Do not die

Chapter 176 The third level of controlling the spirit, strengthening Yanluo

The sixth day of August.

In the quiet room, there are a large number of second-level spiritual materials and third-level spiritual materials piled up.

These third-level spiritual materials are all provided by the Jade Blood Army.

As for those larger quantities of second-level spiritual materials, he had just used four drops of White Lotus Spiritual Essence to produce them in large quantities.

After all the second-order top-grade spiritual plants were spawned, there were only a little over 200 second-order mid-grade and second-order high-grade spiritual plants left in the courtyard.

Originally, there was not such a large quantity.

Among the second-level high-grade spiritual plants, there are six adult plants he originally planted, ninety seedlings cultivated with spiritual seeds, and five adult plants separated from Lu Quan's courtyard.

In addition, there are ten second-level middle-grade spiritual plants, all of which are harvested from Lu Quan’s courtyard.

There are also twenty-four second-level low-grade spiritual lotuses, which were left behind by the previous owner of this courtyard.

These are all the spiritual plants in the courtyard.

After ripening and harvesting those second-level top-grade spiritual plants, Meng Zhou did not plant any more.

But at the beginning of the year, in order to cultivate the Medicine Spirit Master profession to the second level limit, he spent time practicing the two spiritual planting skills of "grafting" and "splitting."

As these two skills were cultivated to perfection, all the spiritual plants in the courtyard were "disastered" by him.

On a Qingling tea tree, branches of three different spiritual teas are gathered together, and on a spiritual fruit tree, a vine spiritual plant grows. These are common operations.

The number of many spiritual plants has also been forcibly removed from one plant to more.

If he hadn't killed a lot of spiritual plants due to his lack of proficiency when he first started practicing, his small courtyard wouldn't be able to accommodate these many spiritual plants.

Even now, it seems a bit crowded.

Moreover, these spiritual plants that have been operated on look a little weird.

In addition, Meng Zhou really needed second-level spiritual materials, so he spent four drops of white lotus spiritual essence to ripen and harvest a large number of second-level spiritual plants, leaving only some of the normal-looking ones that were pleasing to the eye.

In addition, it needs to be mentioned that since the body refining method was replaced and the three poles of energy, energy and spirit were truly balanced, the condensation speed of Bai Liansheng's spiritual marrow has also increased.

However, the magnitude of this improvement is not large.

This has increased from four drops per ten days and twelve drops per month to fourteen drops per month.

However, since Meng Zhou used White Lotus Spiritual Essence to verify its effect on Tai Sui's flesh and blood at the beginning of the year, he never used it again.

Over time, the amount of White Lotus Spiritual Essence has become very considerable.

At the end of his retreat, there were already 241 drops of White Lotus Spiritual Essence in the Nakong gourd. This time, in order to harvest a large amount of second-level spiritual materials, he used four drops, and there were still 237 drops left.

Meng Zhou sat cross-legged in the quiet room.

Each second-level spiritual material is like soft clay, and can be rounded and flattened as he pleases.

For those outsiders, they may think that the most fundamental difference between the third-order spiritual puppet and the second-order spiritual puppet is the difference in materials, the difficulty of refining technology, and the difference in strength shown by the combination of these differences. .

But for Meng Zhou, who has "got the brains" of refining a third-level low-grade spirit puppet, he already knows that these are just appearances.

The biggest difference between the second-order spirit puppet and the third-order spirit puppet is the difference in "spirituality".

But in terms of appearance, there is no difference between a spirit puppet and a puppet.

Any puppet can be transformed into a spirit puppet, and conversely, any spirit puppet can be refined into a puppet.

The real difference between them is that the spirit puppet has "spirituality".

The puppet is just a tool, a dead object. It is not a bad idea to treat it as a slightly special magical weapon.

However, the level of "spirituality" of the second-level spirit puppet is very low, and it can only give the spirit puppet an extremely simple and primitive spiritual reaction like "knee-jerk reflex".

The same was true for the giant bear spirit puppet and the black turtle spirit puppet that he had hidden in the formation.

