Do not die

Chapter 163

Seeing the confused looks from the two men, Meng Zhou realized that he might have overreacted.

But in this kind of matter, he always adheres to the principle of being careful and never making a big mistake.

No matter whether there is such a possibility or not, as long as he thinks about it, he will make preparations in advance.

This time, I took the time to practice two beast-controlling skills. For this reason, I even made these seriously ill and injured patients wait two more days. This was also the reason.

And the results also verified that it was not unreasonable for him to think more sometimes.

Therefore, facing the doubtful looks of the two people, he looked at the fake old man Dan: "You arranged for so many injured patients to come to Sanchuan Yuan this time. Do many people know about it?"

The old man of Fake Pill said: "Not too many, and they are all high-level officials of the Blue Blood Army.

Because these injured patients were all placed in the same place in the Blue Blood Plains, and the handover was urgent, they were transferred en masse as soon as the Shadowless Boat arrived in the Blue Blood Plains, and there was no chance for the news to spread.

...However, I don’t know what the situation has been like these two days. "

What needs to be mentioned is that these injured patients basically have two identities. When facing the monster group, they are all members of the Jade Blood Army.

On the other hand, they have different power backgrounds within the Blue Blood Plains, whether they are families or chambers of commerce, and many of them are even the core pillars of these forces.

The Blue Blood Army now wants to provide unified care and placement for them, but these forces are naturally very concerned about their safety, and frequent visits are inevitable.

Meng Zhou nodded. After hearing what he said, he realized that the news had probably spread in the Blue Blood Plains.

But he still said: "If possible, you should ask them to keep the information confidential... and the two foundations who came with you on the ship this time, ask them to try not to leak more information."

As a human monk, he was willing to help save these people, but he really didn't want to involve some inexplicable cause and effect on himself.

The old man was still a little confused after hearing these words, but when he thought about it a little deeper, he felt frightened in his heart. He wanted to ask again, but Medicine Master Ge had already devoted himself wholeheartedly to treating the injured.

It was inconvenient for him to ask any more questions. He exchanged a look with Tu Baiyao and turned around and left the shop.

When he was looking for clues to trace the source, Meng Zhou also made a rough survey of the conditions of the injured.

Putting aside other symptoms, they had some problems with their bones after fighting fiercely with monsters.

Some are more obvious, while others are more subtle, seemingly intact, but hidden injuries have penetrated deep into the bones.

It's like porcelain that looks intact but actually has cracks inside.

Because of this reason, coupled with the serious injuries, the blood in the body is basically less than that of a normal monk, and his own hematopoietic ability is seriously insufficient.

In response to this situation, Meng Zhou temporarily learned a pharmacist's technique, the bone-joining technique.

Among the second-level pharmacist skills, this spell and hematopoiesis are two spells that are highly compatible and complementary to each other.

Generally speaking, if you learn one, you can learn the other.

Due to his own needs, Meng Zhou only learned the art of hematopoiesis first, and now he took the opportunity to learn the bone-joining art with little effort.

Meng Zhou began to treat these injured patients. He first pioneered bone synthesis and hematopoiesis to strengthen the patient's own foundation.

Although the performance of these two skills is still relatively weak for the time being, they will be combined with the cultivation technique and the rejuvenation technique later to push it forward with great momentum, plus the life-extending pill to suppress the formation.

Not to mention ordinary serious injuries, even those monks who have used blood-burning and longevity-burning secret techniques, causing their foundations to loosen and their lifespan to be reduced, can be pulled back from the critical point of life and death, at least to ensure that their condition does not decline for twenty or thirty years.

For those monks whose foundations are relatively stable and whose lifespan has not suffered much loss, there is even more profit and no loss.

After recovering from the injury, their foundation will become more solid and solid than before the injury, and their life span will also increase.

Meng Zhou walked past the sickbeds one after another, as if by magic. After he walked past the injured patients who were lying on the sickbeds with bleak faces, their mixed aura became purer, and their listless and lethargic state was eliminated. Elimination, each of them checked their own status with incredible expressions.

However, with Tu Baiyao looking after him, they did not allow them to disturb Meng Zhou. Those who had recovered from their injuries were arranged to leave as soon as possible.

