Do not die

Chapter 153 Matryoshka Doll Rewind, Unexpected Visitor

October 23rd, early morning.

After finishing the routine retreat, Meng Zhou immediately checked the results of this first retreat after completing the Spring Water Sutra.

Cultivation realm +40, foundation building level 140/1000;

Soul Pool Refining Moon Heart +800, Grandmaster 22400/32000;

Then, Meng Zhou's consciousness sank into his Dantian again.

The life essence that should have existed in the dantian disappeared, and only a drop of the life essence that had begun to take shape was condensing.

Next to it, a small dark green gourd floated on the side.

It is a small dark green gourd, but when the consciousness sinks into it, one can see an extremely huge space inside the gourd.

Three small drops of life essence are suspended in it.

Meng Zhou nodded with satisfaction. For the time being, he had no idea of ​​using these soul marrows. Instead, after a little adaptation to the current situation, he walked out of the quiet room.

Every time after leaving seclusion, Meng Zhou would first sort out the conditions of the two mysterious turtles, the spiritual plants in the courtyard, and the spiritual fields outside.

With the innate soul skill of Yue Jing Yuan Guang, it doesn't take much effort to sort out all of this.

He could even clearly understand what happened during his retreat.

After doing all this, Meng Zhou continued to comprehend the true meaning of swordsmanship.

And his way to understand the true meaning of swordsmanship is to regard the three perfect swordsmanship as the "general teacher".

By dismantling them, using different methods, over and over again, and corroborating each other with the explanations in the True Explanation of Kendo, we can make rapid progress.

October twenty-fifth.

A flying knowledge message from Kan Yue made Meng Zhou pause his enlightenment, briefly explained to the two mysterious turtles, and led Yaya out of the courtyard.

At every gathering, Meng Zhou could hear a lot of fresh news.

This is also a rare window for Meng Zhou to steadily understand changes in the outside world.

In this gathering, the most talked about topic was not the Sanchuan Plain, but a second-order spiritual vein called Hongliang Bay.

This second-level spiritual vein is located in the "middle ring area" of the Qingxuan Domain, just like the Sanchuan Plain, which is more than 40,000 miles away from the Sanchuan Plain.

This Hongliang Bay not only has a large number of high-quality spiritual lands, but also has many high-quality spiritual springs that flow all year round, and is extremely rich in water resources.

Like Jade Lake, a large amount of water-based spiritual materials are produced every year.

Although they are both at the second level, they are stronger than Sanchuan Yuan in terms of spiritual vein quality, resource production, and power base.

There has been little communication between the two spiritual veins. In the past, people looked down upon her, but now, everyone's attention is focused on Qinglinfang and Cuiyu Lake.

The reason why this topic is brought up here is because not long ago, a huge foundation-building battle broke out in Hongliang Bay.

The number of foundation-building monks directly involved exceeded 300. Not counting minor injuries, there were dozens of serious injuries, and more than 20 people died directly at the scene of the battle.

Those who died of serious injuries and those who were seriously injured and disabled are included.

This conflict completely destroyed more than 60 people.

Although the composition of the two sides in the war was complex, generally speaking, it can be temporarily classified as a conflict between the "local faction" and the "foreign faction".

However, if you look at it in detail, you will find that it is far from being so clear-cut. It is also mixed with internal fighting among the local factions and conflicts within the outside factions.

The direct result of that battle was the complete elimination of a local force with a history of hundreds of years.

Several other local forces were also seriously injured, and the toughness and arrogance of other local forces were almost completely stripped away in this war.

The trigger for this war was, of course, the conflict between foreign foundations and local forces that had heated up suddenly in the past two years.

The direct cause was that a high-quality spiritual mine with extremely high reserves was discovered under a hidden spring in Hongliang Bay, which contained a large amount of gold, earth, and water spiritual gold minerals.

The emergence of this spiritual mine directly ignited the already anxious atmosphere in Hongliang Bay.

Originally, after paying a heavy price, the local faction wanted to clear out the foreign foundations that had suffered even greater losses in one go.

At this time, Qingxuanzong appeared.

I don’t know whether it should be said that it came quickly or slowly. Anyway, it was just a coincidence that it appeared when both parties were seriously injured.

