Do not die

Chapter 158 Choice, Conditions

After half a day, Zhu Qian put away the bag of spiritual tea with a smile, handed it over and left.

After Zhu Qian left, Meng Zhou did not do anything else. He recalled all the information he had just received from her and weighed it more carefully.

This time he invited Zhu Qi over, and he learned a lot about the professional associations from her.

Meng Zhou was originally a member of the association, and she was brought into the association herself. Of course, Zhu Qian would not refuse his desire to know more about the association, and was even happy to share it with him.

Whatever he was interested in or had questions about, she would be happy to answer them for him.

Through today's exchange, Meng Zhou finally had a comprehensive and clear understanding of the current situation of the Professionals Association.

After having a comprehensive understanding of the current situation of the association, the strongest feeling in Meng Zhou's heart was that of strangeness, very strangeness.

The association in his impression, except for the association's logo and some rules and regulations that made him feel familiar, everything else was no longer what he had in mind.

But if you think about it carefully, it has only been three years since he suggested that Chu Zheng and other high-level executives call their last days collectively and give the stage to newcomers.

It can only be said that the changes are too fast and the iterations are too frequent.

At the beginning, limited to the vision and vision of Chu Zheng and others, they secretly carefully selected the eight professionals who were going to be invited to take over the responsibility of the association. They all have their own strengths, which can be regarded as laying the prototype for today's professional association.

But there is only one thing. Although they are all second-level professionals, their professional standards far exceed those of the association during the leadership of Chu Zheng and others.

But their cultivation and professional standards are not very outstanding among second-level professionals.

Meng Zhou also understood this very well.

This is certainly due to the fact that Chu Zheng and others' vision is too narrow - they don't know much about the situation in the second-level professional field, and they look up to all second-level professionals.

But there is another more important reason that prevents them from contacting those second-level professionals whose professional standards are too high.

They must ensure their own safety and that the continuity of the association is as controllable as possible.

Just think about it, any professional with a second-level high-level professional level is likely to be in the late stage of foundation building. Needless to say, his own strength and status, and more importantly, such a person is basically an important member of a big force. members, even core members.

Even if you are a self-made casual cultivator, if you can reach this level, there is a high probability that you are the founder of a powerful force.

There really shouldn't be too many "meat eaters" around them.

If at that time Chu Zheng and a group of other minor qi cultivators came to the door on their own initiative carrying a piece of fat meat, it's really hard to say what the outcome would be.

What is certain is that no matter what the outcome is, it all depends on other people's thoughts, and they themselves have no decision-making power.

Under these considerations, the second-generation successors carefully selected by Chu Zheng and others basically completed the first handover of the Professional Association's baton smoothly.

In a very short period of time, the professional association expanded explosively.

The original first-order force, which could only have one or two first-order spiritual veins fluttering quietly, quickly transformed into an emerging second-order force with unlimited potential.

The scope of influence also started from Qinglinfang, the second-order spiritual vein, and quickly spread to more second-order spiritual veins.

However, as the scale of the Professionals Association rapidly expanded like a balloon, it became a dark horse that attracted the attention of many established forces. Even Qingxuan Sect rarely paid attention with interest.

In a very short period of time, the second-generation successors went from being “the association’s hope and leader” to being “the association’s drag”.

If they continue to hold the core position of the association, not only will the rapidly expanding Professional Association be in danger of falling apart, but they sitting in the crater will also be more likely to die inexplicably.

Their situation at that time was even more dangerous than Chu Zheng and others.

At least, Chu Zheng and others still have the option of "stifling the infant association to death and everyone dividing the luggage."

And being pushed into the public eye, they had no way out.

As for the solution, it’s not hard to find either.

After all, Chu Zheng and the other first founders had already given them a pattern, and they could just follow their footsteps.

As a result, these second-generation successors only lasted about half a year, and the association's leadership collectively transitioned to the third generation.

By this time, the association's development had developed its own inertia.

Moreover, the internal forces are complex. It is difficult for any professional, even if he has a second-level high-grade professional level or a late-stage foundation-building cultivation, to reverse the operation of the association itself with just one person's words.

