Do not die

Chapter 155 Romance, the context of the spiritual field

At this moment, there are eighty-two drops of life essence in the Nakong gourd.

Including the 49 drops collected last year, the 24 drops collected during the retreat at the beginning of January, and the 8 drops collected during these days.

Therefore, after practicing the Thirty-six Sword Control Styles to perfection and trying to digest all the gains brought about by this improvement, Meng Zhou adjusted his mood a little and took two drops in succession.

The first drop is integrated into the Dantian meridians, and the true form of the longevity elixir and the art of removing filth are integrated into the White Lotus spirit body, further completing the integrity of the spirit body.

The two true forms each brought a 3% completion rate to the White Lotus Spirit Body, from "White Lotus Spirit Body 52%" to "White Lotus Spirit Body 58%".

The second drop was integrated into the physical body, and Meng Zhou integrated the true form of the Transformation Technique and the Flying Consciousness Technique, which are the most compatible with the ever-changing spirit body, among all the existing techniques.

These two true forms each bring a 4% completion rate to the Variety Spirit Body. Therefore, the Variety Spirit Body's completion rate is increased from "68%" to "76%".

The completeness of the ever-changing spirit body once again surpassed the natural sword body and became the best among the three spirit bodies.

After using a drop of Life Essence on each of the two spirits to further improve their integrity, Meng Zhou stopped using the Life Essence.

Although, after using the Life Essence, these two spirits still have special sensitivity to certain perfection skills.

Especially the ever-changing spirits, most of the existing perfect skills can produce special reactions to them.

But after carefully comparing the changes in the three spirit bodies, Meng Zhou didn't want to continue using the spirit marrow to forcefully complete their integrity to 100%.

Although there is no clear basis, Meng Zhou has a feeling that a spiritual body such as a natural sword body, which is perfected through the exploration of the sword itself, is better than using the "glue" of the living soul marrow to piece things together. Minato, it would be better to forcibly combine some skill true forms that are not very compatible.

Not to mention whether there is any difference in using these two methods to achieve a 100% complete spiritual body, his own understanding of it must be completely different.

Using the method of studying the way of the sword to complete the natural sword body, he not only obtained a complete natural sword body, but also gained insights into the way of the sword.

And if he just uses the essence of life to force the true forms of some skills together, he will not gain anything more than obtaining a complete spirit body.

Meng Zhou thought clearly that he should not pursue the pursuit of a complete spiritual body as his goal.

On the contrary, the various insights gained in the process of completing the spirit body are more valuable to him than the spirit body itself.

Meng Zhou, who wanted to understand this, stopped taking the Life Essence after using two drops.

Looking at the eighty drops of life essence left in the Nakong gourd, Meng Zhou also had a new idea.

"This thing is certainly precious, but it doesn't require too much savings. You still have to use it."

"With my growth rate, they may be treasures now, but if they stay in my hands for three to five years, they will basically become trash."

Meng Zhou looked at the twenty-nine spiritual plants in the courtyard that had the potential to be the second-level best, but were still the second-level low-level spiritual plants, and wanted to feed them.

However, before that, Meng Zhou had an experiment that he had not completed before, but now he just wanted to try it.

Meng Zhou came to the high wall and restored the two Xuanling turtles that were having constant sound attacks inside their skulls to normal, restoring them to their best condition.

Then, put a drop of life marrow into its heart.

At the moment when the Life Essence appeared, a strong attraction burst out from the depths of Xuanling Turtle's heart, and the Life Essence was instantly absorbed into it.

Under Meng Zhou's careful induction, as the soul marrow was absorbed into his bloodline, the Xuanling Turtle's strength did not improve, but the compatibility between its bloodline and its natural rainfall ability improved slightly.

With this change, the Xuanling Turtle's bloodline potential also increased significantly.

Although this change was very small, it surprised Meng Zhou extremely.

"Does this mean that I can continue to improve their bloodline to the third level?"

However, Meng Zhou, who understood this, did not continue to use the life marrow on the two turtles. Instead, he punched the two bell-shaped seals into the brains of the two turtles again, allowing them to enjoy the powerful sound attack against the muscles, bones and skin at close range and without blind spots. , the magical effect of viscera and blood marrow.

The two turtles were slow to adapt to the sound attack, but Meng Zhou found that the sound attack, which he controlled within their limits, significantly accelerated the growth of the two turtles compared to usual.

