Do not die

Chapter 334 “Calm down the trouble”

[Cultivation progress +600, seventh level of elixir formation 8450/10,000;

Hanhai Mingyue True Picture +10,800, Dacheng 70,400/80,000];

After waking up from a deep state of trance, Meng Zhou didn't wait long. The figure sitting cross-legged on the stone couch in the quiet room disappeared in an instant.

When his figure reappeared, he had already left Qi Yun Peak and appeared in the void.

And just in front of his figure, a formation barrier covering the entire Qi Yun Peak appeared in front.

As his figure appeared, a gap automatically appeared in front of him in the closed mountain guarding formation, allowing him to pass freely.

Meng Zhou stepped into the void and stepped out.

When he stepped out of the gap in the formation, what he saw was this scene——

There is a spaceship parked in the void. There is a huge gap on the side of the ship in the direction of the formation gap, which leads directly to the depths of the spacecraft.

A group of monks were gathering on the deck of the spaceship. Their eyes were all focused on the direction of the mountain guard formation, their brows were furrowed and solemn.

And right next to the gap in the ship's side, two heavy net bags were hanging.

Looking carefully, what was hanging in these two net pockets was not something else, but two people.

One of them is the ancestor of Mingnan, and the other is a strong and burly ancestor from the Jinding Sect.

The net bag that trapped them was like a special seal, preventing them from exerting their powerful power.

Except for their eyeballs moving from time to time, they remained motionless trapped in the net bag, looking as if their hearts were filled with despair.

At this moment, Meng Zhou stepped out of the mountain-protecting formation.

Whether it was the monks gathered on the deck or the two people hanging in the net bag, all eyes were focused on him.

Meng Zhou ignored the vigilant, complicated, and scrutinizing looks of the monks on the deck, and went straight to the Mingnan Patriarch and the Jinding Sect Patriarch.

The two people trapped in the net looked at him, and he looked at the two.

Finally, Meng Zhou looked at Patriarch Mingnan and said:

"I've already told you that if you have anything to do, wait until I get out of seclusion. Don't mess around. Why do you want to force your way in again and again?

I recognize you, but this mountain-protecting formation doesn't recognize you. Are you going to suffer? ! "

Meng Zhou's current state of retreat is very special. When he is in a deep state of concentration, he will not cut off contact with the outside world, and everything in the outside world will still be clearly reflected in his heart.

Therefore, he clearly saw everything that happened during his retreat this time.

He waited for Patriarch Mingnan and others, who had received no news for nearly half a month, to appear together not long after he retreated, which was the first day of the first lunar month of the new year.

Before arriving, they also made a flying sword summons in advance.

However, during the retreat, the mountain-protecting formation was fully activated and directly blocked the flying sword from Qi Yunfeng.

In this case, Ancestor Mingnan directly tried to sneak in secretly.

However, the quality of this mountain-protecting formation exceeded his expectations and blocked him directly.

And because of his forced collision, the mountain-protecting formation was fully activated, and powerful pressure pressed directly on them.

At the same time, another "message note" was passed into the minds of everyone outside the formation.

Xiaoxiao showed off his muscles and gave a reasonable explanation. No matter what they thought in their hearts, the others basically had no idea of ​​rushing into the battle.

While some people were still hesitating, Qing Ye took the opportunity to ask everyone to sit on a nearby mountain and wait for him to come out of seclusion.

Many people have already made plans to leave with Qing Ye and others.

But at this moment, Ancestor Mingnan suddenly hit three high-quality formation-breaking talismans and a formation-breaking cone in succession, hitting the same point of the mountain-protecting formation almost at the same time.

A "hole" was forcibly dug out of the mountain guarding formation. The ancestor of Mingnan, who had been prepared for it, immediately transformed into a rainbow light and followed the hole to escape into Qiyun Peak.

But it didn't work out.

Just when he was about to escape from the mountain-protecting formation, a long rope came out from the depths of the formation like a waterweed and wrapped around his ankles.

Then, before he could react, it had wrapped itself around him and pulled him into a net like a fish.

After entering the net, Ancestor Mingnan's hybrid power was banned and he could no longer use it at all. He really became a "fish" that could be manipulated.

At this moment, facing Meng Zhou's condescending inquiry, Mingnan Ancestor, who was in the net, did not make any unnecessary movements except moving his eyes from time to time.

