Do not die

Chapter 349 Preparing for Fishing

Meng Zhou, who asked this question, was thinking, can Bai Zhi's ability to "draw shapes" and "draw gods" really reshape the human body from the bloodline level?

When Bai Zhi heard this, she shook her head and said, "I don't know about that."

After saying that, she paused and then said: "However, even if there are flaws, I think it will be difficult to find."

This should be her confidence in her abilities.

Meng Zhou nodded slightly.

Bai Zhi was not curious to ask Meng Zhou what his plans were for doing this, but just asked: "Do you need me to do anything else?"

Meng Zhou nodded, and took out three third-level middle-grade Tai Sui bodies, and asked her to transform them into three flesh-and-blood bodies with huge differences in appearance and cultivation based on her previous experience.

Then, Meng Zhou continuously consumed fifty-four drops of the third-grade, high-grade Qinglian Life Spirit Essence, and cultivated 540 kilograms of the third-grade, top-grade Tai Sui flesh and blood.

Meng Zhou first used part of Tai Sui's flesh and blood as raw materials to refine three third-level high-grade Tai Sui bodies.

Because the amount of Tai Sui flesh and blood invested in each Tai Sui body is different, this makes the three formed Tai Sui bodies have obvious size differences.

Then, Meng Zhou used his heart essence and blood to complete the transformation of these three Tai Sui bodies into flesh and blood bodies.

Different from Bai Zhi, although these three flesh and blood bodies can freely change their body and appearance, they can also adjust their own breath.

But in essence, their cores are "homogeneous".

What allowed them to do all this was that Meng Zhou had the corresponding abilities.

Their cultivation levels are also slightly different, and their tendencies are not entirely consistent. Some focus on magic power, and some focus on body training.

But this is also due to the "fine-tuning control" given to them after Meng Zhou's transformation, and their cores are also the same.

With the third-level high-grade Tai Sui body, they almost completely reproduced his current flesh and blood state.

To be honest, the three Tai Sui bodies that I transformed had much bigger flaws than the six bodies that Bai Zhi transformed.

But Meng Zhou was confident that even if the Yuanying monks were face to face, it would be impossible to discover their differences unless they were put together and carefully investigated.

"In terms of the depth of change, Bai Zhi's methods are much better than mine.

If it were opened and allowed to be explored by others, there would be no comparison at all. Bai Zhi would win completely.

But they have almost completely reproduced my current physical state, and the methods they can use are far beyond what the Tai Sui body transformed by Bai Zhi can. "

What's more, Meng Zhou would not give anyone a chance to investigate in depth.

Meng Zhou's eyes swept over the three flesh and blood bodies that had just been transformed.

One of them had a strong and burly figure, and the tyrannical energy and blood surged endlessly in his body like waves, causing regular ripples in the surrounding spiritual energy.

A man in his forties or fifties, with an ordinary appearance and only one pair of unusually bright eyes;

There is also a childish face with crane hair, and the cultivation level shown is the strongest among the three flesh and blood bodies.

The appearance of this body is exactly the same as the current Meng Zhou, exactly what "Qi Huangzi" looks like.

Meng Zhou's eyes fell on "Qi Huangzi".

Soon, "Qihuangzi" came to life.

"His" hands moved, and strands of spiritual power surged from the tips of his ten fingers.

When Meng Zhou realized that he had mastered this body, he controlled "him" to come to the six bodies of Tai Sui transformed by Bai Zhi.

"Qihuangzi" stood in front of Tai Sui's body, which was the weakest among them, and traced his fingers in the void in front of him.

Wisps of spiritual power spurted out from the fingertips, gradually weaving into a complex and exquisite structure in the air.

The bottom layer of this structure uses the essence of the knot maker.

The external performance is a perfect combination of Talisman Dao and Formation Dao.

When "Qihuangzi" stopped waving his fingers, a complex and exquisite talisman array structure quietly suspended in the void in front of him.

"Qihuangzi" waved his hand lightly, and the structure of the talisman array disappeared into the body of the Tai Sui body in front of him.

Meng Zhou tried to detect his spiritual consciousness again, wanting to find out what was happening with the Tai Sui body in front of him.

But before his consciousness penetrated this Tai Sui body, his consciousness hit an extremely tough barrier.

Meng Zhou's spiritual consciousness spread out, submerging the entire body of Tai Sui under the tyrannical consciousness, and he wanted to forcefully penetrate it.

Still blocked.