I'm not here to pick fruits. Qingxuanzong has never done anything so tasteless.

Qingxuanzong is a peacemaker, and all the people from Qingxuanzong who have their own "talent of face" forcibly suppressed the anger of both parties, and forced them to the same table, and jointly formulated the Hongliang Bay's new order.

The details are not important, the main principle is just one, no matter whether you are an outsider or a local, everyone must have meat to eat.

Secondly, do not take action if you can, try not to see blood, let alone kill people, and maintain the stability of the overall situation.

After sorting out all of this, Qingxuanzong did not think that "it is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away" as everyone thought. Things happened that refused to leave, and he left in a hurry.

When I came, Hongliang Bay was still filled with blood, fire and swords, but when I left, it had turned into flowers and applause - well, none of these, but the killing did stop.

Because Qingxuanzong said, "Since the rules have been set, you must abide by them. If anyone breaks the rules first, come to me and I will stand up for you!"

This incident not only became a hot topic at this gathering, but also became a hotly discussed event in the entire Sanchuan Plain during this period.

Because everyone was horrified to discover that the situation in Mikawahara almost reached this point as early as last year.

This incident that happened in Hongliang Bay has warning significance for all the foundation-building monks in Sanchuan Plain.

In fact, this conflict is of great significance not only in the Sanchuan Plain, but also in the entire Qingxuan Territory.

In the past, any battle involving multiple foundation builders would be talked about.

If the number of foundation builders exceeds ten, it will be regarded as a super big event. If there are thirty or fifty foundation builders... run away.

Directly participate in the battle and build more than a hundred foundations, or three hundred, and destroy fifty or sixty foundations at once?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

But now, this has actually happened.

This conflict, which is tens of thousands of miles away, is likely to accelerate the reshaping of the concept of all foundations in the Qingxuan Domain.

At the party, someone sneered and said, "This is also a good thing. Look at Dai Shouli and those people, they are much more polite now."

Meng Zhou wondered in his heart, "Is there someone like Lu Quan from outside the country or someone else with evil intentions behind this conflict?"

And looking at Qingxuanzong's performance in this incident, we can also see that Qingxuanzong is indifferent to this.

The purpose of Qingxuanzong is to "inject a lot of water" into the foundation building class, so that they can actively dilute and attack the old order based on their own desires, and guide the establishment of a new order when necessary.

As for the foundation building that unfortunately died because of this, in Qingxuanzong's view, it was all a "necessary price".

As for whether this conflict evolved naturally, or whether someone secretly instigated it and accelerated the process, from the perspective of Qingxuan Sect, maybe most of them are happy, right?

After the gathering, the other monks dispersed one after another, but Meng Zhou did not leave.

After everyone left, Meng Zhou handed a jade slip to Kan Yue.

Kan Yue took it doubtfully, glanced at it with his spiritual consciousness, and his eyes immediately widened like bells, with a look of disbelief on his face, mixed with extreme surprise.

"Fellow Daoist Zhuang, are you ready now?"

Meng Zhou said modestly: "It's a small success, just a small success."

Kan Yue kept praising: "This is incredible, this is incredible!"

The jade slip that Meng Zhou gave to Kan Yue recorded the inheritance of "Angry Ape Tyrant Body".

The only difference from the classics that Kan Yue gave to Meng Zhou last year is that there are many more notes.

Its nature is like Kan Yue giving Meng Zhou a brand new textbook last year. Today, a year later, Meng Zhou returned the textbook.

What's more important is that every article and page in this "textbook" contains various records left by top students.

There are understandings of a certain paragraph, a certain topic, and an example, as well as various experience notes, and even the occasional "eureka" divergent thinking.

Through these written records, not only can this "textbook" be digested more easily, but also the thinking process and growth path of a top student when learning this textbook from scratch can be clearly restored.

However, Meng Zhou knew that a true academic master would not record things like this.

He did this so that Kan Yue could get started better - if he really used all his methods, Kan Yue would probably become even more confused and unable to find a way to get started.

At the same time, it is also to allow one's genius to be expressed within a relatively reasonable range that can be recognized.

After receiving the jade slips given back by Meng Zhou, Kan Yue put almost all his thoughts on it.