His whole body becomes more revitalized both internally and externally.

After taking care of the two mysterious spirit turtles, Meng Zhou took out twenty-nine drops of life essence and threw them into twenty-nine second-order low-grade spiritual plants.

These twenty-nine spiritual plants, their own growth in the past few months, plus the effects of the spiritual dew used on them, have completed more than a year of growth and accumulation.

As this drop of Life Spirit Essence went down, twenty-nine spiritual plants grew rapidly. When the effect of Life Spirit Essence had just passed half, these spiritual plants had successively completed the upgrade from low grade to mid grade.

When the effect of the spiritual marrow was completely exhausted and the spiritual vitality within the twenty-nine spiritual plants regained stability, each spiritual plant had completed more than half a year of accumulation at the second-level mid-level.

"One drop of complete soul marrow can basically complete the growth and accumulation of a second-order low-grade spiritual plant for about four years."

With this analysis in his mind, Meng Zhou took out another twenty-nine drops of living spirit marrow and fed them to twenty-nine spiritual plants respectively.

With the integration of the soul marrow, the spiritual vitality inside the twenty-nine spiritual plants boiled again and began to grow at an extremely rapid rate.

When the spiritual vitality inside them regained stability, each spiritual plant once again completed two years of growth and accumulation.

Just give them another drop, and these spiritual plants can be upgraded to the second level of high quality.

Meng Zhou looked at the remaining twenty drops of spiritual essence in the empty gourd, but did not continue and put the dark green gourd into his dantian again.

After dealing with all this, Meng Zhou thought about the next arrangements for a while.

"Let's work hard and continue to study the way of swordsmanship."

With the completion of the Thirty-six Sword Controlling Styles, Meng Zhou had fully understood the "Sword Controlling Chapter" in the True Explanation of Sword Dao.

Next, of course, we have to focus on the "Intentional Sword Chapter".

Compared with the Sword Control Chapter, the Intention Sword Chapter is more difficult to figure out.

But Meng Zhou also had his own advantages. One of them was, of course, the three perfect sword-control techniques.

Whether it is making the flying sword disappear in the Shadow Sword Code, jumping in the shadows, wandering in the light and shadow, and causing extremely corrosive shadow damage;

Or the sword light that splits the light into shadow, or the rainbow light that splits the mountain and splits the sea into giant.

All contain the content explained in "Yijian Chapter".

Yi Jian Tai Xuan, in simpler and clearer terms - "What qualities do you want your swordsmanship to have?"

What characteristics are not important, "what you want" is.

To put it more mysteriously, this is the embodiment of the practitioner's subjective thoughts.

Of course, the Intention Sword Chapter does not explain it this way. The wording is more mysterious and more in line with the characteristics of this world's practice, such as the "Sword Intention" mentioned in it.

However, after Meng Zhou's digestion and understanding, that's what happened.

Meng Zhou had already mastered the so-called sword intention in the Intention Sword chapter.

For example, after he has mastered the Shadow Sword Code, he can add extremely corrosive and difficult-to-remove shadow damage to a simple sword attack. It can be said that he has mastered the "Shadow Sword Intent".

And when he has perfected this sword-controlling technique, the shadow damage can even penetrate into the level of the soul of the sea of ​​consciousness, and he has been able to attack the soul. This is equivalent to cultivating the "Shadow Sword Intent" to the realm of transformation and mastering the "true meaning of the Shadow Sword Art". ".

It can be said that if you practice any sword-controlling technique to the master level or above, you will naturally master the "sword intention". If you practice this sword-controlling technique to perfection, you will have mastered the "true meaning of the sword".

Of course, if there are people with excellent swordsmanship understanding, they may also understand the relevant "sword intention" at the stage of Dacheng or Xiaocheng, and increase the damage of the related sword-controlling skills. This is also possible.

However, Meng Zhou himself had never encountered this situation before. It was not that his swordsmanship was too poor, but that his progress was too fast.

When he learns the art of sword control, he is not far away from perfection.

Therefore, through understanding the "true meaning of the sword" of these three sword-controlling techniques, it is also very helpful for Meng Zhou to completely master the "Intentional Sword Chapter".

In addition, a large number of other perfect skills besides sword control also gave Meng Zhou a glimpse of various "true meanings".