Meng Zhou suddenly said, "Oh, I forgot, you can't speak now."

As he spoke, Meng Zhou gently snapped his fingers, and several knots of the "fishing net" that trapped the Mingnan ancestor were quietly loosened.

In an instant, Ancestor Mingnan felt that some of the restrictions in his body were released, and he recovered some of the functions above his head, including turning his neck, making more complex facial expressions, speaking, etc.

Patriarch Mingnan finally stopped looking sideways at Meng Zhou, turned his neck slightly, and looked at Meng Zhou squarely.

He did not answer Meng Zhou's question, but instead asked: "Has the Void God Crystal been digested by you?!"

At this moment, Patriarch Mingnan's expression was complex and subtle, seeming to be a little expectant, but also very nervous.

Meng Zhou raised his eyebrows. He really didn't expect that in this situation, what he cared about most was still this.

"Why do you say that?" Meng Zhou did not answer directly, but kicked the ball back.

"Your current strength is abnormally strong!"

Ancestor Mingnan looked at "Qihuangzi" with extremely complicated eyes.

"Although you disguise yourself very well, I can clearly feel that you are much stronger now than when we last came into contact!"

Meng Zhou did not expect that the ancestor of Mingnan based his judgment on this.

However, from the perspective of ancestor Mingnan, this seems reasonable.

Moreover, Meng Zhou also liked this reason.

After learning from Yin Youyi the great value of the False God Crystal and the trouble it might bring to him, Meng Zhou once thought about taking out these things.

Compared to the Virtual God Crystal, he hopes to have a quiet practice environment without being disturbed by others.

But soon, Meng Zhou realized that this idea was a bit too "naive".

If you take out the Void God Crystal, will the matter be settled?


Now that the Void God Crystal has gotten its hands on him, no matter how hard he tries to identify himself, the matter cannot be explained clearly, and he cannot fundamentally dispel other people's suspicions.

Moreover, in the world of spiritual practice, the concepts of "putting peace on others" and "peace is the most important" are not feasible.

Such a performance will be considered as weak and can be bullied, and it will make people push forward!

At this time, toughness, only toughness, can truly solve the problem.

Therefore, he smiled and nodded: "Yes, the Void God Crystal has been digested by me."

Regardless of whether the Virtual God Crystal has been absorbed by himself or not, from this moment on, it has been absorbed by him and is gone. This is the fact.

Don't think too much about it.

Ancestor Mingnan seemed to be disappointed, but also seemed a little relieved.

"Is there any left?"

Meng Zhou said with a half-smile, "What do you think?"

Ancestor Mingnan sighed, like a deflated rubber ball, and suddenly felt discouraged.

"What are you going to do with me?" he asked.

"What do you think?" Meng Zhou asked.

Ancestor Mingnan opened his mouth, but in the end he said with an indifferent expression: "It's up to you."

Meng Zhou nodded, looking away from Patriarch Mingnan and looking at the other "person in the net" next to him.

"Fellow Daoist Chushan, what's wrong with you?"

Meng Zhou really didn't know what this guy was thinking.

Ancestor Mingnan failed to forcefully break through the formation. Instead, he was smoothly caught in the net in front of everyone, and then hung on the side of the spacecraft for "display".

This clean and neat disposal successfully shocked everyone on the spacecraft except this one.

Meng Zhou didn't know what this guy was thinking. He actually took control of the spacecraft from Qing Ye.

Then, before the gap in the formation that had been pierced by Ancestor Mingnan at great cost had not yet healed, he drove the entire spaceship to forcefully rush into the formation.

Although I was confused as to what kind of thinking this guy had at that time, the Mountain Protector Formation was not slow at all in its response.

At the same time, the two forces of "cold" and "hot" were condensed, and the rays were entangled and rotating with each other like a spiral and shot directly over.

The spacecraft's defense cover had been completely exploded before it could be fully deployed.

Then, a big hole was opened directly on the side of the spacecraft, and the spacecraft was almost shot through.

This blow not only caused huge damage to the spacecraft, but also delayed the movement of the spacecraft.

At the moment when the spacecraft was "paused", Qingye regained control of the spacecraft and moved the spacecraft that had been stuck in the gap of the mountain guard backwards to create a safe distance.

When the spacecraft stopped again, there was a companion beside the ancestor Mingnan who was hung on the side of the ship.

Such a clean and neat disposal completely shocked everyone.

