Do not die

Chapter 235 A new situation, invitation from the association

After escaping from the Aurora Cave, Meng Zhou summoned the Green Wolf Spirit Puppet and entered the wolf belly space with Bai Zhi.

The green wolf turned into a gust of wind and swept across Tianqi Mountain.

"Hey, aren't we going back to Sanchuan Yuan?"

Although it was more than a year later, Bai Zhi still had an impression of the path she took.

At this moment, she saw that the trajectory of Qinglang's journey was different from her impression, and that it was heading deeper into Tianqi Mountain, so she asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry, I guarantee you will be able to see your precious apprentice within today."

Bai Zhi heard this and glared at this guy.

In the past, this guy would still act like a polite and gentleman in front of him.

But now, he doesn't show off his image at all, and sometimes he even appears lazy and talkative.

She couldn't help but wonder, could this be this guy's true face?


It couldn't be said that she was disappointed, but Bai Zhi sighed inexplicably, feeling regretful that the filter was broken.

Meng Zhou didn't know what Bai Zhi was thinking, but even if he knew, he would only smile.

This is what the real world should be like.

It's like when you ask for something but you don't get it, the goddess is really beautiful in all kinds of ways, but after you really ask for it, you will find that snoring, burping, and farting are all indispensable.

Meng Zhou's attention was immersed in the bright moon mirror at this moment.

Soon, his attention fell on a mountain forest about four hundred miles away.

"this is not bad."

In a mountain forest, a giant beast was taking a leisurely rest after eating.

This is a big demon whose strength has reached the third level.

It has gorgeous, fluffy and soft fur, and its long tail that is twenty to thirty meters long is like a flexible long whip, whistling in the air and flapping randomly on its body from time to time.

Suddenly, it turned over and sat up alertly.

The eyes that were lazy a moment ago suddenly became sharp and fierce, and the pair of golden pupils shrank into a pair of narrow vertical pupils.


Its abdomen undulated and bulged, making bursts of thunderous muffled sounds. Its pair of forelimbs lowered slightly, driving its head closer to the ground.

A tyrannical and evil aura centered on it and spread to the entire mountain forest.

And at this moment, in the direction of its vigilant gaze.

In the jungle, a golden cloud suddenly floated out and quickly swept towards the giant beast.


With a loud roar, a light black wind roared out from the giant beast's mouth and swept towards the golden clouds.

Before touching the golden clouds, the light black wind passed by giant trees and some rugged rocks.

Under this light black wind, the trees and boulders blocking the road seemed to have been ground by a rapidly rotating grinding wheel, quickly turning into powder and falling away.

Soon, the strong wind completely enveloped the golden clouds.


After the light black wind covered the golden clouds, there was an uninterrupted, harsh scraping sound.

At the junction of the golden clouds and the light black wind, wisps and dots of red sparks appeared.

But the light black strong wind that can easily blow away the rocks and trees, at this moment only stirs up red sparks on the surface of the golden clouds, has no more achievements.

Even the speed of the golden clouds approaching the giant beast was not affected in any way.

Seeing this scene, the giant beast's sharp and cold vertical pupils expanded uncontrollably.

The giant beast with great intelligence once again used a variety of methods. These methods are its strongest reliance on becoming the overlord of this area.

But now, without exception, these methods have brought almost no effective damage to the rapidly approaching golden clouds.

Seeing the golden clouds approaching, the giant beast, which had no choice but to do anything, finally gave up and let out a whimper before turning around and running away into the distance.

But the moment it turned around and exposed its hindquarters, Golden Xiayun's speed more than doubled.

Moreover, the golden color that originally spread out like clouds accelerated like an arrow from a string, and at the same time, the front end also turned into a sharp arrow.


Amid the shrill wail of the giant beast, the dark golden sharp arrow pierced through the back door of the giant beast without any hindrance and sank into the giant beast's body.

Amidst the shrill wails, the giant beast could no longer control its huge body and rolled dozens of times in the forest before it could stop.

Even under such circumstances, the golden clouds were like flowing water, continuously entering from the back door and submerging into the body of the giant beast.

Almost at the moment when the violent rolling body of the giant beast finally stopped, a dark golden arrow flew out of the giant beast's mouth.