If we say that the association was like a snowball that had not yet taken shape during the period of Chu Zheng and others, it was pushed out of nothing by Chu Zheng and others.

The early stage when the second generation takes over the snowball can also determine the survival and shape of the snowball to a large extent.

By the third generation period, the snowball of the association had completely taken hold. The influence of individuals on the association was getting weaker and weaker, and it was more of a collective will.

During the third generation period, the professional association was divided into branches, which were accompanied by a large number of adjustments and changes.

Although there is no complete overhaul and transition to the fourth generation period, it is at least the 3.5th generation.

And from some of the information revealed in Zhu Qian’s words, Meng Zhou felt that the fourth generation was not far away.

According to Zhu Qian, in the Alchemist Branch, the Weapon Refiner Branch, the Talisman Maker Branch, and the Formation Master Branch, there are already third-level professionals at the core level. Among them, there are also people with fake elixir or even elixir-forming skills.

These third-level professionals include those who have been in the second-level high-level and late foundation building stages for many years and have taken advantage of the trend in recent years to take off. There are also those who are more senior and are eager for the platform of the association.

Although the number is not too large, considering the general trend of Qingxuan Domain, it is not too long before the core layer is completely updated.

Because of these changes, the foreshadowing that Meng Zhou had reserved back then was basically half-empty.

Thinking of this, a strange token with "0" on the top and "10" on the bottom appeared in Meng Zhou's hand.

This was not the token magic weapon that Zhu Qian gave to him, but the one that Chu Zheng gave to him in Qinglinfang. It was a piece of second-grade spiritual gold that was torn out from a piece.

At that time, a total of nine tokens were taken out of the piece of spiritual gold, one in his hand, and one for each of the other eight second-generation cores.

This is equivalent to the "original equity" of the professional association.

The main purpose of his doing this is to use this identity to gain some convenience in Jade Lake when planning to form the elixir.

The problem now is that the other eight token holders, the second generation who have a certain degree of recognition of his identity, have collectively called their last days.

Although he has not been reduced to the level of "no such person" in the association, he only has some honorary titles in name only.

In order to preserve the little privileges they had left in their hands, each of them kept a low profile, focusing on running their own small territory and concentrating on cultivation.

There was a big tree called the Professionals Association outside, so it was very quiet.

If he still followed his original idea and came to the door with this token before preparing to form the elixir, he would not only cause trouble for them, but also cause trouble for himself.

His purpose of laying this foreshadowing in advance was to reduce trouble, but doing so would only increase trouble for himself.

Therefore, if you want to go to Cuiyu Lake to form pills, after this method that was once expected to be the simplest and most trouble-free is abolished, there are only two options left.

The first is to follow the path of Zhu Qian and her teacher, and obtain a suitable third-level spiritual land as a member of the spiritual planter branch.

The second is Li Daitao, who looks for a suitable target within the Qingxuan Domain, quietly handles the target, and then takes over the target's identity and goes to Cuiyu Lake to obtain a third-level spiritual land.

It must be mentioned that the Jade Lake Fairy City is a third-level spiritual land transformed from the second-level spiritual veins. In order to avoid fishing in the lake and ensure the sustainable operation of the fairy city, the management of the resident monks is very strict. The higher the cultivation level, the more strict the management. The more stringent it becomes.

Especially monks in the Dan Formation Realm.

Each additional resident alchemy cultivator will add a heavy burden to the fairy city until it reaches the limit that the fairy city can bear.

And the cultivation level of each pill-forming monk will continue to increase, so even if there are the same number of pill-forming monks, the burden on the fairy city will become heavier and heavier as time goes by.

By that time, not only will the Immortal City no longer accept new Dan-forming monks to enter easily, but the Dan-forming monks already stationed in the Immortal City may be severely eliminated.

Of course, the Jade Lake Fairy City has just opened now, and it is far from this time. It is still opening its doors to attract talents from all over the world and enhance its foundation.