"When the formation is attacked, kill the attacker and protect the formation" is their only responsibility.

Unless he changes this setting, or completely takes over these spirit puppets and controls them himself, they will only do this one thing rigidly.

Compared with this, the spirituality of the third-level spirit puppet is much more advanced and can do many more complex things.

You can do things like looking after homes and nursing homes, helping with simple management of spiritual fields, pouring tea and water, or pinching feet.

Although it is still difficult to hide its dull nature, just like some sweeping robots that are called intelligent but are actually mentally retarded, compared to the second-level spiritual puppets, this is undoubtedly a qualitative leap.

After deeply understanding this, Meng Zhou matured a large number of second-level materials for practice.

Because when making a third-level low-grade spiritual puppet, it is not necessary to use all third-level low-grade spiritual materials.

The quantity of third-level spiritual materials in his hand is very small.

Moreover, in the current environment, it is unrealistic for him to obtain large amounts of third-level spiritual materials to use as leveling materials.

Therefore, except for those parts that require the use of third-level spiritual materials, Meng Zhou's idea is to replace all places where second-level spiritual materials can be used with second-level spiritual materials.

Anyway, what he is pursuing now is successful entry and rapid upgrade. As for the power, that will only be considered after he has mastered this skill to perfection.

As the second-level middle-grade and high-grade spiritual materials changed into shapes one by one under Meng Zhou's random manipulation, they were cleverly put together, and the spirituality was perfectly connected. A spiritual puppet was quickly formed at a visible speed.

Finally, Meng Zhou took out a third-level low-grade earth element spiritual crystal.

Even putting aside its spiritual qualities, judging from its appearance alone, it is still a priceless treasure.

Meng Zhou observed it carefully and divided it into four parts evenly.

The decomposition of spiritual materials this time is much more difficult than processing those second-level spiritual materials.

Because he not only wants to make a whole piece of material smaller, but also ensures that the inner spiritual structure is not destroyed in the process.

Otherwise, when it is divided into four, this material will be scrapped.

Fortunately, when he uses his body-refining achievements beyond the second-level limit, coupled with the sword-making talent brought by his natural sword body, any power he exerts can have "sword-like" qualities.

He finally divided the third-level low-grade spiritual material into four parts on the premise of ensuring that the spirit of the spiritual material would not be lost.

Meng Zhou took out one of them and placed it at the core of the spirit puppet's chest.

As this material was put in, with this third-level spiritual material as the core, the spirituality within the entire spirit puppet began to flow.

Looking at the trend, all spirituality will revolve around this third-level spiritual material and merge into an organic whole.

But this fusion trend only progresses to about 30%, and the flow of spirituality begins to become disordered.

After reluctantly circulating for a while, there was a loud "bang" sound, and the originally complete spirit puppet was directly separated from the chest and became two sections.

The moment the explosion occurred, a huge phantom monument shrouded Meng Zhou, blocking all damage caused by the explosion.

At the same time, the entire quiet room, including the materials placed aside by Meng Zhou, were immediately protected by the formation, so that the damage comparable to the self-explosion of a fake elixir did not cause substantial losses.


Meng Zhou looked at the remains of the spirit puppets that were messed up and scattered in pieces due to the explosion, and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

He took the third-order low-grade spiritual crystal into his palm, observed it carefully, and found that the originally pure earth spirituality on it had become mixed.


With this thought in his mind, he put away the discarded spiritual crystal.

Although this spiritual crystal has become useless and cannot be used again, it is still a precious resource to Meng Zhou - this is Yaya's ration.

It is worth mentioning that when Meng Zhou used the method of knotting to create the third-level skill of "All Things Deduction", which allowed the knot master to complete the breakthrough from the second level to the third level, there was an obstacle that restricted Yaya from going further. It has also quietly disappeared.

Because from the very beginning, Yaya, who existed in the state of Rope Spirit, had her growth progress completely bound to her own knot master's progress.

Later, due to twice devouring a large amount of Wuzhu's divine will from the statue of Lihen, Yaya's growth progress was ahead of the Knot Master's progress for a long time.

