Do not die

Chapter 181 The couple builds a foundation and returns secretly

Just a few days after this meeting, fifteen.

Meng Zhou went to Jixuejun's shop again and collected a new batch of classic books that barely reached 4,000 books after being sorted and inspected by Jixuejun.

And the collection of more than 4,500 classics in his hand, which he had digested and absorbed, was returned to Tu Baiyao.

Among the newly acquired four thousand books, the number from the Blue Blood Plain is already very small.

Taken together, the entire Blue Blood Plains provides nearly nine thousand books, and its potential has been basically exhausted.

There are more than 3,000 books collected by the Green Blood Army from other forces.

This is also thanks to the current environment. There are too many established forces that are dilapidated and declining. Many treasures that were shelved by various companies in the past and never seen the light of day have flowed into the market.

But if you want to collect in large quantities, the efficiency cannot be the same as inside the Blue Blood Plains.

What's more, Meng Zhou also requested that classics with excessive overlap of information be processed in advance.

For these reasons, Meng Zhou made a new appointment with Tu Baiyao when he would come to pick up the books.

After dealing with this, Tu Baiyao conveyed Commander Yao's intentions solemnly.

At the beginning, the cooperation between the two parties promised "Mr. Ge" the position of communication representative, and Bixuejun has never forgotten it.

Now the main palace of Sanchuanyuan City has been established, but the talking representative sitting there on behalf of the Blue Blood Army can be replaced at any time.

"Mr. Ge can go there at any time if he wants." Tu Baiyao said.

Meng Zhou refused, but he asked that at some point, the talk representative should serve as a mouthpiece for him.

Of course, Tu Baiyao had no objections to this and agreed directly.

After returning, Meng Zhou thought about it in his mind.

In this way, even if he forms an elixir in Sanchuan Plain, he still has two choices.

This made Meng Zhou feel more stable.

As for which one to choose, he was not in a hurry to make a decision.

From then on, Meng Zhou devoted himself wholeheartedly to the practice of "deduction of all phenomena".

On the twenty-first day of the first lunar month, after Meng Zhou embedded the massive information in the two jade slips into the "deduction world", the "deduction world" became richer and at the same time, the "all things deduction" also gained 18,000 points of experience.

The amount of information in the two jade slips is not much less than the previous two times, but the experience gains brought to Meng Zhou are smaller each time. Compared with the huge gain of 35,000 points the first time , directly folded in half.

Meng Zhou had a feeling that unless this new information contained a large amount of internal information of Qingxuan Sect, or a large amount of information related to third-order evil veins and external domains, the experience he gained through this method would only become less and less each time.

Because of this new information, there are fewer and fewer that can be truly called "filling the gaps", and more are just further improvements and refreshments to the information that already exists in the "deductive world".

However, no matter what, this finally allowed "All-Through Interpretation" to further accumulate at the master level.

"Master of Vientiane Interpretation 86,000/120,000"

On the seventh day of February, all the information in the four thousand classics collection was absorbed by Meng Zhou and transformed into new materials for "deducing the world".

If the information jade slips provided by the Sanchuan Society are a refresh and further improvement of the "interpretation world" in the present, then these collections of books are a supplement to the past of the "interpretation world" and fill in more blank areas.

"Vientiane Deduction" also gained 26,000 experience points, allowing it to complete more accumulation at the master level.

"Master of Vientiane Interpretation 112,000/120,000"

Time passes quickly in this regular practice.

Because of the improvement of "All Things Deduction" and the continuous enrichment and improvement of "Deduction World", Meng Zhou's ability to digest and absorb new information has become faster, which gives him more free time every month.

He devoted this time to sorting out the first-order alchemy.

"Miao Lin's Notes" only served as a guide. Meng Zhou's research field had long gone beyond the scope of his notes.

He directly transplanted the existing alchemy foundation into a new framework and used chemical experiments to refine the elixir.

In order to facilitate research, he also asked Yang Chong to buy a lot of first-order spiritual herbs and elixirs.

When he devoted himself to this research, failure became a common occurrence. If he failed three or five times a day, he would be considered too inefficient.

And despite this "efficient" failure, "All Things Deduction" can steadily gain five to six hundred experience points every day.