But everyone is well aware of the precious significance of a third-level spiritual land that can be used for long-term practice.

Among them, the specific threshold will not be mentioned. What is certain is that a monk with no past and no roots will definitely not be able to pass the level of the City Lord's Mansion.

Therefore, if he wanted to practice in the Jade Lake Immortal City at his next stop, he would have to put on a layer of vest for himself.

The two methods he thought of each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The first method is equivalent to borrowing the credit guarantee from the Professionals Association. He can blur his past to a certain extent. As long as he can pass the test of Teacher Zhu Qian, there will be no big problem.

But in the future, this is likely to be a deep pit that can bury the master and the apprentice.

The second method, in the short term, is the most trouble-free and labor-saving, but over time, it also has many disadvantages.

Moreover, although he is used to changing his appearance wherever he goes, these appearances are all made up out of thin air, and he was innocent in the past.

He doesn't like to become another person and take over the other person's grudges and all kinds of causes and effects.

As time went by, it was inevitable that his flaws would be exposed, and he was worried that it would subtly affect his own character, making him unknowingly become more and more like the person he "played".

Then the gain outweighs the loss.

Meng Zhou, who was thinking about this in his mind, thought of President Pan's proposal again.

During the few months he devoted himself to meditation, many changes had taken place in Sanchuanyuan.

First, there is the follow-up to the black market of the day.

Everyone knows the true purpose of the fake alchemy monk who appeared on the black market in the name of launching a military expedition.

It is a lie to stand out for the younger members of the clan. If you want to take advantage of the opportunity to enter the Sanchuan Plain, it is true to step on the local snake of the Sanchuan Hui and ascend to the throne.

However, his wishful thinking had just begun, but it collapsed in an extremely humiliating way.

President Pan did not kill the other party, and I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup he poured into the other party. Just two days after that incident, the Sanchuan Club reported a news that shocked the entire Sanchuan Plain.

The Sanchuan Association has added two vice-president positions.

The first vice president is Kan Yue, who performed amazingly on the day of the black market transaction.

The second vice-president is the fake pill who was strongly detained that day. His surname is Pu Mingjie.

Shortly after Pu Jie became the vice-president of the Sanchuan Society, the scale of the Sanchuan Society expanded again, with an increase of thirty members, including five members named Pu alone.

After this change, Sanchuan, who was still somewhat turbulent, will quickly stabilize.

At the same time, Mikawa Hui not only had no intention of applying the brakes or stabilizing the speed.

Instead, he stepped on the accelerator, and Pu Jie used his connections to introduce many forces with monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment or even in the late stage of foundation establishment into the Sanchuan Plain.

Coupled with the fact that the Jade Blood Army lost no time in transporting a group of monsters that are good at land reclamation and have the ability to rain, in just a few months, the number of second-level spiritual fields newly opened in the Sanchuan Plain once again surged.

Just as Sanchuanhui ignored it, cooked the oil in the fire, and stepped on the accelerator when going downhill, another big thing happened in mid-May.

Faced with the rapid changes in Sanchuan Plain and Sanchuan Society, one group was the most panicked, and that was the group of local monks headed by Dai Shouli.

They feel like they will be thrown off the bus anytime and anywhere.

They also benefited the most from the spiritual field promotion that took place at the beginning of the year. From time to time, they felt uneasy that "there are unscrupulous people who want to harm me again."

But the absolute strength gap was there, and they were panicked and helpless.

And in mid-May, they showed their trump card.

A newly promoted false elixir who had just returned from Qinglinfang and had just broken through. This person was collectively funded by them and was also one of their own from their group.

They pinned their hopes on this fake facade to support them. The specific process was unknown to outsiders. The final result was that the Sanchuan Association established a new third vice-president after the first and second vice-presidents. The third vice-president incorporated it.

Similarly, Dai Shouli and others who had always been at odds with the Sanchuan Society also integrated into the new order of the Sanchuan Society in this way.

According to the internal information Meng Zhou received from Kan Yue, it was not all smooth sailing for the newly promoted False Dan to accept the position of third vice president.