But strictly speaking, this can only be regarded as an "unexpected windfall." Like this time, being brought along by the growth of the knot master is the "righteous way" that truly belongs to her.

Because of this change, Yaya also fell into a deep sleep for the first time.

He is still sleeping in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Fortunately, the two Xuanling Turtles are capable of guarding the portal in terms of intelligence and strength. Coupled with the strict security protection and the current environment of the Sanchuan Plain, Meng Zhou is not concerned about the safety issues during the retreat. Not too worried.

What's more, he not only has a protective stele that can carry out all-round three-dimensional defense against the spirit, energy, and spirit, but also has a sincere foresight that can warn in advance. If there is any eventuality, he can end the retreat in advance and respond.

After checking the changes in the third-level spiritual material in the core area of ​​self-destruction, Meng Zhou exploded the main body into two pieces. More wreckage was scattered around the quiet room. The remaining spiritual puppet body was gathered up and studied carefully. The reason for this failure.

In the end, after careful sorting, Meng Zhou attributed the reasons for the failure to two points.

First, I am not familiar with the spiritual changes of the third-level low-grade spirit puppets - to be more precise, I am very familiar with them in theory. After all, I have a "brain", but when these spiritual changes collide with the actual spiritual materials, time, it becomes unfamiliar.

This is because theory has not yet been combined with practice. It is like a college student who has studied civil engineering for several years entering a construction site on his first day. He really doesn’t understand anything and even needs to be taught how to put on a safety helmet.

There is no other way but to fill these pits with repeated failed attempts.

Second, the quality of the spiritual materials is so different that when they blend spiritually with each other, it is easy to feel like riding a roller coaster or even a jumping machine, which is too uneven.

Meng Zhou felt that this was easy to solve.

"Add some second-level top-grade spiritual materials to provide a transitional buffer between the third-order low-grade spiritual materials and the second-order mid-to-high-grade spiritual materials."

To this end, Meng Zhou spent four more drops of White Lotus Spiritual Essence to cultivate four second-level top-grade steel-scaled trees. Compared with various options, it was the most cost-effective, with large weight and high quality.

What makes Meng Zhou feel gratified is that, except for those spiritual materials that were completely blown to pieces when the spirit puppet self-destructed, other second-level spiritual materials have only lost their spiritual quality at most, and can continue to be used after a little processing.

In one failure, the biggest loss is a small portion of the core of third-level low-grade spiritual materials. The loss of other spiritual materials is at most 10% or 20%. All other spiritual materials can be recycled and used again.

In this way, through repeated failed attempts, Meng Zhou quickly made up for the missing lesson of "integrating theory with practice".

During this process, Meng Zhou was pleasantly surprised to find that the skill of "All Things Deduction" was still working quietly.

This allowed him to maximize the lessons and revelations from each failure, allowing him to avoid falling down in the same place multiple times.

In terms of the amount of knowledge gained alone, it is far from comparable to learning the method of refining a third-level low-grade spirit puppet.

But the experience Wanxiang Interpretation gains every day actually surpasses the former. You can gain 600 experience points every day.

August 15th, late at night.

As Meng Zhou filled a small amount of third-level low-grade spiritual materials into the core of the spirit puppet, after a burst of spiritual flow, the spirituality of all parts of the spirit puppet was unified.

With that third-level low-grade spiritual material as the core, it formed a coherent whole.

Meng Zhou looked at this wooden and wooden spirit puppet lying flat on the ground - the real wooden wooden brain.

He took out a portion of the heart essence and blood from a hollow gourd that was specially used to store the heart essence and blood, and dripped it into the core of the spirit puppet.

In an instant, this heart essence and blood merged into the core of the spirit puppet.

And with the integration of this heart essence and blood, Meng Zhou felt that he had established a wonderful connection with this spiritual puppet.

The spirit of the spirit puppet, which was unified with the third-order low-grade spiritual material as the core, also began to rhythm slightly with the birth of this connection, just like the ups and downs of breathing.

Then, Meng Zhou put a high-grade spirit stone into the core of the spirit puppet's chest.