Under such a field of vision, Meng Zhou could also clearly see that this Tai Sui body was like wearing a full-covering, invisible, and anti-detection blouse.

When he tried to increase his strength, he wanted to forcibly break through this barrier with his tyrannical soul power.

Meng Zhou keenly discovered that when the strength of the soul's power exceeded a certain threshold, this tough barrier suddenly became violent, as if it would explode with the entire flesh and blood body in the next moment.

It's like using a needle to prick an inflated balloon. The moment the balloon is punctured, it is also the moment the balloon explodes. This is an inevitable rule.

After feeling this change, Meng Zhou promptly canceled the power of the soul that had been forcefully penetrated.

This Tai Sui body stopped just before it was about to explode, and its suddenly violent aura quickly stabilized.

The results of the test made Meng Zhou very satisfied.

Then, "Qihuangzi" continued to use his methods, and the six Taisu bodies transformed by Bai Zhi, as well as the other two Taisu bodies transformed by Meng Zhou himself, were all covered with this layer of "anti-detection" means.

Finally, "Qihuangzi" came up with something for himself.

After doing all this, Meng Zhou looked at the nine flesh and blood bodies and nodded with satisfaction.

When he heard the news that Xingxiu Palace was about to come out, Meng Zhou's first subconscious reaction was: "Are we going to face the Nascent Soul from Xingxiu Palace?"

Although his heartbeat was a little accelerated, like the ancestors of the five sects, Meng Zhou was fully mentally prepared for the arrival of this day.

Therefore, after the initial "rapid heartbeat", Meng Zhou's mentality quickly returned to calm.

In his heart, he thought with regret:

“It’s still too early for Xingxiu Palace to come out.

If only it had been a few years later, it would have been better if I had raised my cultivation level to the ninth level of Dan Formation before leaving the mountain. "

However, this seems to be just some of his private imagination.

It's not up to him to decide when Xingxiu Palace will come out.

To be honest, it has been more than 180 years since the Xingxiu Palace was closed. It has given the five regions enough time to "freely move around", and they cannot ask for more.

When all these thoughts faded away and Meng Zhou was ready to "accept the move," a question suddenly arose in his heart:

"Do we really have to face this collision?"

After careful and careful analysis, Meng Zhou was surprised to find that it seemed that at this time, he did not have to physically catch the bullet.

The situation of "death-to-death" between himself and a certain force in the Constellation Palace can be dealt with in a more flexible way.

When someone comes in angrily, do you have to stand upright to greet them?

There is no need!

Why do you have to adapt to other people's rhythms?

Time is on my side!

In this way, Meng Zhou gradually had a "whimsical" new idea in his mind.

Meng Zhou put away all the nine Tai Sui bodies in front of him and placed them in the same spiritual gourd space.

Now they are just an empty shell, lacking the most crucial thing——


Meng Zhou naturally had plans for this.

Before leaving Qi Yunfeng, Meng Zhou used the two methods of "Time Flowing Water Sword" and "Time Editing" to re-edit the entire Qi Yunfeng.

Time begins when "Qihuangzi" settles in Qiyunfeng.

After everything was dealt with, Meng Zhou used Five Elements Escape and left Qi Yunfeng.

Before leaving Qingxuan Territory, he went to Sanchuan Plain.

One is to make some arrangements for Zhu Qian, and the other is to re-edit and sort out the traces of "Qihuangzi", "Geping" and "Zhuang Sheng" who have completely disappeared from Sanchuan Yuan.

Yes, in addition to "Qihuangzi" and "Geping", Meng Zhou also did some careful processing of "Zhuang Sheng".

Once, "Ge Ping" revealed to President Pan of the Sanchuan Society that he and "Zhuang Sheng" were the same person, and also gave a reasonable explanation.

If anyone really wants to dig deeper into the past traces of "Qihuangmen", he will definitely be pleasantly surprised by such a harvest.

Through these clues hidden in the torrent of time, a deeply hidden "Qihuang Gate" will reveal its true face bit by bit.

"It will definitely be a surprise when the time comes."

Meng Zhou thought that if someone really followed the clues and figured out the "Qihuang Gate" bit by bit, he couldn't help but feel sincerely happy for the other person.

After dealing with this, Meng Zhou did not take any unnecessary steps against the Professionals Association.

After leaving Sanchuan Plain, Meng Zhou headed south and soon left the area where Qingxuan Domain was located.

While maintaining a secretive pace, Meng Zhou also focused most of his attention on "interpreting the world".