Meng Zhou discovered an interesting thing. When the bone-joining technique and the hematopoietic technique are used together, not only the effect is better, but also the experience gained is much more than practicing one hematopoietic technique alone.

At the end of the day, when Meng Zhou felt that his mental exertion was too great and had to stop and rest, both of these two pharmacist spells actually gained 3,600 experience points.

It was faster than him practicing "Clues" and "Searching for Breathing Sources" at the same time.

The bone-joining technique that I just learned completed the accumulation of entry, preliminary, and minor achievements in one day, and advanced to Dacheng.

The hematopoiesis technique, which had just reached a small level of success, also successfully advanced to a level of success.

"The Great Success of Bone Combination 100/4000"

"Hematopoiesis Mastery 2100/4000"

Meng Zhou stopped the treatment, told Tu Baiyao that he needed to rest for a while, and then left directly.

As for resting here and relaxing his body and mind into a deep sleep, he didn't even think about it.

He had no idea how shocked Tu Baiyao was when he stayed in the store.

Because there were so many patients, Meng Zhou did not shy away from wasting time. Whenever his mana was consumed too much, he would take a large amount of monster meat to restore his mana.

At first, Tu Baiyao did not realize the "seriousness" of the problem. He thought that Ge Yaoshi's treatment was a bit special and would consume a lot of physical energy. He took the monster meat to quickly recover from this deficit.

But as each of the injured patients went from "tattered" to "renewed," Yaoshi Ge continued to move towards the next patient as if his power would never run out, and he finally realized what the problem was.

It may be true that Ge Yaoshi took the monster meat to make up for his physical deficit, but what is really incredible is that he was using the monster meat to quickly restore his mana!

After understanding this, his heart was filled with shocking emotions.

"If only the monks from the Jade Blood Plains, the entire Jade Blood Army could master such a method..." Tu Baiyao thought about this matter in his mind.

After returning home and sleeping deeply for a few hours, Meng Zhou, who had fully recovered, appeared in the shop again.

Time passed from the early morning of the 29th to the late night of the 29th. When the two spells once again gained 3200 experience points and Meng Zhou wanted to continue, he suddenly realized that he was already standing on the last hospital bed. .

Other hospital beds have been removed, and the injured patients who were once everywhere in the store are now gone.

"It's over."

Meng Zhou felt quite unfinished in his heart.

He also thought that he would be able to take this opportunity to complete the accumulation of bone-joining skills and advance to the master level.

Now it seems that this plan is in ruins.

Only hematopoiesis has achieved the breakthrough from Dacheng to Master, while bone synthesis is still at Dacheng level.

"The Great Comprehensive Bone Art 3300/4000"

"Hematopoiesis Master 1300/8000"

After completing the treatment of the last patient, the old man who had returned to the shop at some unknown time hurriedly stepped forward and asked:

"Mr. Ge, have you discovered anything special from these patients?"

His expression was solemn and urgent.

Meng Zhou nodded and asked:

"I asked Daoist Tu before, and he said that the Blue Blood Army's speculation about this beast attack was due to excessive hunting in the past two years, right?"

"Yes." The fake Dan old man nodded, paused, and then said: "However, Commander Han is very suspicious of this, but unfortunately, we have not found any evidence so far."

When Meng Zhou heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Commander Han?"

At this moment, Tu Baiyao, who was arranging the last injured patient away, was also listening beside the two of them.

General Meng Zhou showed doubts and quickly explained:

"The Blue Blood Army has two commanders. One is Commander Yao, who is responsible for more complex matters. The other is Commander Han, who is only responsible for fighting monsters."

Meng Zhou nodded to express his understanding.

The fake elder said: "Commander Han's speculation is just based on some indescribable intuition, but so far there is no solid evidence to support it."

Looking at the expectant old man, Meng Zhou nodded and said, "Yes, because of some special talents, I discovered some strange things in the bodies of these injured people. I can basically confirm that there is a spirit master behind these monsters."

"Spirit Controller? Not a Beast Controller?" The fake elixir old man exclaimed, and then asked doubtfully.

They are still unable to determine whether this beast tide is formed naturally or is driven by another force behind it. If there is an answer to this question and it is confirmed that there is a force driving it, then the first thing they think of will only be the beast master. Rather than a spiritual master.