The giant beast's life breath, which was as strong as a huge bonfire not long ago, quickly dimmed, and at this moment it was extinguished like a candle in the wind.

Soon, another strong wind blew out of the mountain forest.

When this strong wind blew over the giant beast's bones and the dark golden clouds, the giant beast's bones and the dark golden clouds all disappeared, leaving only a messy mountain forest.

In the wolf belly space, Meng Zhou explored the giant beast's bones that had been put into the spirit gourd space.

According to the nature of a swarm of scarab beetles, they will only devour their prey cleanly, leaving no remains behind.

However, Meng Zhou's control over the swarm of golden beetles was accurate to every single one.

Under the control of the "collective intelligence", all the golden armored spirit insects strictly implemented his instructions.

Not only did they not cause any damage to the extremely precious fur of the giant beast, all important parts of the giant beast's body were also preserved.

Including the complete skeleton, complete organ tissues, the most essence of flesh and blood, etc.

As for the other parts, they all disappeared completely and became the food of the swarm of golden beetles, digging out cavity after cavity in the body of the giant beast.

Meng Zhou didn't even take out this giant beast whose strength had reached the third level. He basically decomposed the giant beast with just a thought.

Not only does practice make perfect, it is also a method given to him by a third-level high-grade spiritual master.

After handling the remains of the giant beast, Meng Zhou's attention fell on the swarm of golden beetles.

Two thousand golden-armored spirit insects, all of which had reached the third-level mid-level individual strength, faced the full attack of the third-level high-level beasts, but not a single one was damaged.

However, it is not completely lossless.

It can be clearly seen that the originally smooth and flimsy golden armor shells of these golden armored spirit insects have become much rougher.

You can also see a series of large or small scratches.

There are some serious ones, the scratches have almost worn through the golden armor, exposing the relatively fragile and soft interior.

However, with the powerful vitality and resilience of the golden armored spirit insects, this kind of damage is still a long way from actually killing them.

Meng Zhou took some of the blood essence from the spirit gourd space, broke it into two thousand parts, and put them into the bodies of these golden armored spirit insects.

Soon, as the high-quality heart essence and blood melted into the bodies of each golden-armored spirit insect, the scars on the golden-armored spirit insect began to recover at a visible speed.

When the golden armor shells on their bodies became smooth, plump and smooth again, the strong wind transformed by the blue wolf had already arrived at a deep pool shrouded in black air.

The next moment, a golden cloud emerged from the void above the deep pool.

Then, he sank into the deep pool silently.

Soon, the central area of ​​the deep pool that was originally very calm began to boil.

From relatively gentle to extremely violent, at its peak, the huge deep pool is like a pot of boiling water, and the boiling water surface can rise tens of meters high.

It flourishes and then declines.

When the water in the deep pool boiled to the extreme, the water quickly calmed down.

At this moment, a strange-shaped giant beast with a head and tail length of more than a hundred meters and a body covered with smooth and dark fur slowly surfaced.

As a gust of wind blew by, this strange beast whose strength had also reached the third level during its lifetime disappeared, and the water pool returned to calm again.

In this way, with the help of the guidance of the transparent moon mirror and the leadership of Qinglang Jiaofeng, Meng Zhou and Bai Zhi wandered around Tianqi Mountain.

One by one, the great demons who were carefully selected and all possessed the third-level high-grade strength became the victims of the swarm of golden beetles that were raging.

It was not until Meng Zhou put the tenth great demon corpse with a third-level high-grade strength into the spirit gourd space that he stopped this astonishingly efficient harvesting operation.

Because just when the tenth level three high-grade monster fell, Meng Zhou finally looked through the transparent moon mirror again and saw that all the monsters within a radius of 500 miles had undergone wonderful changes, and each of them became Get manic.

Meng Zhou immediately stopped and controlled the green wolf's strong wind to blow towards the outside of Tianqi Mountain.

However, this operation still verified Meng Zhou's suspicion.

"In the past, I could only hunt seven third-order monsters at most at one time, but this time the number reached ten."

“Furthermore, the third-order big monsters I hunted in the past were all in the middle or lower third-order levels, but this time, I selected all the third-order high-grade monsters.