He has been exposed to the method of Angry Ape Tyrant Body for decades. Although he has never started, the thoughts he has spent on it in the past few decades are not useless.

What's more, he also has an advantage, that is, the body training method he practices is the most suitable for displaying the angry ape hegemony.

The thoughts spent on this method in the past decades, as well as the various doubts and problems accumulated, were all solved one by one by the jade slips presented by Meng Zhou at this moment.

From time to time, a sense of enlightenment would arise in his heart.

Even without quantified data, Kan Yue could clearly feel that he was getting closer to truly mastering this unique skill.

On this day, Sanchuanhui headquarters.

Kan Yue was walking alone on the road, but his eyes were unfocused, and his expressionless face showed expressions of joy and surprise from time to time.

However, this performance is fleeting and will soon return to the dull color again.

At this moment, Kan Yue was suddenly startled and his thoughts woke up from his deep meditation.

He looked to one side, and President Pan was looking at him with burning eyes.

Kan Yue quickly sealed up his thoughts, stepped forward and greeted with a smile: "President."

President Pan nodded and did not respond. He just stared at him and looked him up and down.

Kan Yue didn't know why, looked down at himself, and asked doubtfully: "President?"

President Pan said "Yeah", turned around and walked towards his room. Kan Yue breathed a sigh of relief, but President Pan said: "Follow me."

Kan Yue quickly followed.

After entering the room, President Pan had already stared at him and looked him up and down carefully.

Kan Yue felt furious in his heart, and President Pan said:

"What's going on these days? I feel like I'm in a state of confusion every time I meet you.

Looking at you, it doesn't look like you've encountered some kind of disaster... What exactly happened? Found a treasure? ! "

Kan Yue smiled and shook his head: "It's not a treasure you found... Well, it's almost the same as a treasure you found, hehe."

President Pan became more and more curious, "You picked it up now and you didn't pick it up...what's going on?"

Kan Yue said: "President, do you still remember the secret technique I asked Senior Sister Ding for advice?"

President Pan's eyes showed contemplation, and then he said: "Angry Ape Tyrant Body?"

Kan Yue nodded, with undisguised joy on his face, and said:

"I'm almost fully enlightened now... Just wait and see!"

Having said this, he paused and suddenly said:

"President, I know you are under a lot of pressure after Senior Sister Ding left, but believe me, before long, my strength will not be worse than Senior Sister Ding... Well, I am talking about her two months ago. "

In the end, Kan Yue made a small patch.

President Pan didn't listen to the nonsense he said at all. Instead, he fell into deep thought. After a while, he suddenly asked:

"Who did you ask for advice again?"

Kan Yue quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, I figured it all out myself."

President Pan looked at him with a look of disbelief, as if to say: "Just you?"

Kan Yue said sincerely: "President, if I can cultivate to this point, I am not bad at all!

I have been immersed in this method for several decades, and I suddenly understood the key points. All the things I had done in the past were suddenly understood. Isn’t this reasonable? ! "

President Pan's face showed an expression of being successfully persuaded.

It wasn't until after Kan Yue was sent away, in a deserted room, that he softly breathed out the fragrance: "You're just trying to fool a ghost."

In his mind, he recalled the conversation between master and disciple after Kan Yue asked Ding Ning for advice on the method of Angry Ape Dominate Body, but ended up disappointed.

"Hey, who is the one who said that you have mastered the second-level method?" President Pan had a kind of gloating when someone was embarrassed.

Ding Ning shook his head, and then solemnly said:

"With the incomplete source and no one to teach you, if you want to understand this method, you must reach the second level limit of Qi refining, soul refining, and body refining at the same time!"

President Pan said in astonishment: "So powerful?"

Ding Ning said: "If Kan Yue masters this method, he can compete with fake elixirs without falling behind. Do you think he is powerful or not?"

President Pan nodded.

Then he figured out that such a powerful method cannot be simple.

At this moment, in the empty room, President Pan thought inexplicably that Kan Yue could compete with the fake elixir, but what if it could be used by people who had reached the second-level limit of Qi, soul, and body refining?

I'm afraid you won't be able to withstand the fake elixir in front of your face, right?

"Mud horse!"

