", and Meng Zhou understood what was going on.

This is the story of local monks who followed Dai Shouli last year.

"It seems that the number of foundation-building monks in Sanchuan Yuan will increase again soon."

"Where are the spiritual planters? Are there enough?"

Many people who occupy a small spiritual land or open a spiritual field of three to five dozen acres do not care whether there is a spiritual planter or not.

First of all, the area is small, so any losses will not be too big.

Furthermore, since the spiritual field is small, the probability of spiritual plant problems is even smaller. In addition, the small area of ​​​​spiritual fields must be tended more carefully, so the need for spiritual planters is not very urgent.

But at a scale like Mikawahara, any subtle hidden danger will be magnified exponentially. If not dealt with in time, the scope of the impact will rapidly expand.

Yang Chong said: "I am indeed very nervous. However, since the beginning of last year, as Senior Zhu has successively trained several talented spiritual planters, and the original spiritual planters have received her guidance, there have also been many changes." With the growth, I can barely cope with this situation now.”

Meng Zhou's heart turned for a moment before he realized that the "Senior Zhu" he was talking about was Zhu Qian.

Meng Zhou thought to himself, those first-level spiritual planters should have been developed into association members by her now, right?

This Zhu Qian shouted "I've reached the limit" every day, but looking at her, she not only completed her job very well.

There is still time and energy to engage in talent discovery and systematic training at the grassroots level. This is not what the limit should be like.

"With so many new spiritual fields added, the output must have increased greatly. Are there any changes in prices?"

Meng Zhou has actually been thinking about something in his mind. The large-scale development of the second-level spiritual field in Sanchuan Plain only started in the middle of the year before last.

With the sharp increase in the number of foundation-building monks in the Qingxuan Domain in the past two years, the concept of scarce and precious resources has been hard-wired into every monk's mind.

This is also an important reason why so many foundation builders have flocked to the Sanchuan Plain in the past two years, because they know that as long as they can endure a few years of loneliness, they can make a fortune as long as the spiritual field produces something.

This concept is still being strengthened with the continuous increase of foundation building. In this way, when a large number of spiritual fields begin to be output in large quantities in a few years, will it go from one extreme to the other? What about extremes?

Meng Zhou had seen many such cases in his previous life, and heard of them even more. When everyone knew that something was expensive, they would rush to plant it. When the things came out, they were all cheap and rotted in the soil. No one picked it up.

Of course, the value of spiritual materials is there, and it cannot really become worthless.

At most, prices have shrunk significantly due to changes in supply and demand.

There is a huge gap between the amount of spiritual stones that the landowners can actually earn and the amount they currently expect.

Meng Zhou even once doubted whether it was possible for Qingxuan Sect to foresee this change in advance. The landowners of the village would also be the second batch of targets to be harshly harvested by it after the professionals.

The growth cycle of first-order spiritual plants is shorter than that of second-order spiritual plants, and most first-order low-grade spiritual plants can mature once a year.

Therefore, the first-level spiritual fields newly opened on a large scale have begun to produce crops one after another. Those who work quickly may have finished harvesting the second crop of spiritual plants.

Meng Zhou felt that this might be a sample for observation.

Yang Chong didn't know what Meng Zhou was thinking, so he thought about it seriously and said, "Compared to last year, there is some improvement, but not very big."

"Is there still an improvement?" Meng Zhou was surprised.

This was a little different from what he thought. He thought that perhaps there were not many spiritual veins suitable for large-scale development of spiritual fields in Qingxuan Territory. The increase in Sanchuan Plain would be increased several times in Sanchuan Plain.

But it can be diluted to the entire Qingxuan Domain, and the situation is still in short supply.

And the changes in supply and demand he envisioned will take longer to be transmitted to the owners of these villages.

However, soon, another piece of news revealed by Yang Chong left Meng Zhou in a daze for a while, and he suddenly realized that his knowledge was one-sided again.

"Since there is a large-scale land reclamation everywhere, it is not easy to find manpower, right?" Meng Zhou brought the topic back to the matter of finding people.

Yang Chong said: "It is not difficult to find enough people, but it does take some effort to select the most suitable ones."

Meng Zhou was very surprised. The development and management of the first-order spiritual fields were basically driven by the number of Qi-training monks.