"stand up."

Meng Zhou did not control it himself, but gave instructions.

The spirit puppet who was lying on the ground immediately stood up straight.

The process of getting up was weird and stiff.

With the sole of the foot as the center of the circle, the entire body rotated ninety degrees counterclockwise, from lying flat on the ground to perpendicular to the ground. This was the process of getting up.

Compared with it, zombies can be considered soft.

But Meng Zhou had obviously pre-made joints on its ankles, knees, waist, elbows and other parts that could flexibly rotate 360 ​​degrees.

Logically speaking, it should be more flexible than humans.

However, Meng Zhou soon understood the reason.

The spirit puppet reacted and changed from lying down to standing, not because it heard his voice, but because of the contractual connection he established through the essence and blood sacrifice, feeling that he was synchronized when he said these words. The feelings conveyed.

This spirit puppet reacts according to his thoughts.

When he issued this command to the spirit puppet, he only had the final result of letting it rise in his mind, and did not have any specific execution process. In this case, the spirit puppet would tend to use the simplest and most economical path. achieve this result.

The habitual movement of standing up is the result of the cooperation of all joints in the body.

For the spirit puppet, such a method is not only complicated, but also more expensive and meaningless.

It neither knows how to do it nor can it do it.

That's why.

Then, Meng Zhou made more attempts.

He found that apart from the fact that every process of the spirit puppet's execution of orders was completely beyond his expectations, there was nothing wrong with it.

"To make it have a completely human-like behavior pattern, even if it is completely like this in daily situations, the difficulty is far more than turning it into a third-level low-grade combat weapon."

"If my order is a combat type, its behavior pattern that is beyond ordinary people's habits is no longer a shortcoming, but weird and unpredictable."

Because of this question, many new ideas flashed through Meng Zhou's mind.

However, he took the initiative to push back these thoughts.

Now, he just plans to upgrade this skill a few more levels as soon as possible.

[Introduction to Level 3 Spirit Puppet 200/7500]

After successfully getting started with the third-level spiritual puppet, Meng Zhou gradually discovered that the biggest obstacle preventing him from upgrading quickly was the quantity of third-level spiritual materials.

Although Meng Zhou had been very frugal when using the third-level spiritual materials in his hands, splitting a large portion into as many small portions as possible, the limited total quantity was there, and coupled with the early failure, it was also wasted. few.

When he completed the production of the 120th level third-level spiritual puppet on September 10th, the last small amount of third-level spiritual materials in his body had been exhausted.

Last year, he exchanged medical services for 1,200 high-grade spiritual stones for forty third-level spiritual materials from the Blue Blood Army. He broke all these third-level spiritual materials into small portions, except for a small portion that failed in the early practice. Part of it, and the rest became the core of the one hundred and twenty third-level spirit puppets in his hands.

At the same time, in order to complete the production of these one hundred and twenty spiritual puppets, Meng Zhou also spent twelve drops of White Lotus Spiritual Essence to ripen more second-level top-grade, top-grade, and middle-grade spiritual materials.

All he chose were the most cost-effective spiritual materials.

This is also the most expensive leveling he has done so far.

These one hundred and twenty spirit puppets brought a total of 24,000 experience points to Meng Zhou. On average, every time one was completed, he gained 200 experience points.

Because of these experiences, Meng Zhou's skills in making third-level spirit puppets were advanced from beginner to first-level, and then from first-level to minor.

[Level 3 Spirit Puppet Small Success 1500/30000]

These changes are mainly reflected in the improvement of production efficiency.

The improvement in production efficiency, in the final analysis, is that he is more familiar with the spiritual changes of specific spiritual materials when making them into spiritual puppets, and is more comfortable with them.

From being able to make up to three pieces a day when he first started, to being able to make six pieces a day after he first became a master, he can now make ten pieces a day.

The experiences gained every day are becoming more and more.

If it weren't for the limited materials, his upgrade speed would definitely be faster and faster.

And with the rapid progress of the third-level spirit puppets, the level of the spirit controllers has naturally increased.