It was only after he lost to Kan Yue and Pu Jie in succession that he clearly realized his position and sat on it "happily".

Although Sanchuanhui's expansion was fast, in the eyes of others, it was full of hidden dangers.

An organization that was originally controlled by Chairman Pan was forcibly turned into a hodgepodge, with the possibility of self-destruction from within at any time.

But Meng Zhou, who knew his true intention, knew that President Pan was still very sober, and he had not been overwhelmed by the changes in Sanchuanyuan.

His current goal is not to have a Sanchuan Society that can handle everything at once. He only needs a Sanchuan Plain that is rapidly expanding and the land reclamation area of ​​​​Lingtian is rapidly increasing.

This is also true.

As Dai Shouli and other local sects, led by a fake Dan Vice-President, led hundreds of new foundation builders to carry out more efficient spiritual land reclamation.

Pu Jie seemed to feel the pressure and invested more of his family and connections in Sanchuanyuan.

When the time came to June, Meng Zhou, who had broken through to the eighth level of foundation building, used Qi-gazing to look at the Sanchuan Plain outside the courtyard. He could even see the slow but regular flow of the earth's spiritual energy in the Lingtian area. , towards a certain direction.

Like a pool of silent stagnant water, it began to flow slowly.

Through the moon mirror, we can know that there is another spiritual field closest to his spiritual field.

The closest distance between the two spiritual fields is less than three miles. It was also a spiritual field opened by a village landowner who was arranged to arrive in April this year.

If the spiritual field reclamation in Sanchuan Plain can maintain this trend in the next six months.

What President Pan said that day will come true.

As early as next year, or as late as the year after next, the spiritual veins of Sanchuan Yuan will grow again, and the quality potential will be no less than that of Jade Lake.

The facts before his eyes gave Meng Zhou a clear tendency.

Moreover, compared to going to Cuiyu Lake to form elixirs, taking advantage of the Sanchuanhui line to form elixirs in Sanchuan Plateau had the most exciting advantage for him.

A sense of control.

Whether it is the Professionals Association or the Lord's Palace of Jade Lake City, they are all too powerful for Meng Zhou now.

Moreover, whether it is the professional association or the city lord's palace, the operation is gradually maturing, and there are many forces involved, so it is inevitable that it will be muddy and mixed.

The water is too deep to grasp.

Maybe an incident that had nothing to do with him would end up causing him to be involved in the aftermath, making him unable to control himself.

Although the probability of this happening is not very high, it is impossible for Meng Zhou, who likes to plan ahead, not to prepare for the worst.

In contrast, the Sanchuan Society headed by President Pan is much clearer and more transparent.

Even if something goes wrong, he is confident that he can control it.

Thinking of this, the balance in Meng Zhou's heart tilted significantly.

After thinking about this, Meng Zhou did not hesitate anymore and sent out another flying message.

Not long after, Zhicheng Qianzhi reminded Meng Zhou of this innate soul skill again.

At this moment, Meng Zhou had already removed the old tea that was served to Zhu Qian and replaced it with new tea that had just been picked and made at the end of last month.

A pot of spiritual tea had just been brewed when President Pan's figure appeared in the courtyard.

He appeared in the courtyard with obvious joy on his face.

However, when he stood opposite Meng Zhou and watched Meng Zhou pour the tea out of the cup in front of him, joy solidified on his face.

His nose twitched slightly, as if he was discerning something.

Then, he turned to look at the two spiritual tea trees in the courtyard, which were only second-level mid-grade quality. After looking at them carefully for a while, he looked at Meng Zhou and asked with a look of shock on his face:

"Mr. Zhuang, are you making this with the new tea they produce?"

Meng Zhou nodded and said, "Well... you have a try."

President Pan nodded gently, stared at the cup in front of him, gradually lost his look of shock, and his expression became solemn.

Originally sitting cross-legged, he changed to sitting on his knees. He held up the small tea cup with both hands, sniffed it gently, and then drank it in one gulp.

