Do not die

Chapter 243 Rope Divination Early Warning

While deep in concentration, Meng Zhou connected with the Earth Spirit Golden Lotus clone hidden in the Spirit Controlling Realm, more than 200,000 miles away.

The figure of the golden lotus clone of the earth spirit quickly "surfaced" from the ground.

"85%, um, not bad."

Meng Zhou has discovered that the speed at which the Linglian clone regains its strength is not uniform.

The more spiritual power is depleted, the faster it is drawn from the surrounding earth, and the faster spiritual power is restored.

And as the spiritual power is restored more and more, the speed of drawing power from the earth will be lower, and the recovery speed will gradually slow down.

This time, because there is a clear goal, there is no need to worry too much about the slight consumption of power.

Therefore, Meng Zhou did not use the inch-step movement like last time, but directly disappeared into the void using the fastest escape method of his spiritual body.

About three hours later, when the reserve of spiritual power in this Linglian clone dropped to 75%, Meng Zhou appeared quietly in front of Sun Yongxian.

Sun Yongxian, who was leisurely sipping tea in the cave, saw someone suddenly appear in front of him. He was so frightened that he spat out the tea in his mouth. He quickly retreated, and layers of defenses quickly shot out around him.

It felt like his mouth suddenly turned into a jet-powered outlet. It was this spit of tea that provided him with the power to fly and ejaculate.

However, this reaction came and went quickly.

After confirming that the person in front of him was Meng Zhou, Sun Yongxian, who had looked solemn and solemn just a moment ago, relaxed again.

His heart that was rapidly rising suddenly fell to the ground again.

" are you here?"

After stammering for a few times, Sun Yongxiancai finished his words.

In fact, what he originally wanted to ask was, "Why did you come in so silently? Is my cave formation dead?"

However, the moment this thought came to mind, he once again thought of the efficient action that the person in front of him had set off with his understatement not long ago, and he closed his mouth.

Meng Zhou didn't waste any time talking to him and asked directly: "Has anything big happened in the Yuling Realm during this period?"

When Sun Yongxian heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at Meng Zhou with some confusion, shook his head and said, "No."

What he was thinking about was, wasn't the biggest incident caused by you?

It's just that outsiders don't know.

Meng Zhou paused and said, "During this period, have you collected information on all aspects of the Spirit Control Realm?"

Sun Yongxian nodded and said:

"Of course, but according to your instructions, we only collected the superficial and easiest-to-gather information as usual.

All information that requires some means to be obtained has not been touched. "

In order to avoid being caught by the Lihen Cult, before leaving last time, Meng Zhou specially ordered everyone to be silent for a period of time.

In addition to the information that can be obtained under normal circumstances, do not actively spy on any information to avoid being caught by interested parties.

Meng Zhou nodded, "Give me all the information collected during this period."

"All?" Sun Yongxian was surprised.

Meng Zhou nodded and even emphasized:

"I'm talking about all the information. Don't let me make your own decisions and delete the ones you think are unimportant."

Even if it is only superficial information, Mingxin Pavilion's professionalism and the breadth and depth of its attachment and coverage in the spiritual realm cultivation world are enough to provide him with extremely rich and complex information.

Although Sun Yongxian had doubts, it was natural for him to just obey orders.

"Master, please sit down for a moment, I need to prepare."

"Go ahead."

Meng Zhou waved him away.

Unless he is a pervert, who can remember all the massive and complex information in his mind and store it in the form of "deducing the world"?

Fortunately, as an information and intelligence company, Mingxin Pavilion has a very professional set of methods for collecting, storing and managing information.

In Mingxin Pavilion, no one is so smart as to judge whether certain information has value from their own perspective.

Countless actual cases have shown that there is a lot of information that is like garbage in the eyes of others, but in the hands of someone, it is worth ten thousand dollars or ten thousand dollars to buy.

Therefore, as long as the information can be collected, Mingxin Pavilion will collect and store it in categories.

Because Meng Zhou’s actions were equivalent to performing a subtle brain replacement surgery on Mingxin Pavilion in the Yuling Domain.

The original complex and chaotic "brain" was replaced by Sun Yongxian and others, but the overall framework of Mingxin Pavilion was almost intact.

This information is no exception.

"Meng Zhou" waited quietly in Sun Yongxian's cave for two days.

