Do not die

Chapter 259 Resource Collection

As Meng Zhou's thoughts changed, the transparent moon mirror once again showed the camera to the third-floor altar.

Meng Zhou started looking back in time again.

In the lens, the three-story altar and the incense burner enshrined on it appear to be stationary, but in fact the traces of time shown in the transparent moon mirror are rapidly regressing.

At first, Meng Zhou actually felt a little relaxed.

Because he had returned without success several times before, his expectations for this discovery had been lowered again and again, and he was mentally prepared to have no more gains.

"This discovery is already very good." Meng Zhou thought in his heart.

But soon, as an abnormal light appeared, Meng Zhou felt his heart suddenly being scratched hard.

"There is something abnormal."

"What is this?"

All kinds of thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind, and his experience had allowed him to operate it skillfully.

In the transparent moon mirror, the rapidly rewinding image quickly slowed down and adjusted to the normal time sequence and rhythm.

I saw that the mouth of the incense burner, which had always been filled with faint spiritual light fluctuations, suddenly began to glow with ripples of light.

This sudden, rippling spiritual light appeared in this dark and silent place all year round, showing an illusory and confusing effect.

This spiritual light that rippled like waves did not spread to the surroundings. Instead, it quickly condensed into the void above the blood jade altar with the ripple effect.

This void is located directly above the mouth of the small incense burner.

Under Meng Zhou's gaze, the spiritual light condensed into a strange statue.

However, although this statue is strange, it is not unfamiliar at all to Meng Zhou.

Old friends.

The statue of Lihen.

Compared to those physical statues of first-, second-, or even third-order quality, this was just a shadow of the statue composed of illusory spiritual light, which actually made Meng Zhou's heart agitated even more.

Although it is composed of illusory spiritual light, or even just an afterimage of the past, it is actually more pure than those physical statues of gods.

At this moment, Meng Zhou thought of the statue of Lihen that he had glimpsed from the memories of those senior officials of the Lihen Sect.

"Could this be a light and shadow clone of the real statue of Lihen?"

Such thoughts flashed through Meng Zhou's mind.

Inexplicably, Meng Zhou thought of the ability of Yan Zhuang of the Xingxiu Palace to use the secret method of the Xingxiu Palace to project the shadow of the soul hundreds of thousands of miles away.

There is also the method of "distracting the mind and separating the soul" that he learned from the secret method inheritance of the Lihen Cult.

This is also the basis for his ability to control multiple Spirit Lotus clones now.

Since he can do similar methods and Xingxiu Palace can do it, it seems reasonable that this statue of Lihen can also do it.

And just when Meng Zhoujiu's pupils were trembling and his mind was agitated, the phantom of the statue of Lihen that emerged from the spiritual light at the mouth of the incense burner had already lowered its head and looked into the incense burner.

It looks very strange at this moment.

The parts above the waist look like the normal statue of Lihen, with three heads and three faces.

But the part from the waist down is like a stretched and deformed rubber band, getting smaller and smaller, and the end is directly connected to the mouth of the incense burner, and there is no trace of what a statue of Lihen should look like.

I saw it lowering its head to look inside the mouth of the incense burner, and then stretched out its hand into the mouth of the incense burner, as if it was salvaging something.

The arm was still normal in the void, but when it reached out to the mouth of the incense burner, its fingers, palms, wrists, and arms all rapidly deformed.

I saw this severely deformed light and shadow stir around the mouth of the incense burner for a few times, then retracted from the mouth of the incense burner, and returned to the shape of a normal arm, wrist, and palm.

I saw in its open palm, there were strange things of different sizes and colors.

Looking through the transparent moon mirror, it looks like strange gemstones of various colors, each exuding brilliant and attractive colors.

The big one is about the size of a pigeon egg, and the small one is no bigger than a pea.

There are various colors, some are red, some are green, some are blue, some are orange...

Even for the same color, there are differences. For example, red, there is pure bright red, red like burning flames, and dark red closer to blood.

After salvaging these "gems" of different colors and sizes, the phantom of the statue of Lihen opened its mouth to inhale.

Multiple "gems" of different colors in its palm quickly "vaporized" and were sucked into its mouth like vermicelli.

As these "gems" were inhaled, the shadow of the Lihen statue almost immediately underwent changes visible to the naked eye.

