Do not die

Chapter 319

At this stage, Meng Zhou's plan is still very pragmatic.

The main goal is to arrange more soul clones on the existing basis and spread them among the five domains including Qingxuan Domain.

The strength of these arranged soul clones is secondary to their own strength.

The more important purpose is to light up his "vision" and provide an accurate navigation and positioning for his natal living poison flying sword.

This is something that can be done in the near future.

However, after realizing the wonderful chemical reaction produced by the combination of the two abilities of the natal living poison flying sword and the divine soul clone, the inspiration born in Meng Zhou's heart was far more than that.

In Meng Zhou's mind, these abilities together have formed a complete and highly imaginative system for the future.

The soul clone not only gives the body the ability to move alone tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of miles away, but it is also the key to being able to remotely connect at any time and perform micro-management to ensure that everything is under its control.

The Linglian clone is equivalent to the "cockpit" of the divine soul clone. Only when the divine soul clone is integrated into the Linglian body can it have the ability to travel hundreds of thousands of miles away and have the same perception ability as a normal monk - - Relying only on the soul clone, you can neither travel far alone nor understand the world through color, fragrance, and touch.

In this system, the position of the body of Tai Sui and the clone of Linglian are the same.

However, the former is a luxurious alternative to the latter.

This does not mean that the Linglian clone will be completely replaced by the body of Tai Sui. In the grand system conceived in Meng Zhou's mind, the Linglian clone also has an important and irreplaceable position.

"If I can lay out a signal base station, use Tai Sui's body as the core of each node, and fill it with a large number of Linglian clones, connecting the 'vision' of all the clones into a whole, forming a complete 'vision network'.

That way, the range of my perception is no longer limited to a radius of six hundred miles, but can extend farther away until it fills the entire area.

Wherever this kind of 'vision network' is laid, my strike capability can be extended.

As long as the scope of the 'vision network' is large enough, even if I don't leave home, I will have the terrifying ability to carry out precise strikes across the entire map within tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles. "

Thinking of this, Meng Zhou couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

This kind of method has already exceeded the limit of what normal alchemy monks can do.

Meng Zhou was not even sure whether Yuanying realm monks had similar means.

"As long as the scope of the 'vision network' is large enough and beyond common sense, then such a method will also exceed common sense and be no different from the gods."

Meng Zhou really wanted to immediately get a "Vision Network" to verify what he had imagined.

However, Meng Zhou finally put down this too ambitious idea.

Theoretically, there is no problem with this idea, and it is even feasible in practice.

But the problems are also very big, and they cannot be solved in a short time.

To lay out such a "vision network", it would be as he envisioned, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles. With the limit of vision of each of his current clones and the required clone nodes, it would be very important to him now. To put it simply, that is no different than an astronomical figure.

In a short period of time, he simply could not produce so many Spirit Lotus clones or Tai Sui bodies to fill these nodes.

Regardless of the Linglian clone or the body of Tai Sui, in the final analysis, it is a matter of the quantity of the Qinglian sword marrow.

Although he has some in his hands, there is still a huge distance between him and the "Vision Network".

In a short period of time, it is almost impossible to close this gap.

This is only the relatively minor of the two difficulties. At least, the amount of Qinglian Sword Marrow will slowly accumulate as his cultivation level increases and the years go by.

The other, bigger difficulty was simply not something he could decide.

Whether it is the Spirit Lotus clone or the Tai Sui body, in order to be effective, it must be equipped with a Divine Soul clone.

The divine soul clone comes from the Masterless Divine Will scraped off the third-order Lihen Statue. So far, the Masterless Divine Will in Meng Zhou's hands has not reached fifty copies.

Meng Zhou had basically no idea how to increase the reserves that he had in his hands.

Not to mention that all the Lihen Sect monks within the visible range were basically killed by him, either directly or indirectly. It is assumed that all the Dan Formation monks within the five domains are potential Lihen Sect monks, and each person has a third-level Lihen Sect. The statues of gods and the ownerless gods scraped out were far from being able to meet his needs.

In his plan for "Vision Network", the demand is really terrifying.

From then on, Meng Zhou had to reluctantly give up the plan that was completely theoretically feasible and looked wonderful.

This is a cake that looks delicious but is impossible to eat.

"It's still too inefficient."