With the current scale of land reclamation in Sanchuan Plain, even if there is no "monk shortage", idle monks will not be as easy to find as before.

Soon, he thought of a possibility: "A large number of Qi practicing monks with other spiritual veins are coming?"

Yang Chong nodded first, then shook his head.

"It is true that many new Qi practitioners have arrived in the past two years, but most of them are new Qi practitioners who have come from ordinary society."

"..." Meng Zhou.

After Yang Chong's explanation, Meng Zhou knew that a new type of profession had been born among the current low-level qi-training monks.

It can be called the "immortal broker".

They wandered through the mortal realms, using immortality as a bait, selecting mortals with the qualifications for cultivation, and guiding them to enter. Anyone who successfully entered the realm would be brought to the realm of cultivation.

Those mortals who cultivate the sense of qi, which is not even considered as formal qi training, are so happy that they think they have embarked on the road to immortality.

But what they don't know is that the vast majority of them have extremely poor qualifications and will be stuck at the bottom of the spiritual world for the rest of their lives.

But there are many of them.

Moreover, their requirements are lower.

They are more volume.

Because of the large influx of such new Qi practitioners, even though large-scale land reclamation was taking place everywhere in the Sanchuan Plain, there was no "monk shortage" as Meng Zhou thought.

In terms of cultivation level and combat ability, these new qi practitioners may be very different from those old qi practitioners. There is a gap that will not be evened out for decades or even a lifetime.

But putting them in the spiritual field, the gap is surprisingly small.

Moreover, most of this gap can be filled with numbers of people.

According to Yang Chong, unless they are truly irreplaceable, most village landowners would rather recruit a new Qi practitioner who can match one out of ten, rather than recruit an expert Qi practitioner who can match up to ten Qi practitioners.

Listening to Yang Chong's story, Meng Zhou's mind turned to the supply and demand model he had built in his heart.

And added an extremely important link that he had always ignored.


In addition to "cultivating the second generation", "cultivating the third generation" and "cultivating the... generation" of practitioners, a bigger source is the ordinary society.

However, except for a very lucky group among them, the vast majority are casual cultivators and low-level cultivators, and very few can grow to the late stage of Qi training.

But they constitute the lowest level of the Qingxuan Domain's cultivation world, and are the base and cornerstone of the Qingxuan Domain's huge cultivation world.

Moreover, as long as the base number is large enough, there is always a chance to stand out, or even break through Qi training, and grow to build a foundation.

In terms of headcount alone, they are the majority in the practice world.

It is precisely because of the continuous injection and stimulation of fresh blood that the Qingxuan Domain's immortal cultivation world has a vitality and atmosphere that is different from other domains.

Among the various realms, the Qingxuan realm is the most likely to spread the practice of cultivation to ordinary society.

In the gathering and exchanges with Kan Yue and others, Meng Zhou could feel that, except for the Qingxuan Domain, the other domains had a tacit understanding to control the spread of the practice.

Although, the spread of spiritual practice is similar to an intrinsic attribute.

From the moment it was born, from scratch, it was intended to spread to a wider range.

Even if there is tacit control, it can only slow down the spread, but cannot really stop it.

In contrast, Qingxuan Domain, or Qingxuan Sect, not only acquiesces to this spread, but even actively contributes to it.

However, before that, the spread of spiritual practice to ordinary society, regardless of certain individuals, looked more like an unconscious and natural sinking on a large scale.

But the changes now are purposeful, organized, and large-scale, tapping more potential from ordinary society.

Before these potentials are tapped out, there will be a steady stream of cheap new Qi practitioners integrated into the “cornerstone” of the practice world.

And can the potential of mortals be tapped out?

If you only look at this generation, maybe.

But if you look at the next generation and the next generation, you will almost never be able to finish it.

As long as a suitable living place can be provided, the speed at which mortals can reproduce one generation is even shorter than the time it takes for some second-level spiritual plants to mature from seed to maturity!

As long as you are willing, with the life span of a foundation-building monk, you can completely see the terrifying exponential growth rate of the number of mortals under the protection of the cultivators.

"And as long as mortals can reproduce from generation to generation, there will be a steady stream of new people joining the practice world."

"The more resources the spirit field produces, the more new qi practitioners there will be."