President Pan's gasping voice suddenly sounded in the room.

After the party, Meng Zhou continued to study the true meaning of kendo.

But that night, late at night, Meng Zhou suddenly stopped. After adjusting all aspects of his condition to its peak, he quietly escaped underground.

An aura blended into the soil deep underground and flew away into the distance.

Meng Zhou didn't escape underground for too long before he stopped.

Under the earth, it is not a perfect piece, but there are many large and small cavities.

At this moment, he randomly chose an underground cave that could accommodate several people and sat cross-legged inside.

At this moment, he is a completely unfamiliar image different from "Zhuang Sheng", and his temperament is also greatly different.

Grasshopper Yaya was hidden in his sleeve, and no traces were exposed at all, allowing her to guard him.

Then, his consciousness quickly sank into the sea of ​​consciousness and into the moon mirror.

At this moment, the moon mirror will reflect everything within a radius of twenty miles from its center.

Because the location he chose was far away from Zhuang Tianzhuang and in a completely different direction, the things he saw in the moon mirror also seemed quite unfamiliar.

But his attention did not stay on these strange scenery, but focused on one area.


It should be said that it is now called Qiaojiazhuang, but it used to be called Lujiazhuang.

Today, I met Qiao Xin again at the party, and they had a pleasant conversation.

It can be seen that Qiao Xin seems to really enjoy communicating with him.

But it was this contact that made Meng Zhou suddenly think of something.

Therefore, there was an unplanned action tonight.

The moon mirrors were concentrated within the courtyard of Qiaojiazhuang, but an area in it seemed to be shrouded in white mist, and nothing could be seen except white.

This is protected by a second-level high-grade formation to block his further prying eyes.

However, as Meng Zhou concentrated his attention further and the picture became more condensed, the white mist-like obstruction quickly became transparent.

The vision in the moon mirror smoothly enters the courtyard.

Through the moon mirror, Meng Zhou can view everything in the courtyard, including entering the quiet room and peeking at Qiao Xin.

However, of course, his action tonight cannot be just for this.

His eyes were fixed on the place where the clump of thin bamboos once grew.

Then, he fell into the position where Lu was wearing heavy black steel armor and strangled Qiao Yu and others.

Finally, Meng Zhoudu shook his head.

Because he knew what happened that night, he knew how special these places were.

But if it were other people who knew nothing about what happened that night, could they still have a special feeling for these two places?

Finally, Meng Zhou made a choice, and the scope of the moon mirror was further reduced, only including an area with a radius of ten meters in the center of the courtyard.

This is also the maximum range that his soul can support now. If not, why would he bother so much? Wouldn't it be simpler to directly include the entire courtyard within the scope of the retrospective?

Before preparing to look back in time in this area, Meng Zhou was still pondering the last question in his mind.

"Qiao Xin first appeared at the party in early March, which was also the time when she first came to Sanchuanyuan and lived in Lujiazhuang.

At the second gathering in early June, she paid more attention to the monk who had been assigned to warn Xizhu.

Therefore, she knew that the special warning bamboo bush must be within this time period. "

With this judgment in mind, Meng Zhou let out a sigh of relief, and the image in the moon mirror quickly moved backwards, as if pressing a button to accelerate the reverse.

Soon, it went back to more than four months ago.

In the video, Qiao Xin even appeared returning from a party in early June.

At this point, the rapidly reversing image has slowed down a lot.

Although the speed was still much faster than the normal rhythm, when Meng Zhou focused all his attention on these images, he could still distinguish the changes.

As a result, the consumption of the soul has become much greater.

However, fortunately, after looking back at the fusion of Yuan Guang and Moon Mirror to become a gifted soul technique, the consumption of the soul will be much smaller when this soul technique is used again.

Therefore, although Meng Zhou felt quite pressured, it was enough to support him.

The image in the moon mirror went back from June to May and April. Although Qiao Xin's figure could often be seen appearing in it, the picture Meng Zhou wanted never appeared.

Time continues to go back, from April to March, late, mid-term... it will soon be when Qiao Xin first arrived.

The image in the moon mirror is still as plain as water.