"Unless the clone's perception ability is increased by dozens or even hundreds of times, the demand for the Qinglian Sword Marrow and the Wuzhu Divine Will will be greatly reduced.

Otherwise, this idea will never come to fruition. "

"However, it is possible that this idea itself is wrong." Meng Zhou thought in his mind.

Of course, the mistake is not the idea of ​​"Vision Network", but the focus of "Vision Network" on the specific operation of Linglian Clone and Tai Sui Body.

Because in this "vision network" idea, whether it is the Linglian clone or the body of Tai Sui, it is not the focus at all. All he needs is the "vision" they provide.

In order to meet the need for a "vision", it is first necessary to use a large amount of Green Lotus Sword Marrow and Wuzhu Divine Will to create a large number of Linglian clones and Tai Sui bodies.

Although the goal was achieved, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be putting the cart before the horse.

With this idea in mind, Meng Zhou made a comprehensive reconstruction of his idea about the "Vision Network".

"It's very possible that the starting point shouldn't be the Linglian Clone, Tai Sui Body, or Divine Soul Clone.

Bringing in these ready-made skills seems simple, but in fact it carries too much unnecessary baggage. "

"All I need is to extend my 'vision' beyond the limits of my own perception. Although Linglian clones are a solution, they are not the only solution."

Meng Zhou, who was reflecting, deleted all the ideas in his mind to build a "Net of Vision" with the Linglian Clone, the Tai Sui Body, and the Divine Soul Clone as the core, and returned to the starting point.

What is the origin?

Life is poisonous.

"The living poison cannot provide me with a 'vision', nor can the flying sword provide me with a 'vision'."

"But I have successfully used the method of knotting to make a flying sword of living poison. It has the characteristics of living poison and also has the characteristics of a flying sword."

"In that case, why should I stick to using only my own poison to weave flying swords?

Can I imitate the birth process of the natal living poison flying sword and weave an instrument that can provide me with a broad field of vision? "

Thinking of this, a new idea has gradually formed in Meng Zhou's mind.

In a very short period of time, Meng Zhou had already developed a variety of specific plans in his mind.

One of them is to use the method of knotting to weave a kind of spiritual bird puppet with extremely fast speed and amazing eyesight, and use it as a "reconnaissance aircraft" and "early warning aircraft". Based on it, a huge "coverage" is formed. Vision Network”.

"This idea has successfully avoided the two big pitfalls of the Green Lotus Sword Marrow and the Masterless Divine Will. However, to achieve what I have in mind, I also need to pay a huge price."

Whether he is cultivating more natal living poisons, or putting these natal living poisons into the Sea of ​​Consciousness Soul Pond to complete the assimilation, he must do so at the expense of his own "vitality".

Although, as long as he does not overdraw, this will not shorten his life, it will only make his status offline for a long time.

Although the price is much smaller than the original idea, if you can pay less, of course it is better to pay less.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhou's heart suddenly moved, and some new inspiration came to him.

His consciousness suddenly spread out from the top of Qiyun Peak, pouring down towards the dense forest around the peak like an invisible giant tide.

Soon, a small spiritual bird suddenly flew up from a dense forest and quickly approached the peak diagonally above.

Judging from its flight path in the air, it doesn't look like it flew up on its own. Instead, it looks like a bird fished out of the dense forest by an invisible fishing rod.

Soon, the spiritual bird landed gently in Meng Zhou's outstretched palm.

The spirit bird's eyes were closed, motionless and unconscious, as if dead.

However, the life breath in its body showed that it was very normal and couldn't be better.

This is naturally because Meng Zhou used some small tricks.

Meng Zhou stretched out his left index finger and tapped the spirit bird's little head lightly.

This motionless spiritual bird, with its eyes closed, opened its eyes immediately.

Its smart eyes looked at Meng Zhou who was holding it in his hand, because its low intelligence told it that the man in front of it was an existence that it must follow with its life.

Using the methods of a spiritual master, he could easily brainwash a little spiritual bird.

Now, even if Meng Zhou asked him to die immediately, there would be no problem.

Of course, Meng Zhou would not be so bored as to give it such an order. He just told the spiritual bird in his palm through his mind: "Quiet, don't move."

After implanting such a command into the mind of the spirit bird, the spirit bird in the palm of his hand disappeared immediately.

When it reappeared, it was already within Meng Zhou's sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness can store some things, but not everything.

