Do not die

Chapter 337 Eighth Level of Pill Formation

When these one hundred and twenty "transparent circular mirrors" are relatively evenly distributed within the five domains along one hundred and twenty fixed circuit trajectories, even though there is still a long way to reach instant full coverage, Meng Zhou Confident, he can move his "vision" to even the "most remote" area within two quarters of an hour.

"Next, the life poison must continue to accumulate."

In this "spider web" covering the five domains, the demand for "transparent round mirrors" is almost unlimited.

The greater the number of "transparent round mirrors", the higher the density of their distribution, and the more areas included in the "field of view" at the same time.

The response time to "remote areas" will also be shorter and more timely.

——This "remote area" is not fixed, but changes with the movement of all "transparent circular mirrors".

"However, there is no need to rush to increase the number of 'transparent round mirrors' at the moment."

Before continuing to increase the number of "transparent round mirrors", the current 120 "transparent round mirrors" must be equipped with "minions" to thoroughly implement the concept of "what you can see is what you can do".

In addition to the Tai Sui bodies assigned to them in the initial period, each of which was equipped with a flying sword of natal living poison, all the natal living poisons accumulated regularly since then have turned into these one hundred and twenty "transparent round mirrors" .

"The cost of making a 'transparent round mirror' is much greater than making a flying sword.

With my current ability, I can accumulate enough natal poison every month to make twelve flying swords without affecting my own condition.

The same natal poison can only produce five 'transparent round mirrors'. "

"So, it will take ten months to fully arm these one hundred and twenty 'transparent round mirrors'."

"However, the efficiency of cultivating the natal living poison is related to my own life status.

The stronger the life state, the more natal living poisons can be cultivated in the same time.

Therefore, there are countless ways to follow this rule. When my cultivation level improves, my efficiency will definitely be greatly improved. "

The negative energy in his body has not yet been completely released, and there is still some time before the next retreat. Meng Zhou took stock of his current state, and then set his sights on a corner of the Linghu space.

Here, there are 70 drops of White Lotus Spiritual Essence that have been accumulated for many years, and 1,780 drops of third-level mid-grade Green Lotus Sword Essence.

However, they are not so much Green Lotus Sword Marrow, but rather "Green Lotus Life Spirit Marrow", because since the Green Lotus Sword body was completely completed, Meng Zhou's mastery of the small magical power "Green Lotus Sword Marrow" has become extremely flexible. .

He can either completely wipe out the sword energy in the Qinglian Sword Marrow, leaving only the rich vitality, or he can conversely stabilize all the sharp sword energy in the form of droplets.

Now, Meng Zhou has mastered this ability very well. At the same time, he has completely purified all the third-level mid-grade Qinglian sword marrow, erasing the sharp sword energy contained in them.

As for the third-level high-grade Qinglian Sword Marrow, part of it has been purified and part of it has been retained - these can be thrown out as "grenades" when necessary. Even with his current strength, his power cannot be underestimated.

Before the Qinglian Sword body was completely completed, seventy-two drops of Qinglian Sword marrow were harvested every season. As of the end of December last year, the number of third-level high-grade Qinglian Sword marrow accumulated in the spirit gourd space had reached one thousand. Zero twenty drops.

After the Qinglian Sword Body was completed, the condensation speed of the Qinglian Sword Marrow doubled. As of now, the number of third-level high-grade Qinglian Sword Marrow has reached 1,420 drops.

Meng Zhou gave it a try. He could either synthesize the low-grade White Lotus Life Essence into the higher-grade Green Lotus Life Essence, or he could decompose the high-grade Green Lotus Life Essence into more low-grade Green Lotus Life Essence, or even White Lotus Life Spirit Essence.

To him, all these changes are nothing more than compression and dilution of vitality concentration.

Meng Zhou looked at the current level of proficiency of Tai Sui and said, "Master 78,500/120,000." He made a mental calculation and decomposed 600 drops of the third-order mid-grade Qinglian Life Essence into 1,200 drops of the third-order low-grade The Qinglian Life Spirit Essence.

In addition, plus ten drops of seventy drops of white lotus soul marrow that had been cultivated in the spirit gourd space for many years, 12,100 kilograms of third-level low-grade Tai Sui flesh and blood were cultivated.

September 30, afternoon.

With the completion of the eighty-third Tai Sui body, the Tai Sui body finally completed the accumulation of the master realm and advanced to the grand master level.