This experience gained is somewhat insignificant compared to the processing of information on jade slips and collections of classics.

But its advantage lies in continued stability. Although the latter can still bring him a lot of experience, it is declining rapidly with a big landslide.


"Everything Interpretation" completes the accumulation of masters and becomes a master.

The ability to "deduct everything" becomes more powerful, and the experience gains from processing jade slip information and classic book collections also become lower.

In contrast, the experience gained through research has improved significantly, from a stable gain of five to six hundred experience points per day to a stable gain of six to seven hundred experience points per day.

The efficiency of research is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The "Chemical Alchemy Method" started from a pure idea and produced real results.



Meng Zhou paused his training for half a day to fulfill his agreement with the Blue Blood Army.

Thirty-five foundation-building and an equal number of Qi-training monks were treated.

The end of the month.

"Everything Deduction" once again gained 20,000 experience points, completing the further accumulation of the master level.

"Master of Vientiane Interpretation 38,000/240,000"


Meng Zhou collected the jade slip of information sent by Kan Yue on time and did not continue to waste time on it.

Because in the past three months, the information jade slips had only brought Meng Zhou a total of 6,000 experience points, while studying the "chemical alchemy method" had brought him 5,000 experience points.

The experience the latter can bring him every day has surpassed the former.

This allowed Meng Zhou to devote more time to the research of "chemical alchemy method".

By the end of the month, out of the 17,000 experience points gained from the "All Things Deduction", processing the information in the collection of classics only brought him 5,000 experience points, while studying the "Chemical Alchemy Method" brought him 12,000 points. experience.

"Master of Vientiane Interpretation 55,000/240,000"

Meng Zhou decided to devote all his energy to the research of "chemical alchemy method" starting from next month.


The fifth day of the lunar month, late at night.

The progress of cultivation is +45, and the ninth level of foundation building is 805/1000.

After finishing his routine retreat and making some adjustments, Meng Zhou devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of "chemical alchemy".

Meng Zhou found that when he devoted all his efforts to this, instead of constantly adjusting the direction, the effect was more significant and the progress was more obvious.

The daily experience gained from "Everything Deduction" is also stable at around 800 points.

At the end of the month, when Meng Zhou suspended his research and entered the quiet room to start his routine retreat, his research on the "Chemical Alchemy Method" brought him a total of 20,000 experience points.

"Master of Vientiane Interpretation 75,000/240,000"


The tenth day of the lunar month.

Meng Zhou used the idea of ​​​​chemical alchemy to completely "renovate" the first-level alchemy inheritance.

Although, even with the blessing of "All Things Deduction", in just a few months, he could not update all aspects of the first-level alchemy inheritance, but he had completed the sorting out of the core path and a complete set of methods.

As long as such a method is mastered, it is only a simple effort to replace all the fields involved in first-level alchemy.

Then, Meng Zhou naturally pushed his vision to the field of second-level alchemy inheritance.

Then, a scene that surprised him happened.

Whether it is the research progress of "Chemical Alchemy Method" or the accumulation of experience in "All Things Deduction", they are all rumbling forward at a speed far exceeding the first level.

Meng Zhou soon understood the reason.

Although the first-level inheritance is lower than the second-level inheritance, it is the foundation of a professional system and the key to determining the superstructure.

He has completed a comprehensive renovation and replacement of the first-level alchemy inheritance. On the contrary, it is the most difficult and the progress must be the slowest.

Because this is almost equivalent to the reconstruction of the entire system.

After he completed the basic reconstruction, subsequent deductions became more logical.

On the other hand, the depth and width involved in the second level, and the amount of information it carries, must also be greater than those of the first level.

This has resulted in this amazing effect.

On the one hand, it is the rapid advancement of the "second-order chemical alchemy method".

On the other hand, the experience of "everything interpretation" is accumulated at a faster speed.

At the end of the month, Meng Zhou suspended his research in this area and entered a quiet room.

The "second-stage chemical alchemy method" has been more than half completed.

"Everything Deduction" also gained a total of 46,000 points of experience, which is almost the same as the peak gain when dealing with the classic book collection.

