Do not die

Chapter 327 Reincarnation of Divine Powers

September, mid-month.

Qiyun Peak.

Meng Zhou was sitting in a stone pavilion near the cliff, with a few long white threads walking obediently between the fingers of his hands.

As Meng Zhou knitted the fingers of his hands, these long white threads gradually formed into an ever-increasing disk in the void between his palms in front of Meng Zhou.

What's special is that the long white thread only shows its true texture when it comes within the ten fingers of Meng Zhou's hands.

Outside the ten fingers of his hands, the long white line became fainter and fainter. Finally, there were only a few vague, transparent thin lines stuck to the center of Meng Zhou's eyebrows.

As the disk between Meng Zhou's hands grew larger and larger, more and more long white threads were put in. Just like a spider spinning silk, a steady stream of thin dotted threads were pulled out from the position between Meng Zhou's eyebrows.

These "thin and dotted lines" are all the natal poison that Meng Zhou has accumulated in the soul pool of the sea of ​​​​consciousness these days.

These natal living poisons, which had long been assimilated by the soul pool and enjoyed continuous nourishment, were falling into a state of silence. Following Meng Zhou's call, they "awakened" one after another, and then automatically formed a structure that was most suitable for braiding ropes.

At this moment, more than a month has passed since Meng Zhou perfected the last investigation skill "Colorful Shadow".

After a long period of exploration and understanding, we finally reached the step of putting it into practice.

After abandoning the idea of ​​constructing a huge "vision network" based on massive Linglian clones and Tai Sui bodies, Meng Zhou set his sights on the natal living poison itself.

Since he can use the braiding method and use the natal living poison as material to make the natal living poison flying sword, while having the characteristics of the natal living poison, it also has many characteristics that a flying sword should have.

Inspired by this, Meng Zhou naturally thought: "Can I use a similar method, use the braiding method, and use the natal poison as the material to make an instrument with powerful investigative capabilities?"

So, what kind of investigative instrument should be made?

Without thinking too much, the answer automatically appeared in Meng Zhou's mind.

In the world of spiritual practice, there have long been extremely mature solutions to this problem.


If you are pursuing efficiency, you can directly choose a mature mirror-type magic weapon as the prototype, and replace the production process from the weapon refining method to the knotting method, and that's basically it.

At this point, Meng Zhou's original demand can basically be solved.

But Meng Zhou didn't stop there.

On the one hand, he feels that following this line of thinking, there is still deeper potential that can be tapped, and he also has the ability to tap it.

That being the case, he certainly wouldn't be satisfied with stopping there.

Furthermore, he hopes that all his cultivation achievements, while meeting their respective functional needs, should also be integrated into a larger system as much as possible.

Every achievement is part of a larger system, rather than scattered and independent.

This is what he has always done.

In the beginning, this idea was just a subconscious tendency choice.

Later, Meng Zhou gradually refined it more clearly.

Therefore, using the knotting method to create a mirror magic weapon with powerful investigative capabilities was a direction Meng Zhou approved of.

But Meng Zhou was reluctant to choose an existing, mature mirror-type magic weapon to meet his needs.

In the end, Meng Zhou chose to create his own.

Well, to other practitioners, such a choice may seem a bit arrogant, but for Meng Zhou, it is very ordinary.

For Meng Zhou, this mirror-type magic weapon has a very intuitive reference object-the transparent moon mirror.

From then on, Meng Zhou's effort was to figure out how to imitate the ability of the "Transparent Moon Mirror" on this mirror-like magic weapon.

Naturally, it was not all smooth sailing and there were no setbacks during this process. Meng Zhou also encountered many problems.

However, all these problems were resolved by Meng Zhou with extremely high efficiency.

For most of the problems, Meng Zhou didn't need to fully use his third-level knot master ability. He could easily solve most of the problems just by relying on his mastery of the four paths of the alchemy talisman array.

A small number of core problems require the full use of the knot master's ability to solve them.

There were also a few problems, but when Meng Zhou looked at them from the perspective of a spiritual master, he found that they were not problems at all.

Meng Zhou also found that as long as the problems did not exceed the third-level limit, did not reach the fourth-level level, and were related to aura, spirituality, and spiritual power, when he looked at it from the perspective of a spiritual master, it was easier for him to stay on the "original path." Find one or even multiple new paths when there is no solution.