With this breakthrough, the minimum consumption required to build a Tai Sui body has been reduced from thirty kilograms of Tai Sui flesh and blood to twenty kilograms.

The sixth day of October.

At this moment, Meng Zhou's consciousness was in a very strange state.

He could see his body sitting cross-legged in the quiet room quietly, and he could see Angelica dahurica sitting cross-legged on the bed in another room not far from the quiet room, trying to digest the food.

The entire Qi Yunfeng was under his silent gaze.

Everything in the outside world was clearly reflected in his mind, but all of this was just the background. However, his mood was like the bright moon hanging high in the sky, without being affected at all.

All his attention is in the spiritual world.

"Inside the world", it is like a giant turtle carrying a bright sun lying quietly in the void, breathing steadily and powerfully.

Every breath it takes is full of wonderful rhythm.

Every complete breath, everything that makes up its body, and even its existence, completes a cycle.

In this way, exhale and inhale again and again.

Just between the breath and breath of the giant turtle carrying the sun in this "inner world", the "surface world", that is, in the sea of ​​consciousness, in the soul pool, around the bright moon deeply embedded in the bottom of the pool, each one seems to The vortex leading to the land of nothingness moves around the bright moon, spinning up and down.

Because of the existence of these whirlpools that resembled sea eyes, the entire soul pool, and even the entire sea of ​​consciousness, seemed to be completely alive.

The bright moon at the bottom of the pond spreads its unique brilliance wantonly to the entire sea of ​​consciousness. Standing on the green lotus pod in the center of the soul pool, a green lotus seed also spreads its unique brilliance wantonly.

Under the combined action of these forces, the entire soul pool and even the entire sea of ​​consciousness are immersed in a special atmosphere.

Just above the Sea of ​​Consciousness Soul Pond, a slender rope seems to be enjoying such "comfort", and it will unconsciously change its shape from time to time, just like a sleeping person comfortably adjusting his sleeping position.

This is Yaya's voluntary application.

Ever since the Qinglian sword body was completely completed, Yaya liked to get close to him.

Especially when he was in seclusion, Yaya would actively ask Meng Zhou to take her into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, deep in the soul pool, under the bright moon, the outline of a giant turtle appeared.

The vortexes moving around the bright moon have also undergone tremendous changes - they have become more numerous, larger in size, and moving faster.

The size of the entire Soul Pond and Sea of ​​Consciousness has been visibly and slightly improved.

Whether it was the bright moon or the green lotus seeds, the radiance emitted by them paused for a moment, and then became a little more intense.

In the "other world", the giant sun-carrying turtle has become larger and its breathing has become longer.

Even if Meng Zhoudang realized that he had completed the accumulation of seven levels of alchemy.

At that moment, his cultivation had broken through to the eighth level of pill formation.

All-round improvement.

Not only does the magic power become more powerful, but the quality is also more solid, and the vitality of the Spring Water Scripture magic power contained in it is also more intense.

The body also becomes stronger and the qi and blood become more abundant.

The power of the Consciousness Sea Divine Soul has also been further improved.

The tenth day of the lunar month, late at night.

As the negative energy accumulated to the limit and could no longer be sustained, Meng Zhou's consciousness withdrew from this wonderful state.

[Cultivation progress +350, +125, eighth level of elixir formation 125/10,000;

Hanhai Mingyue True Picture +10,800, Master 22,800/160,000]

After Meng Zhou spent some time sorting out the gains from this retreat, he once again devoted himself to refining the body of Tai Sui.

On Qiyun Peak, the years are quiet and peaceful.

The bleak autumn wind was replaced by white snow.

When the entire Qiyun Peak is covered with thick white snow, the new year has arrived.

Meng Zhou, who has quietly turned seventy-seven, has begun a new round of retreat.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, late at night.

When Meng Zhou finished this practice and woke up from seclusion.

[Cultivation progress +300, eight levels of elixir formation 425/10,000;

The true picture of Hanhai Mingyue +10,800, Master 33,600/160,000]

During this retreat, in addition to these harvests, another 60 drops of third-level high-grade Qinglian Sword Marrow were recorded.

Meng Zhou already looked down upon this harvest.

Now, even under normal circumstances, one can harvest 162 drops of the third-level top-grade Green Lotus Sword Marrow every season, which averages to fifty-four drops per month.

The first contribution to such a huge profit should be attributed to the completion of the Qinglian Sword Body, which directly doubled the profit from the Qinglian Sword Marrow.

