Do not die

Chapter 287 Want both and want

When Mu Hanyu was diagnosed and treated, after the injuries that caused her near death were removed from her soul, it turned into a gray-black light trying to escape from her sea of ​​consciousness.

Fortunately, Meng Zhou had quick eyes and quick hands and caught him before he escaped from Mu Hanyu's sea of ​​consciousness.

It turned into a small, very ordinary-looking gray-black stone.

But of course Meng Zhou knew that this stone was anything but ordinary.

Not only can it freely enter and exit the sea of ​​​​consciousness, specifically targeting the soul, but it can also bring ancestors like Mu Hanyu to the point of death.

This aroused great interest in Meng Zhou.

When he first learned about this thing, he spent a lot of time studying it.

But nothing was gained.

It wasn't until he took the risk to explore inside with his spiritual consciousness that he made a great discovery.

Inside the stone, he felt some familiar atmosphere.

And recalling it carefully, he also knew where this sense of familiarity came from.

Previously, he diagnosed and treated patients as "Ge Ping". Because there were too many patients, he was impatient to treat them one by one slowly. In addition, at that time, the name of "Ge Ping", a genius pharmacist, had gradually gained popularity, so he could Spread your arms and legs wider.

He used "Spring Rain", a new talent born after his enlightenment, to conduct collective diagnosis and treatment of hundreds of patients.

Not only does it govern people, it also governs animals.

Perhaps this is because this type of diagnosis and treatment is too intensive and is covered by the "Spring Rain".

Patients are under the constant washout of "spring rain". On the one hand, the evil spirits, disease odors, poisonous odors, etc. in their bodies are forcibly expelled from the body; on the other hand, they cannot diffuse and volatilize outside the body.

Under such a special environment, the essence finally condensed and separated from the bodies of the sick monks and monsters. Meng Zhou collected them and specially named them "Niu Bao".

Because there are enough monks and monsters who have been treated by him, he has accumulated a lot of this stuff.

This thing has a strange origin. If it falls into the hands of ordinary pill-forming people, it can be regarded as a special treasure. It can even be used as a trump card when necessary.

Unfortunately, Meng Zhou has never taken them out since he was put into the spirit gourd space.

As this experience gradually faded away and his cultivation improved step by step, Meng Zhou almost forgot about their existence.

At this moment, when his consciousness penetrated into the depths of this gray-black, seemingly ordinary stone, he felt an aura similar to that of "Niu Bao", but more pure.

This certainly gave him a sense of déjà vu.

Then, after a quick search, he quickly found the source of this familiarity in his memory.

Without thinking, he immediately took out an "ox treasure" from the spirit gourd space and put it together with the gray and black stone.

Then, something magical happened.

They are like two magnets stuck together, clinging to everything.

After investigation, it was discovered that this suction force came from the gray and black stone.

"It's swallowing!" After observing for a while, Meng Zhou further came to this conclusion.

As the "niu treasure" next to it disappeared, the appearance of this gray-black stone did not change.

Still the same color, still the same size.

But if you probe into it with your spiritual consciousness, you can find that the aura that is similar to "Niu Bao" but much purer has become more abundant.

After that, under Meng Zhou's constant "feeding", the number of "niu treasures" decreased day by day, but the aura inside this gray and black stone increased.

Even though its ability to swallow "Niu Bao" is not too fast, to this day, most of its reserves have been integrated into the small gray and black stone in its hand, and the aura inside it is gathering more and more.

Looking at the object in his hand, Meng Zhou probed into it with his spiritual consciousness. He had a feeling that the aura accumulated in it had reached a critical point.

Meng Zhou took another "cow treasure" and placed the two items next to each other.

The next moment, Meng Zhou blinked in surprise.

This "cow treasure" in the palm of my hand, as it sticks closely to the gray and black pebbles, shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if a straw has been inserted into it.

It quickly disappeared.

The speed is more than ten times faster than the previous slow devouring!

At the same time, Meng Zhou noticed that the gray-black stone in his palm had slightly undetectable changes in its originally dull and ordinary appearance.

It seems to have more luster.

Soon, more "niu treasures" were taken out by Meng Zhou, no longer even one or two.