In an instant, a warm and clear air enters the stomach from the mouth, along the esophagus, and quickly spreads throughout the limbs and bones. Every tissue and area in the body feels like it has been stroked, massaged and massaged just right, with a gentle feeling. A numbing sensation and a subtle trembling sensation.

This feeling is followed by relaxation and pleasure from the inside out.

You can imagine how wonderful it is to drink a cup of this spiritual tea when you are tired and sleepy.

And that's not all. President Pan felt that his soul was like the sky washed by a new burst of rain, clear and spotless.

Distracted thoughts are eliminated, thoughts are clear, and thinking is quick.

“Good tea!”

After a long time, President Pan sighed softly and slowly opened his eyes.

His sigh was filled with enjoyment and unspeakable regret.

"It's really good tea. Although the spirituality contained in it is low, its real subtlety has surpassed those of the best teas."

Having said this, President Pan looked at Meng Zhou and praised sincerely:

"Mr. Zhuang's tea-making skills have probably reached perfection, right?

It’s incredible that you can use these two spiritual tea trees to such an extent! "

Faced with his compliments, Meng Zhou's mentality was very stable. He filled his glass again and said with a smile:

"Since you think it tastes good, drink more."

President Pan nodded, picked up the cup and drank the spiritual tea in one gulp again, and then said with emotion:

"I tried my best to think boldly, but I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Zhuang's methods were still beyond my expectations."

"Is that what you expected?" Meng Zhou asked seemingly casually while continuing to add tea to the other party.

President Pan was startled when he heard this.

Meng Zhou put down the teapot, looked at President Pan, and asked, "How did President Pan notice me?"

President Pan said seriously:

"Before Ding Ning went to Cuiyu Lake for retreat, Kan Yue asked him for many advices on spiritual practice, including the Angry Ape Tyrant Body."

Having said this, he shook his head and smiled:

"In the past few years, I have rarely seen her fail in her practice. This is a rare occasion.

Afterwards, she told me that in order to fully understand this method without anyone teaching me and with insufficient inheritance, I had to refine the body, Qi, and soul to reach the second-level limit.

Later, Kan Yue suddenly said that he had fully understood this method. I knew there was something fishy in it, so I investigated it secretly. "

Speaking of this, President Pan laughed at himself and said:

"It's because I was too slow to react. Otherwise, I should have known about Mr. Zhuang's extraordinary ability long before he could see the slightest hint of it and discovered the changes in the aura of the Sanchuan Plateau earth veins without knowing anything else."

Meng Zhou nodded, stopped talking, and continued to invite tea.

Having said this, President Pan still has the time to drink tea.

No matter how good the tea is, it is tasteless when you drink it in your mouth now.

He no longer pretended to be reserved and asked proactively:

"Mr. Zhuang, how do you think about my proposal?"

This is the first time he has used "you" in his address. Previously, although he had done a respectful gesture, he still put both parties on the basis of equal cooperation.

But now, after just a few cups of spiritual tea, his mentality has already undergone subtle changes.

Meng Zhou did not answer Chairman Pan’s question directly, but asked:

"President Pan, why are you so anxious?

Since you are confident that Ding Ning will be able to successfully form a pill in the next two years, why don't you wait another two years for her to form a pill before taking action? "

It is conceivable that after Ding Ning breaks through the core formation, everything that President Pan is worried about now will cease to exist.

He only needs to put Ding Ning out, and everything he envisions now will be easily realized.

Because Mikawahui's strength is worthy of what he wants, the two are matched.

The reason why he is troubled now is because the current strength of the Mikawa Club does not match what he wants to get.

Mikawa would be too weak, and he wanted too much.

Put aside the layers of appearances, the spiritual world is such a real place.

As long as you are strong enough, no matter how much you have, no one will object or dare to object.

But if your strength does not match everything you have, then you will face many challenges.

As long as there is a Jiedan in Sanchuan, everything President Pan is planning now is justified.

On the contrary, it is treachery.

What he needs Meng Zhou for is during the window period before Ding Ning returns. When necessary, he can "prove" that Sanchuan will have the strength to match his ambitions. It's that simple.