When Meng Zhou completed the introduction of the third-level spirit puppet, the second-level extreme level spirit control master had already advanced to the third-level level.

When Meng Zhou's level of making third-level spirit puppets reached a small level of success, Meng Zhou, who had just been promoted to the third level, could barely be called a "senior third-level spirit master".

[Spirit Controller Level 3 1500/10000]

In addition to the progress of the third-level spirit puppets, there has also been progress in the interpretation of all phenomena, but the efficiency is much slower than the former.

The strange thing about this skill is that during the time when he was trying to make a third-level spirit puppet, constantly failing, and summarizing experiences and lessons, his experience gained the most.

You can gain 600 experience points every day, coupled with the experience accumulated during the earlier theoretical study, you can successfully complete the entry-level accumulation before entering the third-level spiritual puppet, and advance to the first level.

With that improvement, the effect of Vientiane's interpretation has made significant progress again.

But as he got started with the third-level spirit puppets, and he could stably and successfully create each third-level spirit puppet, these skills gave him less and less experience.

From 400 experience points per day, it dropped to 300 points, and now it's only 200 points per day.

From the time he entered the level 3 spirit puppet to the present, Vientiane Deduction has brought him a total of 7,000 experience points, and with some previous accumulation, he has reached "first achievement 8000/15000".

As the knot master and the spirit controller reached the third level at the same time and could make third level spirit puppets, Meng Zhou's heart finally calmed down.

Because the third-level spirit puppet has a large degree of autonomous action and independent combat capabilities.

As long as it is made with all third-level spiritual materials, its combat effectiveness can completely rival that of the Danjie.

In this way, his biggest concern - not having enough safe and trustworthy power to protect him when forming the elixir - was fundamentally resolved.

In this way, Meng Zhou found that he could make more free arrangements for the rest of his time.

Meng Zhou looked at it carefully to see if there were any gaps that needed to be checked and filled.

His eyes first focused on the golden armored spirit insect.

Since the Golden Armored Spirit Insect completed the breakthrough from second-level mid-level to high-level in late February, it has experienced three major comprehensive updates. As for local small updates, they are being carried out every day.

In the second major generation update, every golden armored spirit insect has reached the second-order extreme level.

In the third major generation update, although these golden armored spirit insects are still at the second-order extreme level, they have accumulated deeper knowledge than the previous generation.

Meng Zhou believed that if there was another major update, with the huge base and deep enough accumulation of these spiritual insects, they would be able to break through the shackles of the second to third levels.

But Meng Zhou thought about it, but did not choose to continue updating.

Spirit insects, spirit beasts and spirit puppets are different. The latter are completely created by him, and he has absolute control over them.

As for the first two, while he controls insects and beasts, they are also independent living entities.

He doesn't believe in absolute loyalty.

If their strength surpasses his own, no matter how much insurance he has made in advance, he will not feel completely safe in his heart.

There shouldn’t be too many examples of spirit masters being backlashed by their own beasts and insects.

Therefore, at this point, Meng Zhou did not continue to let these golden beetles undergo a major replacement.

But he didn't stop cultivating them either.

Feeded by a steady stream of heart essence and blood, they reproduced many times, and the scale of the second-level top-grade golden beetles continued to expand.

Now, there are three thousand mature second-level golden beetles. Meng Zhou has not fed these golden beetles with blood for a long time.

With the tenacious vitality of the golden beetle, starving it for three to five years will not be a big problem. Instead, it will sharpen its bloodthirsty and vicious nature.

In addition, there are 5,000 golden beetles that are still growing rapidly.

Meng Zhou had already made a plan. Before he completed the formation of the elixir, he would not make any big move on the swarm of golden beetles, but the number could be continuously increased by feeding them with essence and blood.

As long as the number of golden beetles is large enough and the individual strength is still at the second extreme level, Meng Zhou believes that even if three or five pill-forming monks break in, the taste will definitely impress them.

After passing the golden beetle, Meng Zhou's eyes rested on the only third-level material in the storage space.