Although they are both third-order monsters, the 'ecological niche' they occupy in Tianqi Mountain's 'ecosystem' is obviously more important. "

"So, harvesting with swarms of golden beetles can indeed paralyze the 'ecosystem' all over Tianqi Mountain to a great extent, making its response much slower."

Compared to the ten corpses of the third-level high-grade demon in the spirit gourd space, this information was more important to Meng Zhou.

At this moment, the green wolf turned into a strong wind and blew through a familiar area.

Meng Zhou felt a strange aura.

"Hey! Is this a monster breaking through the calamity?"

Meng Zhou was surprised and looked out, seeing a huge lake in the distance.

In the central area of ​​the lake, a calamity cloud layer is rapidly forming.

After careful analysis, Meng Zhou discovered that this lake was nowhere else but the place where the two mysterious turtles had broken through.

And it was also in this lake that Meng Zhou fished out three third-order monsters entrenched here at once.

At this moment, an aquatic monster is making a breakthrough.

Seeing this scene, Meng Zhou just watched from a distance, and the strong wind transformed by the green wolf did not even slow down, and flew away at a high speed.

This giant lake was far behind Meng Zhou, but he was thinking about it in his heart.

Qinglang Gale, which was originally preparing to head straight out of Tianqi Mountain, turned a corner in the air as Meng Zhou's thoughts changed, heading towards the direction where Yaya had made his breakthrough.

Meng Zhou, however, did not go to the third-order spiritual land where Yaya had broken through in his calamity. Instead, he used the guidance of the transparent moon mirror to go directly to a mountain forest with third-order evil veins lingering not far from the third-order spiritual land. middle.

This is the nest of the giant gray elephant that was killed by Meng Zhou.

At this moment, a year has passed since the death of the giant gray elephant.

As the strong wind transformed by the green wolf blew through the mountain forest, Meng Zhou saw a giant brown bear as he passed through a dense forest in the center, exuding the aura of a third-level low-level demon.

Meng Zhou looked back in time through the transparent moon mirror and discovered that just about half a year ago, the giant brown bear he was seeing now had successfully survived in this jungle and transformed from a second-order monster into a third-order monster.

Become the new overlord of this area after the gray giant elephant.

Qinglang Jiaofeng wandered around a few more places in Tianqi Mountain, and Meng Zhou also made similar discoveries.

The lairs near the third-level demons that Meng Zhou once killed were not abandoned because of their deaths, but had new owners.

The newly born third-order monsters occupy their spare "ecological niche".

"Although Tianqi Mountain is vast and vast, the 'ecological niche' is not endless. In particular, the positions available to third-order monsters are very limited."

“The position belonging to the third-order great demon has long been saturated.

Every place that can support a third-order big demon must have a third-order big demon. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a carrot and a pit. "

"At the same time, the number of monsters that have reached the peak level of the second level and are just one step away from breaking through must be greater."

“For them, the danger of breaking through the calamity comes not only from the calamity itself, but also from other third-level great demons.

The simple reason is that unless they are a family, few third-level demons will allow other new demons to compete with them for the chassis.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and both sides will have to fight to the death. "

“I killed a large number of third-level monsters, which seems to have greatly weakened the overall strength of Tianqi Mountain.

But the death of these third-order monsters also vacated the ‘carrot pit’ they originally occupied.

It won't take long for new radishes to grow out of the pit. "

Meng Zhou realized that the damage his behavior did to Tianqi Mountain was far less huge than he had previously thought.

If Tianqi Mountain is viewed as a whole, his behavior of hunting a large number of third-order monsters at the critical point is like stabbing the opponent in secret.

Although this big guy is very dull and slow, his "vitality" and "resilience" are also very terrifying.

Not only is the health bar extremely thick, but this health bar is also in a continuous state of self-recovery anytime and anywhere.

"This is a bit tougher than I thought."

Meng Zhou thought so in his heart.

However, this discovery did not make Meng Zhou feel too much pressure. Seeing that Tianqi Mountain had such strong resilience, he was reminded of a plant that seemed to be impossible to reach with eight poles.

Chinese chives.

"Perhaps, the current fierce confrontation between practitioners and monsters in Qingxuan Domain is not the optimal solution."