Taking into account its rapid swallowing ability, five or six "Niu Bao" at a time wrapped the gray and black stones from all directions from top to bottom, and quickly shrank and became smaller.

In the process, its surface gloss also becomes more and more obvious.

At the end, when the last "niu treasure" in the spirit gourd space was swallowed by it, this stone, which was just a gray-black stone when it was first obtained, had transformed into a gem that had not changed in color but was more pleasing to the eye.

There is actually a milky halo on the surface that looks like wax.

When the gray-black stone turned into such a gem, Meng Zhou's heart was deeply touched again.

Another strong sense of déjà vu came over me.

"I seem to have seen it before." Meng Zhou thought in his heart.

He quickly retrieved his memory again, and soon, Meng Zhou once again locked onto the source of this familiar feeling.

In the hidden space of Tianqi Mountain, in the dark and quiet deep trench of Wumeng Sea, under the vast swamp of Kurosawa Plain, and on the mysterious altar hidden in these three places, through time retracement, every other After a certain period of time, the shadow of the Lihen Statue will descend and fish out a batch of "gems" from the incense burner. These gems come in various colors.

Most of them are colorful and dazzling, but some are relatively inconspicuous.

It is neither favored by the phantom of the Lihen Statue nor does it have an eye-catching appearance.

Among them, there is this "gray black gem".

Moreover, this "gem" is not always available, sometimes it is, sometimes not.

Among the three altar incense burners, the output of this type of "gem" is relatively small.

As these memories came to mind, Meng Zhou was extremely shocked.

He never thought that Mu Hanyu's near-death injuries could be related to this secret altar incense burner.

"The monks from the Lihen Sect hidden in the Hehuan Sect suddenly launched an attack and almost killed Mu Hanyu completely."

"Not only did he take advantage of surprise, but more importantly, he used special means."

"I have speculated before that what this altar collects should be ethereal power such as hatred, anger, and murderous intent."

"Their common characteristic is that they are all born from an autonomous mind and tend to be negative."

Meng Zhou looked at the gray-black "gem" in his hand again and thought of the connection between it and the "Niu Bao".

"If we go by previous speculations, could this kind of 'jewel' originate from the disease in the soul?"

"Is there illness at the spiritual level?" Meng Zhou couldn't help but think in his mind.

But soon, images appeared in his mind.

Paranoia, morbidity, mysophobia, decadence, obsessive-compulsive disorder, mental illness...

It seems that these can be classified into the category of "sickness in the heart".

If we really dig deeper, it seems that there are not a few practitioners who are "sick in their hearts".

Moreover, what is special is that as the cultivation level improves, the strength and soul of the practitioner may become stronger and stronger, but the "sickness in the heart" will not improve at all.

On the contrary, it will gradually amplify as the cultivation level increases.

In the consensus of the cultivation world, there is never anything wrong with this. Is it a quirk? The more powerful a person is, the weirder his character and the more evil his behavior. This has even penetrated into the cognition of all practitioners.

Thinking about it this way, it seems normal for this kind of gem to appear in an altar censer.

After pondering the origin of this "gem" for a while, Meng Zhou focused on the matter itself.

"At the beginning, the monk from the Lihen Sect who was lurking in the Hehuan Sect launched an attack. He should have used such a 'jewel'. Let's call it the 'Sick Qi Gem'."

"Although Mu Hanyu's soul was severely damaged by this, with her own cultivation and the timely help of her Taoist companion Yin Youyi, she did not completely fall.

Instead, the two sides started a 'tug of war'. "

"Although Mu Hanyu's condition has not improved during this process, the strange power in this 'sickness gemstone' is gradually wearing away."

"In this way, even if I don't take action, as long as the two of them continue to maintain their current state, and as long as no accidents occur, Mu Hanyu will probably get better.

With the intact Yin Youyi's continuous output and supplementation, perhaps after another ten or eight years, after the power in the 'Sick Qi Gem' is completely consumed, the 'tug of war' between the two of them should be able to end. The situation was evenly matched and gradually came to the upper hand. "

"...Well, that's not necessarily the case. Without the backing of strong strength, and with his own soul as a dangerous battlefield, Mu Hanyu can hold on for one or two years, but he may not be able to hold on for more than ten years. .