The earliest third-level spiritual material that has not been used yet is a bottle of third-level low-grade snake saliva.

Meng Zhou judged his current strength and thought to himself: "It's time to give it a try."

When he first got the snake saliva, Meng Zhou also gave it a try. At that time, he discovered that this thing was still a bit dangerous for him at the time.

Now, his strength has been greatly improved compared to that time, especially after the body refining method was updated, the body refining achievements have been further improved.

Because of this change, Meng Zhou's Red Blood Yuan Ti has been significantly improved.

I have said before that after the completion of the Red Blood Yuan Ti, it is not the end of this secret technique, but the beginning of a long grind.

In the following days, except when Meng Zhou focused on practicing other skills, the rest of the time, whether it was the half year of quietly comprehending the method of body training, or when he was learning and comprehending other skills, Meng Zhou was always using Yan Luo Miasma. By tempering the body, the effect of the Red Blood Yuan Ti becomes more and more powerful.

And with these changes, the Yanluo Miasma, which was originally so toxic that he felt a little unbearable, has now gradually made him feel like "it's just that."

Of course, Yan Luo Mi's living poison has not weakened at all. The power of this "natural living poison" has only increased with the overall improvement of his strength and the continuous improvement of his vitality. However, the scarlet-blooded yuan-ti that has been sharpened by it has grown even more. big.

The effect of Yanluo Miasma on his body was naturally getting worse and worse.

"Now it can be properly strengthened."

Meng Zhou, who had made up his mind, walked out of the quiet room and came to the courtyard, which seemed much emptyer than before.

Because Meng Zhou used the white lotus spiritual marrow to ripen it again and again, except for a few spiritual tea trees and spiritual fruit trees, the rest of the place was empty.

Meng Zhou took out all the second-level poisonous spiritual seeds that he had asked Kan Yue to find, and used twenty-five drops of white lotus spiritual marrow to ripen them all.

In addition to obtaining a large number of second-level poison-type spiritual plants, a larger number of spiritual seeds were also harvested.

Meng Zhou carefully selected a dozen types from these spiritual seeds, ranging from three to five of each type, and picked out a total of fifty spiritual seeds.

Meng Zhou then used fifty drops of white lotus spiritual marrow to ripen them.

After spending seventy-five drops of White Lotus Spiritual Essence at one time, he harvested twenty-five types of poisonous spiritual plants and hundreds of second-level poisonous spiritual plants.

Because there is a special Nakong gourd to collect the essence and blood in the heart, and Meng Zhou has already perfected the control of Red Yanluo.

With a sufficient supply of heart essence and blood, Meng Zhou only spent half a day to refine these hundreds of second-level top-grade spiritual plant poisonous offerings into the Red Smoke Luozhu.

Then, turn it into the material for living poisonous smoke and Luo Miasma.

When Meng Zhou spent a day to dissolve all the red smoke beads into the Yan Luo Miasma, the power of the Yan Luo Miasma increased by about 70% on the original basis.

"This is basically the limit that second-level spiritual poison can reach."

Meng Zhou thought so in his mind after checking it carefully.

Marginal effects exist in any field.

The current Yanluo Miasma was "fed" by him with massive amounts of poisonous monsters and poisonous spiritual plants.

As for the quality of poisons, there are a large number of second-level low-, medium-, and high-quality poisons, and the number of second-level top-quality poisons is also far beyond the imagination of ordinary monks.

Now, if you continue to "feed" with second-level poisons, the only way to have some effect is to look for other types of poisons other than the monster type and spiritual plant type. The most important thing is that the quantity must be enough, and three or five servings are not enough. thing.

Not to mention the complexity and difficulty involved, even if you actually buy hundreds of copies, it will only increase the power by 20 to 30% on the existing basis at most, which is very uneconomical.

Instead of doing this, it would be more practical to get a few more third-level poisons.

It consumes less energy, costs less, and increases the power even more.

At this moment, Meng Zhou took out the bottle of third-level low-grade snake saliva.

Its quantity is much less than the hundreds of second-level poisonous spiritual plants.

