Do not die

Chapter 345 Preparation

Hearing what "Qihuangzi" said, ancestor Mingnan and the four ancestors of the Alchemy Sect had a look of joy on their faces.

Obviously, this was what they were worried about just now.

It can be clearly seen that compared to the three families of Qingxuan Sect, Jinding Sect, and Hehuan Sect, they have a greater desire for the Void God Crystal.

However, some people were happy with his decision, while others were unhappy.

The ancestors of the Qingxuan Sect and the Hehuan Sect did not openly try to make trouble, but just frowned. However, an ancestor of the Jinding Sect directly raised objections.

"Now that we know about the crisis in Xingxiu Palace and have a way to deal with it, we naturally have to take action immediately. How can there be any reason to wait and wait?

You know, the blow from Xingxiu Palace may fall at any time! "

The value of the Void God Crystal has a more direct effect on the ancestors of the Lingyu Sect and the Alchemy Sect.

In comparison, for the other three sects, the effect of the Virtual God Crystal is not so immediate.

Of course, for the three sects, the value of the Virtual God Crystal is naturally there, and it is equally huge.

It is even more impossible for them to sit back and watch the Lingyu Sect and the Alchemy Sect exclusively enjoy such resources.

However, when the "crisis in the Xingxiu Palace" crashed down, the priorities of each sect towards the two became different.

This time, in the face of the doubts raised by the ancestor of the Jinding Sect, Meng Zhou did not give up personally. An ancestor of the Alchemy Sect took the initiative to stand up and refute.

"Fellow Taoist Qihuangzi has made it very clear that we not only need to deal with the immediate problem, but also save as many chips as possible for future counterattacks.

Otherwise, even if you can save your life for the time being, the situation will become more and more embarrassing in the future until there is no room for change. "

"Even if there is a real risk, in order to reverse this predicament, I think the risk is worth taking."

Ancestor Mingnan spoke from the side and said:

"The situation is actually far less dangerous than everyone thinks. Now we are scaring ourselves.

If you think about it carefully, it is only recently that those secret forces have become active.

There is always a purpose for what they do.

So what is their purpose?

I think it's just two.

One is to confuse the five domains, blind our sight, and prevent us from targeting them in the first place.

Another one, taking advantage of the opportunity of the five realms becoming turbid, they can be more active without being conspicuous, collect more information about us, and report this information to Xingxiu Palace.

Although the Constellation Palace is powerful, we are not fools either.

After so many years of business, do they dare to come here without knowing anything?

After all, we need to take some time to find out our ins and outs. "

This analysis of ancestor Mingnan not only made several ancestors of the Alchemy Sect nod.

Even the cultivators of Qingxuan Sect, Hehuan Sect, and Jinding Sect had no objections and approved in their hearts.

"Whether it is the first purpose or the second purpose, they actually contain the same message, that is, Xingxiu Palace has not decided to attack us immediately!

Therefore, as long as we behave as always, as if nothing has been discovered, we should be safe in the next three to five months. "

"Besides, although we will not take immediate action against these four secret forces, since they have been exposed, we can naturally put all their actions under our sight.

Whenever they have any abnormal behavior, we can detect it immediately and respond immediately. "

At this point, all the cultivators were silent.

After a moment of pause, Patriarch Mingnan, who glanced around the cultivators, said slowly:

"If you still feel it's inappropriate, in a month and a half, just a few of us can go there, and you can find a place to hide.

After we get the False God Crystal, we will go together to eradicate those four forces. "

After hearing his "thoughtful" suggestion for them, the originally silent cultivators said almost at the same time: "No!"

Want to leave us alone and eat alone?

no way!

In the end, all parties finally reached a consensus with great difficulty.

An ancestor of the Jinding Sect with a gloomy look on his face said:

"In that case, let's meet again at Qingxuan Sect in a month."

Immediately the four Jinding Sect ancestors said goodbye and left.

Seeing this, all the cultivators reacted one after another, said their goodbyes, and quickly dispersed.

Even Qingyao and Qingye, the five ancestors of the Qingxuan Sect, did not stay longer on Qiyun Peak and left with the other monks.

Naturally, no one had the intention to continue with the original action.

What's more, after so many years of exploration and search, fourteen altars have been found. According to the distribution of one third-level evil vein and one altar, there are at most two that have not been discovered.

Although it didn't work completely, it was nothing serious.

The next action will be in a month and a half.

Of course, we cannot let such precious time go to waste.