Meng Zhou was not depressed, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

At this moment, Meng Zhou's eyes narrowed, and he saw Qiao Xin squatting in the courtyard with her head in her arms in the middle of the night, worried about something.

Then, as time continued to rewind, he saw an illusory man shatter like a bubble and disappear into the courtyard.

Meng Zhou was shocked: "This is it!"

He quickly continued to rewind time until Qiao Xin stood in the center of the courtyard, holding a strange token, looking up into the void, waiting quietly. Then he did not continue to rewind, but allowed the image in the moon mirror to flow at a normal speed. "Play".

Then, the image in the moon mirror shocked Meng Zhou's heart again and again.

Qiao Xin did have a great connection with the dead Qiao Yu, and behind him there was a "Qiao family" whose power spanned many domains.

And Qiao Xin's appearance was a deliberate attempt by "Qiao" to ask for directions.

The powerful and mysterious "Yan Shizun" came in the form of a ghostly soul. He used the retrospective round light that enveloped the entire courtyard to clearly restore everything that happened in the courtyard at the end of the year.

Under his strength and authority, Qiao Xin could only bow her head and obey.

Through his recollection, Meng Zhou also knew Lu Quan's choice.

Meng Zhou thought that this information was enough to shock his soul, but when the power of "Yan Shizun"'s soul was exhausted and about to completely dissipate, what he said to Qiao Xin made Qiao Xin confused and unclear. But it really exploded thunder from the sky in Meng Zhou's mind!

Although this was an old scene a few months ago, and "Yan Shizun" had long since disappeared, Meng Zhou's heart tightened, as if he had accidentally glimpsed a huge beast from the wild.

His consciousness quickly withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, with the perfect level of chemical transformation and precise control of the earth's power, the small underground hole he was in at the moment quickly disappeared and was quickly filled with the surrounding soil, making it invisible. There is no trace of man-made artifacts, as if such a hole did not exist here in the first place.

After dealing with all this, Meng Zhou had already dived deep into the underground. After a lot of trouble, he made a big circle and returned to Zhuangtianzhuang from another direction.

In the courtyard.

Meng Zhou emerged from the ground and quickly came to the elegant house.

Feeling the pounding heart in his body, Meng Zhou brewed himself a pot of spiritual tea and took a sip of the hot tea. As the strange spirituality of the spiritual tea spread in his body, his nervousness slowly eased. .

Meng Zhou comforted himself in his heart, "It's okay, it's okay, there's still time, I still have time."

Although he was so relieved in his heart, as his emotions calmed down, his thoughts did not stop, but started spinning faster.

Meng Zhou would not have any association with what Qiao Xin called "Yan Shizun".

That "Yan Shizun" was so sensitive to the "new words" such as the Yuling Realm and the Alchemy Realm. Qiao Xin used the strange "Wuling Hall" and "Ziyuantang" to call these places. Meng Zhou was also very sensitive. It is difficult to make many valuable connections based on this.

But before "Yan Shizun" was about to completely disappear, he specifically told Qiao Xin to quietly go to Cuiyu Lake and find out everything about every island there.

He also emphasized to Qiao Xin not only to focus on foundation building, but also to not let go of anyone living on these islands, not only the Qi Practitioners but also the mortals.

Meng Zhou, who is also very sensitive to Jade Lake, can't even make rich associations if he doesn't want to.

In an instant, the face of "Yan Shizun", who was originally still unknown, as if he was in a fog, suddenly became clear.

Meng Zhou was 80 to 90% sure about his own power!

"Xingxiu Palace!"

This existence that had always existed only in legends suddenly appeared in Meng Zhou's field of vision.

The reason why he knew that the force behind "Yan Shizun" was Xingxiu Palace was because he basically locked in the identity of "Yan Shizun".

Meng Zhou's thoughts went back to shortly after he came to this world.

At that time, he had just left the Baijiang Gang. In order to complete his skills and remove the obstacles before establishing the foundation, he went to Baiyue Bay of Cuiyu Lake according to the information hidden in the "Water Nourishing Technique" purchased by his predecessor.

Baiyuewan and his party have gained a lot.

Completing the Water Nourishing Technique into the Water Nourishing and Moisturizing Technique was the most inconspicuous of the many gains. In addition, he also gained hundreds of knots and Yaya.