Secondly, the cultivation level has broken through from the seventh level of alchemy formation to the eighth level of alchemy formation. Each season has increased by eighteen drops, which equals six drops per month.

In contrast, during this retreat in the first month of next year, the income was fixed and remained at sixty drops.

Whether it was the completion of Qinglian Sword Body or the improvement of cultivation level, it did not bring even a drop of income growth.

In the past, the income from this retreat was indeed a huge sum of money.

But now, it is almost equal to his daily income.

"When the cultivation level breaks through to the ninth level of Core Formation, maybe it will be completely equal."

Meng Zhou estimated in his mind the changes in income brought about by breaking through from the seventh level to the eighth level of alchemy.

After finishing this retreat, Meng Zhou continued to refine the body of Tai Sui.

Mid May.

When ten kilograms of Tai Sui's flesh and blood turned into an extremely compact version of Tai Sui's body in Meng Zhou's hands, like a newborn baby, Meng Zhou finally completed the practice of Tai Sui's body.

The Tai Sui Body in his hand is the first work he completed after completing the Tai Sui Body.

Since then, the third-level low-grade Tai Sui flesh and blood, which was cultivated not long ago and still had 9,610 kilograms when the Tai Sui body was promoted to the Grand Master, was completely consumed.

The perfection of Tai Sui's body brought Meng Zhou more than just an improvement in this ability itself.

The first is the completeness of the "Five Elements and All-Seeing Body", which has been improved from "97%" to "99%". Like the transparent Tao body, it is only the last step away from being completely completed.

This change surprised Meng Zhou.

According to past rules, he originally thought that the only way to complete the "five elements and all things" was through metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

This change gave Meng Zhou a wake-up call.

"The five elements and all phenomena, in addition to the 'five elements', there are also 'all phenomena'.

Before this, the focus was basically on the ‘Five Elements’, which was a bit biased. "

Moreover, the body of Tai Sui does not really have no "five elements".

In fact, on the contrary, as Meng Zhou became more and more proficient in mastering the "Tai Sui Body", in the process of refining the Tai Sui Body, he had naturally integrated many of his insights into the "Five Elements" into his understanding of the Tai Sui Body. In the shaping of the body.

The most typical part is that in the process of shaping the internal organs of Tai Sui's body, he has unknowingly integrated the concept of internal organs and five elements.

However, because all of this was really "easy to do" for him, Meng Zhou himself did not realize this clearly.

Therefore, it is a matter of course that the perfection of Tai Sui's body further completes the "five elements and all things body".

Meng Zhou was very happy about this.

He is more happy than the benefits brought by actively seeking a certain result, which means that his mastery and understanding of the "Five Elements" has become almost an instinct.

The benefits brought by the perfection of the body of Tai Sui are not limited to this.

As more insights and experiences poured into his mind, Meng Zhou felt as if his brain had opened up the Ren and Du channels.

Some perceptions that were once relatively vague became clear in an instant.

Feelings about what?

About thinking about a fourth-level skill.

A long time ago, when Meng Zhou came to Qingxuanzong for the first time to attend his ninety-year celebration, Xuanlin gave him a medicine master inheritance.

Among this inheritance jade slip, what moved Meng Zhou the most were the last records of the inheritance.

An incomplete medicine skill with only a rough structure and rough framework.

This skill has exceeded the third level in every aspect.

It is a genuine fourth-level skill.

However, this level 4 pharmacist skill basically only has research value.

At least, that's the rough record in the inheritance he received.

"This is bait used to catch people." Meng Zhou made this judgment at that time.

However, this did not dampen Meng Zhou's enthusiasm.

For other monks, even pharmacists who stand at the limit of the third level, it is difficult to truly master a fourth level skill based on this inheritance record.

But he is different.

The part he needs most - a theoretically feasible framework part with skills that can be created from scratch, is already provided in the inheritance of that jade slip.

Richer and more detailed details, filling with flesh and blood, are actually a relatively simple matter for Meng Zhou.

Ever since he got such a jade slip, Meng Zhou never stopped thinking.

The specific "obtaining" steps were even clarified early on.

The perfection of every third-level medicine master's skills such as restoration, bone regeneration, and soul healing brought him closer to harvest.

Getting closer.

Now, as Tai Sui's body is completed, Meng Zhou feels that he is only a layer of window paper away from this fourth-level pharmacist skill. (End of chapter)

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