"Master of Vientiane Interpretation 121,000/240,000"


The tenth day of the lunar month, morning.

Meng Zhou paused his research and walked out of the courtyard to the front yard.

Before entering a courtyard, a man with an eighth level of Qi cultivation at the door greeted Meng Zhou respectfully: "Senior!"

Meng Zhou nodded and was about to go into the courtyard.

However, when he passed by this person, he paused again and asked, "Has Yang Chong fully explained to you?"

The man replied respectfully: "Yes, Brother Yang has explained everything clearly to me."

Meng Zhou nodded and said: "Very good."

The man saluted respectfully until Meng Zhou disappeared deep into the courtyard, then he got up and went to make arrangements elsewhere.

This man's name is Meng Hao, who has just turned forty-one this year. He is a deputy that Yang Chong has cultivated in the past two years.

On the one hand, he is also a martial arts master. On the other hand, this person's steady and down-to-earth style is also trusted by Yang Chong.

Yang Chong also talked about this matter to Meng Zhou. Meng Zhou secretly observed this person and approved of it.

For the next period of time, both Yang Chong and Liu Ying could not be distracted from irrigating the tens of thousands of acres of spiritual fields. Meng Hao was required to take charge of these tasks.

In fact, for more than a year, the actual person in charge of this work has been slowly handed over to Meng Hao, with Yang Chong only occasionally supervising and giving guidance.

Meng Zhou went straight to the depths of the courtyard, where a quiet room stood.

In the quiet room, Yang Chong and Liu Ying sat cross-legged opposite each other, adjusting their status.

Meng Zhou did not enter the quiet room, but stood not far outside the quiet room.

He said to the two people who were quietly closing their eyes and regulating their breath: "Okay, let's start."

The couple, who were cross-legged and had their eyes closed, opened their eyes after hearing the words, looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then closed their eyes again.

After a while, the auras of the two people, which had already reached the peak of their Qi training, began to become active and boiling.

Because the distance between the two is very close, each other's transformation aura can easily "burn" to each other.

Under normal circumstances, this is a taboo for breakthroughs.

It is easy to interfere with each other, which will increase the failure rate of the breakthrough.

But the husband and wife are different. They have practiced the method of dual cultivation for many years, and their auras have long been blended and complemented each other.

Coupled with the absolute trust that both parties have in each other, they open their cores of life to each other without hesitation, giving each other extra boost.

In doing so, they not only did not hinder each other, but also increased their success rate.

If both people have a 90% success rate in breaking through, then if they break through separately, according to mathematical probability, the probability that both of them will succeed is 81% (81%).

But after doing this, the probability of two people successfully completing the test at the same time is basically the same as the probability of each person's success, which is 90%.

Of course, the biggest risk in doing this is that it is no longer possible for one person to succeed and one person to fail. Instead, it becomes either a success or a failure together.

Of course, the actual situation is much more complicated than this.

But that's the core idea.

Meng Zhou, who was watching all this, couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Looking at the exchange of energy between the two, it was a step further than the dual cultivation method he taught them.

Obviously, the two of them also made improvements to this method during their years of dual cultivation.

Meng Zhou even got some inspirations from it that were quite beneficial to the circulation of the three poles of energy, energy and spirit.

Soon, a strange foundation-building phenomenon spread out from the quiet room.

This foundation-building vision is very special, showing two completely different visions, one on the left and one on the right, occupying the sky outside the quiet room.

Meng Zhoudan pointed at several directions in the void and shot out a series of talisman seals, covering up this unusual foundation-building phenomenon to a certain extent.

But he didn't cover it up completely, he just made it look more normal.

In the distance, Meng Zhou could already feel the prying eyes of monks elsewhere.

He didn't stop it and just let it go.

In the current Sanchuan Plain, the "foundation density" is very high. There is no way to hide this kind of movement from others, and there is no need to hide it from others.

In Sanchuan Yuan, which has been upgraded to a third-level spiritual land, it is not uncommon for Qi-training monks to break through and become a foundation.

As long as he doesn't act mysterious himself, others won't take him too seriously.

After this incident, the surrounding neighbors' evaluation of Zhuangtianzhuang will be slightly raised by one level.