Now everyone is rushing to the sect with the mentality of arranging the "future affairs".

Once the action against those four secret forces begins, no one can predict what will happen next.

But what is certain is that the five third-order spiritual veins currently guarded by the five sects will no longer be safe.

If they still dared to stay and practice carelessly inside the mountain gate, a sword might fly out and cut off their heads at some point.

Will the Five Sects, which have been prominent for more than a hundred years, continue to exist?

How long will it exist?

Under such circumstances, of course they had to rush back to make some arrangements.

As for how the ancestors of the five sects would arrange it, Meng Zhou didn't ask, and he didn't have the time to pay attention to it now.

After all the ancestors of the five sects who had gathered left, Qi Yunfeng became quiet again.

Meng Zhou felt happy and started his preparations.

He proposed to rob a batch of Void God Crystals first, and then tease the tiger's beard in Xingxiu Palace.

The reasons given are just to convince others, but they cannot convince him.

To him, the reason for doing this was very simple -

Before forming a group to tease the "Tiger Beard" in Xingxiu Palace, he needed some free time to make some preparations.

For him, this wave of changes related to the Constellation Palace also caught him off guard.

As a result, there was a slight lack of preparation.

As for how effective a month of preparation can be when facing the power of Xingxiu Palace, it may be useless to other monks, but Meng Zhou is very sure, "It is very useful!"

Meng Zhou came to the area where spiritual fruit trees were planted on the side of the peak. He first moved a third-order high-grade spiritual fruit tree located above the earth vein node to the side, and moved the best and most suitable spiritual fruit tree on Qiyun Peak to the side. The ground became empty.

Then, three spiritual lotus seeds appeared in his hand.

One of them is as white as jade, with a milky and warm luster spreading out. As this luster spreads to the surrounding void, strands of coldness escape, as if along with these lustres, it seeps into the surrounding void;

At first glance, the whole body is pitch black, but if you look closely, you can find that on the surface of this dark spiritual seed, there are faint flashes of spiritual light, like stars blinking mischievously in the dark night.

The last spiritual lotus species is about the size of a pigeon egg. It is golden in color, but a hint of pink is visible at the tip. If you look carefully, there seem to be golden scales on the outer wall of this golden spiritual seed.

But those are not scales, but lotus petals. However, this shape is a natural change caused by the golden brilliance on the outer wall caused by the deep spirituality of the spirit species. It flows like water waves, swirling up and down, and it looks like there is a faint, sparkling wave of light in the spirit. surface float.

These three spiritual lotus seeds are the Cold Ice Lotus Spirit Seed that he obtained through the Qingxuan Sect Deacon Hall, the Fanlu Star Lotus Spirit Seed, and the ones that Yin Youyi and Mu Hanyu paid a lot of money to create. Golden powder double stalk lotus seed.

The first two spiritual lotus seeds obtained from Qingxuan Sect are both third-level top-grade spiritual seeds.

The gold-powder double-pedicle lotus spirit seed obtained from Yin Youyi and Mu Hanyu is even more special. Its current quality is no less than the other two third-level top-grade spirit seeds, and its potential is even higher than them.

Meng Zhou's eyes glanced back and forth on the three spiritual lotus seeds, and finally landed on the Ice Lotus Spirit Seed.

This spiritual lotus is an extremely pure cold-type ice spiritual lotus. Compared with the other two spiritual lotuses, he is more familiar with it.

If you choose it, you will definitely gain more.

After accumulating more experience, it is not too late to cultivate the other two types of spiritual lotus.

After making the selection, Meng Zhou first put the other two spirit lotus seeds into the spirit gourd space.

Holding the Cold Ice Lotus Spirit Seed in his hand, strands of coldness seeped deep into his palm, spreading all the way down his arm and throughout his body.

Such a spiritual seed has a powerful lethality for a foundation-building monk. The coldness can even freeze a foundation-building monk to death.

However, for Meng Zhou, this only made him feel a little "excited", similar to a mortal holding a piece of snow in winter.

When the coldness contained within the Ice Lotus Spirit Seed spontaneously penetrated and spread into Meng Zhou's body, a just-right ray of vitality penetrated from Meng Zhou's body into the depths of the Ice Lotus Spirit Seed.

Soon, the dormant vitality of this third-level top-grade spiritual seed was awakened, and there were immediate signs of taking root and sprouting.

As soon as Meng Zhou thought about it, the spiritual seed flew out from his palm and landed in the spiritual land in front of him, which was exactly at the node of the earth's veins.

