Do not die

Chapter 272 Are there six out of five? Very reasonable!

Xuanqing's reasons are also very good.

Based on the style of Qihuangmen, the appearance of "Mengzhuang" in Qinglinfang must be for official business.

It can never be without purpose, and it can never be for his personal practice.

Just like "Zhou Yaoshi" appeared in Nuanyun Valley and Qinglinfang, both had a clear purpose.

When he appeared in Qinglinfang, there must be a reason why he had to come to Qinglinfang.

After carefully reviewing the activities of "Mengzhuang" in Qinglinfang, it seems that he has done a lot of things, but most of them are related to personal practice.

For example, "Zhou Pharmacist" contributed to the birth of the professional association, and it was not so obvious to interfere in its development as a "official matter".

But it’s not like there are really no traces to check.

Under Xuan Qing's analysis, Xuan Xuan and others had to admit that "Mengzhuang" came to Qinglinfang to "collect garbage", and it was very likely that he came to Qinglinfang on official business.

Those waste pills and equipment materials that are no longer useful in their opinion are likely to be the indispensable research materials for the "Qihuang Sect" to improve the new system.

At that time, to be precise, when Meng Zhuang came to Qinglinfang, Qingxuanzong had not yet launched an operation against Cuiyu Lake.

There are still many restrictions in the practice world. Except for Qingxuan Sect, it is really difficult for the "Qihuang Sect" to obtain so much second-level garbage elsewhere.

"This is really..." Xuan Zhi opened his mouth wide, feeling a little incredible.

However, he quickly convinced himself.

"It seems that the new career system developed by the Qihuang Sect is similar to the Dan Wen Sect's natal magic weapon, and our five series and five elements."

"They all want to come up with some new tricks of their own."

Xuanxu suddenly said:

"Doesn't this mean that this Qihuang Sect is not only comparable to our five sects in terms of inheritance?

In other aspects, it is basically the same as us, at least, it will not be too far behind us? ! "

Everyone else looked at each other.

As for Xuanxu being able to come to this conclusion, it is not complicated.

As the saying goes, "If you have a solid warehouse, you will know etiquette; if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace."

Although the pursuits of practitioners are different from those of ordinary people, the core is the same.

Only after the most basic and urgent needs are solved can a force have the motivation to carry out such a vast and arduous exploration.

Just like the Qingxuan Sect, the Alchemy Sect, and the other three sects all "come up with new tricks" in unison, it is not because they are full, nor is it because of vanity and comparison with each other, but because they rely on the nourishment of the third-level spiritual land , it has naturally grown to this stage.

Just like a plant that experiences rapid growth, it will inevitably bloom and bear fruit.

Now, they discovered that this previously unknown "Qihuangmen" seemed to have reached the stage of "holding on until full".

After a long time, Xuan Min shook his head and said: "In any case, this 'Qihuang Sect' cannot be as large as our five sects."

Among the five realms, the only five third-level spiritual veins are sitting under the buttocks of the five sects.

Other third-level spiritual lands are scattered scattered among the third-level evil veins everywhere.

This alone determines the upper limit of this "Qihuang Gate".

Everyone agrees with this.

"However, it's okay to be small but refined." Xuan Qing added.

Others don't deny it either.

If five ancestors can’t afford it, what about one or two?

Thirty or fifty knotted pills can't support it, but what about three or five?

After a long time, Xuan Min asked a question: "Is 'Qihuangzi' at the same level as the ancestors?"

The five sects, including Qingxuan Sect, all have a tacit understanding to separate the ancestors of each sect from other great monks in the late stage of pill formation.

This is not just out of respect, but because they really have the qualifications.

The cultivators were silent.

Xuan Qing said: "I do have an idea, maybe I can give it a try."

Hearing this, the others looked at her.

While Qingxuanzong Xuanxuan and others were silently doing their "homework", Meng Zhou had already left Sanchuan Plateau.

The third-level evil vein, Wumenghai, is as vast as the Tianqi Mountain.

Just like Tianqi Mountain, there are also wars everywhere in Wumeng Sea.

Its intensity is still on top of Tianqi Mountain.

Because of Meng Zhou's secret weakening, Tianqi Mountain's threat is at most half of what it was at its peak.

Wumenghai has not been weakened in the slightest. Not only are the number of third-order monsters greater than those in Tianqi Mountain, they also pose a greater threat to the Yuling Army composed of the remnants of the Yuling Sect and the Qingxuan Sect's Pill Formation.