Two days later, Sun Yongxian returned in a hurry, looking exhausted and exhausted.

He quickly came to "Meng Zhou" and handed a handful of jade slips to Meng Zhou.

Yes, a handful.

"Meng Zhou" looked carefully and saw that there were as many as twenty jade slips of information.

"Meng Zhou" probed his spiritual power into a jade slip, and felt that the turbulent and complicated flow of information was rushing towards him like a flood bursting a bank.

He quickly disconnected, stood up and said, "I need a quiet room."

Sun Yongxian quickly led him into a quiet room.

The stone door of the quiet room was closed, and Meng Zhou sat cross-legged on the stone couch.

After being prepared, he began to introduce a steady flow of information into the "interpretation world" of the subject's self.

With the injection of massive information flow, the realm of controlling spirits becomes increasingly clear in the "deduction world".

The breadth, depth and sophistication have all been comprehensively improved.

After reading and importing all the massive information in twenty jade slips, Meng Zhou temporarily disconnected from the Earth Spirit Golden Lotus clone and concentrated all his consciousness back into his main self.

In the "deductive world" of the subject's self.

Yaya has turned into a long rope, lying between his hands and fingers in the most suitable posture.

Plate her.

Meng Zhou was just getting started with the "Celestial Phenomenon Deduction" and was conducting "rope divination" on the future trends of the Spiritual Realm.

"Celestial phenomena deduction" is based on the "deduction world". It cannot deduce certain events that will inevitably occur in the future, but only certain trends that will develop with a high probability.

It's like standing on a certain river section. As long as you can clearly see the width of this section of river, the depth and flow rate of the river water, the direction of the flow, the complexity of the undercurrent, etc., you can basically know where the river is flowing out of this section. What it will probably look like after the zone.

The closer the distance, the clearer it becomes;

The further the distance, the blurrier it becomes.

Because of Meng Zhou's subjective tendency, the trend changes predicted by "celestial interpretation", after he completed the "rope divination", were reflected in his mind in the form of changes in the picture that could be intuitively "seen" and feelings that could be subjectively "experienced" .

The larger the "deductive world" composed of information is at the macro level, the more nuanced the details, and the deeper the time axis, the more accurate the results of "rope divination" will be.

Now, with the help of the vast amount of information provided by Sun Yongxian, which is filled with twenty blank jade slips, the part about the realm of controlling the spirit in "The World of Deduction" has been greatly enriched and perfected, and it is grand, clear and in-depth. , not much worse than Qingxuan Domain.

After about an hour, Meng Zhou stopped knitting with his hands. Starting from the first knot, his fingertips touched more than two hundred knots one after another.

As his fingers move, wonderful changes take place in the "deduction world" that only exists within the soul.

In some areas, it feels like the sky is high and the clouds are clear, the wind is gentle and the sun is bright, and the sky is clear.

However, some areas give people a feeling of howling autumn wind and chilling to the bone.

Among them, the most drastic changes happened to be in the Spirit Controlling Domain area.

It gives people a feeling of dark clouds turning ink, dense clouds but no rain.

Meng Zhou had no doubt that under such a "celestial phenomenon", violent storms would fall anytime and anywhere that would affect the entire Spirit Controlling Domain.


Meng Zhou exhaled a long breath, fell deeply into meditation again, and connected to the Golden Lotus clone of the earth spirit who was still in the quiet room of Sun Yongxian's cave.

"Meng Zhou" stood up from the stone couch, walked out of the quiet room, saw Sun Yongxian waiting respectfully in the hall, and said:

"You should notify us immediately and ask everyone to evacuate from all spiritual veins as quickly as possible and hide in mortal society."

Although he had ordered all the powers to lurk before, these powers still existed in the practice world.

They will no longer reveal the trace characteristics of Mingxin Pavilion, but if the entire practice world is violently shaken, they will still not be spared.

When Sun Yongxian heard "Meng Zhou's" order, he was completely stunned.

He opened his mouth wide and stammered: "Go...all to the mortal society? Why...why?"

"Meng Zhou" didn't say a word, but stared straight at Sun Yongxian until he saw Sun Yongxian's heart trembled, then he said calmly:

"I can't say too much about the specifics. You just need to understand that the Spirit Controlling Realm is likely to undergo major changes that have not been seen in a hundred years. The entire spiritual practice world in the Spirit Controlling Realm will be affected, and no one can escape."