But the process of refining it into Red Smoke Luozhu was much more difficult.

Meng Zhou had to be cautious and focused throughout the entire process, without daring to be distracted in the slightest.

It took a day to completely refine the bottle of snake saliva, turning it into a red smoke bead the size of a dove egg, as bright as a beautiful gemstone.

Then, Meng Zhou spent another two days to dissolve all these red smoke beads into the smoke miasma.

In order to more accurately experience the power of Yanluo Miasma, Meng Zhou carefully extracted a very tiny trace and injected it deep into his heart.

Instantly, a familiar feeling came over me.

His heart was racing like a wild horse, and it started to beat wildly, as if going crazy.

Soon, a long-lost feeling of weakness spread throughout his body, and his limbs were all broken.

"strong enough!"

After a while, Meng Zhou finally exhaled slowly and praised in his heart.

Meng Zhou can guarantee that Yan Luo Mi at this moment has fully possessed the third level of lethality.

But in terms of quality, it seems to be limited by its own cultivation, and it is still a little short of reaching the third level.

After doing all this, Meng Zhou raised his eyes and looked out of the courtyard. It was morning.

By some calculation, today happens to be September 15th.

Meng Zhou's heart moved, and Tu Dun left the courtyard.

When he reappeared, he was already wandering in the black market.

In the black market, Meng Zhou strolled in front of each stall.

He likes to practice quietly, and it is true that his strength has steadily improved without any wind or waves.

But the quiet time was too long, and he still wanted to walk around in crowded places.

Moreover, there are really a lot of good things in the current black market. If you often browse through them, you will always find some good things that make you shine.

Just like the "Light Yao Technique" and "Black Barrier Technique" that I found before.

In the black market, both pedestrians and stall owners tacitly abide by the rules of the black market, and everyone wears a black mud mask on their face.

Under such a mask, everyone appears more relaxed and can communicate with others more freely.

Among the crowd and the stall owners, there were many monks who were in the late stages of foundation building and even had fake elixir auras.

But as long as everyone wears a black mud mask, everyone will acquiesce that the relationship between the two parties is a simple and equal buyer and seller.

With the complexity of Sanchuanyuan's current power, it must be said that it is a miracle that everyone can maintain such a tacit understanding.

Except for the time when a fake elixir forcibly broke the formation and was later captured by Kan Yue, there were basically no major disturbances.

Occasionally minor disputes will be resolved quickly and properly.

Meng Zhou could feel the changes.

In the beginning, the purpose of the black market was actually very simple, which was to eliminate some people's scruples and trade some taboo items with unknown origins without having to worry about being found behind.

However, as the scale of the black market becomes larger and larger, the radiation range has also changed from the Sanchuan Plain to one place, attracting more outsiders to participate in foundation building, and gradually formed a special "black market culture".

Here, although everyone is wearing a mask, looking at it from another angle, it seems that everyone has taken off the mask and can appear here with a more authentic self.

This has not only become a good place for everyone to trade, but also a rare place for leisure and relaxation.

"Disposal of stolen goods" and "laundering of stolen goods", the original purpose of this black market's existence, has become secondary.

At this time, if someone comes to cause trouble in the black market again, Kan Yue will no longer be the only one to be slapped in the face.

This time, Meng Zhou was surprised to find many third-level items.

Dozens of third-level talismans and several third-level magic weapons.

When these items were put out by the stall owner, they were watched by many monks.

There are many monks vying for the third-level talisman, including monks exuding fake elixir aura and foundation-building monks.

For foundation-building monks, having one or two third-level talismans on their body can be used as a life-saving means at the bottom of the box.

Throwing one at a critical moment can be a life saver.

There are not many people competing for the third-level magic weapon, they are all fake alchemy monks.

However, the intensity is not bad at all.

Shengsheng created the feeling of a live auction.

Meng Zhou watched from a distance and did not join in the fun.

If there were third-level spiritual materials for sale, he would be interested in going up and grabbing them.

Unfortunately, the third-level items that appear here are all finished products, and there are no third-level raw materials.