Meng Zhou did not continue to linger in Tianqi Mountain. After the strong wind transformed by the green wolf blew out of Tianqi Mountain, Meng Zhou took Bai Zhi and transferred to the lightless spaceship.

After galloping all the way, in less than two hours, the two quietly arrived near Sanchuan Plain.

The speed of this return trip has been greatly improved compared to the last time.

Just because Meng Zhou was only at the fourth level of pill formation at that time, but when he returned this time, his cultivation had been raised to the fifth level of pill formation.

By activating the third-level high-grade lightless spaceship, the speed will naturally increase to the next level.

After returning to Sanchuan Plain, Meng Zhou did not immediately contact Yao Gu and others.

While practicing quietly in the cave, I also sorted out the changes in Sanchuan Plain over the past year again.

During his absence for more than a year, Mikawahara also received a rare respite.

Today's Sanchuan Plain is much more prosperous than when he left.

Not only was it because of the addition of three new Dan-Jie cultivators, but the more important reason was that the entire Sanchuan Plain had experienced two more growths.

Yes, during his absence for more than a year, Mikawahara experienced two growths.

The first time was when he just left. Mikawahara, who had been suppressed for a long time, once again showed signs of growth.

Among them, the most obvious changes were in the first and second level spiritual lands. Although the third level spiritual lands in the core inner city were not so obvious, they also saw positive growth for the first time.

The second growth occurred at the beginning of this year.

The growth rate this time is even greater and more obvious than last year.

A large number of first- and second-level spiritual lands have been upgraded or even upgraded. The third-level spiritual lands in the core inner city have undergone more obvious changes compared to last year.

In addition, after investigation, the limit range of Sanchuan Yuan's spiritual veins has been increased again.

Although the improvement this time is very small, only about fifty miles.

But no one underestimates this change. More importantly, it allows everyone to see a future full of imagination and more expectations.

Because of these changes, the appeal of Sanchuan Plateau to non-Qingxuan Sect practitioners in Qingxuan Region has officially surpassed that of Cuiyu Lake, and more and more practitioners have become "Sanchuan Plateau drifters".

However, this also makes the competition in Mikawahara more intense.

Fortunately, the control and intimidation power of Sanchuanyuan City Lord's Palace over Sanchuanyuan is increasing year by year, and the overall order is actually more stable than when Sanchuanyuan was first upgraded.

At the same time, three more pills were added to Mikawahara.

Meng Zhou was a little surprised, but it made sense when he thought about it carefully. Two of the three newly added pill-forming pills had a close relationship with Meng Zhou.

One of them was from the Blue Blood Army, named Xue Tao. Long before Meng Zhou came into contact with the Blue Blood Army as "Ge Ping", this person was already one of the core senior leaders of the Blue Blood Army.

Relying on his own talent and the help of the Jade Blood Army, he finally succeeded in forming a middle-grade true elixir last year.

Another newcomer to the Dan Formation came from Wucailing, and she was the beautiful middle-aged woman who had contacted Meng Zhou on behalf of Wucailing many times.

This femme fatale who is extremely good at poisonous poison has a name named Xiaojiabiyu, Xie Xiaowan.

The last newly promoted Dan Dan, although not acquainted with him, is also closely related to Meng Zhou.

Because this person is a pharmacist who was dispatched from the headquarters of the Cuiyu Lake Professionals Association after Meng Zhou coordinated at the end of last year.

While participating in high-intensity diagnosis and treatment, he had many contacts with the alchemist of Qingxuan Sect and received a lot of guidance and inspiration.

I went into retreat at the beginning of this year and broke through the pill formation in February.

This man's name was Gu Ruiming. After arriving in Sanchuan Plain, he immediately sent him, the "number one casual cultivator" and "genius pharmacist", a greeting card and wanted to pay him a visit.

The clone of Ice Heart Blood Lotus refused because he was in retreat.

Although they did not meet each other, Meng Zhou still took over the Bingxin Blood Lotus clone at that time and presented the other party with a jade slip, which recorded many of the pharmacist's experiences.

Reviewing this information in his mind, Meng Zhou felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Ge Ping" has been very low-key since his appearance.