When Sun Yongxian heard this, he subconsciously thought, a big change that has not happened in a hundred years?

Is this too exaggerated?

It hasn’t even been a hundred years since the Yuling Sect was founded!

Is there anything else in the spiritual realm cultivation world that can surpass this?

Just as he was thinking this, Sun Yongxian was suddenly stunned, his mind was shaken, and his face changed wildly.

He suddenly looked at "Meng Zhou" and said, "Pavilion Master, can you...can you speak more carefully?"

"Meng Zhou" said calmly: "That's all I can say. For the rest, you can taste it yourself."

"Take care of yourself. I hope you are still alive when we meet next time." After saying that, "Meng Zhou" had already turned around and walked out of the cave.

Sun Yongxian, who looked pale, asked quickly: "Pavilion Master, how long do we have to hide?"

"...One year."

"Meng Zhou" originally wanted to say half a year, but after thinking about it, he decided to be more conservative.

As for whether there will be any big changes in the Yuling Realm within a year, he doesn't know. He can only see whether the "celestial phenomena interpretation" is accurate.

"One year? That's good, that's good."

After hearing this answer, Sun Yongxian breathed a long sigh of relief.

That was good news, it wasn't nearly as long as he thought.

But he couldn't help but become curious in his heart, "The Pavilion Master said it was so serious, what could it be?"

This doubt was destined to remain in the bottom of my heart, because "Meng Zhou" had already left and disappeared into his cave.

After finding a suitable place for the Earth Spirit Golden Lotus clone to settle down, Meng Zhou took his consciousness back from the Spirit Controlling Domain.

After thinking about the situation in the Spirit Controlling Realm for a while, Meng Zhou, who was equally confused, stopped thinking about it.

"Wait a minute, whether the 'Celestial Phenomenon Interpretation' works or not, we should be able to tell in the next few months."

With this thought in his mind, Meng Zhou completely put the matter aside.

Put all your efforts into improving the "celestial interpretation".

Training for the purpose of leveling is naturally different from the previous use of "celestial interpretation" to perform "rope divination" on the spirit realm.

In order to obtain an accurate result as much as possible, he incorporated all the information in the "deductive world" into the "rope divination".

It took more than an hour, and even longer if the time to import the jade slip information was included.

Not only did it take a long time, but this time the rope divination cost him most of his energy.

After all this hard work, I only gained 200 experience points in the end.

Therefore, the "Celestial Phenomenon Interpretation" has been upgraded from "entry 200/10,000" to "entry 400/10,000".

If he uses this method to level up, wouldn't it be until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse to perfect this skill? !

Moreover, Meng Zhou also discovered that "repeating questions" does not work.

For example, he has now used all the information of the "Deduction World" to make a comprehensive divination of the future trends of the entire "Deduction World".

Then, he cannot repeat this behavior again.

You have already done the complete calculation and have come up with a clear result. If you do it again, the speed will naturally skyrocket, and you will soon be able to get the same answer along the same process.

But it makes no sense, and it won't gain him any experience.

Fortunately, this problem is not unsolvable.

And the solution is simple.

Before officially starting leveling up, Bing Xin Xuelian's clone went to the Changle Chamber of Commerce's headquarters and "harvested" the information collected by the Changle Chamber of Commerce in the past few days.

After obtaining a large number of jade slips filled with information, Meng Zhou immediately introduced these complex information into the "deduction world".

Then he started a new attempt at rope divination.

This time, his vision is no longer the entire known world included in the "Deduction World", or even the entire Qingxuan Territory.

He took the initiative to shrink the rope divination target to an area within the Sanchuan Plain and the core inner city area with a radius of no more than ten miles.

The fingers of both hands were turned over. Very quickly, only about ten minutes had passed. After a little mental exertion, a knot appeared alone on the long rope.

As his fingertips slipped over the knot, a distinct feeling suddenly hit his heart.

"The wind is gentle and the sun is shining brightly."

Astronomical interpretation experience +200.

Meng Zhou tried again, using another area of ​​the Sanchuan Plain as the rope divination target, and Meng Zhou got the result in a shorter time.

However, no experience was gained this time. (End of chapter)

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