This was also of great help to him in understanding the "Intentional Sword Chapter".

In this way, Meng Zhou immersed himself wholeheartedly in understanding the Yi Jian Chapter.

He also frequently communicates with the outside world to understand the dynamics of Sanchuanyuan.

After experiencing the initial eerie silence, Mikawa Plateau in February actually became normal.

As if nothing happened.

Of course, it’s not like nothing has changed.

At the end of January, Blue Blood Plains sent another batch of Earth-Shaking Bulls and Rainforest Black Toads, as well as another second-level monster with the innate ability to rain.

Every landowner in Ji Zhuang Village is quietly increasing the number of land reclamations, a bit preemptive, and quickly taking advantage of the benefits.

Meng Zhou knew that this calmness was just an illusion.

If you think of Mikawa Plateau as a pot of water, the pot of water is now being quietly heated, and the distance is getting closer and closer to boiling.

Think about the changes that happened in Hongliang Bay, and then look at the current Sanchuan Plain.

To be honest, the growth of spiritual veins is more sensational than the discovery of a giant spiritual mine.

If the quality of Mikawahara's spiritual energy was inferior to other second-level spiritual veins in the past, then this shortcoming has now been made up for by Mikawahara's own "efforts".

More importantly, spiritual vein growth is very, very rare.

There are still some records of first-order spiritual veins. Looking at the entire Qingxuan Territory, second-order spiritual veins have grown. This is the first case in the past hundred years in Sanchuan Plain.

From this perspective, the significance of the changes that occurred in the Sanchuan Plain this time has transcended the Sanchuan Plain and the growth of spiritual veins itself.

Under this calm appearance, through communication with Kan Yue and Governor Li, Meng Zhou knew that since the fifth day of the first lunar month, more foundation-building monks have flocked to Sanchuan Plain.

Although it is not clear what these people are hiding behind, their cultivation is quite good, and there are many monks who are in the middle stage of foundation building or even in the late stage of foundation building.

The Sanchuan Association did not take any special measures for these new village landowners, and continued to make busy arrangements for them as usual, as if they didn't know anything.

Do you really know nothing?

But apart from understanding these timely developments, Meng Zhou did not do anything extra.

At the beginning of the first year of the lunar month, Yang Chong and Liu Ying had finished disposing of their farmland. After getting a sum of spiritual stones, which was a huge sum of money for a qi-training monk, they also worked hard in practicing in the front yard. Except for every During the first irrigation, I could hardly leave my house.

Most of the other qi-training monks he recruited, except for some who wanted to seek opportunities in new areas, stayed and concentrated on meditation under the protection of the foundation-building boss.

In the blink of an eye, the time has come to mid-February.

February fourteenth.

Meng Zhou stuffed pieces of monster meat into his belly like water.

Then, the monster meat that had been processed by the Perfect Processing Technique was quickly consumed by the stomach bag and turned into billowing energy and blood.

Then, these qi and blood flowed into the dantian continuously. When they poured into the dantian, the qi and blood had turned into pure mana.

These mana, which was formed from Qi and blood, was absorbed by a small dark green gourd waiting in the dantian before it was mixed with the mana of the spring water meridian that was already full and full of vitality in the dantian.

At this moment, there were two dark green gourds in Meng Zhou's Dantian.

One of them is floating in the center of Dantian, deep in the core.

There, the magic power of the Perfect Spring Water filled inside and outside the Dantian condenses a steady stream of rich vitality here, condensing drops of life essence.

Every time a living soul is born, it will be absorbed and stored in this dark green gourd.

At this moment, including the last balance, this dark green gourd has accumulated 39 more drops of life essence.

The other dark green gourd is waiting at the edge of the dantian, right at the opening where the pure mana transformed by qi and blood flows into the dantian.

The moment these mana poured into Dantian, it was put into the gourd.

The second-level magic weapon that is born with perfection is truly extraordinary in every aspect.

"What is this? Dantian outside the gourd, auxiliary fuel tank?"

Meng Zhou thought this in his mind while "refueling" it by eating a lot of monster meat.

The reason why he did this was because he didn't want to delay the production efficiency of the soul marrow while practicing at a high frequency and consuming a lot of mana.

"about there."

After looking at the mana stored in the dark green gourd, Meng Zhou temporarily stopped eating.