Meng Zhou did not elaborate on the scene he had seen before. It was too evil. Although his performance in front of the Blue Blood Army was already very evil, he still had to control it within a certain limit and not go too far.

Therefore, he just came to a conclusion in a semi-guessing tone.

"Because according to my judgment, the method of controlling these monsters is not the method of controlling the beasts, but more like the method of controlling the spirit puppets."

At this point, Meng Zhou did not continue the topic. Seeing that the old man wanted to continue asking, he took the initiative to end the topic.

"The clues are limited, and I can only tell so much. You have to pay attention to the rest."

The old man opened his mouth, but finally said nothing and nodded gratefully to Meng Zhou.

Meng Zhou looked at Tu Baiyao.

Tu Baiyao quickly handed a storage bag to Meng Zhou. Meng Zhou glanced at it and discovered that in addition to the 400 high-grade spiritual stones he deserved, there were also high-quality high-quality spiritual stones worth at least 200 high-grade spiritual stones. Monster meat.

Meng Zhou looked at Tu Baiyao doubtfully, "I remember there were only eighty wounded in total. What's going on with all this monster meat?"

Tu Baiyao hurriedly said: "You treat our injuries, how can you bear the cost yourself... Sir, I think you seem to be using monster meat to restore your mana these past two days?"

After listening to his question, Meng Zhou understood the true purpose of his extra gift. With a scroll of spiritual consciousness, he took out the four hundred high-grade spiritual stones that should have belonged to him, and put the storage bag together with the valuable demon inside. Putting the animal meat on Tu Baiyao's hand, he said:

"My method is a bit special, and I can only use it for the time being."

Tu Baiyao was a little embarrassed, but still explained:

"Mr. Ge, it's not that I'm ignorant, I just thought that if this method could be popularized in the Blue Blood Plain, I couldn't hold it back for a while... I'm sorry, I'm too greedy."

At the end, he bowed deeply and apologized sincerely.

Meng Zhou shook his head and said:

"There's nothing to apologize for, and besides, I said this method can only be used by me now, and that's not an excuse.

...If I can really find a way to popularize it in the future, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have Bixueyuan verify it for me. "

"Ah! Really?" Tu Boyao said in surprise.

Meng Zhou smiled and shook his head. Without saying anything more, he bowed his hands to the two of them and said goodbye.

After returning home, Meng Zhou called Yaya out and told her to guard the courtyard so that she could fall into a deep sleep in the quiet room.

A few hours later, when he woke up, he was refreshed and energetic, and the fatigue accumulated in his heart from many days of high-frequency practice was wiped away.

After walking out of the quiet room, seeing that it was still early, Meng Zhou came to the pond.

Two mysterious turtles are floating on the water, and the turtles' backs are like two rocks sticking out of the water.

Like two turtles sleeping, because of the special seal deeply implanted in their heads, their brains have not been normal in the past few months.

There is a buzzing and trembling sound at any time and place, which separates the connection between their minds and their bodies.

They can no longer feel the pain coming from the physical level.

But they don't feel relaxed about it. The experience of never having peace of mind and peace of mind is even more unbearable than the pain of the body.

If given a choice, they would choose pain without hesitation.

At least that way, they will feel the reality of life.

Instead of being so confused and groggy like now, as if alive and yet not alive, as if existing and yet as if not existing.

If it weren't for the fact that every once in a while, because they have to cast rain on the 4,000-acre spiritual field, and occasionally go out to guard the two turtles, their condition will temporarily return to normal, this kind of endless torture would have caused the two turtles to have a mental breakdown. .

But now, the two mysterious turtles, whose spirits are always on the verge of collapse or not, have greatly improved their minds because of this wonderful experience.

After all, in this state, it is most suitable for them to feel the mysterious and mysterious issues of "me" and "not me", which may seem useless, but are actually of great significance to the improvement of the mind.

After carefully checking the status of the two turtles, Meng Zhou drove two more seals deep into the hearts of the two turtles.

Compared to the seals deeply implanted in the Xuanling Turtle's brain, these two seals are more destructive to the flesh and blood body.

A steady stream of sound waves, beyond the ability of human ears to distinguish, spread out from it like a wave and evenly dispersed into the limbs and bones of the two turtles.