“The greater the number of monks, the greater the demand, and more spiritual fields will be opened up.”

“…So, the end of this road is not an excess of resources or an oversupply of resources.

Rather, it is the development limit that each spiritual vein can carry! "

Meng Zhou was shocked.

In this model, he seemed to see a level of prosperity far beyond what it is now. Whether it was the number of monks or the degree of development of spiritual veins, it was far beyond the current cultivation world.

Similarly, he also saw an extremely involutional and "resource-based" spiritual practice world.

Meng Zhou shook his head slightly in his heart, and did not continue to ponder the matter in depth. Instead, he looked at Yang Chong and asked, "Is there anything else special?"

Meng Zhou unexpectedly gained a lot from today's exchange with Yang Chong. He had not expected more.

But after Yang Chong thought carefully for a while, he replied:

“From the first day of the first lunar month of this year to now.

Among the fields in my farm, the quality of the first few hundred acres of spiritual fields has gradually improved to varying degrees.

Among them, there are nearly a hundred acres, and the improvement is even more obvious. "

"Promoted?" Meng Zhou asked with his heart moving.

Yang Chong nodded and said:

"Well, there are more than 20 acres of first-class middle-grade spiritual fields, with first-class high-grade quality.

Another sixty acres of lower-grade first-grade land have been upgraded to medium-grade first-grade land. "

"How many years did Zhuangtian operate before you took over?" Meng Zhou asked.

The longer the spiritual field is operated, the more mature the spiritual field becomes. Under the mutual influence of the earth's spiritual energy and the spiritual plants in the spiritual field, it is like being continuously relaxing the meridians, activating the meridians, regulating qi and unblocking the meridians, and the quality of the spiritual field will also be improved accordingly.

The spiritual fields that Dai Shouli and his local monks have managed for tens or hundreds of years are far more valuable than the newly opened spiritual fields.

It is because there are a large number of second-level medium, high-quality, and even some second-level top-quality spiritual fields.

Therefore, when Meng Zhou heard Yang Chong talking about this matter, the first thing he thought of was that those spiritual fields had been managed for many years before Yang Chong took over.

It has long been a familiar spiritual field, but now, it is already "ripe".

Yang Chong shook his head and said:

“That kind of spiritual field is inherited in an orderly manner and will only circulate within the local monks, and there is no way it will fall into my hands.

Those hundreds of acres of spiritual land had only been managed for more than 20 years before I took over. "

Meng Zhouyi was stunned. Thoughts were swirling around in his mind, but he didn't say anything more. He just nodded, and finally arranged a special task for Yang Chong and let him leave.

Meng Zhou, on the other hand, began to suppress all distracting thoughts in his heart and began to practice seriously.

Five days later, Yang Chong appeared next to Meng Zhou again, stayed for a while, and then retreated silently.

Meng Zhou looked calm on the outside, but his heart was turbulent.

According to Yang Chong, the first-level spiritual fields that have been promoted this year are not his special case, there are eight others.

Moreover, five of them have been operating for less than 20 or 30 years. According to the past rules of Sanchuan Plain, they should not be upgraded at this time.

But it just happened.

After listening to his report, the first thing Meng Zhou asked was: "Has the first-level spiritual field been promoted to the second level?"

"No, how is it possible for a first-order spiritual field..." Yang Chong shook his head, subconsciously wanting to say that this was not in line with the rules at all.

But midway through his words, he suddenly paused. After a while, he asked with a shocked look on his face: "You mean..."

Meng Zhou said softly: "If my prediction is good, this should be the beginning."

He didn't say anything more, Yang Chong retreated silently, and Meng Zhou continued to plow the fields, seemingly unaffected.

But when practicing the Earth Wave Surge, he will feel the earth vein aura itself more seriously, instead of simply treating it as a medium to achieve the Earth Wave Surge effect.

During each rest period, he would look at his feet from time to time, at the thousand-acre spiritual field next to him, at the distance, at everything he could see with his perfect Qi-gazing technique, and to compare yesterday, today and "tomorrow" , see what changes they have.

After a month of continuous observation, Meng Zhou finally confirmed that the aura of the earth veins in Sanchuan Yuan was growing.

In the more peripheral first-order spiritual lands, this change is now more obvious.