He stood up, left the Yashe, and stood on the surface of the empty pond.

He took out a second-level low-grade flying sword. As the pure mana stored in the dark green gourd continued to flow out under his control, the flying sword flexibly wandered in the void under Meng Zhou's command.

The shape of the sword became lighter and lighter, and finally, the second-level low-grade flying sword disappeared without a trace.

Instead, a gentle breeze with hidden murderous intent blew over the pond.

However, Meng Zhou quickly hid this murderous intention.

Then, in the breeze, little pink petals appeared, and they were swept back and forth as the breeze blew back and forth.

It looks so beautiful, like a peach blossom forest with fallen flowers in spring.

The next moment, a sudden chill filled the air, and the pink peach petals mixed in the breeze turned into little snowflakes, real snowflakes, and the breeze turned into a biting cold wind - really biting.

These snowflakes fell on the surface of the pond, and the rippling pond was covered with ice.

Finally, the wind disappeared and the snowflakes disappeared.

It was clearly daytime, but the area around the pond seemed to have suddenly become a lot darker. A round of icy moon hung in the sky above this area, carrying a sense of tranquility and serenity that penetrated deeply into the soul of the sea.

"Introduction to romantic romance 20/500"

This is another achievement after the "Thirty-six Styles of Sword Control" that Meng Zhou has studied the true meaning of swordsmanship in these days.

This brand-new sword-controlling technique combines his thoughts and insights on the "Sword-controlling Chapter" and the "Intentional Sword Chapter".

In itself, it also has the nature of experimentation.

Because of the three sword-control techniques he had previously mastered, according to the explanation in the sword-control chapter, the Shadow Killing Sword Code belongs to the "Sword-Converting Silk", and the Light-Splitting Shadow and Mountain-Separating Sea-Separation both belong to the "Sword-Converting Rainbow".

In addition to these two, there is also a type of sword-controlling technique, which is classified into the category of "sword-controlling Qi".

Therefore, Meng Zhou wanted to challenge himself. Without having any experience with this kind of sword-controlling technique, he used his own understanding of the true meaning of swordsmanship to create a brand new "sword-controlling Qi" based on the source of his needs. Type of swordsmanship.

With this idea in mind, he began to verify and explore the sword-controlling technique of "Fenghuaxueyue".

The creation of this sword-controlling technique is not only due to his profound understanding of the true meaning of swordsmanship, but also to his perfect achievements in the fields of Zephyr Technique, Hurricane Technique, Shape Transformation Technique, Transformation Technique, and Extreme Cold Finger.

At the same time, it also includes his achievements in refining the moon heart in the soul pool.

If "wind", "flower" and "snow" are still within the scope of conventional sword control, then this "moon" has already reached the level of divine soul attack.

However, precisely for this reason, this has also become a shortcoming of this sword-controlling technique, and there are many unexpressed meanings that cannot be expressed.

Because the soul pool refining moon heart itself is not perfect.

However, Meng Zhou looked at "Soul Pond Refining Yuexin Grandmaster 30400/32000" and thought that this shortcoming would be able to be made up for after he has perfected the soul refining method later this month.

Even now, the birth of this new sword-controlling technique also marks that the entire "True Explanation of Sword Dao: Foundation Establishment" has been basically understood by Meng Zhou.

The sword-controlling technique of transforming the sword into qi looks similar to a spell attack, as if the flying sword is used as a special staff.

But this cannot simply be understood as using spells in a different way, but rather as a fusion of the strengths and weaknesses of the two.

Meng Zhou was preparing to practice this newly created sword-controlling skill to perfection in one go. When President Pan came to visit again, Meng Zhou had to suspend his practice.

In the elegant house, Meng Zhou didn't even prepare tea for President Pan this time, but directly asked: "Do you really have so much free time?"

Now Sanchuanyuan is like a powder keg that may explode at any time. Even he, a bystander, can feel the atmosphere. Meng Zhou doesn't believe that President Pan can't feel it.

President Pan looked at Meng Zhou seriously. After a while, he said seriously: "Mr. Zhuang, I want to invite you to join the Sanchuan Club!"

"Are you kidding me?" Meng Zhou's eyes widened, as if you were talking nonsense.

President Pan looked at him seriously, with sincerity written on his face.

"I'm not kidding."