It neither manages power nor consolidates power.

After forming the elixir, he basically stopped interacting with other monks unless necessary, and basically cut off all social interactions.

But even under such circumstances, he, who originally had only an empty name as "the number one casual cultivator", gradually felt like he was worthy of his name.

More and more new Dan-forming people naturally guarded him at the core position.

It seems that there is a mysterious force like a magnetic field, pushing silently in the dark.

"However, if you think about it carefully, this change is actually very reasonable."

If we say it the other way around, as "Ge Ping"'s identity as "the number one casual cultivator" gradually "changes from fiction to reality".

It would be really strange if a new Dan-Jie who had no connection with him suddenly appeared!

This is like a massive star. Even if it does nothing, its mere existence is enough to cause strong interference to all stars, large and small, in the surrounding starry sky.

March sixteenth. early morning.

Bai Zhi, Zhu Qian's master and apprentice were whispering softly in the waterside pavilion near the pond.

Seeing Meng Zhou walking out of the quiet room, everyone closed their mouths and looked at him.

Meng Zhou said to Bai Zhi, "I want to go out."

Bai Zhi waved her hand and said, "Go ahead."

Looking at her look, she seemed to want him to leave as soon as possible.

Meng Zhou nodded, not wondering what the master and apprentice were chatting about in private. Their eyes just followed the movement of his body.

When he left the cave, they got together again.

After leaving the cave, Meng Zhou went straight to the station of the Blue Blood Army.

At the end of last year, he had already made an agreement with Yao Gu about this medical visit.

Because there were pharmacists arranged for diagnosis and treatment by the Professionals Association and Qingxuan Sect, compared to previous years, the number of injured patients waiting for his treatment was not large.

Moreover, they are all patients with intractable diseases that are very difficult to treat and difficult for other pharmacists to cure.

However, for Meng Zhou, this was not difficult at all.

For him, there is no difference between "mild disease" and "severe disease", only the difference between "can be cured" and "cannot be cured".

As a patient, he had only two possibilities when facing the patient.

As long as it can be cured, it can be cured completely;

If it really can't be cured, then it's really beyond our power and it really can't be cured.

Meng Zhou easily cured all the patients with difficult and complicated diseases left in his hands.

Next to him, Zheng Lingyuan, a senior third-level low-grade pharmacist from Qingxuan Sect who had been watching silently, clapped his hands and praised:

"Fellow Daoist Ge is such a clever method."

Having said this, he paused for a moment before saying, "Fellow Daoist Ge's current level of medicine master should have reached the third-level middle-grade level, right?"

Meng Zhouyi hesitated and asked curiously: "Oh, how did you see it?"

Compared with the past, the biggest difference in this diagnosis and treatment was that there were two more bystanders during his diagnosis and treatment.

In addition to this senior third-level low-level pharmacist from Qingxuan Sect, the other one is Gu Ruiming, a casual cultivator who has just been promoted to the third-level low-level pharmacist profession.

These two people had been waiting at the Blue Blood Army station for a long time, and Meng Zhou could not adjust his schedule because of them.

They wanted to watch during his diagnosis and treatment. Meng Zhou thought about it and agreed.

For this reason, he deliberately restrained himself a lot during diagnosis and treatment. Not only did he voluntarily abandon those abilities that were beyond the scope of a conventional pharmacist, but he also only used half of his abilities as a pure pharmacist.

I thought, this should be reasonable, right?

Unexpectedly, for Zheng Lingyuan and Gu Ruiming, this was still a bit too strong to be a "foul".

Zheng Lingyuan sighed and said:

"Because apart from the fact that Fellow Taoist is still a little unsophisticated in handling some details, in other aspects, he is already on par with our Palace Master."

The pharmacist works in the Miscellaneous Hall in Qingxuan Sect. The palace master he refers to is the only miscellaneous hall master in Qingxuan Sect who has cultivated the pharmacist profession to the third level of the middle level.

Hearing what Zheng Lingyuan said, Meng Zhou could only nod his head and said: "Lucky, lucky."

But I thought in my heart, it seems that this kind of diagnosis and treatment activities will stop as long as possible in the future.