Not only is it more real, even through time and a clear moon mirror, the impact on Meng Zhou as a bystander has become stronger.

More pure, more divine.

After doing all this, the shadow of the Lihen God Statue did not stay, and he made a gesture of taking the "gems" in his hand that were not absorbed by it and that were about 70% remaining.

Then, the ripples of light were seen again, and the shadow of the statue of Lihen disappeared as silently as it came silently.

The altar returned to darkness.

The entire mountain heartland returned to darkness.

Looking at the bright moon mirror that had returned to darkness, Meng Zhou remained motionless for a long time.

Until the boiling and undulating thoughts returned to calm, the transparent moon mirror began to look back in time again.

Because the shocking scene that was recalled this time was just an old thing seven years ago.

After making such an astonishing discovery, Meng Zhou wanted to go back even further in the past to see if there would be more discoveries.

Soon, when the time went back seventeen years, a similar scene appeared again in the altar area, which had remained unchanged all year round.

The phantom of the statue of Lihen once again floated out of the incense burner, and many "gems" were salvaged from the incense burner.

Suck some of it and keep some of it.

Apart from this similarity, Meng Zhou paid more attention to the differences.

Compared to the time seventeen years ago, the shadow of the Lihen statue that emerged from the spiritual fluctuations seventeen years ago was much dimmer.

Both the purity and the impact on him as a bystander through the transparent moon mirror were weaker.

The more obvious change is that the deformation area of ​​this statue of Lihen is not separated by the waist, but by the area above the waist and below the chest.

Keeping these circumstances in mind, Meng Zhou continued to trace further back.

Soon, the time was traced back from seventeen years ago to twenty-seven years ago.

A similar scene appeared again on the altar. A blurry, or in other words weaker, image of the statue of Lihen appeared above the altar.

This statue of Lihen only maintains the appearance of the statue of Lihen in the area above the chest, while the lower parts are extremely deformed.

In this way, when Meng Zhou's soul was about to dry up, he had already traced back the time seventy-seven years ago.

——Special note: The limit attack "distance" of the Time Flowing Water Sword is sixty-four years ago, which does not mean that the limit of time retrieval is also sixty-four years ago. As long as the soul and mental strength are strong enough, it can be traced back to more than a hundred years ago. not a problem. Yanzhuang, who was at the peak of the sixth level of pill formation, had achieved such an achievement with the power of his soul that he had accumulated for nearly two hundred years.

In this time review, the statue of Lihen is a shadow, and only the upper part of the shoulders barely maintains the appearance of the statue of Lihen with three heads and three sides.

And, it's very vague.

There is no "purity" or "divinity" at all.

From the shoulders down, there is no appearance of the statue of Lihen.

At this point, Meng Zhou stopped tracing further.

Firstly, the power of the soul has been exhausted and it is no longer sustainable. Secondly, through this retrospective restoration, Meng Zhou, who basically has an idea, feels that there is no need to go deeper.

Through the transparent moon mirror, Meng Zhou took one last look at the altar, and without stopping for a moment, he immediately turned and walked away.

We already know everything there clearly, and there is no need to investigate further.

Even if the real body passes, it is impossible to gain more things.

As for getting the contents out of the incense burner before the phantom of the Statue of Lihen descends?

This thing is obviously a great tonic for Yaya.

But this thought only floated in his mind for a moment before Meng Zhou took the initiative to kill it.

Meng Zhou turned around and left, instead of going elsewhere, he fled towards the Aurora Cave again.

Although this discovery was subversive, it refreshed his understanding of the Five Realms and the Lihen Sect.

Even the understanding of the Constellation Palace has been fine-tuned accordingly.

But it also freed Meng Zhou of his imminent worries.

Seven years ago, seventeen years ago, twenty-seven years ago... until seventy-seven years ago.

Every ten years, witnessing the changes in the phantom of the Lihen Statue eight times in a row, Meng Zhou had a very clear understanding of the situation here.

"This altar is a special resource place."

"Through the altar, the special resources are purified layer by layer, then concentrated and condensed, and stored in the incense burner."

"Every ten years, the phantom of the Statue of Lihen will come and harvest the resources stored in this incense burner."

“The edible part is eaten on the spot and has an immediate effect on it.”

"The inedible parts were put into its arms...looking at it, it must have been taken away, right?"