Although they did not use any external objects to assist in foundation building, for the two people who had accumulated a lot of experience, there were no setbacks in their foundation building process.

In the afternoon and evening, the foundation-building phenomenon outside the quiet room had quietly disappeared.

Meng Zhou, who was guarding the outside of the quiet room, had quietly left. The message told the two of them not to rush out of the seclusion, and to keep the situation stable as the first priority.

After returning to the courtyard, Meng Zhou continued his research on the "second-order chemical alchemy method".

After Yang Chong and Liu Ying spent several days to stabilize their condition, under Meng Zhou's introduction, Governor Li came over and led them away for a long time.

When they came back, each had obtained a suitable second-level Qi refining method.

In this matter, Meng Zhou did not use his relationship with President Pan and others to open a back door for the two of them, because this was originally a means for the Sanchuan Society to win over the local foundation.

Yes, as the situation changes, the concept of "localism" has also quietly changed.

In the past, the "local faction" referred to the stubborn local forces headed by Dai Shouli and others.

However, in the rapid development of Sanchuan Plain, this group had already been absorbed by Sanchuan Society and became the first group to be completely digested by Sanchuan Society.

Now, with the City Lord's Palace replacing the Sanchuan Society as the highest authority in the Sanchuan Plain, the Sanchuan Society has become one of the many talking forces.

As a local leader, the Sanchuan Society naturally became the new "local faction".

For this label, Sanchuanhui not only did not tear it off, but also used various methods to continuously strengthen it.

The most important measure is to increase the absorption, inclusion and cultivation of successor forces.

For example, new foundation builders such as Yang Chong and Liu Ying rely on Meng Zhou's recommendation. After a simple test of their abilities, the Sanchuan Club will open up the core inheritance of the Sanchuan Club after confirming that they indeed have relatively high potential.

——This is a treasure trove that combines the original Sanchuan Society and more than a dozen fake alchemy forces with various precious inheritances. It not only has a relatively complete second-level cultivation method inheritance, but also has some third-level inheritance.

Although it cannot be compared with Qingxuanzong's Sutra Library, it can basically meet the needs of new foundation builders such as Yang Chong and Liu Ying.

According to the rules of the Sanchuan Society, what the two of them have now obtained is the inheritance of the Qi Refining Method.

If they can achieve certain achievements in this Qi Refining Method within a certain time limit, proving that they are indeed worthy of Sanchuan Council's allocating more resources to training, they can also receive the inheritance of the Soul Refining Method, as well as some other cultivation resources as additional benefits.

Similar things are not only done by the Sanchuan Association, but also by other forces.

However, due to the innate advantages of the Sanchuan Society in the Sanchuan Plain, most of the new foundations born in the Sanchuan Plain will gradually tilt towards the Sanchuan Society.

The Jade Blood Army, the Jade City Lord's Mansion, and the Professionals Association are all doing similar things in the Jade Blood Plains, Jade Lake, and professional groups.

It can be said that looking at the entire Qingxuan Territory, the cultivation environment for foundation-building monks is becoming more and more relaxed.

As long as they prove that they are not a complete parallel import foundation builder, their methods of obtaining various second-level inheritance methods will become easier and easier, and the cost will become less and less.

Even if it is true parallel import foundation building, there is still a way to go. Moreover, if such people can build a foundation, it generally means that there is a powerful force behind them. Therefore, their practice conditions after building a foundation will instead Maybe even more generous.

It wasn't until July 25th that the two of them barely adapted to the new state and new rhythm after foundation building.

The two came to see him early in the morning.

After entering the courtyard and coming to Meng Zhou, the two of them thanked Meng Zhou with the most solemn gift without saying a word.

Meng Zhou motioned for the two of them to come forward, and the two of them stood up and stepped forward nervously.

"Okay, don't be nervous, it's just a simple check... Yang Chong, come first, give me your hand."

After hearing Meng Zhou's words, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Chong stretched out his hand, and Meng Zhou put his hand gently on his wrist. In an instant, all the information in Yang Chong's body appeared in Meng Zhou's heart.

In fact, at Meng Zhou's current level, contact inspection is not a necessary step in order to check the status of the two people. He can completely use his spiritual consciousness to find out the situation of the two people.