But there were many strange places in that near-miss trip.

For example, why Yaya and her mother-in-law suddenly died suddenly, and why Yaya, who died suddenly, was "resurrected" in another form on the straw grasshopper she gave to herself.

What is certain is that before she became that grasshopper, she was a very ordinary grasshopper, and the grass she used was also a kind of grass that can be seen everywhere in Baiyue Bay.

Because it was related to Yaya and was closely related to his knot master, that memory did not fade away in Meng Zhou's heart with the passage of time. He would often think about it in his mind.

The confusion lingering in his mind was not naturally solved as his cultivation level improved, but instead became deeper and deeper.

And this itself made Meng Zhou pay more attention to it.

Because according to common sense, things that once confused him at the third or fourth level of Qi training will naturally be solved as his cultivation level increases.

Even if it may not be completely accurate, at least there is a direction, so that it will not be the same as before.

Therefore, Meng Zhou would review that memory in his mind from time to time.

This was how he reacted as violently as thunder in his heart after hearing from the moon mirror what "Yan Shizun" told Qiao Xin a few months ago.

Because according to the investigation by the locals of Baiyue Bay, Bai Ya and Granny Bai are the remnants of the Yan family that once ruled Cuiyu Lake.

And the Yan family, long before the Mo family and other forces came to rule Cuiyu Lake, were already the absolute masters of Cuiyu Lake.

At that time, it was still the era of Xingxiu Palace. For those high-quality spiritual veins, Xingxiu Palace would arrange people to guard and care for them. They arranged a monk named Yanzhuang in Cuiyu Lake.

While guarding Cuiyu Lake, this man married a large number of wives and had children.

When the ancestor of Yuanying of Xingxiu Palace died and was preparing to close the mountain to defend himself, and all the spiritual guardians were recalled, the Yan family had become a huge force with nearly ten people building foundations under his hard work.

And it was this large-scale recall of the Xingxiu Palace that started a decades-long melee. Similarly, this was also the reason why the Qingxuan Domain, the Alchemy Domain, the Yuling Domain, the Jinding Domain, and the Hehuan Domain had their current structure. .

The "Yan Shizun" gave Qiao Xin's strange instructions, and it was difficult for Meng Zhou not to want to be associated with the Yan family in Cuiyu Lake, especially the Yanzhuang who was recalled to Xingxiu Palace.

And "Yan Shizun" hates new words such as the realm of controlling spirits and the realm of alchemy, calling it "a traitor", which is a good proof of this point.

Wanting to understand this, Meng Zhou naturally also wanted to understand the "Qiao Family" that spans multiple domains where Qiao Xin and Qiao Yu belong.

This should be the eye that has been loyal to the Xingxiu Palace in the past dynasties and was placed outside during the period when the Xingxiu Palace was closed to the outside.

At the same time, he will also take the initiative to do things that disrupt the situation and cause trouble.

"That Yanzhuang was already at the peak of foundation building when he was recalled to the Xingxiu Palace. He returned from the second-order spiritual veins to the fourth-order dojo, and there were so many high-level elders from the same sect. In addition to that period, the Xingxiu Palace would inevitably exhaust its resources. With such favorable conditions for cultivating the younger generation, they should be able to break through to the Core Formation soon."

"It was more than 150 years ago that Xingxiu Palace closed the mountain."

Meng Zhou sighed in his heart, how many people now regard it as an old legend in the story, and never thought that they would come back one day.

The reason why Meng Zhou suddenly felt a strong sense of horror in his heart just now was not because of "Yan Shizun", but because of his speculation about Xingxiu Palace.

Has Xingxiu Palace resumed its activities?

Does this mean that the long closure of Xingxiu Palace has come to an end, or is it about to end? Or are they already preparing to reappear?

Does this mean that a new Nascent Soul is born in Xingxiu Palace to support its appearance?

Is "Yan Shizun"'s bad attitude toward the Spirit Controlling Domain and the Alchemy Weapon Domain the same as the Xingxiu Palace's attitude towards Qingxuan Sect, a group of forces that "took advantage of the opportunity to rise" while taking advantage of the window of their power?