Facing Meng Zhou’s question, President Pan shook his head and said:

"The general trend is ahead, it can be smoothed but not reversed, and it can be helped but not stopped."

"Mr. Zhuang must have a good understanding of the situation here in the past few years in Sanchuanyuan.

Do you think that if I want to prevent more foundation-building monks from coming in, I must not continue to open up wasteland in the past few years?

Can I do it? "

"No." Without any hesitation, Meng Zhou shook his head and replied.

Yes, let alone he can't do it now, he couldn't do it last year or the year before.

In other words, since Qingxuanzong promoted the general changes in Qingxuan Territory, he no longer has this choice.

If he does this forcefully, it will be just another Hongliang Bay, allowing the "fence" of Sanchuan Plain to be broken through in a more intense way.

"Yeah, I can't."

President Pan said:

“So, even without my deliberate guidance, Mikawahara’s abnormality in spiritual veins would have been exposed at the beginning of this year.

Perhaps the change will not be as drastic as it is now, but it is certain that more spiritual fields will be upgraded, and there will even be changes in which first-order spiritual fields are upgraded to second-order spiritual fields.

By then, it was no longer something I could cover up if I wanted to. "

Meng Zhou nodded slightly.

He already fully understood what President Pan meant.

He discovered the clues more than a year in advance, and upon closer inspection, there were only three choices he could make.

The first is to obstruct, and this is also the first thing to be rejected. The general trend is overwhelming. To do so is to be a mantis and seek death;

The second is to sit back and do nothing, pretending not to see it.

This is the ostrich mentality of shying away from difficulties, and the general trend will not be reduced by half because of his "not seeing";

The third is to join this general trend and actively promote it.

Although there are many difficulties in doing this, the most valuable point is that this way you can gain more initiative and have more room for independent choices.

Therefore, it seems that we only need to wait two more years for Ding Ning to break through the core formation, and everything will be solved.

But in fact, Sanchuanhui did not have two years to wait.

Moreover, even this "two years" is President Pan's optimistic estimate. If he is not optimistic, three to five years is also possible.

It's not that Ding Ning is deliberately dilly-dallying, but there are differences between pill formation and pill formation.

Under the premise that Ding Ning is confident that he can complete the pill formation, he will of course try his best to obtain a higher quality pill formation.

This requires more careful polishing, as well as state and opportunity. Being too eager will cause problems.

Based on the relationship between master and apprentice, if Ding Ning dared to form elixirs to get out of seclusion early and had regrets, President Pan would most likely be so angry that he would vomit blood and die suddenly on the spot.

Meng Zhou accepted Chairman Pan’s reasons.

The last question was asked: "When will you have a showdown with Qingxuanzong and get them on board?"

President Pan quickly said: "Tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?" Meng Zhou looked at him suspiciously, wondering, is your answer too perfunctory, or is your action too decisive?

President Pan quickly explained:

"I originally planned to bring Qingxuanzong on board by the middle of this year at the latest to put the matter on a complete showdown.

Because every day that goes by, it becomes more difficult to cover the lid.

In the past few months, Sanchuanyuan seems to be calm on the surface, but you don't know how many impacts and prying eyes you have suffered overtly and covertly.

At this time, it will be easier to deal with it if you completely expose the matter in the open.

The reason why I haven't had a showdown with Qingxuanzong yet is because I'm waiting for your reply. "

There is no doubt that whether there is such a "ballast stone" will have a completely different impact on his confidence, and the decisions he makes will be completely different.

He is now trying his best to win over Meng Zhou, isn't it just to get better chips and have more trump cards.

Therefore, as long as Meng Zhou gives him an answer now, he can turn around and give Qingxuanzong an answer.

Meng Zhou, who wanted to understand this, was not dissatisfied, but liked his honesty.

Although Chairman Pan also has his own plans, he puts everything in plain sight and does not shy away from striving for the value he can bring to the Sanchuan Club.

He can be so frank, apart from his nature, probably also because his beloved disciple is named Ding Ning.