In the second-order spiritual land, which is more core and has higher quality, this change is so slow that it is difficult to detect.

If he hadn't had the perfect quality of Qi-Wang technique and had carefully observed it for a month, it would have been difficult to detect this.

"If the outside world knows that the quality of Sanchuanyuan's spiritual veins is growing, I don't know what kind of commotion will be caused."

Meng Zhou thought in his mind that this matter has not been noticed yet. Once more people pay attention to it, Meng Zhou is sure that the already hot Sanchuan Plain will heat up again.

At this moment, Meng Zhou suddenly realized something——

"Other monks may ignore it, but it is impossible for Sanchuan to not notice it!"

After discovering this, Meng Zhou immediately realized that the Sanchuan Society, which had access to all the information about the spiritual fields in the entire Sanchuan Plain, was the most qualified to notice this first.

The greater possibility is that the Sanchuan Society had noticed the changes before Yang Chong's spiritual field changed.

"That's not right..."

Meng Zhou thought of Kan Yue, Wei Xiao, and Wei Yuan, all of whom were members of the Sanchuan Club.

At the last party, they didn't act like they knew about this at all.

According to their past practice, as long as they knew about this matter, even if Sanchuan asked for confidentiality, they would remind everyone in a roundabout way.

Well, there is only one truth.

Meng Zhou suddenly stretched out his finger and gently touched the bridge of his nose, a light of enlightenment flashing in his eyes.

"President Pan took the initiative to suppress this news!"

"Not only did he hide it from the other monks in Sanchuanyuan, but he also hid it from everyone within the Sanchuan Society."

Then, Meng Zhou realized that in addition to the Sanchuan Society, there was a group of people who could also discover clues to the matter.

Spiritual planter.

Especially those first-level spiritual planters!

And Zhu Qian is now the backbone of these spiritual planters!

Other spiritual planters may only know some partial and one-sided situations, but she must be the one who knows the most about the changes in the spiritual fields in all areas of the Sanchuan Plain!

Meng Zhou inexplicably remembered this guy's behavior during his last visit, and he complained in his heart, can everyone now be able to do one thing on the surface but another behind his back?

Zhu Qian had always given him the impression that he was a straight-forward person who could see everything at a glance.

There was no way he was hiding such big news in his heart.

For a moment, he wanted to give up thinking and directly summon him to find out.

In the end, of course, it wasn't done.

Because Meng Zhou remembered again that starting from this year, the Sanchuan Club suddenly increased its cooperation with professional associations, especially the Spiritual Planters Association.

Also, Mikawahara will continue to increase its cooperation with Bixueyuan this year.

In addition, he also thought about the fact that when they last met, Zhu Qian said that her teacher would personally come to Mikawa Plain this year.

These things that seemed simple and clear before, now, Meng Zhou understood more profound meanings.

"President Pan is trying to gather allies like crazy before the news spreads completely."

Originally, Meng Zhou thought that President Pan was preparing to arm-wrestle with Dai Shouli and others, but now he realized that his vision was narrow and his structure was low.

Nowadays, the most commonly discussed gossip among almost all the monks in Sanchuan Plain, from Qi training to foundation building, is the friction between the Sanchuan Society headed by President Pan and the local monks headed by Dai Shouli.

Everyone seems to have turned into people who enjoy eating melons and watching movies.

At this time, Meng Zhou suddenly realized that this was probably a "trick" deliberately played by President Pan.

When everyone's attention was focused here, his "magic" had quietly succeeded.

Waiting until the moment of the unveiling and seeing the stunned people, he must be secretly happy, right?

With this thought in his mind, his eyes suddenly became condensed, and he paused his practice of surging ground waves, looking at the figure who was far away in his sight one moment, and was close at hand the next moment.

Looking at the figure falling on the ground in front of him, he said with a surprised look on his face: "President Pan, what can I do for you to ask me to go there in person?"

President Pan looked at the large newly reclaimed spiritual fields around him and said with a smile:

"Fellow Daoist Zhuang is opening up wasteland, why don't you apply to shake the earth?"

I remember that your free quota last year and this year haven’t been used yet. In this case, you don’t need to queue at all. "

Regarding this issue, Meng Zhou was very frank and said: "I bought an interesting spell on the black market before, and clearing the land was only secondarily. The main reason is to master this spell faster."