The bones all over their bodies were cracked by the continuous slight trembling, and the powerful and natural hematopoietic ability of the two turtles was actually suppressed.

Then, Meng Zhou carefully adjusted the intensity to ensure that their damage could be balanced by his own bone-joining and hematopoietic techniques.

Then, he began to quickly gain experience with these two turtles.

While practicing, Meng Zhou did not forget the time. When around eight o'clock in the morning, Meng Zhou suspended his practice.

Temporarily sealing the seals on the brains and hearts of the two turtles to restore them to normal, and telling them to look after their homes, Yaya was once again brought into the sea of ​​consciousness and fled away from the courtyard.

Watching the man leave, the two mysterious turtles, who looked like demented and mentally retarded children just a moment ago, looked at each other and quickly plunged into the bottom of the pond, floating up and down in the small pond, wandering left and right.

They are seizing this rare time to release their natural instincts.

It would be nice if the pond could be bigger.

However, this enjoyment was short-lived. Within half a day, Meng Zhou had already fled back to the courtyard.

He continued to gain experience in bone synthesis and hematopoiesis with the two mysterious turtles.

Because it is unrealistic to practice the art of combining bones, hematopoiesis, and miasma at the same time. Moreover, after practicing the art of combining bones and hematopoiesis to perfection, it will also be beneficial to the practice of miasma. Meng Zhou wanted to combine these two skills first. The pharmacist can practice his magic until it is perfect, and then he can continue to practice Yanluo Mi.

This time's sermon exchange meeting, Sanchuan meeting was also full of sincerity, and for other foundation-building monks, it was also a very good job.

The preacher was a fake elixir monk, a fake elixir monk that Meng Zhou was quite familiar with - the old fake elixir monk that Meng Zhou saw in Tu Baiyao's shop.

Meng Zhou guessed that President Pan arranged for him to be the opening on the first day, not only to show sincerity, but also to show strength.

Although this old man is a fake elixir of the Blue Blood Army, in the eyes of outsiders, the Blue Blood Army and the Sanchuan Club, or to be more precise, the Sanchuan Club and President Pan still wear the same pants for the time being.

With President Pan's urinary nature, he will naturally maximize the value of this ally.

The content of this old man's sermon was very different from that of Ding Ning last year. He did not preach, but only taught techniques. He shared how practitioners can survive in the evil veins and explained practical combat against various monsters.

He not only shared the strength, habits, strengths, weaknesses, etc. of dozens of typical and common second-level monsters, but also analyzed and refined these monsters to teach everyone how to use limited knowledge when facing unknown monsters. A method of analyzing and judging the strength, strengths and weaknesses of information.

These are all very practical techniques.

But Meng Zhou found that these practical skills were basically useless to him.

First of all, in his plan, he will not go to the evil veins to fight the second-level monsters face to face, so this knowledge will not be used.

Secondly, even if he really encountered a second-order monster, he wouldn't need these things. It was really hard for him to imagine that any second-order monster could survive half a round in front of him.

Although he was a little disappointed, since he had wasted half a day on this purpose, Meng Zhou still recorded these gains in the jade slip.

However, after returning, he completely put this matter aside and immersed himself in the practice of bone synthesis and hematopoiesis.

When he finished practicing these two spells and was about to enter the quiet room to start his routine retreat.

The two spells brought him another 3,000 experience points, and the Bone Combination Technique was able to complete the accumulation stage and become a master.

The hematopoiesis technique has completed more accumulation at the master level, and I think I have advanced a step further to the master level.

"Master of Bone Art 2300/8000"

"Hematopoiesis Master 4300/8000"

It is worth mentioning that when Meng Zhou was in retreat, the exchange meeting in Sanchuan City was still being held.

And due to the increase in the number of participants and the expansion in scale, the duration of the exchange meeting will be extended from the original ten days to half a month and fifteen days.

Until the fifth day of October, Sanchuan Plain will be extremely lively.

However, these have nothing to do with Meng Zhou.

Even the most valuable first-day discussion on Taoism left him disappointed. He had already realized that although he was only at the eighth level of foundation building.

But the nutrition at the foundation building level has basically been absorbed by myself.

Early morning on the third day of October.

Cultivation progress +20, foundation building eight levels 250/1000.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, two pharmacist spells successively completed the breakthrough from master to grandmaster level.