With this thought in his mind, the more Meng Zhou thought about it, the more Meng Zhou felt that the current situation was like the calm before the storm.

The hundreds of foundation-building chaos that took place in Hongliang Bay shocked the entire Qingxuan Territory. Meng Zhou now thinks that soon you will see the core-building chaos, and it is very likely that Nascent Soul will also appear. Where are you?


Thinking of this, a doubt suddenly arose in Meng Zhou's heart.

Qingxuanzong has suddenly gone crazy in the past two years, making big moves constantly.

Originally, Meng Zhou's point of view was that eighty years of farming gave the fledgling Qingxuan Sect the power to develop, so he made a strategic shift at this point in time.

But now that I think about it, this reason is a bit weak.

Could it be that Qingxuanzong also got clues from other places?

After figuring this out, Meng Zhou shook his head hard and suppressed all the disturbing thoughts in his heart.

“Practice, practice, practice hard!”

In the face of such a general trend, he, a monk in the late stage of foundation building, is still just a little shrimp.

What he should do most now is to immerse himself in hard work and strive to grow.

It's early morning on the third day of November.

Cultivation realm +40, foundation building level 180/1000;

Soul Pool Refining Moon Heart +800, Grandmaster 23200/32000;

In the dantian, inside the dark green gourd, the number of life marrow has changed from seven drops before retreat to ten drops now.

After a little adapting to the current situation, Meng Zhou stepped out of the quiet room and came to the elegant house again to continue to understand the true meaning of the sword.

However, his understanding this time was different from the previous method of dismantling the three perfect swordsmanship.

He used his spiritual consciousness to control a flying sword made of second-order low-grade wood spiritual material, moving quickly around the area around him.

Its seemingly simple movement actually contains all the basic sword-handling postures included in the Kendo True Solution to the Sword-handling Chapter.

Stab, chop, chop, pick, tease, stir, seal, point, collapse, cut, hang, cloud, wipe, wave, insert, penetrate...

The flying sword moved around Meng Zhou, but there was no fluctuation in mana.

Because Meng Zhou didn't use any magic power.

Even the consumption of the soul is not great, not as high as the consumption of the soul when he practiced the qi-gazing technique all day long.

Because this flying sword has no power at all.

Nothing but technique, just technique.

Nothing more.

This is the inspiration Meng Zhou got from the rope knot technique. He repeatedly dismantled the three perfect sword skills and confirmed them with all the basic sword-handling postures in the true solution of the sword. He continued to refine and refine the infinite sword-handling skills. , restored to the simple and pure "Thirty-Six Styles of Sword Controlling".

These are the thirty-six basic sword-handling postures. Each posture is like a knot among hundreds of knots.

The thirty-six postures of sword control constitute the thirty-six basic units of sword control.

A new skill was added to Meng Zhou's information panel.

"Introduction to the Thirty-Six Styles of Sword Control 20/750"

Meng Zhou was surprised that in the judgment of the panel, the value of such a simple and pure method was at the same level as the Retrospective Yuan Guang and Angry Ape Tyrant Body.

The leveling method for this thirty-six sword style is also very simple. If you perform the thirty-six basic sword styles in turn, you will gain +1 experience.

Meng Zhou made a calculation in his mind at that time.

According to this rule, if he wants to perfect the thirty-six movements of sword control, he will have to practice it completely for 47,250 rounds, nearly 50,000 rounds.

And each round contains a complete thirty-six postures. In other words, to perfect this "Thirty-Six Sword Controlling Movements", he has to use his spiritual consciousness to perform more than 1.7 million postures.

It belongs to Gou Dao to become Liver Dao.

Fortunately, his soul is strong enough and his consciousness is sharp enough. It only takes three to five seconds to complete each move in an orderly manner.

Meng Zhou believed that as the mastery level deepens and he becomes more and more proficient, the speed will become faster and faster, and the time will not really be long.

At least, it won’t last as long as it takes to practice looking back at the light.

When early November came to an end and Meng Zhou finished his training and prepared for another routine retreat, he actually gained nearly 5,000 experience points in the "Thirty-Six Sword Control Styles".

From entry level to the realm of success.

"The Thirty-six Styles of Sword Control 2550/3000"

November 13th, early morning.

