Do not die

Chapter 343 Blooming everywhere

Of course Meng Zhou would not stay out of it.

Even though Qingtang and others wanted to leave him alone and act alone, he still didn't agree.

For no other reason than to worry!

He looked at Qingtang and Qingyao and said seriously:

"I think you should understand what this means, right?"

The two nodded slightly, their expressions full of solemnity.

Since the death of the former Nascent Soul Ancestor of Xingxiu Palace more than 180 years ago, his power has been completely withdrawn from the Five Realms, and the mountain seal has been closed for nearly two hundred years.

After being absent for such a long time, they almost completely washed away the traces of the Constellation Palace within the Five Realms.

Now, those secret forces loyal to the Constellation Palace have changed their habits for many years. Not only have they become active, but they have also used their own influence to stir up other secret forces and become active, turning the five domains into a pool of muddy water. .

If "Qihuangzi" hadn't put the evidence clearly in front of them, they would still be fascinated by this "muddy water" and unable to see the true picture.

The meaning behind such an abnormal behavior is not difficult to guess for people like Qingtang and Qingyao who have always been on a tightrope.

They have already been mentally prepared for this.

However, this "forward shake" of psychological preparation has been too long, so long that everyone has become slack on this obvious fact.

Just like everyone knows that everything is subject to birth and death, even the world will have an end, but when the end of the world really appears in our generation, we will still feel caught off guard and unable to accept it.

The flying sword sent by Qing Yao traveled quickly across the void of more than 200,000 miles, entered the jurisdiction of the Hehuan Territory, and landed among a team that was quietly exploring the depths of a third-level evil vein.

There were wisps of red flames flashing in his eyes, and Qing Ye, who was scanning the ground below, suddenly stopped, turned around and looked up into the void in the distance.

Soon, a small flying sword seemed to open up the void and appear out of thin air. It appeared in front of him, and he suddenly stretched out his right hand and held it in his palm.

When this flying sword came out from Qing Yao's hand, both its spirituality and texture gave people a feeling of being extremely full and sharp.

But now, when Qing Ye reached out and held it in his palm, it was like grabbing a dead branch.

The flying sword quickly turned into ashes in his palm.

However, before the flying sword turned into dust, all the information contained in it had entered Qingye's sea of ​​consciousness and was read by him.

When Qing Ye finished reading the message sent by Qing Yao with his flying sword and looked around, the others had already stopped their own exploration operations and gathered towards him, looking at him with inquiring eyes. meaning.

Everyone knows that Qingyao and Qingtang, who are sitting in Qingxuan Sect, will not do such a thing unless there is something very urgent.

Qing Ye's eyes swept around everyone and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, it seems that our action this time is destined to fail."

Everyone's expressions changed.

Last time, their actions were forcibly interrupted because of Guangcheng Patriarch of Yuling Sect.

Now, will it be broken again by some external force?

Or is it an external force that they don't know about? !

"what happened?"

"Is there something wrong with Qingxuan Domain?"


Everyone asked questions one after another.

No one jumped out to question Qing Ye's judgment, but asked him what happened.

When asked, everyone still had their own guesses.

Qingye shook his head and said:

"The situation is more serious than you think, Xingxiu Palace will be out again soon!"


It was as if a silence spell had been cast on the crowd. Everyone's eyes widened, but no one spoke.

Qingye then made another stab.

"So, from now on, everyone must be prepared to face the powerful Nascent Soul from Xingxiu Palace at any time."

This critical strike finally "saved" everyone from the state of aphasia.

However, this "rescue" was somewhat too violent, and "war and chaos" were written all over their faces.

"Why do you say that?"

"Is there any reason?"

"Could it be that the Nascent Soul from Xingxiu Palace has already appeared in Qingxuan Domain?"

"Is this a summons sent by Qingtang and Qingyao before they were killed?"

"Is Qingxuanzong still there?"


Each one's words became more and more outrageous. Under their mental processing, it seemed that the entire Qingxuan Territory had collapsed.

"Will this messenger flying sword... reveal our whereabouts?"

Suddenly, someone else with a strange mind asked such a soul question.

When the others heard this, their expressions also changed.

The flying sword of communication was sent out from Qingxuan Sect, and then, across hundreds of thousands of miles of void, it landed accurately in Qing Ye's hands.

If the whole process was tracked and followed, wouldn't they be killed in one fell swoop? !

"Don't make wild guesses, the situation is not that bad."