Meng Zhou shook his head and cut off his thoughts, saying:

"President Pan, if this is your purpose in approaching me, then I advise you not to waste your time with me.

Since you said so, I might as well tell you that Kan Yue and I are different.

I don’t have any special feelings about Mikawahara. Once the changes here reach the point where it affects my potential cultivation, I will leave directly. "

President Pan nodded and said:

"Yes, if you want to leave, you can leave at any time, and no one can stop you.

But what about after leaving? After leaving Sanchuanyuan, where can you go? ! "

The question raised by President Pan made Meng Zhou slightly startled and fell silent.

President Pan paused for a moment before saying, "Let me guess. If you really leave Sanchuan Plain, your next stop will most likely be Cuiyu Lake."

Having said this, he seemed to feel that he was conservative, shook his head and said:

"It's not very possible. You can only go to Jade Lake!"

Meng Zhou's eyes quietly became sharp.

President Pan continued to say in a desperate manner:

"No matter what your method or status is, after leaving Sanchuan Yuan, you will only have one place to go: Cuiyu Lake!"

Meng Zhou said softly: "Why do you think so?"

President Pan said:

"Actually, it's not difficult to guess at all. As long as you don't want to delay your path, fellow Taoist Zhuang, look around and you will find that only the newly created third-level spiritual land of Emerald Lake Fairy City is the most suitable for you.

Where else could you go?

Qinglin Peak? Or spend a lot of money and effort to go to the outside world?

Or take a big risk to find a slim chance in the third-level evil veins?

After excluding these possibilities, the only most suitable place to go is the Jade Lake Fairy City. "

Speaking of this, he sighed softly:

"I have to say that Qingxuanzong's move is truly a stroke of genius. Isn't this an invitation to put you in a urn?"

Meng Zhou suddenly said: "President Pan, do you think I am about to form a pill?"

President Pan asked, "Isn't it?"

Meng Zhou was speechless.

If President Pan knew that he was only a seventh-level foundation-building monk, he would probably give up on this self-righteous reasoning.

But unfortunately, although the process was all wrong, the results were all right.

Regardless of where he will go next, or the conclusion that the formation of the core is imminent - for normal foundation building, if he has to attack the formation of the core within three to five years, it is considered that the formation of the core is imminent.

After a while, he said:

"But if that's the case, shouldn't I leave Sanchuanyuan as soon as possible?

Why should I stay?

What makes you think I will stay? "

President Pan said solemnly: "Because for you, Sanchuan Yuan is a better choice than Jade Lake!"

"Ah?" Meng Zhou's face was full of surprise.

Is there something wrong with my ears, or is there something wrong with your brain?

President Pan did not immediately answer Meng Zhou’s doubts, but said:

"Mr. Zhuang, after testing throughout last year, do you know what I discovered?"

test? What test?

“What about other spiritual veins, I don’t know.

But I already know the reason for the growth of Sanchuan Yuan's spiritual veins! "President Pan said directly without making anyone interested.

"What's the reason?" Meng Zhou asked curiously.

President Pan had an extra leather scroll in his hand, placed it on the low table between the two of them, unfolded it, turned and pushed it in front of Meng Zhou, and said, "Take a look."

Meng Zhou stared at the leather scroll that President Pan unfolded, with thirteen simple drawings drawn on it.

At first glance, Meng Zhou had doubts in his eyes, and then he was surprised to recognize the content of the sketch, and his expression became more and more serious.

"This is the distribution map of spiritual fields in Sanchuan Plateau from the end of December last year to the end of December last year."

“The year before last, I had vaguely noticed changes in the aura of the Sanchuan Plains earth veins… because the changes were too slight and could not be detected by any conventional means.

I also discovered the clues by comparing the output of spiritual fields over the years. "

Speaking of which, he also explained:

“Since the establishment of the Sanchuan Society, one of my favorite things is to make careful statistics on the spiritual field output of the Sanchuan Plain at the end of each year.

I really enjoy doing this, and I never take advantage of others. "

Meng Zhou nodded, this could be regarded as a little personal quirk of President Pan.

President Pan pointed to his head and said:

“The output of all the spiritual fields in Michuan Plain over the past few decades are all in my mind.

Therefore, after I had all the spiritual field output data for the current year memorized in my mind, I quickly discovered the anomalies. "

Meng Zhou nodded again.