Spiritual masters, while possessing many definite professional abilities such as spiritual control master, medicinal spiritual master, and spiritual adjustment master, seem to be better at solving various difficult problems related to "spirit", just like a close aunt.

When the disk between his hands was completely formed, Meng Zhou had a thought in his mind, and the long white thread that was slowly flowing between the fingers of his hands suddenly broke.

One end is close to the disk, and the other end goes backwards and returns to the Soul Pond of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Meng Zhou reached out and took the white disk in his hand, turning it over and over for a while to examine it carefully.

Then, Meng Zhou turned his head and looked at the cliff beside him.

With a slight wave of his hand, he threw the disc in his hand far away.

The rapidly rotating disk drew a straight trajectory in the void, and then fell towards the rolling sea of ​​clouds far away from the cliff.

Soon, the disk was submerged by the white sea of ​​clouds and disappeared from Meng Zhou's sight.

Meng Zhou did not use his spiritual consciousness to capture it, nor did he use the ability of the transparent moon mirror to detect it.

He slowly closed his eyes.

Soon, he felt it.

Not too far away from him, there was a large group of tightly huddled natal living poison that was moving rapidly.

Soon, Meng Zhou discovered that there were white clouds and mist around "him", and he was being submerged in thick clouds and white mist.

Meng Zhou had a thought, and "himself" adjusted the trajectory of his movement, from falling diagonally downwards to flying straight upwards.

The speed also suddenly increased by a few points.

Not long after, the vision around "oneself" suddenly became clear.

There was no longer any thick white clouds blocking the way around.

The blue sky is clear for thousands of miles.

And just when Meng Zhou felt that "his" vision suddenly became clear, in the sea of ​​clouds far away from the cliff outside Meng Zhou, a small white disk rushed straight out of the sea of ​​clouds at an extremely fast speed and pierced the sky.

Because the speed was so fast, a passage quietly appeared in the sea of ​​clouds below it.

Meng Zhou completely integrated his vision into this white disk.

What it can detect is what he can see.

This field of view can cover everything from front to back, left and right, up and down, and there is no blind spot at 360 degrees.

The disk controlled by Meng Zhou was like an elf, flying up and down in the void above the sea of ​​clouds, sometimes left and sometimes right.

With constant experiments, Meng Zhou gained more and more insights into how to control it.

“Don’t think of yourself as a human being, and don’t define it with thinking like ‘eyes seeing’ and ‘ears hearing’.

Human perceptual habits are of no help to it.

On the contrary, it is an obstacle that will limit its performance. "

"Think of yourself as a 'mirror spirit'. This disk is my body."

Gradually, Meng Zhou had such a clear understanding in his heart.

The next moment, the white disk flying freely above the sea of ​​clouds suddenly flashed lightly, disappeared into the void, and disappeared.

Meng Zhou's vision suddenly expanded a lot.

Even if he "enters" the sea of ​​clouds, he can clearly feel that he is surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds, but these seas of clouds do not hinder his vision at all.

He could clearly see things beyond the sea of ​​clouds.

He even "saw" Qi Yunfeng not far away, "saw" the small stone pavilion built on the cliff, and "saw" a figure sitting in the stone pavilion with his eyes closed.

Not only could the sea of ​​clouds not block his vision, but Qi Yunfeng could not block his vision either.

He "saw" Bai Zhi walking leisurely among the trees on the mountainside on the other side of Qiyun Peak.

As his mind changes, the scenery he "sees" also changes.

He not only tried to "look" at the other side of the mountain, but also "looked" at the dark bottom of the waterfall and deep pool, and even "looked" into the rocks and rocks to "see through" the barriers of the formation...

After constant attempts, Meng Zhou was happy to find that his request to "replicate the ability of the transparent moon mirror" has been basically fulfilled.

Well, there is still a big gap between "basic implementation" and "perfect implementation".

For example, although he can "see" underground, the depth is far from comparable to a real transparent moon mirror;

What is also not comparable to the Transparent Moon Mirror is the ability to "see through" formations. Although he can "see through" formations, they are at most the third-order high-grade formations. Facing the third-order top-grade formations, Completely powerless;

In addition, the biggest gap is in the extreme field of vision.