Now, the situation in the entire Qingxuan Territory is like this.

The higher the quality of spiritual materials, the more difficult they are to obtain.

Those who hold such spiritual materials will not simply sell them into spiritual stones.

It is normal operation to earn a sufficient amount of favors while getting rich spiritual stone rewards.

And this is naturally contrary to the trading atmosphere of the black market. The black market is a place for pure transactions. Everything else can be said, but it is not humane.

The monks who hold third-level spiritual materials will naturally not come here to sell them cheaply.

If he wanted to, Meng Zhou could create a bigger sensation here at any time.

The one hundred and twenty spirit puppets in his hand, although apart from the core materials, the highest quality materials used elsewhere are second-level top-grade materials, and most of them are second-level top-grade, or even second-grade mid-grade materials.

But the third-level spirit puppet is the third-level spirit puppet. Except for the absolute strength, the absolute attack, and the absolute defense, it has everything that a third-level spirit puppet should have.

Even if it is impossible to compete with the early-stage alchemy monks due to this reason, it is more than enough to compete with the fake alchemy monks.

Such a spirit puppet is much more effective against fake elixirs than a third-level magic weapon.

Just put two of them at random and he can instantly become the most handsome guy in the black market.

However, Meng Zhou had no intention of being in the limelight.

After shopping for several hours, Meng Zhou didn't gain much except acquiring some paper classics and anecdotal notes.

Although he also encountered some powerful spells or other secret skills, these were often very similar to some of the spells and skills he had already mastered.

Naturally, he would not waste time on these magic skills, so Meng Zhou did not take action.

After returning from the black market, Meng Zhou moved all the anecdotes and classics out of the storage space.

Every time you visit the black market, whether you can find a suitable inheritance jade slip depends on fate.

But every time, he would collect all kinds of paper classics and anecdotal notes that had not been purchased and included by him.

He took a careful inventory and found that the classics he had carefully read were less than 30% of the total.

The remaining 70%, some were just flipped through casually, and some were lying in the storage space from the time they were purchased until now, without even moving their positions, let alone being flipped by him.

This discovery made Meng Zhou a little embarrassed.

Because he had a hobby of buying books in his previous life, but as time passed, the books became newer, and most of them had not been carefully read by him before he came here.

"This habit is not good. It must be changed. It must be changed!"

Meng Zhou warned himself in his heart.

Meng Zhou has decided to "eat" all these classics in the next period of time.

He originally planned to put 30% of the books he had read intensively into the storage space, and just "eat" the remaining 70% of the books.

But he was surprised to find that when he randomly picked up a book that he had read intensively and the corresponding knowledge emerged from his mind, his experience of "all things deduction" actually increased.

At the same time, the information that he had memorized in his mind became more pure and orderly.

Those meaningless redundant words are squeezed out, and the most valuable and meaningful information is refined to a more prominent position.

While reading this book, all the associations, thoughts, and doubts that had arisen in my mind emerged.

The memory information about this book is like a special "magnet" that picks out the information related to it from the huge and complicated thoughts and automatically summarizes it together.

When Meng Zhou turned the last page and the last information in the book was processed, the "All Things Deduction" gained 50 experience points.

This increase seems small, but if you compare it to the fact that Meng Zhou only gained 600 experience points in a whole day at most, you can see how exaggerated this efficiency is.

Seeing such a change, Meng Zhou's mouth opened in surprise.

I can't help but spit out the fragrance.

"Let me go, is this the correct way to open the 'All Things Interpretation'?"

Of course, the Vientiane Deduction has obvious effects here, and it does not mean there is anything wrong with using it for spiritual puppet leveling.

Meng Zhou glanced at the various books around him that were about to be discussed.

At this moment, they are not only books that record various precious information, but also experience packages!

How could he waste such an opportunity?

Even for those books that he had already read intensively, Meng Zhou decided to read them all again.

As Meng Zhou read more and more classics, the knowledge carefully organized by "All Things Deduction" became more and more magical.

The complicated knowledge in his mind became clear at a glance after being sorted, refined, and summarized in this way.

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