President Pan nodded suddenly.

Meng Zhou was "curious" and asked President Pan about his purpose.

President Pan looked at Meng Zhou, was silent for a moment, and then said directly: "Fellow Taoist Zhuang is arranging for people to inquire about the changes in Sanchuan Yuanling Land?"

His question was direct, but Meng Zhou was not surprised.

In fact, the moment he saw President Pan appear in his field of vision, Meng Zhou knew that Yang Chong's behavior had fallen into President Pan's eyes.

He couldn't help but think that if Yang Chong was just a Qi-training monk with no background, he would probably be gone by now.

Now that Chairman Pan has gone straight to see him, the "master behind the scenes," Meng Zhou is already very grateful to him for showing mercy.

Therefore, when faced with President Pan's inquiry, he was very single and nodded: "Yes... Because of the changes in Yang Chong's spiritual field, I asked him to inquire more out of curiosity."

President Pan nodded and said, "So, Fellow Taoist Zhuang has discovered the clues now?"

"Yeah." Meng Zhou nodded, and even made it clearer to avoid guessing everyone.

"Mikawahara's spiritual veins are growing?"

President Pan nodded and praised:

"Old man has information about all the spiritual places in Sanchuan Plain, and only then did he vaguely discover some clues.

Unexpectedly, Taoist friend Zhuang could make subtle observations without leaving home.

This vision is infinitely better than mine! "

Meng Zhou said "humbly":

"How dare you compare with President Pan?

I have only now seen some clues, but President Pan has already started laying out the plans for this matter.

No comparison, no comparison at all! "

President Pan's eyes suddenly became much sharper.

But Meng Zhou suddenly had a strange token in his hand that exuded fluctuations in the second-order magic weapon. It had "0" on the top and "ten" on the bottom. He held it in his hand.

President Pan's pupils shrank subconsciously, and then his eyes fell on this artifact. After looking at it carefully for a while, he said, "Fellow Daoist Zhuang is also a member of the Professionals Association?"

Meng Zhou smiled and said, "To be more precise, it's from the Spirit Planter Association."

President Pan asked in surprise: "Are you a second-level spiritual planter?"

Although he was caught off guard, this seems to be a more reasonable explanation for "Zhuang Sheng" being able to see and discover this clue without leaving home.

Spiritual planters who deal with the land every day do have an advantage over other monks in this matter and can discover the truth earlier.

Meng Zhou smiled and nodded.

President Pan's expression was particularly exciting after receiving the exact answer.

Meng Zhou could even roughly guess the emotion in his heart. He probably wanted to scold his mother, right?

Meng Zhou smiled and said: "So, President Pan doesn't have to worry about anything. We are all our own people now."

“¥% # \u0026!!”

President Pan stared at Meng Zhou for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Well, yes, we are our own people now."

He originally wanted to remind "Zhuang Sheng" who seemed to have discovered some clues, and asked him to keep quiet for the time being and not to spread his findings.

But it was only then that he discovered that "Zhuang Sheng" was on the same side as him... Well, it should be said that the Spiritual Planters Association quietly planted him here, and now he has chosen to be deeply tied to the Spiritual Planters Association and even the entire Professional Association. , so she became on his side.

Today's unexpected discovery made him feel a little nervous.

You may even subconsciously think about whether the Professionals Association has any other arrangements in Mikawa Plain.

What would have happened if he had not chosen to "side" with the Professionals Association?

The more he thought about it, the more hairy he felt.

At this moment, something suddenly moved in his heart. He looked at Meng Zhou and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"In this case, Zhu Qian should have told you the situation long ago. Why did you arrange for Yang Chong to inquire?

...Although his actions were cautious, in the eyes of interested people, they were very rough.

If I hadn't quietly erased the beginning and end, Dai Shouli and others would have known about it! "

Meng Zhou put away the token and chuckled:

"If President Pan has any doubts, just ask Zhu Qian. In fact, I'm also very curious as to why she didn't tell me about this and actually had to wait for me to find out by myself."

What Meng Zhou said was not a lie, and he was not afraid that President Pan would pull Zhu Qian over to confront him.

Seeing him behave like this, President Pan was stunned for a moment, laughed heartily, but said nothing more.

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