Looking at this messy scene, Qing Ye frowned.

The behavior of these "ancestors" was like a group of rabbits that were dizzy and confused after being overly frightened.

To be honest, the scene in front of him made him very disappointed. He even doubted whether they would have the courage to fight the Nascent Soul strongman from Xingxiu Palace if he appeared in front of them at this moment.

Perhaps, the more likely scenario is that they will really run away like a nest of frightened rabbits, right? !

The sudden surge of thoughts in his heart made Qingye suddenly confused about the prospect of the five sects uniting.

However, he quickly broke away from such thoughts.

With a slight movement of his hand, jade slips flew out of his hand and fell accurately into the palm of each monk's right hand.

"You all should take a look first." Qing Ye said.

Inside the Qingxuan Sect, there is the top of Qiyun Peak.

In the stone pavilion near the cliff, a flying sword flew from the far sky and landed in Qing Yao's palm.

Soon, after reading the information, Qingyao said to Meng Zhou:

"They will be here soon... Also, Qingye wants to ask you a question."

"What?" Meng Zhou was curious.

"How determined is your will to resist?" Qing Yao asked.

"What do you mean?" Meng Zhou became even more confused after hearing Qingyao's question.

"If the Nascent Soul from the Constellation Palace really comes, or even appears in front of you, what will be your first reaction? Will you still fight against it resolutely?"

Qing Yao looked at "Qi Huangzi" seriously, as if he wanted to clearly see all the changes in his micro-expressions after hearing this question.

Meng Zhou said:

"If Nascent Soul from Xingxiu Palace appeared in front of me, what would be my first reaction? Of course he would run away!

As for whether I want to resolutely confront him, to be honest, of course I don’t want to! "

Upon hearing this answer, Qing Yao felt a thump in his heart, as if he heard some broken sound.

“...But, this is not a question of whether I want it or not, but a question of whether Xingxiu Palace wants it or not.

What I can be sure of is that Xingxiu Palace is very determined to kill me. "

"I have no choice at all!" At this point, Meng Zhou spread his hands.

Then he added: "If you want to know the answer to the question, you are asking the wrong person if you ask me. You should ask the Xingxiu Palace!"

"Uh..." Qingyao stopped there in shock, as if he didn't know how to speak.

"So, why are you asking me this?" Meng Zhou was curious.

Qingyao told the reason.

Meng Zhou did not expect that Qingye would become so pessimistic about the prospects of the five sects' "unification" so quickly.

He wanted to say something, but in the end he just shook his head.

Whether it was Qing Ye's change in mentality or the "vulnerable behavior" of the other five ancestors after suddenly hearing the breaking news that the Nascent Soul in the Constellation Palace was about to arrive, he was not very surprised.

Also not disappointed.

Perhaps, from the beginning, he never really regarded them as allies that he could rely on for help.

He never trusted anyone on a matter of such concern.

He did not dare to put his wealth and life on his trust in the five sects of the five regions and the ancestors of the five sects.

Since I never really expected it, there is no need to be disappointed.

However, although he did not have high expectations for them, he would not hesitate at all when it was time to use them.

Not too much time had passed since the last visit, and Qing Ye once again controlled the repaired spacecraft to hover over an open area in the center of Qiyun Peak.

Soon, sixteen figures in front and behind had escaped from the spaceship and landed in front of Meng Zhou, Qing Yao, and Qing Tang who were waiting aside.

"They all came."

Apart from anything else, Meng Zhou still admired the attitude shown by the five sects.

Just like the Qingxuan Sect, except for the Yuling Sect, there is really no way to do it. For the other three sects, including the Danqi, Jinding and Hehuan sects, there are ancestors who travel with Qing Ye and others, and there are also ancestors who sit in the sect.

Now, whether they were traveling with Qing Ye and others, or those who were in charge of the sect, they all came over.

——Since the fierce battle between Yuling Sect and the automatic removal of Guangcheng Patriarch from his position as Patriarch, there are only eighteen Patriarchs left in the five sects.

Among them, the Qingxuan Sect has the most ancestors, with five, and the other three sects except Yuling Sect each have four.

The Yuling Sect is rather miserable. Now it only has a single seedling, Patriarch Mingnan.

——There is an episode worth mentioning here, because Patriarch Guangcheng made a fool of himself, ran away from Yuling Sect, and "worked" with Qingxuan Sect in Qingxuan Domain. Patriarch Mingnan discovered that the rain stopped and the sky It's sunny and the world is beautiful again.