First of all, the water environment has weakened the ability of the monks to exert their strength.

Although the monks dispatched here to fight have been carefully selected, even those who major in the water system, their land power in Wumeng Sea is at most comparable to that of these aquatic monsters.

The real situation is that there may not be even one monk out of ten who can share the geographical advantages with these great aquatic monsters.

Secondly, except for a few exceptions, the strength of most monsters is directly related to their size.

The bigger the body, the greater the threat.

At the same level, the bodies of water monsters are basically much larger than those of land monsters, and some can even be several times larger.

The combination of these many factors makes Wumenghai's big demon particularly difficult to deal with.

Therefore, Yulingjun and Qingxuanzong's Pill Formation also made a completely different response from Qingxuanzong.

In Tianqi Mountain, the practitioners adopted an absolute offensive, not only striving to pin down all the third-order monsters within the scope of Tianqi Mountain, but also actively creating opportunities in order to create more and more efficient killings.

In Wumenghai, the practitioners' strategy was just the opposite, adopting a passive defense.

They did not take the initiative to go deep into the Wumeng Sea area, but relied on the screening and warning of the formation, using the islands as nodes, and using spaceships and other magic weapons to form layers of interception nets, passively waiting for these big monsters to crash into the net.

Its primary goal is not to kill efficiently, but to ensure that the third-order monster cannot escape from the Wumeng Sea.

A rather special phenomenon is that at the level of the third-level demon and the alchemy monk, the practitioners seem to be more vulnerable, but they have always maintained a situation of being soft but not defeated, and weak but not defeated.

But at the level of first- and second-level monsters and Qi-training and foundation-building monks, the situation around Wumenghai is the most optimistic compared to that around Tianqi Mountain and Kurosawahara.

Because of the natural limitations of aquatic monsters, if they stayed at their home base of Wumenghai, they would naturally be the hardest nut to crack.

But if they want to go to the shore, the situation will be exactly the opposite. Only those who can perform 50% of their abilities are rare.

The combination of these factors creates a special scene around Wumenghai.

In the disputes at the top, they are passive and conservative, but in the fierce battles between the middle and lower levels, they chopping up melons and vegetables, and making great progress.

The actual results achieved are also the most huge and obvious.

Because Wumenghai's support is weak, the first and second level evil veins around it, and the latest brewing wave of monsters, have gradually shown signs of being unable to continue.

Deep in the Wumeng Sea.

In the dark waters that are extremely deep from the water and difficult for light to reach, a body like a water snake swims silently and quickly like a phantom.

This is not a water snake, or even an ordinary living creature.

This is Yaya walking on the rope.

Meng Zhou followed behind quietly.

After becoming the president of the Professionals Association as "Qihuangzi", he did not wait for Qingxuanzong to come to his door. Instead, he took advantage of the gap between Qingxuanzong's decision-making and went straight to Wumenghai.

In Tianqi Mountain, a mysterious and deeply hidden altar was accidentally discovered.

This aroused Meng Zhou's high vigilance, and he even changed his quiet and casual style.

This also gave rise to many conjectures in his mind, one of which was "Is this kind of altar unique to Tianqi Mountain?"

For Meng Zhou, it is not difficult to verify this.

When she first arrived at Wumenghai, Yaya didn't feel anything special.

Then, Meng Zhou took Yaya and fled at an extremely fast speed through the Wumeng Sea, which covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles.

Finally, when he went deep from a certain direction, when they were still nearly ten thousand miles away from the central area of ​​​​Wumenghai, Yaya smelled that special "aroma" again.

After that, under Yaya's guidance, he got closer and closer to the source of the fragrance.

Now, as they penetrated deeper into the dark waters, the scent was extremely strong.

And as she went deeper and deeper, Yaya gradually showed a look similar to the demonic look she had in the depths of Tianqi Mountain.

The communication with him became slower and slower, and the body moving forward became more and more desperate.

Seeing this, Meng Zhou decisively brought Yaya into the sea of ​​consciousness, keeping company with Bai Zhi, who was still sleeping in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He was the only one exploring the dark, deep waters.

Although he doesn't have the unique "smell" like Yaya to distinguish the strange smell, the broad field of vision given to him by the transparent moon mirror is enough for him to complete the final step.

Soon, he locked onto an area.