After chatting for a while, Zheng Lingyuan saw that "Ge Yaoshi" was not happy with the conversation, so he said goodbye.

After he left, Meng Zhou looked at Gu Ruiming, who was sitting motionless next to him, and asked doubtfully, "Do you have anything else to do, fellow Daoist Gu?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but persuade:

"Fellow Taoist, you just broke through the pill formation last month. Your first priority now is to practice meditation and stabilize your condition.

There is really no need to disrupt the rhythm of your own practice just to watch. "

Gu Ruiming nodded solemnly, "I saved it. Thank you sir for your concern."

Meng Zhou stared at him seriously and asked, "Are you...doing anything else?"

Gu Ruiming said: "I would like to invite you, sir, to join the Professionals Association and serve as the president of the pharmacist branch."

Meng Zhouyi was stunned, then nodded slightly.

Previously, the Professionals Association had invited many times, explicitly or covertly, but Meng Zhou vaguely prevaricated them all.

At this moment, he seriously considered this proposal.

On the one hand, the pharmacist skills that should be leveled up have basically been perfected, and he no longer needs to do it himself.

Moreover, his current knowledge as a pharmacist has entered the eyes of Qingxuanzong, and he is really not used to the feeling of treating others under the watchful eyes of Qingxuanzong.

Therefore, he has decided to stop this regular visiting activity.

But compared to practitioners in this world, Meng Zhou has a deep-seated empathy for the weak and the bottom.

He knew very well that there was no tradition of being pitiful and humble among practitioners in this world.

Professionals have never had a tradition of volunteering.

Once he stops visiting patients, Qi Lianjing patients will no longer be able to enjoy high-level treatment, let alone free treatment.

The injuries of Qi-training monks have a special characteristic. They are easy to diagnose and treat, and do not require the help of a pharmacist. They can be solved with symptomatic elixirs.

Or it is difficult to diagnose and treat, and ordinary first-level pharmacists cannot do anything about it, and some even require second- and third-level pharmacists to deal with it.

Disabilities such as severed limbs cannot be restored without a third-level pharmacist.

Qi training and foundation building monks have a strong reliance on the integrity of the meridians.

Once middle- and low-level cultivators become disabled, it means that the meridians are incomplete, which means that there is no possibility of progress in practice, and there is no chance of the great path in this life.

When Meng Zhou reduced or even stopped this kind of visiting activities after the birth in his heart, what he thought about was nothing else, but what should these monks do in the future?

What is certain is that once he closes this window, except for a very small number of Qi practicing monks who have connections with Tongtian, other Qi practicing disabled patients will no longer have the opportunity to be "reborn".

At this moment, Gu Ruiming's invitation allowed him to see a solution.

In addition, based on predictions of future trends, Meng Zhou also intends to strengthen the pharmacist profession to a certain extent.

The key is, it doesn't cost him too much energy.

It is beneficial to others and does no harm to oneself.

What's more, the better the cultivation environment in Qingxuan Domain, the easier the situation for him, the "number one casual cultivator," will be.

This is equivalent to him improving his own practice environment.

After Gu Ruiming made this request, he felt a little uneasy. After all, the Professionals Association had already sent out several invitations to "Ge Yaoshi" before, but he declined them all with leeway.

He was really worried that he would get the same results this time.

At this moment, seeing that "Ge Yaoshi" didn't refuse immediately, but started to think about it seriously, Gu Ruiming felt a surprise in his heart that he had won the prize unexpectedly.

After thinking for a while, Meng Zhou looked at Gu Ruiming, who was looking forward to it, and asked:

"Now, how many pharmacists are there in the association?"

Gu Ruiming said:

“Originally there was one third-level low-grade pharmacist, but now including me, there are barely two.

There are a total of fifteen second-level pharmacists, including two at the upper level, three at the middle level, and ten at the lower level.

In addition, there are sixty-eight first-level pharmacists, forty of whom are only at the first-level low-level level, fifteen are at the mid-level level, and thirteen are at the upper-level level. "

Meng Zhou was surprised: "This situation... is much worse than I expected."

Gu Ruiming smiled bitterly and said:

“Now this is considered good, more than half of the first-level low-grade pharmacists have appeared in recent years.