This is also the reason why Meng Zhou wants to use the spirit control method on the spirit bird before taking it in.

The position where the spirit bird appears in the sea of ​​consciousness is just above the soul pool.

The next second it appeared, it fell into the soul pool.

"If my soul pool can completely assimilate this spiritual bird like a living poison, then the price I have to pay will be reduced by more than half."

Since there are ready-made spirit birds available, why go to the trouble of knitting the spirit bird puppets using the knotting method?

Seeing the spiritual bird about to fall into the soul pool, Meng Zhou was looking forward to it.

The next moment, just as the soul bird fell into the soul pool, the soul pool suddenly became rippled.

There has never been such a huge wave in the soul pool. Even when Meng Zhou's newly created "True Diagram of the Bright Moon in the Vast Sea" started operating in the soul pool for the first time, the waves were not so violent.

At the same time, Meng Zhou also felt an unprecedented strange feeling in his heart.

Saying it hurts doesn't mean it hurts, saying it feels good doesn't mean it feels good.

Anyway, it's very weird.

That strong feeling of a foreign object entering his soul. If Meng Zhou hadn't been pure in mind, he would have suspected that his soul pool was no longer clean.

In the center of the soul pool, the green lotus seed brilliance flickers, almost at maximum power, focusing the wonderful brilliance on the place where the spirit bird's body is.

In such an environment, strange power is rapidly spreading into the spirit bird's body.

If the idea implanted in advance was not strong enough, the spirit bird would have begun to struggle desperately.

Because through the connection of the spirit master's means, Meng Zhou knew that the spirit bird was experiencing pain that was even worse than being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

However, because of the instructions that Meng Zhou had implanted into its mindless melon in advance, the spirit bird was still bearing the consequences.

Meng Zhou felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, in the next moment, as the strange power seeped into the depths of the spirit bird's bloodline, Meng Zhou could clearly feel the extreme resistance of the spirit bird's bloodline to this force that wanted to completely assimilate it.

Extreme conflict produces extreme confrontation.

Finally, Meng Zhou seemed to hear a loud "bang", like a huge thunder exploding in the sea of ​​consciousness.

With this loud noise, the spirit bird bloodline, which originally contained huge potential, turned into a pool of dead blood.

The bone marrow and the brain were no longer the same as they were before, they all turned into a charred black mass.

The spiritual bird completely turned into a dead bird.

In this loud noise, Soul Pond also made more obvious waves.

Meng Zhou felt like his head was buzzing and confused.

For a moment, Meng Zhou felt like the world was spinning and he couldn't even tell the difference between east, west and north.

Meng Zhou quickly removed the dead soul bird from the sea of ​​consciousness, and several soul-healing spells landed in the undulating soul pool. Only then did the violently undulating soul pool calm down, and his mind returned to stability.

Meng Zhou, who had exhausted a lot and was obviously feeling a little weak, put the dead bird in his palm and understood clearly in his heart.

"Because of the 'True Picture of the Bright Moon in the Vast Sea', my soul pool has the ability to assimilate the living poison of my life.

But this does not mean that my soul pool has the ability to assimilate other life forms. "

This failed attempt did not discourage Meng Zhou, but instead made him more interested.

After taking a while to recover, he regained his composure.

As Meng Zhou thought, a golden-armored spirit insect appeared in his palm.

Meng Zhou stared at the golden-armored spirit insect carefully, and then he thought of it and put it into the Sea of ​​Consciousness Soul Pond.

The moment it submerged into the soul pool, strange power found it and penetrated into its body from all directions.

Perhaps it is because the quality of the golden armored spirit insect is far superior to that of the spiritual bird, and the speed of penetration and assimilation is much slower.

However, it didn't take much time before the strange power penetrated deep into the core of the golden armored spirit insect.

Then, as expected, deep in the core of the golden armored spirit insect, Meng Zhou once again felt a strong resistance being touched.

It seemed like it was going to explode the next moment.

Meng Zhou's heart moved, and the golden-armored spirit insect disappeared from the Soul Pond of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.


There was a loud bang.

Meng Zhou suddenly saw that in the void not far in front of him, the golden-armored spirit insect that had just escaped from the Soul Pond of the Consciousness Sea exploded violently on the spot like a detonator.

The powerful shock wave overwhelmed Meng Zhou and spread around him. (End of chapter)

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