It was a deep trench hidden under the dark waters. At the bottom of the trench, under the endless sea water, there was a waterless space.

What surprised Meng Zhou the most was that the formation of this waterless space had no traces of formations, runes, magic weapons, or some strange spiritual objects.

There is no unusual spiritual flow.

It seems that in this small area, this is a normal natural phenomenon.

In the center of this waterless space, Meng Zhou once again discovered a three-story altar.

There is a small incense burner in the center of the altar.

Although he was prepared in his heart, after actually witnessing all this, Meng Zhou's heartbeat inevitably accelerated for a while.

After his emotions calmed down, Meng Zhou did not continue to go deeper, but stopped on the spot.

And conduct retrospective investigation into the time in the altar area.

The investigation results further confirmed what he was thinking.

It is very different from what I gained in Tianqi Mountain.

But there are also very different places.

Among them, one of the biggest differences is the difference in "harvest cycle".

The altar hidden deep in Tianqi Mountain is harvested once every ten years by the phantom of the God of Lihen.

And at the time of last year's exploration, the most recent arrival was seven years ago.

Now, it was eight years ago.

But the altar that we see in front of us is a place where the phantom of the God of Lihen comes every eight years to harvest the harvest.

The last time the harvest came was five years ago.

After making some comparisons in his mind, Meng Zhou thought to himself:

“Although the arrival cycles are different, every time the phantom of the Lihen Statue arrives, the ‘gems’ fished out from the incense burner are almost the same.

So, the differences in the advent cycles of different altars are determined by their respective ‘production levels’?

The faster the production capacity, the more frequent the arrival?

Otherwise, it will take more time? "

However, it can be clearly seen that since the Qingxuan Sect relaxed its restrictions on the entire Qingxuan Territory and the practice world of the Qingxuan Territory has developed greatly, no matter the altar in Tianqi Mountain or the altar in front of you, the efficiency of producing various "emotional gems" It's a big improvement.

However, the arrival cycle of the phantom of the Statue of Lihen has not been flexibly adjusted because of this, and it still strictly adheres to the original rules.

“It seems that this advent cycle should not be able to make flexible and timely adjustments.

It is probably like a fixed parameter that is set when the altar is established and cannot be changed casually in the future. "

Meng Zhou thought so in his heart.

After obtaining this information, he did not continue to stay in the Wumeng Sea and went straight away from the Wumeng Sea area.

After leaving Wumenghai, Meng Zhou went to Kurosawahara again.

With mature experience and Yaya's guidance, Meng Zhou easily dug out the mysterious altar hidden in Kurosawahara.

The altar is hidden deep beneath a rotting swamp filled with miasma and stench.

Through time-travel investigation, Meng Zhou once again confirmed that the appearance of the ghost statue of Lihen in this altar occurs in a cycle of twelve years, and the most recent appearance was seven years ago.

After Kurosawahara and his party, Meng Zhou didn't wander around anymore and went straight back to Mikawa Plateau.

Along the way, Meng Zhou felt heavy.

Within the Qingxuan Territory, Tianqi Mountain, Wumenghai, and Black Zeyuan are the only three places with third-level evil veins.

Now they have discovered a deeply hidden altar, which silently collects some unknown special resources in a corner that no one knows about.

At regular intervals, these resources will be harvested regularly.

Some of the speculations that were once made are now confirmed by facts.

"Do you still need to go to the third-order evil veins in the other four regions to check the situation?"

Thinking like this, Meng Zhou quickly shook his head in his heart.

At present, this is no longer necessary.

He is now at least 90% sure that such altars also exist among the third-level evil veins in the other four regions.

However, Meng Zhou has no intention of going to the other four regions for field verification for the time being.

Perhaps, when his cultivation level is further improved in the future, he will go and have a look in person.

Now, these harvests are enough.

Meng Zhou often warned himself that he must control his curiosity.

You can't be a fool, and you can't be blindly driven by curiosity.

After returning to Sanchuan Plain, Meng Zhou quietly waited for Qingxuanzong's visit.

His own practice was not delayed by this.

Even during the time when I went out to explore Wumenghai and Kurosawahara, my normal practice did not fall behind.

The practice of "time editing" is ongoing.

Because it consumes a lot of soul power and mental energy, it only takes three to five hours a day to complete the practice, and there is basically no delay.

When the time came to the end of October, the "Time Editing" skill once again gained 156,000 experience points.