Six of the ten second-level low-grade pharmacists also appeared in recent years.

If not, this data would be even uglier. "

“In addition, nearly half of pharmacists work part-time.

Pharmacists can only be regarded as their sub-professions. For example, another third-level pharmacist was also the only third-level pharmacist before me. Originally, we wanted to recommend him to be the president of the pharmacist branch.

But his main occupation is still a third-level low-grade alchemist, but he would rather be the vice president of the alchemist branch than take on the responsibility of the pharmacist branch. "

Meng Zhou nodded, not surprised by what Gu Ruiming said.

In the past, there was no place for pure pharmacists to survive in the Qingxuan Territory, which was why a large number of pharmacists had part-time or deputy positions.

Gu Ruiming was honest enough and did not hide anything about the current situation of the pharmacist branch.

Meng Zhou didn't complain about the fact that they were so persistent in carrying this heavy burden that no one was willing or capable of carrying, and they insisted on picking on themselves as the "biggest victim".

Instead, ask carefully to understand the situation.

After understanding the situation of the Pharmacist Branch, Meng Zhou slowly said in front of Gu Ruiming who looked expectant:

"You want me to be the president of this branch. I can agree, but there are a few prerequisites."

After hearing his clear response, Gu Ruiming couldn't hide his expression of ecstasy.

Hearing that there were prerequisites, he nodded without any hesitation:

"Sir, tell me!"

"First, if I become the president, the headquarters of the pharmacist branch will be moved to Sanchuan Plain. In addition to retaining some necessary manpower, all other pharmacists will be transferred to Sanchuan Plain."

Gu Ruiming paused for a moment, then nodded immediately: "Okay!"

"Secondly, if I become the president, I will have the final say on how the pharmacist branch operates and develops. Don't give me reasons to sing the opposite."

Gu Ruiming didn't even hesitate this time and nodded directly: "Okay."

"Don't rush to agree, let me say two things first.

If a pharmacist wants to grow quickly, he must go through a lot of practical operations.

But as far as I know, most pharmacists don’t take action many times.

They regard their pharmacist skills as some kind of precious resource. If patients don't take the initiative to ask for it and give high bargaining chips, they won't take action easily.

This has even become a tradition among pharmacists. If a certain pharmacist takes action casually, he will be looked down upon by other pharmacists.

In my opinion, this is the biggest bad habit among pharmacists.

If I serve as president, this trend must be reversed.

In order to cure this stubborn disease, I would make two requests.

First, every pharmacist must make at least a certain number of medical visits every month and every year. This is mandatory.

The specific number of visits and the difficulty of visiting patients can be discussed as appropriate, but the general principle is that pharmacists must take the initiative to go out and can no longer hold it from a high position.

Second, a pharmacist should not only treat people, but also animals.

Through my own personal practice, I can clearly say that this is of great help to enrich pharmacists’ knowledge and improve their attainments.

It can be said that successfully treating a monster spirit beast will gain more experience than treating three or five ordinary patients. "

After finishing speaking, Meng Zhou paused for a while.

And Gu Ruiming had already fallen into silence.

Meng Zhou didn't bother him and let him think quietly.

After a long time, Gu Ruiming raised his head and looked at Meng Zhou with a solemn and firm look on his face.

"Sir, don't worry. It's fine if others agree. If they don't agree, I will find a way to get them to agree."

"Are you sure?" Meng Zhou looked at Gu Ruiming and said:

"You have to think clearly. In a sense, these two demands of mine are completely against tradition and are extremely rebellious."

There may not be much in the world of spiritual practice, but there are many people with conservative ideas, stubbornness, admiration for the past, and those who follow the past.

Gu Ruiming smiled and said:

"Sir, why do we so eagerly hope that you can be our president?

It’s not like we don’t know your style of doing things.

If we just follow the rules and worship the ancients, why have we been unable to elect a suitable president?

What we value most is not your qualifications as a pharmacist, but your style of doing things that is completely different from ours! "

"We are convinced that only you like this can possibly bring us out of this quagmire and lead us out of a new situation!"

Gu Ruiming's words were very firm and resounding.

Meng Zhou nodded, not commenting on the praise implicit in his words, but continued to state the third condition. (End of chapter)

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