It was natural for him to become the ancestor of Yuling Sect again, and he was still the only ancestor.

He didn't even spend too much time on rectifying the internal affairs of the Lingyu Sect, and the entire Lingyu Sect became his loyal backing.

Of course, after returning to the Yuling Sect, he did not abandon the foundation he had built in the Qingxuan Domain.

——Nonsense, he led a group of "Spirit Controlling Army" to earn a world in Qingxuan Domain with blood and sweat, and it is still recognized by Qingxuan Sect. How can he not just say that he doesn't want it?

Likewise, all members who have registered with the Professionals Association, including Patriarch Mingnan, have not given up their status.

Not only that, after the members of the "Spirit Controlling Army" returned to the Soul Controlling Sect in large numbers, they also brought the Professional Association back with them.

Now, not only all professionals from the first level to the third level within the Yuling Sect have become official members of the Professionals Association, but also many casual cultivating professionals in the Yuling Domain who are not from the Spirit Yuing Sect have become members of the Professionals Association. One member.

As for the remaining ones, it's not that they don't want to join, it's just that the Spirit Controlling Domain Professionals Association has limited energy and can't take care of them yet.

Yes, the Spiritual Realm Professionals Association.

With the return of the ancestors of Mingnan and the return of a large number of Spirit Controlling Army professionals who had "trained" in the Qingxuan Domain, they brought the various concepts of the Professionals Association back to the Spirit Controlling Domain. It comes to the dominance of the Spiritual Realm Professionals Association.

Regarding this issue, the ancestor of Mingnan originally wanted to have a detailed communication with "Qihuangzi".

As a result, "Qihuangzi" didn't accept the offer at all, and even refused the Mingnan Patriarch's individual appointment regarding the matter, and just replied "It's up to you."

Because "Qihuangzi" had already shown strength beyond their ancestors at that time, Mingnan's ancestor, who had already been concocted once, was worried about "Qihuangzi"'s misunderstanding, so he took the initiative to apply before establishing the Spirit Controlling Domain Professionals Association. , hoping to send a group of key members from Qingxuan Territory to help set up the frame.

Meng Zhou, who understood his thoughts clearly, did not agree to this application which could have been naturally mixed with sand. He just let Ancestor Mingnan take care of it.

If someone is willing to follow him to control the development of the Spiritual Realm and "expand the territory", then of course that would be great.

If you don’t want to go, there’s no need to force it.

Finally, facing the tempting conditions offered by the Mingnan ancestor, there were not many professionals who were willing to give up everything in the Qingxuan Territory and follow him to open a branch base in the Yuling Territory, and only a few responded.

The conditions offered by Mingnan Ancestor are certainly good, and the development of the Professionals Association in Qingxuan Territory is also not bad at all.

What's more, after experiencing the beast tide that lasted for many years, everyone wanted to practice quietly and didn't want to continue struggling, let alone go to a strange place hundreds of thousands of miles away to start from scratch.

For this reason, the Professional Association of the Yuling Domain is almost entirely dominated by the ancestors of Mingnan and the third-level professionals of the Yuling Sect.

Meng Zhou has never interfered with the development of the Spiritual Realm Professionals Association.

The only requirement is information sharing. All information from the Spirit Controlling Domain Professionals Association must be communicated to him on a regular basis.

In this regard, Patriarch Mingnan, who had learned his methods a long time ago, naturally had no objections.

Moreover, although Patriarch Mingnan returned to Yuling Sect, he did not really stay in Yuling Sect for a long time.

After doing some necessary sorting out, he left the Yuling Sect and acted with Qing Ye and others.

Ancestor Mingnan knew very well that this was the most important thing compared to the jars and jars of the Yuling Sect.

Interestingly, Yin Youyi and Mu Hanyu became jealous when they saw Yu Lingyu "come from behind".

"We were the first ones here!"

Even earlier, they had already sent an invitation to "Qi Huangzi", asking him to develop the Professionals Association into the Hehuan Domain.

Although "Qihuangzi" agreed, he has yet to take action, and now it is even more so that Yu Lingyu takes the lead.

They suddenly became urgent.

Then, he didn't wait for "Qihuangzi" to take action and took the initiative.

In this way, after the Yuling Realm, the Professional Association automatically appeared in the Hehuan Realm. (End of chapter)

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