However, doing so will definitely make Liu Ying feel embarrassed.

It doesn't matter if they play small pranks occasionally, but Meng Zhou always pays attention to the scale. The husband and wife are in harmony, and there is no need to cause trouble in a place like this.

In contrast, using the pharmacist's inspection method to explore makes it easier for people to accept.

About half an hour later, Meng Zhou withdrew his hand from Yang Chong's wrist and motioned for him to step aside and let Liu Ying come over.

Meng Zhou stretched out his hand like a pulse signal and stayed on Liu Ying's wrist for about half an hour. After retracting his hand, he said to the two of them:

“Okay, that’s it for today.

From now on, you can practice according to your own plans without me interfering.

However, I will check your status from time to time in the future. "

After the two of them took their orders and left, Meng Zhou continued to think for a while.

Combining the results of this inspection and the various gains gained from watching the whole process when the two broke through that day, Meng Zhou had a lot of inspiration in his heart.

Meng Zhou took out two second-level top-quality spiritual materials and made them into long flexible ropes.

Thinking in his heart, the fingers of his hands naturally connected and intertwined, and the knots naturally formed on the long rope.

Soon, two long ropes full of knots appeared in Meng Zhou's hand.

The knots on the two long ropes are different, and they represent the harvest he gained from Yang Chong and Liu Ying respectively.

Meng Zhou ran his fingers over the knots, feeling their spiritual changes and the various messages fed back into his heart.

"As I expected, both of them took advantage of this breakthrough and each possessed a spiritual body.

However, they are not yet in their most complete state, which can be completed through their subsequent practice. "

"The spirit body Yang Chong obtained is very similar to my natural sword body, but there are some differences."

"My natural sword body is a combination of many kinds of swordsmanship and swordsmanship. It has the perfect sword-holding skills of a warrior, as well as various sword-driving skills, as well as eye sword, sound sword and other techniques."

"Yang Chong, on the other hand, focuses on the perfect martial arts sword-holding skills. Although, as he masters more and more sword skills, he also creates some sword-free skills.

You can hold the long sword remotely without using both hands. The effect is similar to the sword-handling technique. However, if you look into its core essence, it is still inconsistent with the traditional sword-handling concept. Basically, it is still the method of holding a sword. "

Meng Zhou had a feeling that if he could fully understand the differences between Yang Chong's spiritual body and his natural sword body, it would be very helpful to further improve his natural sword body.

Although, the current data shows that the natural sword body is complete.

Then, Meng Zhou changed the rope and ran his fingers back and forth over the knots.

“This is indeed a brand new spirit that I have never mastered.

Its effect is like installing an amplifier on all human senses.

Not only can it greatly enhance people's various sensory abilities.

More importantly, this ability is not only extremely useful externally, but also has significant effects internally, and can increase the sensitivity and affinity for spiritual practice. "

Meng Zhou felt that he had gained a lot.

Not only in the harvest itself, but also in the method!

In the past few years, the couple had followed his instructions and relied on their talents to accumulate perfect skills.

With this breakthrough and the "secret skills" he taught them, they turned these perfect skills into talents. Then, through the organic combination of these talents, they "synthesized" into two spiritual bodies. .

The entire link was completely verified successfully.

Now, with the help of the knot master's ability, he can "imprint" this unique achievement on each knot in a unique way.

"Doesn't this mean that I can skip the step of personally practicing and accumulating perfect skills and directly pick the ready-made 'fruits' from them?"

"I just need to transfer the spiritual information 'imprinted' on the knot to myself, and I will master the corresponding spiritual ability in disguise?"

Meng Zhou's thoughts swirled in his mind.

However, as his fingers continued to move back and forth on the knot, Meng Zhou gradually frowned.

He felt that although the information conveyed by this knotted rope made of second-order top-grade spiritual materials was rich enough, it was not even close to what he expected and was not delicate enough.

"Do you need level 3?"

Thinking in his mind, Meng Zhou looked at the third-level spiritual materials in the storage space and shook his head.

With his current ability, it is still a bit reluctant to handle third-level spiritual materials. It is not enough to make them as casual as second-level spiritual materials.