Big data troubleshooting, I understand.

The year before last, there was a large influx of landowners from outside Zhuji Village, and Sanchuan Plain began large-scale and large-scale spiritual land reclamation.

“I wasn’t entirely sure at the time that it was caused by large-scale land reclamation… I actually had a lot of guesses in my mind at the time.

However, after last year's verification, I can basically confirm that there may be other reasons, but large-scale land reclamation must be the main reason. "

Meng Zhou lowered his head again and looked at the leather scroll on the table. There were thirteen simple pictures on it.

The first simple map was recorded at the end of December the year before last, which was the distribution map of spiritual fields in Sanchuan Plateau at that time.

The following twelve sketches were recorded at the end of each month last year.

Before June last year, the distribution of those spiritual fields was only increasing in number and area. They seemed to be dotted with no obvious pattern.

But since June last year, Meng Zhou was surprised to find that the distribution of those spiritual fields had obvious patterns.

If you squint your eyes, you can see that the independent spiritual fields are like veins connected by dotted lines, or like intermittent rivers.

The reason for this visual effect is that the spiritual field development in some areas has been artificially encrypted.

The effect in July, August, and September does not seem to be obvious yet.

But in the sketches of October, November, and the end of December last year, the feeling of a through-line becomes stronger and stronger.

Because at the end of September last year, Bixueyuan sent more shaking cattle and rainforest black toads, the land reclamation in Sanchuan Plateau entered an unprecedented period.

Meng Zhou stared at the sketches and asked, "Did you do these on purpose?"

"Of course!" President Pan nodded and said, "Otherwise, can all this be explained by coincidence?"

"Does anyone else know?" Meng Zhou asked again.

President Pan said: "Besides me, Commander Yao from the Blue Blood Plains and President Zhou, Zhu Qian's teacher, know about it. You are the fourth one to know."

Meng Zhou said softly: "So, this spiritual pulse growth is actually the result of your special guidance?"

President Pan nodded again and said:

"Using current experience to extrapolate, without such special guidance, Mikawahara's spiritual veins will certainly grow, but the time will definitely not be this year, but much later."

"..." Meng Zhou was extremely shocked. Who would have thought that such a big picture had been planned in Sanchuanyuan without everyone in Sanchuanyuan noticing.

It must be mentioned that so far, the spiritual fields developed in the second-level spiritual land area have not been connected into one piece, just because the distribution of Zhuangtian is different in distance.

Being inside Sanchuan Yuan, it is impossible to notice this change no matter what.

Even if he had a relatively good understanding of all the spiritual fields in the Sanchuan Plain, in the absence of accurate map models, it was impossible to clearly restore the distribution of the spiritual fields within hundreds of thousands of square kilometers to the simplified map in front of him. possible.

Therefore, this is really a point that is clearly laid out in front of everyone, but people who don't know it can't even figure it out.

Meng Zhou said: "So, the earth vein spiritual energy that runs through the entire spiritual vein can grow in this way?"

President Pan nodded.

"What are you going to do next?" Meng Zhou asked.

President Pan did not answer, but took out another leather scroll in his hand and spread it out in front of Meng Zhou.

"This is the distribution of spiritual fields at the end of January this year."

Meng Zhou quickly looked closely.

Although the scope of the spiritual veins has expanded, the distribution of the spiritual fields is still perfectly consistent with the one at the end of December last year.

The biggest difference is that all the newly opened spiritual fields are filled in between the "dashed lines", making the spiritual field veins that run through the entire spiritual veins appear more coherent.

Meng Zhou thought of the news he had learned from Kan Yue and others before. Ever since the news about the growth of spiritual veins in Sanchuan Plain spread, more foundation-building monks have been pouring towards Sanchuan Plain since the fifth day of the first lunar month this year. Everything is very good.

Obviously, these newly added spiritual fields are the contributions made by these people after their arrival.

And this is far from the end.

It can be said that the number of foundations built in the Sanchuan Plain will usher in another surge. According to the previous arrangements of the Sanchuan Society, the arrival of these people will definitely further improve this "spiritual field context."

President Pan saw Meng Zhou staring at the scroll without saying anything. He thought to himself:

"According to this situation, either next year, or at the latest the year after, the quality of Sanchuanyuan's spiritual veins will be as good as that of the original Jade Lake!"