Because of this huge amount of experience gained, the skill of "Time Editing" was able to complete the accumulation of master level and successfully advance to the master level.

"Time Editing Master 31,000/320,000"

The fifth day of November.

Cultivation progress +165, sixth level of elixir formation 640/10,000;

Third-level Spring Water Sutra +3300, Grandmaster 112,200/240,000;

Black Turtle Bearing Monument’s real skill +3300, Grandmaster’s 100,500/240,000.

It's been a quiet month.

Although the battle between practitioners and monsters was still fierce, for Meng Zhou, this was a peaceful month.

Although he became the president of the Professionals Association in the name of "Qihuangzi", he himself is not a person who likes to toss.

After taking office, not to mention drastic changes, not even minor adjustments were made.

Although the name "Qihuangzi" has spread throughout the Qingxuan Domain, he has not appeared in public since his first appearance and successfully became the president of the Professionals Association.

Except for Jiao Hong and two other unlucky guys who didn't believe in evil and encountered Taoist backlash, no one else had seen him again.

The third-level professionals who belong to various branches of the association go back to Cuiyu Lake, and those who go to the front line go to the front line.

Everything seems to be no different from when he was not the president.

Of course, there are still internal changes.

At a large level, the barriers that have been gradually erected between different chapters are slowly disappearing.

Different professional branches have gradually become the positioning of different professional identities to facilitate discussion, communication and collaboration among the same professionals.

At a deeper level, as each third-level professional gradually understands, digests, and absorbs the newly obtained professional inheritance, they have begun to prepare changes to the existing professional inheritance.

But overall, everything in the association is peaceful.

Outside the association, nothing major happened.

He fully thought that no matter how patient Qingxuanzong was, he would come up with a specific charter this month at the latest and show off his cards.

But after waiting and waiting until the end of the month, there was still no movement from Qingxuan Sect.

After a month of practice and accumulation, "Time Editor" has once again gained a total of 156,000 experience points, completing more than half of its accumulation at the master level.

"Time Editing Master 187,000/320,000".

The fifth day of December, afternoon.

Cultivation progress +165, sixth level of elixir formation 805/10,000;

Third-level Spring Water Sutra +3300, Grandmaster 115,500/240,000;

Black Turtle Bearing Monument’s real skill +3300, Grandmaster’s 103,800/240,000.

The tenth day of the lunar month, morning.

Meng Zhou went to the Blue Blood Army station as "Ge Ping".

Treated more than two hundred injured patients whose souls were injured.

Among them, in addition to one hundred and eighty foundation-builders and twenty fake elixirs, there are also ten elixir-forming monks.

Among the five pill-forming monks whose souls were injured, none were from the Qingxuan Domain. Two were from the Qingxuan Sect, and the other seven were all from the Spirit Controlling Army.

What interests Meng Zhou the most is that among the seven pill-forming monks who were born in the Soul Controlling Army and whose souls were injured, only two had their soul wounds left in recent days, while the other five were all injured over many years. The old wounds left behind by "accumulation".

The souls of these monks who came from the Ling Yu Sect all showed signs of having been "done with a knife".

At first, Meng Zhou was still a little confused.

However, he soon realized that he must be practicing a technique similar to "distracting the mind and separating the soul".

The benefits are obvious. Using the separated little souls, coupled with the assistance of special secret methods, you can turn monsters or spirit puppets into your own "clone" or "second body".

But the disadvantages of doing so are equally obvious.

Unless Meng Zhou learns the secret method of Zilihen Sect and uses other methods to replace the loss of his soul.

Otherwise, no matter how exquisite the secret technique is, as long as it really attacks the soul, it will always leave deep or shallow marks on the soul.

After thinking about this, Meng Zhou looked at these people with much more kindness.

To him, this is a walking bag of experience.

Although, for such monks who have purposefully "self-mutilated" their souls, his "Soul Healing Technique" cannot completely restore their souls to their original state.

There will always be traces of the area where the knife was used, but there is still a clear difference between before and after his treatment.

From the changes in the expressions of these people, it can be seen that they are also very satisfied with this.

This is enough.

After completing the treatment of these people, Meng Zhou gained a total of 35,000 soul healing experience, allowing this medicine master skill to have a deeper accumulation at the master level.

"Master of Soul Healing 65,000/120,000"

An interesting phenomenon is that before this, even though the reputation of "Ge Yaoshi" as a pharmacist had become very famous, almost no alchemy monks came to see a doctor here.