No one dares to act rashly anymore.

It is speculated that "Qihuangzi"'s retreat is actually to digest the Void God Crystal with all his strength. Perhaps Mingnan's ancestor is not the only one, but everyone is thinking so.

Otherwise, with their concepts, they really can’t understand what is happening in front of them.

Everyone is at the peak of Dan Formation, how can the gap be so big?

We're not that good, are we?

It’s possible that one of the two people captured was a parallel importer, but it’s impossible for both of them to be parallel importers, right? !

The most "reasonable" and most acceptable explanation for this counter-intuitive incident is that the Void God Crystal has made "Qihuangzi"'s ability a step further, opening up a huge gap with them!

However, what Meng Zhou is most curious about now is the thoughts of this mountain-destroying ancestor.

What were you thinking at that time? !

Faced with "Qihuangzi"'s inquiry, Patriarch Chushan did not answer, but stared with a pair of bull's eyes.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Meng Zhou was a little confused. Didn't he understand this man's speaking ability?

I checked again and found that I can talk.

"Why don't you speak? Are you mute?"

Ancestor Chushan glared and said, "I just don't like you!"

Meng Zhou raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you dislike about me?"

"All of us participated in the operation, and everyone should have a share in the Xushenjing... You saved Guangcheng, and you want to keep it all to yourself. You made it clear that you should hide it and eat it alone. What does it mean?"

Ming Nan forced his way into the battle, and if you wanted to stop him, you could just kill him directly, but you hung him up, humiliated him and toyed with him! "

Next to him, hanging in the net, the ancestor of Mingnan, who was originally despairing and incompetent, could not control his eyelids when he heard the words "kill him directly" and "humiliate him". It beat for a while.

Meng Zhou was also surprised after hearing the words of Patriarch Deshan.

He stared at this person carefully, and for a moment he couldn't figure out whether what this guy said was true or not.

It was such a surprise.

After experiencing this incident, the ancestors of the five sects have been labeled as "scheming" and "extremely deep" in his mind.

Now the performance of Patriarch Deshan made him confused.

But soon, Meng Zhou shook his head.

No matter what the inner qualities of the Mountain Destroying Ancestor were, it seemed to have no effect on him.

In this case, it is not important at all, and it is not worthy of his too much concern.

So, Meng Zhou looked away and looked at the people gathered on the deck.

His figure has also floated to the deck.

He first glanced around everyone, and when his eyes fell on Yin Youyi and Mu Hanyu, he nodded lightly.

Then, he looked at Qing Ye.

"I thought you would return soon, so I waited for you for half a month.

...If you had come here a day earlier, this wouldn't be the case. "

Qing Ye explained: "After learning some information about the Virtual God Crystal from fellow Taoist Mingnan, I originally wanted to return immediately.

Fellow Taoist Mingnan proposed to go to the places where the altars are located to see with his own eyes. "

Meng Zhou suddenly understood why they had delayed so long.

Compared to Virtual God Crystals, those altars that regularly produce Virtual God Crystals are no different and more important.

In the previous actions, Patriarch Mingnan was unable to go with him because of the participation of Patriarch Guangcheng of Yuling Sect.

Now, Patriarch Mingnan got on the bus due to special circumstances. Of course, he had to make up for the missed classes as soon as possible.

"You should also understand the situation. All the Void God Crystals I obtained from fellow Taoist Guangcheng have been digested, and not a single one is left.

...what do you think now? "

After hearing his bachelor's remarks, everyone couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

All digested?

Not a single one left?

Everyone is skeptical about this.

However, with the two living examples of Ancestor Mingnan and Ancestor Chuishan, then "Qihuangzi" said that if it is digested, it is digested, and if there is no one left, there will be no one left. No one will jump out without opening their eyes. Question this matter.

Qing Ye sighed: "What ideas can you have? Since you are no longer here, you can only find a solution elsewhere."

Meng Zhou's heart moved.

Find a solution elsewhere, that's putting it lightly.

The meaning behind it is not light at all, and it may even cost you the same as Patriarch Guangcheng.

——Since the Void God Crystal that Patriarch Guangcheng risked his life to snatch is gone, of course he can only repeat what Patriarch Guangcheng did, squat at a certain altar, and wait for the phantom of the God of Lihen to appear again to harvest it. At that time, go grab another wave. (End of chapter)

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