And based on Meng Zhou's familiarity with the Lihen Cult, he could basically determine that those "jewels" that had an immediate positive effect on the phantom of the Lihen Statue were most likely the "manifestation of hatred".

"Maybe it can be called the crystal of hatred, or the gem of hatred?" Meng Zhou thought in his heart.

While sorting out these thoughts, Meng Zhou, who had always been cautious and keen, also had some related doubts in his heart.

First, is the arrival of the phantom of the Lihen Statue, or the harvest, really a standard ten-year cycle?

Existing rules show that the arrival of the shadow of the Lihen Statue occurs in a standard cycle of every ten years.

But is this rule really 100% reliable?

Meng Zhou was very suspicious.

In recent years, from the Qingxuan Domain to the other four domains, the structure of the Lihen Sect in the entire Five Domains has undergone tremendous changes.

Meng Zhou was not surprised at all by the adjusted arrival time of the phantom statue of Lihen, which was closely related to it.

Because of this understanding in his heart, Meng Zhou, who was returning to Aurora Cave at this moment, knew very well that it was time to consider "building another cave."

This Aurora Cave was okay for him to live in for the time being, but he didn't want to be a long-term neighbor with such a dangerous thing.

But if we leave Aurora Cave, where should we stay next?

Go to Wumenghai or Kurosawahara to find a suitable third-level spiritual land to settle down?

But this led to the second doubt in Meng Zhou's mind.

"Does this special resource collection place only exist in Tianqi Mountain, or does it also exist in other third-level evil veins?"

If it's the former, then your luck seems to be a little too good.

Among the three random choices, the one with the biggest problem was chosen.

Rather than believing that this was luck, Meng Zhou was more inclined to another possibility.

"Perhaps, this kind of resource collection altar does not only exist in Tianqi Mountain... It is not even limited to the three third-level evil veins in Qingxuan Domain."

Meng Zhou thought about the full coverage impact of this new information on the five domains, and he naturally thought of another possibility.

"This kind of resource collection altar is likely to exist widely within the five regions."

From this, a third doubt arose in Meng Zhou's mind.

He is confident that in terms of understanding of the Lihen Sect, there are few people in the Five Realms who are better than him.

It is not modest to say that for more than a hundred years, even if all five sects, including Qingxuan Sect, were tied together, none of them would cause as much damage to the Lihen Sect as he alone did.

Using the Soul-pulling Technique that he had practiced to perfection, he looked through the memories of many Lihen Sect monks in the Qingxuan Domain who had reached the level of forming pills.

I don’t know how many other inheritances, notes, and secrets related to the Lihen Sect have been stuffed in my heart.

He even saw the true appearance of the statue of Lihen from the memories of those pill-forming monks.

But even under such circumstances, he did not find any information related to today's altar.

If it weren't for Yaya's special induction, he would have been kept in the dark till now.

Meng Zhou had a third doubt:

"Do those monks from the Lihen Sect, including those who form pills, and even those high-ranking people lurking within the five sects, know?"

Although there is no clear evidence, Meng Zhou feels that they most likely don't know.

So, who decorated this altar?

There are obvious traces of monks' activities in those stone chambers. Who are those people?

"Two teams? Two systems?"

"The Lihen Cult, which is already very covert and spread across the five regions, is actually still just a cover-up?"

If all these doubts have the key to "the Statue of Lihen", then the last doubt in Meng Zhou's heart has little to do with the Statue of Lihen, but it makes him extremely concerned.

The source of this doubt lies in a detail.

Every time, after the phantom of the Statue of Lihen salvaged the "gems" from the incense burner, he would suck some of the "gems" immediately to give himself an immediate improvement.

However, it didn't suck most of the gems out of them, but carried them into its arms.

Is it because your digestion capacity is limited, you have already eaten enough, and you want to save the rest for later?

Still can't digest it?

Through seven consecutive observations and comparisons, Meng Zhou believed that it was the second reason.

“As long as it can be absorbed and digested and is good for it, it will suck it up immediately.

Those left behind are all that it cannot digest. "

So, what is the nature of those "gems" that are of no benefit to it, that it cannot digest?

Is it something similar to a "crystal of hate"?

There are already statues of Lihen that feed on "crystals of hate", and there are also "jewels" similar to "crystals of hate"——

So, are there any beings that feed on it?

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