Meng Zhou's attention fell on Yaya, who was still sleeping in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although the Knot Master's ability can be reproduced with other ropes, of course it has to be Yaya who is the easiest to use and the one who works best with her.

"This matter may not be verified until Yaya successfully advances to the third level."

With this thought in his mind, Meng Zhou temporarily gave up on the matter.

Yang Chong and Liu Ying had just broken through the foundation building not long ago, and their condition was not yet stable, so they might as well wait for a while.

Meng Zhou temporarily gathered his thoughts and reinvested in the research and sorting out of the "second-order chemical alchemy method".

On the twenty-fifth day, Meng Zhou completely sorted out the core path of the "Second-Level Chemical Alchemy Method", and the "All-Seeing Deduction" also gained a lot of experience in this process.

Just like the first-order chemical alchemy method, although it does not cover everything, the core path and the most important method have been clearly discovered by him. The remaining work only needs to be followed.

After doing all this, Meng Zhou did not criticize the third-level alchemy method. It was not because he was scared, but because it was simply not cost-effective.

He turned his head and set his sights on the weapon refining process again. The core idea remained the same, which was to replace the traditional weapon refining method based on experience and feeling with the scientific weapon refining method.

Let’s start from the first level.

Perhaps it is because he has already walked a similar road, or perhaps it is because it is easier to refine weapons than to refine alchemy. Compared with when he was trying to figure out the first-level alchemy before, both the speed of advancement and the speed of increasing experience in the interpretation of all phenomena are faster. There is a significant improvement, and it can bring about a thousand experience points to Meng Zhou every day.

By the end of the month, when Meng Zhou had finished sorting out the first-level weapon refining and was about to enter the quiet room to start his routine retreat, the "All Things Deduction" had brought him a total of 41,000 points of experience this month.

"Master of Vientiane Interpretation 162,000/240,000"

August, the fifth day of the lunar month.

Cultivation progress +45, foundation level nine is 895/1000.

After finishing the retreat and getting used to it a little, Meng Zhou devoted himself to the scientific sorting out of the first-level weapon refining.

What needs to be mentioned is that whether it is sorting out the first-level or second-level alchemy system or now sorting out the first-level weapon refining system, it is not just sitting around and dreaming, but it is accompanied by a large number of experimental verifications.

In the process, Meng Zhou consumed a lot of materials.

First-level materials are easy to obtain in the current Sanchuan Plain, and can be solved by directly giving them to Yang Chong.

The second-level materials are a little more difficult to obtain, but they can be easily solved by giving them to the Green Blood Army.

Although the consumption was huge, it was not worth mentioning to Meng Zhou now.

After sorting out the second-level alchemy system, a total of more than a hundred high-grade spiritual stones were consumed. However, the consultation fee in mid-June was enough to cover 450 high-grade spiritual stones, which was more than enough to cover the expenses.

The tenth day of August.

Kan Yue delivered the jade slip of information on time as usual, and at the same time, he also brought news that shocked Meng Zhou.

That night, Meng Zhou stopped sorting out the first-level weapon refining early and brewed himself a pot of spiritual tea to calm down his mind.

Then, he communicated with the Earth Spirit Lotus clone hidden in the underground quiet room of the Sanchuan Society headquarters.

The clone of the Earth Spirit Lotus that had melted into the ground emerged from the ground of the quiet room again. Meng Zhou looked at the surrounding environment, paying special attention to the formations he had arranged himself. Some of the reserved ones were meaningful only to him. small details.

It was finally confirmed that since he locked the Earth Spirit Lotus clone in this formation, this formation has never been broken into again.

However, there were quite a few times when he was probed and peeked by various divine senses, but they were all intercepted by formations.

The Earth Spirit Lotus clone sat down on the stone couch in the underground quiet room and waited quietly.

At a certain moment, the Earth Spirit Lotus clone that was sitting cross-legged suddenly opened its eyes.

Looking at the corner of the quiet room, he said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Ding, since you are already here, why are you hiding your head and showing your tail?"

His sudden opening broke the tranquility of the quiet room.

And in the direction where he was looking, a figure emerged from the soil.