The ultimate viewing radius of the transparent moon mirror, enhanced by the five-series detection skills, is now a thousand miles, but his current limit vision stops at a hundred miles.

"However, it's not a big problem." Meng Zhou thought in his heart.

This is not self-comfort. Although this disk is much worse than a real transparent moon mirror in all aspects, and can only be regarded as a "degraded replica" at best, it has one of the greatest advantages.

it can move.

With this thought in mind, with the void above the sea of ​​clouds as the center, the field of vision area with a radius of only a hundred miles moved rapidly towards the distance.

As the field of vision moves rapidly, a huge amount of information changes hits the heart.

At this time, Meng Zhou had a deeper experience of the difference between this "degraded version" and the genuine transparent moon mirror.

When he uses the ability of the transparent moon mirror, even if he expands his field of vision to the limit that he can support, and takes in everything within a radius of a thousand miles, Meng Zhou will feel very relaxed, without any pressure, let alone There is a "dazzled" feeling.

But now, as things with a radius of a hundred miles entered his mind, Meng Zhou felt dazzled and overwhelmed.

In this state, even though he has the ability to see everything within a radius of a hundred miles, he cannot really absorb and understand them effectively.

He must focus his vision on a specific area to truly gain useful results.

The reasons for all this are not complicated.

The reason why his real body uses the transparent moon mirror ability and will not be impacted by massive information is because he is a "transparent Taoist body", has a "transparent Taoist heart", and has various deductive abilities that he has already mastered.

The moment he accepted what he saw in the transparent moon mirror, the vast amount of information was automatically classified by his various abilities. He only needed to "read" it at will according to his needs.

But now, he who controls the disc is just a "mirror spirit".

Yuanpan neither has the characteristics of a transparent Taoist body nor the ability to automatically process massive amounts of information. Everything must be endured by him.

Under such circumstances, the effective information he can absorb in a short period of time becomes much less.

“So, in this state, although I have a field of vision that can reach as far as a hundred miles, I cannot take everything within a radius of a hundred miles into my heart at the same time.

You can only choose one or even multiple targets for observation based on your own needs.

The more targets that are observed simultaneously, the accuracy of the information for each target will decrease. "

That’s okay.

Meng Zhou thought so in his heart.

Although a little disappointed, it's not a big deal.

Just as Meng Zhou was thinking about it, his rapidly moving field of vision had already left Qi Yunfeng far away.

Not long after, the moving field of vision was thousands of miles away from Qi Yunfeng, completely beyond the limit of Meng Zhou's perception.

But the field of vision with a radius of hundreds of miles was not affected in any way.

Like an invisible searchlight, moving quickly in the void.

The radius of a hundred miles is the area illuminated by the searchlight, and it is also the area that Meng Zhou can "see".

Meng Zhou controlled his moving vision and wandered around Qingxuanzong for a few times, and then left the mountain gate of Qingxuanzong in a grand manner.

After leaving the Qinglin Peak area, his moving vision took a slight turn, and soon, Qinglinfang completely entered his field of vision.

Revisiting old places.

Meng Zhou saw many old friends.

After peeking into their daily life from such a special angle, Meng Zhou left the Qinglinfang area without any hesitation and entered the vast wilderness.

Meng Zhou felt like a fish swimming in the sea. He could go in all directions, but he also had the trouble of not knowing where to go.

This is the inevitable flaw of this solution.

No matter the radius is a hundred miles or a thousand miles, after truly entering this vast world, it is still like duckweed without roots or catkins in the wind.

If you don't have a clear anchor, you'll just be like a headless fly.

Fortunately, Meng Zhou had thought of this in advance and found a solution.

At the top of Qiyun Peak, Meng Zhou, who was sitting in a stone pavilion near the cliff with his eyes closed, silently used the skill "Twin Leaves".

And just after he used this skill, tens of thousands of miles away in the Sanchuan Plateau cave, a very ordinary leaf on a spiritual tea tree, the spirituality contained in it flickered several times regularly.

Soon, without the intervention of "Ge Ping", the image of the entire cave was clearly projected into Meng Zhou's heart. (End of chapter)

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