Meng Zhou nodded and stopped talking in circles, saying:

"I can accept your proposal, but I have a few conditions!"

President Pan looked happy and said quickly: "Say it!"

"First, I will not ask or participate in how you coordinate and communicate with Qingxuan Sect. You have to resolve this matter yourself.

Our cooperation will not officially begin until you have reached an agreement with Qingxuanzong, and Qingxuanzong fully recognizes your proposal and provides substantial support. "

President Pan didn’t think much at all and nodded: “Okay!”

In his calculations, Qingxuanzong was the easiest to pass.

The most difficult level is the hyenas and wolves except Qingxuanzong.

For Meng Zhou, the situation was exactly the opposite.

At this moment, he would rather face a bunch of hyenas and wolves than meet the senior officials of Qingxuan Sect.

"Second, if Sanchuan encounters a strong enemy, I can take action, but everything is limited to my ability, and everything is decided by myself.

If I feel it's inappropriate, I can quit at any time. "

Regarding this point, President Pan also nodded without any hesitation: "Of course."

In fact, there is no need to mention this condition, everyone is well aware of it.

He couldn't really expect that "Mr. Zhuang" who joined the gang halfway would risk his life and death for his ambition. That was wishful thinking.

Meng Zhou, however, went out of his way to make this point clear.

Sometimes, tacit understanding is a good thing.

But sometimes, Meng Zhou felt that it would be better to speak more clearly.

"Third, we have a cooperative relationship. I will not join the Sanchuan Society. Don't expose my identity to me. I don't want to attract unnecessary attention."

When President Pan heard this, he did not answer immediately. He hesitated for a moment before asking:

"Then can I declare to the outside world that there will be strong people in Sanchuan?"

Those with strength may find ways to hide it, but like the current situation of the Sanchuan Society, President Pan is eager to publicize the news that he is holding a piece of Wang Zha to the entire Qingxuan Territory.

Meng Zhou thought for a while and said:

"How you publicize it to the outside world is your freedom. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't put me on the stage."

President Pan breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and nodded: "Okay! I agree to this one too."

Meng Zhou nodded. President Pan saw that he stopped talking and asked instead:

"Mr. Zhuang, do you have any other conditions?"

Meng Zhou originally wanted to say no, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly stopped.

This is the most appropriate time to make a request, and he doesn't need to be polite to the other party.

He remembered something he had just pondered in his mind, and nodded: "Yes."

"Say it." President Pan listened attentively.

"I hope you can provide me with more third-level inheritance methods." Meng Zhou said.

President Pan was stunned when he heard this, not because the other party's request was strange, but because it was too general and he couldn't grasp it. So, he nodded and asked:

"Well, the third-level inheritance method? I understand.

But what exactly?

To be honest with you, if it is a Qi refining method, I have a complete third-level method in my hand. There is a third-level fragment of the soul refining method. If you need it, I can get you a copy right away.

If it's a body-refining method, it would be a bit troublesome... Oh, I remembered, Kan Yue should have a copy, but there are many shortcomings.

Or is it in the direction of career inheritance?

This is a bit troublesome. I don't have any ready-made ones. However, with my current relationship with the Professionals Association, it shouldn't be difficult to get a few articles. "

After listening to his words, Meng Zhou was silent for a while and then said: "Anything is fine."

All OK?

What's the meaning?

After hearing his answer, President Pan became even more confused.

He couldn't help but look at Meng Zhou inquiringly, as if asking, what exactly do you think?

Meng Zhou then had to speak more clearly:

"If you could get me a copy, I'd be very grateful.

Of course, it would be better if there were more. "

Meng Zhou paused and then said again:

"Anyway, the more the merrier, the more the better."

President Pan was dumbfounded.

Meng Zhou stared at him, saying that he was awake and not talking nonsense.

Then, the confused President Pan seemed to understand.

In the end, he left with a look of shock on his face.

"Maybe he can guess something?"

Meng Zhou thought as he watched Pan Huiyuan's disappearing figure.