On the eighth day of the lunar month, the two spells of hematopoiesis and bone synthesis have successively completed their accumulation at the master level and advanced to perfection.

The first one to complete the breakthrough was the hematopoiesis. At the moment of its perfection, the true form of the perfect hematopoiesis was attracted by the White Lotus spirit body, giving it a 6% completion rate.

As a result, the integrity of the White Lotus spirit body increased from 58% to 64%.

The one that later reached perfection was the bone-joining technique. At the moment when this technique was perfected, its true form was also attracted by the incomplete White Lotus spirit body, which once again brought it a 6% completion rate.

The integrity of the White Lotus spirit body has therefore been further improved, from 64% to 70%.

With the perfection of these two pharmacist spells, the White Lotus spirit body has been further developed. Meng Zhou clearly felt that even if he did not deliberately use these two spells, the healing power of his own bones and his hematopoietic ability would be improved. A huge improvement.

This is still done unconsciously, but with conscious actions, his defense, survivability, and ability to withstand damage will be greatly enhanced.

On the ninth day of the lunar month, Meng Zhou restarted his practice of Yan Luo Mi.

The efficiency of Red Yanluo's transformation into Yanluo Miasma has indeed been accelerated a lot. With its powerful hematopoietic ability, the qi and blood deficit caused by practicing the poison path secret method can be filled more quickly.

The price that should have been borne by his own body ended up being a greater consumption of monster flesh due to the transfer of hematopoiesis and the White Lotus spirit body.

Then it'll be fine.

Late at night on the tenth day of the lunar month, when Meng Zhou suspended Yan Luo Mi's practice, Yan Luo Mi, who was still at "Master 2800/12000", gained 7,000 experience points in two days and completed most of the accumulation of the master level.

"Master Yanluo Miasma 9800/12000"


After coming out of seclusion and finishing other chores, Meng Zhou devoted himself wholeheartedly to the cultivation of Yan Luo Mi.

On the evening of the 13th, Yan Luo Mi completed the accumulation of master levels and was promoted to grand master.

On the evening of the 18th, Yan Luo Mi completed most of the accumulation at the Grandmaster level.

"Master Yanluo Miasma 18000/24000"

But Meng Zhou's practice in the secret technique of Yanluo Miasma had to stop here for the time being.

Because Chi Yanluo was consumed by him.

The upgrade of Yanluo Miasma has little to do with the quality of Red Yanluo, but rather the quantity.

If he had used Red Yanluo, which was refined from a second-level, low-grade, or even high-grade poison, and smashed one hundred and fifty high-grade spiritual stones into it, he would have already accumulated the experience of Yanluo Mianyang to perfection.

However, he spent most of the spiritual stones on the second-level poison. This certainly made the resulting Yan Luo Mias extremely powerful, and its quality had faintly surpassed the second level and reached the quasi-third level.

Even for fake elixirs, this poison is fatal.

Meng Zhou took out the forty high-quality poisonous spiritual seeds sent by Kan Yue last month, and prepared to plant them and use the spiritual marrow to quickly generate them.

However, just when he was about to awaken the dormant vitality of these spiritual species and implant them into the courtyard.

Meng Zhou suddenly stopped.


He suddenly realized one thing: he might have made a huge mistake.

In the past, when he practiced various spells and skills, he had long been accustomed to choosing which one, or several types, to practice them to perfection, and then turned around to practice other skills.

Over the years, this has become a subconscious habit.

This time, the same is naturally true for practicing the secret method of Yanluo Miasma.

If all the Red Smoke Luozhu had not been used up, and after the secret technique of Red Yanluo was perfected and the fifth Red Smoke Luozhu was used to sacrifice the second-level poison, Yanluo Miasma would not have reached perfection yet.

He won't even stop to think about other things. He will definitely fight it to perfection before he will be distracted to think about other things.

Meng Zhou was sweating profusely when he realized what a stupid mistake he had made. He thought to himself that he had really made his brain stupid by practicing.

He couldn't help but feel a little grateful for this unexpected "interruption".

"It's okay, it's okay. Although it's a bit late, it's still better than after Yan Luo Mi's consummation."