When a little bud as tender as ice jade poked out from the Linglian seed, a drop of the third-level middle-grade "Green Lotus Spirit Essence" was already hanging in the void directly above it, like an infusion, seeping into the bud tip bit by bit. .

With the help of this drop of Green Lotus Life Essence, the Ice Lotus seedlings that had just broken through the ground grew at an extremely fast speed, as if they were blowing up a balloon.

First-order low-grade, first-order middle-grade, first-order high-grade...

In the blink of an eye, this cold ice lotus seedling has passed through the first level and entered the second level.

Second-order low-grade, second-order middle-grade, second-order high-grade...

When all the life essence of this green lotus is absorbed by this cold ice lotus, it has already passed the threshold of the second to third levels and has the quality of the third level low-grade.

At this moment, the Cold Ice Lotus seems to have barely survived the "infancy stage". There are only a few half-sized light green lotus leaves holding up like an umbrella canopy above the earth's node spirit land.

The Hanji Ice Lotus in its current state will have a much bigger appetite.

A drop of the third-grade middle-grade Qinglian Life Essence, the rich vitality in it was quickly absorbed completely.

However, compared to the first and second levels, its growth rate suddenly slowed down a lot.

The effect of a drop of the third-level mid-grade Green Lotus Soul Essence on this Cold Ice Lotus is equivalent to two years of growth accumulation.

It was not until the fourteenth day when all the spiritual marrow of the Green Lotus was absorbed by it that this Cold Ice Lotus completed the accumulation of the third-order low-grade and advanced to the third-order mid-grade.

Compared with the third-level low-grade, in addition to the improvement of spiritual quality, the lotus stems have become taller, the lotus leaves have become larger, and they emit more chill, that's all.

For the current Cold Ice Lotus, one drop of the third-level mid-grade Qinglian Life Spirit Essence is equivalent to one year's growth accumulation.

In order to allow him to complete the accumulation of the third-level mid-level and advance to the third-level high-level level, Meng Zhou continuously invested thirty-three drops of the third-level mid-level Qinglian Life Essence.

At this moment, the Cold Ice Lotus is like a source of cold ice.

The entire ice lotus plant can be seen with an emerald green color, but this emerald green seems to be surrounded by thick ice.

Whether it is a lotus stem or a lotus leaf, only the deepest part has a touch of emerald green color that penetrates the "ice layer", showing a brilliant color in natural light and shadow.

It was only at this moment that the lotus stems and leaves finally reached their peak.

Now, the efficiency of the Ice Lotus in devouring the Soul Essence of the Green Lotus is extremely exaggerated.

Although two drops of the third-level mid-grade Green Lotus Life Essence is equivalent to one year of natural growth, one drop of the third-level mid-grade Green Lotus Life Essence will be completely absorbed by it in almost a breath.

Drop after drop of green lotus spiritual essence sank into the cold ice lotus like a string of beads, and a black ice lotus that was as ice-like as jade slowly opened.

Then, the ice lotus turned into an ice jade lotus.

When seventy drops of the Green Lotus's Spiritual Essence were submerged into the Cold Ice Lotus, this spiritual lotus finally completed the accumulation of the third-level high-grade and advanced to the third-order top-grade level.

In the ice jade lotus pod, there are three ice jade-like lotus seeds.

Meng Zhou put the three lotus seeds into the spiritual gourd space and concentrated all his thoughts on the spiritual lotus in front of him.

Every drop of the rich vitality originating from him in Qinglian's spiritual marrow is like a connecting thread.

A total of one hundred and eighteen drops of the third-level middle-grade green lotus spiritual essence was invested, like an indestructible "steel strand", binding this spiritual lotus to him firmly.

Even though it has not yet "transformed into a lotus body" and is still in the state of a spiritual lotus, Meng Zhou feels that he can still control it like his own body.

As his mind changed, this spiritual lotus swayed and changed randomly.

At a certain moment, Meng Zhou had a thought, and a transparent crystal the size of an adult's fist suddenly appeared in the sky above the ice-like jade lotus.

The next moment, the crystal suddenly shot out like a cannonball, quickly flew out of the Qiyun Peak, and finally hit a sea of ​​clouds outside the cliff.


There was a soft sound and the crystal exploded.

In an instant, the sea of ​​clouds disappeared.

Just because as the crystal exploded, the void within the range seemed to be frozen with a layer of ice, becoming like a piece of crystal glass.

Then, broken.

After it was shattered, the void became clean and empty. (End of chapter)

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