Cultivation realm +40, foundation building level 220/1000;

Soul Pool Refining Moon Heart +800, Grandmaster 24000/32000;

After finishing this round of routine retreat, Meng Zhou made some adjustments and started practicing the thirty-six postures of sword control.

Because this method of cultivation does not consume much mana and does not consume much of the soul, you only need to spend some time in meditation every night to restore the soul to perfection.

With the advancement of swordsmanship, the time it takes for each movement to be transferred from thought to posture becomes shorter and shorter, and the response becomes more and more timely. As a result, the daily experience gain gradually increases.

Meng Zhou was immersed in such practice.

On the fifteenth day, an unexpected visitor forced him to suspend his practice.

Looking at the figure standing outside the formation in the courtyard, Meng Zhou hesitated for a moment, then put away his flying sword and used the formation to cover the twenty-nine spiritual plants with second-level potential in the courtyard.

The two Xuanling Turtles sank to the bottom of the water through the transmission of their thoughts, and they realized through the baptism of the Shadow Killing Sword Code the innate ability to cover Qi and shield the fluctuations of life, and used it to cover up most of the overly strong blood power, only showing It is beyond what an ordinary mysterious turtle should be.

After doing this, he opened the formation, looked at the figure waiting outside the formation, and greeted with a smile: "President Pan, what brought you here?"

This unexpected visitor is President Pan of the Sanchuan Society.

He entered the courtyard generously, came to the Yashe, sat opposite Meng Zhou, and said with a smile: "Can't you just come and sit if you have nothing to do?"

"Is everything okay?" Meng Zhou looked at him.


"Is everything okay?"

"It's okay."

Meng Zhou nodded, took out the spiritual tea made with the master-level processing technique, and prepared to entertain the guests.

President Pan looked at the spiritual tea in the cup, picked it up and looked at it carefully, put it to his nose and sniffed it, nodded and said:

"The quality of Lingcha is average, but the production level is excellent. Is this made by Taoist Zhuang himself?"

Meng Zhou nodded and took the boiling water to brew, but President Pan said again:

"Fellow Taoist Zhuang, are you all this old tea from last year?"

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at the two tea trees nearby.

The picking period at the end of November is not far away now, and the fragrance of the two Lingcha trees has once again spread out, and you can already see the tender green shoots hidden among the green leaves.

Both of these two spiritual tea trees have the potential to be second-level high-grade ones. Obviously, the higher the spiritual tea trees are, the higher the quality.

The unspoken meaning of his words is that you obviously harvest new tea every two months, but you use old tea when entertaining guests. Isn't it a bit unethical?

Meng Zhou, who was making tea, paused lightly and said with a faint smile: "I don't like waste, I like to drink slowly from the beginning."

President Pan nodded gently, seeming to accept Meng Zhou's explanation.

After that, he had a casual chat with Meng Zhou and didn't say anything serious.

And the most serious thing he talked about had nothing to do with Sanchuanyuan, but the latest gossip in Hongliang Bay.

"Fellow Daoist Zhuang, do you know the latest situation in Hongliang Bay during this period?"

Meng Zhou shook his head: "I don't know, is there any special news?"

President Pan nodded and said: "There are several forces with fake elixir experts who have entered forcefully... Oh, these forces have all contributed to the transformation of the Emerald Lake Fairy City, and now they also have a place in the Lord's Mansion of the Emerald Lake City."

Meng Zhouyi was stunned. After a while, he said, "What is Qingxuanzong's attitude towards this?"

President Pan said: "Qingxuanzong's attitude? As long as it doesn't violate the rules, Qingxuanzong certainly doesn't care."

Meng Zhou was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I understand."

President Pan asked for advice: "What does Brother Zhuang understand?"

Meng Zhou thought about it and felt that it would be okay to talk to President Pan.

“Some time ago, didn’t Qingxuan Sect bring local monks and foreign monks from Hongliang Bay to formulate a new order?

At that time, many fellow Taoists were still confused about Qingxuan Sect's practice of not asking for anything and leaving after setting the rules.

In fact, Qingxuanzong has already got what he wants most. "

President Pan nodded.

What does Qingxuanzong want most?

You all must listen to the rules I set and abide by them.

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