When Meng Zhou heard this, he trembled slightly and raised his head to look at President Pan.

Of course he understood the underlying meaning.

"Do you want to imitate Jade Lake and turn Sanchuan Plain into a third-level spiritual land?"

As a formation master, Meng Zhou knew very well that not all second-level spiritual veins could be transformed into third-level spiritual lands.

The necessary prerequisite is that the second-level spiritual vein has a deep enough foundation and a high enough quality.

Otherwise, not only will this transformation not be successful, it will also cause irreversible damage to the foundation of the second-order spiritual veins.

President Pan compared the quality of Sanchuan Yuan's spiritual veins in the next two to three years with the Jade Lake that was transformed into a third-level spiritual land. His potential intention is self-evident.

"Yes." President Pan nodded.

"¥ # % @"

Although he was convinced in his heart, Meng Zhou once again adjusted his understanding of the old man in front of him when he heard him admit it personally.

I have to admit, this old guy is very daring to think.

Moreover, he is very courageous.

"Does Commander Yao and President Zhou know about your plan?" Meng Zhou asked.

President Pan nodded and said, "You are the fourth to know."

"You don't want to achieve your goal with this little strength, do you?"

If this is the case, this old guy is too crazy and dangerous. It is best to leave quickly, otherwise, he is afraid that he will be too late and blood will be splashed on himself.

President Pan shook his head and said: "Of course not. I will wait for the right time to reveal this plan to Qingxuan Sect and invite them to join the game."

Having said this, he looked at Meng Zhou who fell into silence again, and asked in a asking tone:

"Mr. Zhuang, do you think it is possible that if I do this, I will be completely wiped out by Qingxuan Sect and kicked out completely?"

Meng Zhou thought about the "portrait" of Qingxuanzong's behavior in his mind and said:

"If you do this, Qingxuanzong will be very happy, and you don't have to worry about being kicked out by Qingxuanzong.

If you are capable of taking on greater responsibilities, they may even be happy to give you more responsibilities. "

The only thing worth worrying about is that you must have the ability and be able to bear the burden.

At this point, although President Pan did not give a direct answer, Meng Zhou had basically understood the reason for his presumptuous invitation.

Why did he come from that the Sanchuan Plateau is more suitable for him than the Jade Lake?

I also understand his purpose and the price I need to pay.

According to Meng Zhou's understanding of the Qingxuan Sect, if President Pan can take the initiative to break the old barriers in terms of thoughts and actions, even if his purpose is to strengthen the Sanchuan Society, the Qingxuan Sect will not set up any obstacles.

But at the same time, Qingxuanzong also supports and encourages full and fierce competition.

Once Sanchuanyuan wants to become the second Jade Lake, even if President Pan has tied the Blue Blood Plains and the Professionals Association together, the impact it will face can be imagined.

Moreover, the Sanchuan Society, the Blue Blood Army, and the Professionals Association are only allies with connected interests, and they are not really like a family.

Among the three parties, in terms of combat effectiveness and deterrence against other forces, Sanchuanhui is undoubtedly the weakest.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine the pressure and impact that Mikawa Society would have to endure if it really wanted to pick that sweet and juicy fruit.

With President Pan's old body, it is obviously impossible to block this impact.

"Where is your apprentice Ding Ning?" Meng Zhou suddenly asked.

President Pan said: "I sent her to Cuiyu Lake at the end of September last year. She has now begun to retreat into the dead retreat. She will not come out of the retreat until she forms the elixir."

Having said this, he paused and then added: "Before she went to Jade Lake, although she was often by my side, she didn't know about my real plan."

"Based on what I know about her, at the earliest, within two years, and at the latest, within five years, she will be able to successfully form a pill and escape."

Meng Zhou remained silent.

President Pan continued to persuade:

"Mr. Zhuang, I understand your concerns.

In fact, as long as you have the strength to defeat fake elixirs, there is no problem with safety! "

"The rules of Qingxuan Sect are very clear, they have no restrictions on fighting at the foundation level.

However, any monk whose strength reaches the third level of pill formation is not allowed to fight bloody battles in the Qingxuan Domain.

As long as you can show a combat power comparable to that in the early stage of pill formation and prove that I, Sanchuan, have the ability to protect my own interests, then you are safe! "

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