However, this does not seem to be a bad thing in terms of the relationship between the two parties.

Moreover, this is also something that cannot be helped.

Because when considering the issue of forming pills, Meng Zhou thought of a series of derivative issues.

No matter whether you are forming pills in Cuiyu Lake, Sanchuan Plateau, or somewhere else, there is one prerequisite that must be guaranteed, and that is your own safety during the pill forming process.

In particular, he must go through the catastrophe.

No matter how high he can be, he is still the most vulnerable at this time.

Moreover, in order to form the elixir without any regrets, one cannot be distracted at this time.

At that time, even the second-level top-notch formations and spirit puppets could not provide him with a sufficient sense of security.

Meng Zhou thought of a way, which was to upgrade some professions that needed to be used to the third level in advance before attacking the pill formation.

This has precedent in the cultivation world. Some monks with particularly high professional talents or particularly low spiritual talents will have a situation where their cultivation level is lower than their professional level.

Although second-level professionals in the Qi-training realm and third-level professionals in the foundation-building realm are rare, they are all available.

In this case, he can naturally upgrade some professional skills to the third level first.

Before that, he must obtain the third-level professional inheritance.

In the past, he had received many second-level career inheritances through Chu Zheng without much effort.

Now, even though he is nominally a member of the Spiritual Planter Branch, it is no longer easy to easily reproduce this kind of thing.

Originally, if President Pan had asked more carefully, he would have narrowed the scope of the demand a bit.

But who told him to show off his rich channels? Then let me see how rich your channels are.

If you can give me all the third-level inheritance methods you mentioned, I will consider you to be great!

After calming down, Meng Zhou came to the pond again and continued to immerse himself in the understanding of the innate vortex power of the two mysterious turtles.

Unknowingly, early June has come to an end. Meng Zhou ended his enlightenment, entered the quiet room, and began his routine retreat.

June 13th, early morning.

Cultivation progress +20, foundation building eight levels 30/1000.

This time in retreat, I harvested four drops of life essence, one drop more than when I built the seventh level of foundation.

In addition, it should be mentioned that in the absence of retreat, the eighth level of foundation building can harvest two more drops of life marrow every ten days than the seventh level of foundation building.

In each ten days, there are four drops during retreat and six drops during ordinary times. In total, ten drops of life essence can be harvested every ten days.

After Meng Zhou got used to it for a while, he walked out of the quiet room.

After finishing other chores, he once again immersed himself in the understanding of the mysterious vortex power of the mysterious turtle.

The exercises he practiced, and even the most fundamental three-polar cycle of energy, energy, and spirit, were all rooted in the nature of water.

His understanding of the nature of water was extremely extraordinary, and coupled with the improvement in understanding brought about by the completion of the soul refining method, Meng Zhou felt full of gains every day.

14th, afternoon.

Meng Zhou stood on the back of a mysterious turtle.

The huge mysterious turtle floated motionless on the water, like a rock in the water.

Slowly, the originally calm water around the mysterious turtle began to slowly flow clockwise.

The speed goes from slow to fast, getting faster and faster.

Gradually, a huge whirlpool covering hundreds of square meters was formed centered on the water where the Xuanling Turtle was located, encompassing the entire pond.

When the two mysterious turtles saw this scene, the expressions on their faces were very vivid.

Because the scene in front of me was not caused by them.

Since they were not the ones responsible, it could only be the man on the turtle's back.

Knowing this, the two mysterious turtles lay quietly on the water, not daring to move at all. They didn't even dare to interfere in the surrounding whirlpool waters, for fear that their actions would interfere with the man's understanding.

It’s my grandfather’s birthday today. He was born in 27 of the last century. He has experienced indescribable ups and downs. When he was a child, he started as an orphan and was born as a cowherd boy (now, he has four sons, two daughters, grandsons and great-grandsons, and his blood is in many provinces. He went to a private school, learned to read, and could make good calculations. Later, he became the accountant of the village during the collective period. I feel that if I were to live in his body, I would not live to be 49 years old.

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