The reason why he had such a violent reaction was because his ultimate goal was also the one he valued most among the three poison-type secret methods, the Red Blood Yuan Ti. To practice this method, you need to use Yanluo Miasma.

Under normal circumstances, Yan Luo Mi will not cause harm to him, except when he is practicing the Red Blood Yuan Ti.

The achievements of the Red Blood Yuan Ti are based on the efficient stimulation of the body's potential by Yan Luo Miasma.

But there must be a certain level of excitement.

Even though Meng Zhou was very confident in his own Qi, blood and physique, he would really feel frightened if Yan Luo Mi, who was of perfect quality, stabbed him.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhou put away the forty poisonous spirit seeds that he had taken out.

His consciousness is attuned to his hands.

To an outsider, nothing unusual can be seen.

No matter how sharp your spiritual sense is, you can't find any clues.

If someone can practice the Qi Watching Technique to perfection, after careful inspection, they may be able to find that there is a thin layer of spiritual energy from the palms of their left and right hands to the elbows that seems too regular, as if they are wearing a pair of long necks and are invisible. of aura gloves.

Apart from this, there are no other clues.

This is what Yan Luo Mi looks like when he is docile and quiet, docile and attached to his body, like a thin layer of accompanying spiritual energy.

With a thought, Meng Zhou took in an extremely small amount.

Isn't it to say that talking about toxicity aside from the dose is just a hooligan? Then my red-blooded body has just started, so I'll take a small amount.

Then, this extremely small amount of Yan Luo Mi was directly injected into the heart by Meng Zhou.

Suddenly, his heart, which was still beating steadily, suddenly twitched.

Then, like a hand-operated tractor that started wildly, the heart pumping blood around the body began to beat wildly.

A steady stream of heart essence and blood rushes towards this tiny wisp of smoke. It seems that the heart has instinctively sensed that this is an extremely dangerous fire source, and must strangle and extinguish it before it spreads.

On the other hand, this tiny amount of miasma is like a mouse being put into a rice vat.

In this environment that is most suitable for its growth and reproduction, this extremely small amount of miasma began to expand rapidly, one turned into two, two turned into four, four turned into eight...

According to this trend, not to mention occupying the entire heart, even if the entire body is occupied, it is just a matter of breathing.

However, what is regrettable, but also makes Meng Zhou feel lucky now, is that the current Yan Luo Mi does not have the ability to reproduce and expand infinitely.

As it rapidly reproduces and doubles in this way, its toxicity will decrease slightly.

When it multiplied and expanded rapidly from a trace amount, from invisible to the naked eye to the size of a grain of rice, to the size of a goose egg, and finally to the size of an adult fist, its toxic quality finally dropped to the level that Meng Zhou's heart could bear at this moment. degree.

Meng Zhou used the secret method of the Red Blood Yuan Ti to issue the order "King Qin, save him" to every area of ​​his body.

As the saying goes, if one side is in trouble, all sides will support it.

It is also said that there are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned.

When the heart is in danger, every protein in the body has the responsibility to protect it.

Because of this real danger, the body's tension is efficiently mobilized, and the huge potential is quickly activated.

"Watching" the whole process of the body being mobilized with his own eyes, it was the first time that Meng Zhou truly felt that he was the master of this body.

It was also the first time I felt how spectacular it was to have my body's potential being mobilized.

But this is not enough.

This kind of mobilization is still very shallow.

If the body is regarded as a country, the crisis that occurs at the heart is the enemy's siege of the imperial capital.

Through the Scarlet Blood Yuan Ti's "Edict of King Qin", the mobilization was only extended to various provincial capitals.

It doesn't even touch the counties and counties at the lower level, let alone the markets, villages and towns at the lower level, or even every individual in this "country".

When the whole body's strength is mobilized, it confronts the poison the size of an adult's fist in the heart, preventing it from expanding further.

And under the continuous transportation of potential energy sources around the body, this fist-sized poisonous thing is also being compressed little by little, becoming smaller and smaller.

Finally, this dangerous "source of fire" was completely extinguished.


Meng Zhou admired with lingering fear. He was shocked by the vigor displayed by this living poison, but also happy that it possessed such power.

If it hadn't been for this personal experience, he, the client, wouldn't have known for sure how terrifying the power of this live poison was.