As long as her energy drained away, no matter how hard Yin Youyi tried, it would be of no avail. "

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Meng Zhou put away the "Sickness Qi Gem" in his hand.

The appearance of this "Sickness Qi Gem" convinced Meng Zhou that there was probably a mysterious altar in the Hehuan Territory.

After finishing everything, Meng Zhou began to think about his own affairs.

Cultivation has passed the stage of rapid progress and has now entered the stage of steady progress.

In horizontal comparison, the cultivation efficiency is still far higher than that of other monks, but compared with the past, it is much slower.

This is a rhythm that he must accept and adapt to.

And now it is August, April of the year after tomorrow, less than two years from now, it will be the centenary celebration of Qingxuan Sect.

At that time, his cultivation was only a little more accumulated than it is now, but he was still at the sixth level of pill formation, which was still early for the next level.

Now that he knew that this centenary celebration was not a simple celebration and that there might be something else behind it, Meng Zhou felt that it was necessary to make more preparations.

So, in less than two years, what can I do in this short or long time?

Which aspect can you invest your energy in that will bring you the greatest returns?

Meng Zhou thought carefully.

First of all, he put aside the strengthening of conventional spells, attack and defense.

Although he has never focused on these aspects since forming the elixir.

But with the rich foundation laid during the foundation building stage, these became part of his talent as he broke through the core formation. As his cultivation level improved and his strength increased, the tide would naturally rise.

Therefore, in these aspects, even though he put little thought into it, it was not bad.

He was even confident that even with the help of conventional means and without any special moves, he could easily defeat the monks at the seventh level of alchemy.

With a little more effort, it would be difficult to get an advantage in his hands even with the eighth level of pill formation.

If all the means are used, he will not be afraid at all, not to mention the ninth level of pill formation, even the ancestor-level monks standing at the peak level of pill formation.

Facing them, mastering one or two more conventional methods will be of little help.

Then, Meng Zhou excluded the art of knotting and swordsmanship.

It's not that they are not strong, it's that he acted too violently and has pushed them both to the limit of the third level.

Until fundamental breakthroughs are made in knotting and kendo, it will be difficult for him to make any further breakthroughs in these two areas.

It's not that he can't develop new knotting methods and kendo sword skills, but it's just that he can't go to a higher level based on his achievements in celestial phenomena interpretation, time editing, the Unbounded Sword Domain, and the Time Flowing Water Sword.

Meng Zhou just kept searching and eliminating.

September 5th, afternoon.

Cultivation progress +165, sixth level of elixir formation 2290/10,000;

Third-level Spring Water Sutra +3300, Grandmaster 145,200/240,000;

Black Turtle Bearing Monument’s real skill +3300, Grandmaster’s 133,500/240,000.

After finishing this retreat, Meng Zhou just spent some time sorting out and mastering the results of this retreat, and then he was once again immersed in searching for the direction of the next stage of practice.

He first reviewed every skill, every path, and every direction he had practiced since he started practicing, and then he rejected them one by one.

Of course, that’s not to say that I don’t like them all, but it’s either that the price/performance ratio isn’t good enough, or it will be difficult to produce results within a year or two.

There is a conflict with his current demand for a device that is “short, fast, and cost-effective.”

After sorting himself out, Meng Zhou began to focus on the storage in the spirit gourd space.

As time accumulates, the storage in the spirit gourd space becomes more and more abundant and complex.

Many things are like that "niu treasure", which has special value in itself, but as time goes by, the ranking in his heart becomes lower and lower, almost as if he has forgotten it.

But none of the things that he could take a fancy to and put into the spirit gourd space were useless.

Meng Zhou hopes to get some inspiration from these items.

A few days later, I was in the pavilion near the pond.

A pot of boiling water was gushing as he thought, but Meng Zhou, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, did not pick up the pot to make tea.

His attention fell on a few items on the table in front of him.

A dark little man as big as a palm.

Two jade slips.

This villain was nothing else, it was the piece of soul armor that Yan Zhuang pulled off that made him feel quite weird. (End of chapter)

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