Ever since the "Transparent Round Mirror" began to operate regularly and stably within the Five Realms, there were basically no secrets in the Five Realms to Meng Zhou.

With the complete completion of the "Transparent Dao Body", the "Deduction World" encompassing the five domains began to be refreshed in a timely and automatic manner.

Although, due to the insufficient number of "transparent circular mirrors", it is impossible to cover all areas of the five regions at the same time, and it is also impossible to truly understand the real-time information of any area anytime and anywhere, just like watching a live broadcast.

But for the areas that Meng Zhou focuses on, as long as enough "transparent round mirrors" can be temporarily dispatched in advance, "live broadcast" is not an extravagant hope.

As long as a sufficient number of "transparent circular mirrors" are dispatched and an area of ​​10,000 to 20,000 square meters or multiple key areas of concern is brought into view, there will be no problem in conducting "live broadcast".

At this moment, Meng Zhou was quickly moving away from the Qingxuan Domain while concentrating all the "transparent round mirrors" in five areas.

Four of the areas are within the jurisdiction of the four areas: Alchemy Area, Jinding Area, Yuling Area, and Hehuan Area.

There is another area, in the huge "gap zone" between the five domains, a third-level evil vein that covers an area that exceeds Kurosawahara and contains many dangerous areas.

These five places, to Meng Zhou, are like five "leek fields", where there are two resources he urgently needs now.

The soul and the godless mind.

The actions of the Five Domains and Five Sects against the Lihen Sect were very incomplete.

Except for the fact that Qingxuan Sect, with his silent help, had relatively completely eradicated the cancer of Lihen Sect, the Lihen Sect had not suffered a big blow in the other four regions.

For example, the Yuling Sect and the Hehuan Sect were severely bitten by the Lihen Sect.

After hiding from the limelight for a while, they "lived" again.

As all the hidden forces within the five domains become active and the water becomes muddier, they fish in the muddy water and gain more and more nourishment.

Although the Lihen Sect conceals its activities very well, it also wears other "vests" when operating outside.

But of course all this could not deceive Meng Zhou.

As Meng Zhou's key focus, information about them is always updated the fastest in the "Deduction World".

Moreover, Meng Zhou would often list out the information related to the Lihen Cult and sort it out carefully.

Although he noticed the traces of the Lihen Cult early on, Meng Zhou did not immediately launch an operation to eliminate the Lihen Cult.

Firstly, I have no plans to travel far in the near future;

Secondly, after learning the lesson from the annihilation of the Lihen Sect in Qingxuan Domain, the Lihen Sect became more cautious.

If the Lihen Sect in a certain area suddenly experiences the death of Dan Jiedan, the other Danjiedan sect members will immediately learn of it and immediately scatter and hide.

Although, they are hidden under their "omniscient vision" and are of no use.

Not to mention the members of the Lihen Sect who were hiding in the pill formation, even if they were a group of rabbits fleeing for their lives, trying to catch them all would be in vain.

Therefore, Meng Zhou knew very well that he would either not take action against these Lihen sect members, or take full action to uproot them all.

But Meng Zhou was also worried that wiping out all the senior leaders of the Lihen Sect within the five domains would wake up the "Idol of Lihen" and bring about unexpected effects.

If possible, Meng Zhou just wanted to practice steadily and did not want "unexpected things".

Therefore, these Lihen cult members have lived under his nose until now.

But in Meng Zhou's heart, they have long been fish and shrimps in his own vat, and he can catch them at any time as long as he needs them.

Now, it's time to catch and use it.

As for the possibility of alerting the "Statue of Lihen" and causing unexpected changes, Meng Zhou didn't take it to heart.

In fact, Meng Zhou was still hoping that the "Statue of Lihen" would gain some momentum and bring about some different changes at this time.

The Lihen cult members that Meng Zhou targeted through the "Transparent Round Mirror" at this moment were all in areas with cultivation levels above Dan Formation or where third-level Lihen statues were enshrined.

What concerned him the most, and what he was going to in person at this moment, was the vast third-level evil vein located in the "gap zone" between the five realms.

The number of Lihen cult members gathered here is the smallest compared to the other four domains, but the quality is the highest.

They are scattered among many high-quality spiritual lands in the third-order evil veins. One of them is a third-order spiritual land located deep in the Yunwu Canyon. It is secretly located, of extremely high quality, and occupies a large area. It has gathered the five realms of Lihen. Teach the core essence. (End of chapter)

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