Meng Zhou was confident that not only his body could dominate in foundation building, but even if it was placed with fake elixirs, it would not be too much.

As far as he knew, although the lifespan of a fake alchemy monk far exceeded that of a foundation-building monk, it could not be compared with the real alchemy. Even without any damage, its lifespan was between four and five hundred years. His upper limit of life is six hundred.

This alone is already much stronger than the fake alchemy monk. Although this cannot be the only criterion for measuring the strength of both parties, it is not wrong to say that it is an important indicator of life potential.

Even so, such a small amount of live poison that invades the body can have such a huge impact if it is handled with preparation and secret methods.

One can imagine how embarrassed it would be if there was no preparation and no secret method of the Red Blood Yuan Ti to deal with it.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, Meng Zhou felt a strong weakness that spread throughout his body.

He hurriedly consumed monster meat to make up for this huge shortfall.

However, the harvest was also huge. In less than an hour, it provided him with a full 500 experience points.

Meng Zhou felt excited and kept working hard. After the deficit in his body was filled, he took another trace of Yanluo Miasma and injected it into his heart again.

The body once again issued a danger warning and quickly launched emergency mobilization throughout the body, and the efficiency was even faster than the first time.

Meng Zhou couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Fortunately, the body acts strictly according to instinct and has no self-emotion. Otherwise, it would be tragic if it evolved into the physical version of Crying Wolf and Playing with the Princes."

On the nineteenth day, with the continuous supply of monster meat, the Red Blood Yuan Ti gained more than 7,000 experience points.

If he hadn't used up all the monster meat, and had to spend several hours cooking more monster meat, he would have harvested more.

However, this is amazing enough.

In just one day, the Scarlet Blood Yuan Ti, which had just started, completed the accumulation of the three stages of introduction, initial success, and minor success, and advanced to the Dacheng level.

"Red Blood Yuan Ti Dacheng 2000/6000".


Meng Zhou continued to burn monster meat to level up. Until he entered the quiet room and began to retreat, Meng Zhou was immersed in the practice of this secret method. As a result, he gained a total of 9,000 experience points.

Meng Zhou also concluded a rule. For any skill that can be solved directly with Qi and blood without converting Qi and blood into mana, if he uses the method of burning monster meat to level up, the experience gained will be very exaggerated, far exceeding the consumption of mana. The skills of soul cultivation.

After this day of accumulation, the Red Blood Yuan Ti completed the accumulation of the Dacheng realm and advanced to the master realm.

The effectiveness of the "King Qin's Edict" also extended from the very beginning to the provincial government, all the way down to the town level.

If the red-blooded Yuan Ti at the master level still uses the small amount of Yan Luo Mi that it used at the beginning, it will not grow to the size of an adult's fist. At most, it will be completely extinguished when it expands to the size of a pigeon egg.

In order to maximize the experience gained, Meng Zhou also continued to increase the intake of Yanluo Mi as the Red Blood Yuan Ti improved.

"Red Blood Yuan Ti Master 5000/12000"


On the 23rd, after leaving seclusion and spending some time dealing with other chores, Meng Zhou once again devoted all his efforts to the cultivation of the Red Blood Yuan Ti.

Late that night, the Scarlet Blood Yuan Ti completed the master level accumulation and advanced to the grand master level.

The effectiveness of "King Qin's Edict" has been further extended to the village level. Every minute tissue in the body will respond to the secret method.

Meng Zhou tried to use the moon blade to create a huge piercing hole in his chest. No treatment was needed. At the moment the wound was formed, the secret method of the Red Blood Yuan Ti was activated, and the huge piercing wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. No blood seeped out at all.

26th, afternoon.

The Red Blood Yuan Ti completed the accumulation of the master level and advanced to perfection.

At the moment when the Red Blood Yuan Ti entered perfection, Meng Zhou's consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he saw the perfect true form of the Red Blood Yuan Ti quickly appear in the soul pool, and at the moment it clearly appeared, he was mutilated. The attraction of the White Lotus spirit body.

In an instant, this strange true shape was integrated into the Dantian meridians.

What surprised Meng Zhou was that the true form of this secret method actually brought 20% completion to the incomplete White Lotus spirit body.

Its integrity suddenly increased from 70% before absorption to 90%. (End of chapter)

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