Especially monks from forces such as Qingxuan Sect and Yuling Sect queued up in such large numbers to receive their diagnosis and treatment.

As for how different this time will be—

After completing the diagnosis and treatment of all patients, Meng Zhou looked at the law enforcement hall master Xuan Yu and the deacon hall master Xuan Lin who were waiting quietly aside. He smiled and stepped forward to greet him, and asked curiously:

"When did you come here? Why did you come so quietly?"

Xuan Xuan just nodded slightly to him, but Xuan Lin, who had dealt with this identity many times, responded with a smile and offered his hand.

"I just came here not long ago. Maybe you were too immersed in it just now and didn't notice it."

Meng Zhou stared at the two of them and asked with a smile:

"You two came here together, you can't possibly come to see me, right?"

Xuan Lin said:

"I do have something to tell you, but the main reason why I came here with my junior sister is because of your master."

"My master?"

Xuan Lin nodded: "Yes, it should be convenient for him to meet us now, right?"

Meng Zhou thought to himself, you are finally here.

However, even though he thought so in his heart, he pretended to be confused and asked: "What...are you doing?"

As he spoke, his eyes still looked back and forth between the two of them.

When Xuan Xuan saw this, he frowned in displeasure.

She didn't believe that "Ge Ping" would really be confused about their appearance.

Faced with his question, Xuan Lin gave an answer that was far beyond Meng Zhou's expectations.

Xuan Lin nodded and said: "There is indeed a difficult matter, and I would like to ask the commander for help."

A trace of surprise flashed in Meng Zhou's eyes, he stared at Xuan Lin and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xuan Lin felt inexplicably happy when he saw the change in "Ge Ping's" expression.

Because of the asymmetry of information between the two parties, although the two parties have never had direct contact, there is always a feeling of being overpowered in the hearts of the senior officials of Qingxuan Sect.

Even though "Mengzhuang" and "Zhou Yaoshi" prevented them from knowing anything about the "Qihuang Gate", they still felt relatively passive.

On Qihuangzi's side, because of his natural advantage in information, he seems to have always been in a more favorable position.

Now, for the first time, Xuan Lin felt like he had regained a little bit of control.

After seeing "Ge Ping's" expression of surprise that could not be concealed, he became even more convinced.

Xuan Lin, who felt a little happy in his heart, introduced:

"To be honest, this is not my Qingxuan Sect's business."

"Isn't it Qingxuanzong's business?" "Ge Ping" asked.

Xuan Lin nodded: "Yes, we are also matchmaking."

"What happened?"

"Ge Ping's" expression became obviously serious.

Xuan Lin didn't answer and asked:

"I wonder if Fellow Daoist Ge knows anything about the changes in the outer lands these days?"

"The hall master wants to test me?" "Ge Ping" stared at Xuan Lin and said.

Xuan Lin smiled slightly and did not refute.

"Ge Ping" smiled and said:

"I do know a little bit about the situation in the outer realm."

Xuan Lin said: "Then Daoist Brother Ge should also know about the chaos that happened in Hehuan Domain, right?"

"Ge Ping" frowned and said in confusion:

"Hehuan Domain? Isn't it very peaceful during this period? Is there any trouble?"

Xuan Lin raised his brows and looked at "Ge Ping" with a more scrutinizing and probing look.

But "Ge Ping's" words didn't end there. He whispered softly, half recalling and half thinking:

"What the hall master is talking about is that the Hehuan Sect was not able to know the changes in the Qingxuan Territory immediately due to its obsession with dual cultivation, and was taken advantage of by the monks of the Lihen Sect lurking in the sect, causing chaos that spread to the entire Hehuan Territory. ?”

Xuan Lin's expression froze as he stared at "Ge Ping" for a while. After a while, he nodded slightly and said, "That's exactly what I'm talking about."

"Ge Ping" was obviously relieved when he heard this, nodded and said:

"Is it true? I really thought something new had happened in the Hehuan Domain recently... Could it be that the troublesome things you mentioned, Hall Master, are related to the Hehuan Domain?"

Xuan Lin was a little depressed. What "Ge Ping" said was obviously very ordinary, but in his ears, he always felt that there was such an insinuation and joking tone.

Although he felt a little depressed, after such a small collision, Xuan Lin's attitude became obviously much more serious.