This was the first time that Meng Zhou saw other monks perform the earth escape technique with his own eyes, and it was still so smooth and smooth.

The opponent's level of mastery of Earth Escape Technique is no less advanced than his own.

However, Meng Zhou felt relieved when he thought that the third-level Qi refining method given to him by President Pan was the complete version of the "Hou Tu Jing".

It is not surprising that people focus on the way of thick soil and master the earth escape technique.

The figure that emerged from the ground was none other than Ding Ning, the disciple whom President Pan had high hopes for and whom he regarded as his greatest reliance.

Meng Zhou looked at Ding Ning who appeared, cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to fellow Daoist Ding for successfully forming the elixir."

He was no stranger to Ding Ning. The first sermon at the exchange meeting was started by her. At that time, he was still at the seventh level of foundation building and listened to her sorting out the entire level of foundation building. He also felt that he had benefited a lot.

That was also the time when Meng Zhou gained the most from all the times he listened to the sermon.

What surprised Meng Zhou was that Ding Ning at this moment seemed no different from Ding Ning then.

It still looks so ordinary, without the domineering and overt expression of the Danjie boss.

“However, the way of thick soil is thick and simple, and it can hide everything under the ‘thick soil’.

Her control over her own aura is no less than mine with my ever-changing spirit body. "

While Meng Zhou was analyzing the other party through various details, Ding Ning was also examining Meng Zhou carefully.

Relatively speaking, she was completely unfamiliar with Meng Zhou.

"Fellow Daoist Zhuang, I didn't expect your clone to be so magical. If I hadn't known it in advance, I wouldn't have been able to tell whether it was your real body or your clone." Ding Ning said.

Meng Zhou didn't care when the other party exposed this matter. He stretched out his hand and a stone bench "grew" from the ground beside Ding Ning.

"Fellow Daoist Ding, please sit down."

After Ding Ning sat down, Meng Zhou asked curiously: "Fellow Daoist Ding, you invited me to get together so secretly, but do you have anything important to tell me?"

Ding Ning nodded, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Zhuang, do you know that so far, you are the third person who knows that I have successfully escaped from seclusion and returned to Sanchuan Plain."

"Ah? So where are you at Jade Lake?"

After hearing what Ding Ning said, Meng Zhou was really surprised.

This sudden secret conversation was revealed to her by Kan Yue, and besides Kan Yue, her teacher, President Pan, must be the first to know.

Doesn't this mean that even those at Cuiyu Lake don't know that she has successfully escaped from seclusion?

How is this done?

And why do this?

Ding Ning said: "I made some disguises there, and everyone else thought I failed and was recuperating in the cave.

I escaped from the cave and learned about the drastic changes in the Sanchuan Plain, so I sneaked back all the way.

We just arrived at Sanchuan Plateau yesterday. "

Having said this, she stood up and saluted Meng Zhou solemnly: "Fellow Daoist Zhuang, thank you very much for protecting that old thing for me in the past few years when I have been away."

Her gratitude to Meng Zhou was sincere.

But at the same time, her dissatisfaction with President Pan was also evident in her words.

Looking back now, she was "cheated" by President Pan.

When she was still in Sanchuanyuan, even though she followed President Pan every day, she knew nothing about his real plan.

After she left, President Pan immediately became wild.

After she came out of seclusion, she learned about the great changes in the Sanchuan Plain and the Sanchuan Society in the past few years. She was not surprised, but was so frightened that she almost left her body.

Immediately after returning, the master and apprentice had a "frank communication."

Meng Zhou didn't take Ding Ning's gratitude to heart.

All his attention was focused on Ding Ning's secret exit and return.

She only learned about the great changes that happened in Sanchuan Yuan and Sanchuan Society after secretly leaving seclusion. Before that, she knew nothing about it.

Therefore, the decision for her to pretend to be recuperating in the cave after failing the pass, and to secretly sneak out with her real body, must have nothing to do with everything that happened in Sanchuan Yuan.

Under normal circumstances, it would be completely unnecessary for her to do this.

Meng Zhou asked in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Ding, why did you do this?"

Ding Ning asked back: "Fellow Daoist Zhuang, will you go through the pass and form an elixir in the near future?"

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