He nodded and introduced:

"Since Fellow Daoist Ge knows about this incident, he should know that an ancestor of the Hehuan Sect was unprepared and seriously injured by a monk from the Lihen Sect lurking in the sect.

Because the thief's method was too vicious, the injury penetrated deep into the soul. If it weren't for the other ancestor's dual cultivation method to maintain it, that ancestor would have died long ago.

But the current situation can only be maintained like this, and it will never be cured.

This is equivalent to trapping the two ancestors of Hehuan Sect. "

"Ge Ping" nodded slowly while listening carefully.

“If we want to alleviate this situation, we must alleviate the situation of the severely injured ancestor, and at least allow her to meditate and recover alone.

But the Hehuan Sect has tried all kinds of methods, including the various secret methods of dual cultivation that they are good at, and the high-grade elixirs from the Alchemy Sect, but they have not been able to solve this problem from the root. "

"Ge Ping" nodded slightly and said:

"Do they want my master to take action?"

Xuan Lin nodded and said:

"Yes... they have also sought help from pharmacists before, but the effect was not satisfactory."

After giving a clear response, Xuan Lin paused and gave an additional reminder.

"Ge Ping" said doubtfully:

"Did my master's reputation spread so quickly? Has it spread to the Hehuan Sect?"

Xuan Lin said: "We helped introduce him."

"Ge Ping" suddenly raised his head and stared at Xuan Lin.

Xuan Lin said calmly: "We have also heard about your master's performance on the four paths of the alchemy talisman array.

Although he has not shown the methods of the Medicine Master, since he is your master, it is expected that his attainments in the Medicine Master are only higher than those of the Fourth Level of the Alchemy Talisman Array. "

"Our Qingxuan Sect and the other four sects have always been on the same page. The Hehuan Sect suffered this time also because of the Lihen Sect. As long as we can contribute, we will not begrudge it."

Having said this, Xuan Lin looked at "Ge Ping" and said:

"I just don't know if Master Shi dares to accept this job?"

"Ge Ping" stared at Xuan Lin and did not answer immediately.

Xuan Lin also looked at "Ge Ping" with a sincere and selfless face:

“The Hehuan Sect’s requirements are very low, and they don’t need to completely cure the ancestor.

As long as she can get better, allow her to practice and recover on her own, and free another ancestor, everyone in the Hehuan Sect will be grateful.

Even if this is not possible, as long as the injury does not worsen, there will be no problem. "

Xuan Lin stared at "Ge Ping" and said:

"Fellow Daoist Ge does not need to give me an answer immediately. For such an important matter, you always need to discuss it carefully with the master.

The ancestor of the Hehuan Sect is still in the Hehuan Sect and has not left yet. Although the matter is important, it is not urgent. You have time to think about it carefully. "

"Ge Ping" shook his head and said, "I can answer you now, my teacher took over this job!"

Xuan Lin was stunned when he heard this, stared at "Ge Ping" carefully, and then said:

"For such an important matter, you should discuss it with your master before discussing it."

"Ge Ping" said calmly: "Is this important? In your opinion, maybe, but I have confidence in my teacher."

Xuan Lin took a deep look at "Ge Ping", nodded slowly and said:

"Okay, then...are we really going back to the Huanhuan Sect?"

This reply cannot be changed.

"Ge Ping" nodded and said, "Go back."

As he said that, he paused and added: "Ask them to consider the remuneration. It's okay for my master to take action, but they must also show sincerity to deserve it."


Xuan Lin paused, and then asked again: "When is the specific time set?"

"The first month of next year, the middle of the month." "Ge Ping" said casually.

Xuan Lin said "Okay" again, and then left with Xuan Yu without saying another word.

Looking at the direction the two were leaving, Meng Zhou smiled softly and turned back to his cave.

There is no doubt that this is still a test.

However, this test is much more euphemistic and implicit than the showdown between soldiers and generals.

This kind of respectful attitude can be regarded as a kind of goodwill released by Qingxuanzong.

But, this kind of respect is not without price.

The price is that the test is ridiculously difficult.

The Qingxuan Sect completely treated the Qihuang Sect as a force that could sit on equal footing with them.

And just like the alchemy sect's major is in both alchemy and control, and the spirit-controlling sect's major is in beast control and puppets, the Qingxuan sect defaults to the Qihuang sect's professional field in medicine master. (End of chapter)

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