Do not die

Chapter 356 “Crowdfunding”

Meng Zhou's own spiritual practice career can basically be described as "plain as water".

Not only will he not take the initiative to stir up trouble, but if there are signs of trouble affecting him, he will proactively and secretly eliminate it in advance.

This created the illusion that his journey was always uneventful.

For example, I still don’t know, and I don’t need to know what happened to me and whose hands destroyed the Lihen Sect.

Another example is Song Yang and the Mingxin Pavilion behind him, together with the Mingxin Pavilion in the other four regions;

Yu Qiao, the Qiao family behind him, and several other Anzi spies who were loyal to Xingxiu Palace;

They didn't even have a real face-to-face meeting with Meng Zhou, the righteous master. After determining that they were likely to disrupt his peaceful practice life, Meng Zhou began to use his own methods to kill this possibility before it sprouted.

And some arrangements that cannot be avoided as one's cultivation level increases, if someone else handles them, it can easily cause a storm.

But in Meng Zhou's hands, it gives people a natural and bland feeling.

For example, he became the president of the Professionals Association as the "Qihuang Clan Master" and "Qihuang Zi" who had never appeared in the world before and was absolutely unfamiliar to the five sects, and he appeared in front of the five sects majestically.

Although it caused quite a stir, compared to the excitement and impact of the incident itself, it was only a small splash.

As for carving out a Qiyun Peak in the hinterland of Qingxuanzong Mountain Gate as a place for his practice, that is the perfect expression of the logic of this behavior.

This is Meng Zhou's style of acting. When possible, he will always subconsciously make a choice with a gentle heart that least disturbs himself and the outside world.

But this is just his choice.

This is not the mainstream of the five domains.

Since the beginning of practitioners, the world of spiritual practice has never been truly "calm".

This has been even more true in the years since Meng Zhou embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

The turmoil in the Qingxuan Territory was turbulent and endless. From the day he opened his eyes in the small courtyard by the Baijiang River, it has never stopped until now.

Big events come one after another.

Other domains have also never experienced true peace and tranquility.

At the level of the five sects, Yuling Sect has "showed its face" many times in succession.

The five sects each occupied five third-level spiritual veins. After a hundred years of "peace", the first "ancestor" fell;

——Originally, the Hehuan Sect had a high probability of sharing this record with the Lingyu Sect, but they were lucky. At this time, a master pharmacist "Qi Huangzi" appeared.

There was internal fighting within the sect at the ancestor level, and the entire sect was split in two from top to bottom. The Yuling Sect was also the first, and now the only one.

The ripples caused by this not only involved the entire Soul Controlling Sect, but no one was spared. The entire Soul Controlling Domain was severely impacted.

This impact did not even stop at the Spirit Controlling Domain, but was also spreading to the other four domains, creating new agitation.

It hasn't stopped yet.

There is only one ancestor in the mountain gate, that is, Guangcheng ancestor. Either his greed overwhelms his reason, or his obsession with pursuing the great road outweighs others. When the five sects acted together and explored the altar, he took the lead. A brave attempt was made.

For him, the ending was undoubtedly bleak.

But for everyone except him, the ending is bright.

Patriarch Guangcheng used his own sacrifice to verify the feasibility of robbing the Void God Crystal on the spot.

It also reveals the huge risks of such behavior.

This is the basis for everyone's actions on this trip.

At the same time, the Mingnan ancestor who was "wandering" in Qingxuan Territory also got the opportunity to return to the Yuling Sect.

Instead of being beaten back, he was welcomed back in a dignified manner.

One of the more amazing things is that although Patriarch Guangcheng has disabled himself, the combat power of the Patriarch of the Yuling Sect has not decreased.

This is because Patriarch Mingnan used the unique secret method of Yuling Sect to achieve "heart-to-heart" with Patriarch Guangcheng.

The two people who originally hated each other and only had internal conflicts became partners who could depend on life and death. In terms of combat power, one plus one was greater than two.

To put it more clearly, Ancestor Guangcheng turned into a "humanoid beast" that was completely controlled by Ancestor Mingnan.

This kind of behavior, in Meng Zhou's opinion, is undoubtedly a very "demon" approach.

This also impacts the basic values ​​​​of the spiritual world. If the person who did this was not the ancestor Mingnan, but some other spirit master.

This kind of "treating people as beasts" has long since died without a burial place.

But whether it was the Yuling Sect or the other four sects, they all tacitly approved of this.

For other Spirit Controlling Sect monks, the Spirit Controlling Sect has suffered successive blows, and the gap between it and the other four sects has become very large.

The number and combat performance of the ancestors of a sect are the core competitiveness of a sect.

As for the ancestors of the other four sects, their acquiescence was only because the ancestor Mingnan had promised them:

"Ancestor Guangcheng is not mine alone, but belongs to everyone. He will be our vanguard from now on!"

In a word, everyone will act together in the future. If there is a dangerous job, Patriarch Guangcheng will bravely take it on.

Such as now.

As the phantom of the Lihen Statue approached, Patriarch Mingnan called out Patriarch Guangcheng.

Ancestor Fengdan of the Alchemy Sect handed an elixir to Ancestor Mingnan and warned:

"You let him take it when the time comes. This violent blood-strengthening elixir can temporarily more than double the strength of his soul. If he encounters a blow like the last time again, with the help of this elixir, he can sustain it. longer."

Patriarch Mingnan took the elixir and asked, "Are there any side effects?"

Ancestor Fengdan paused and told the truth.

"The great improvement in the strength of the soul comes at the cost of burning blood essence and overdrawing the source of life.

This elixir acts like fire. You decide how much it burns. However, the more essence and blood you burn and the source of life is overdrawn, the greater the damage to the foundation of the avenue.

If the overdraft is excessive, your cultivation may even decline and you may die on the spot. "

Listening to Patriarch Fengdan's narration, Patriarch Mingnan looked calm, and there was no surprise in his expression.

——Of course he wasn't surprised. He wouldn't be the one taking the elixir anyway.

After listening to the introduction, Ancestor Mingnan nodded calmly and said: "I will let him use it at the most appropriate time."

At this moment, the Jinding Sect's Mountain Destroying Ancestor also had something in his hand.

He threw this object into the hands of Ancestor Mingnan. It was a set of leather clothes that were bronze in color but extremely soft.

Ancestor Mingnan took it in his hands, and the leather jacket that hung naturally showed a texture like fine silk.

Seeing this thing, Ancestor Mingnan was full of surprise, "You gave this thing to me? Why are you so generous this time?"

Among the five sects, Jinding Sect is relatively shabby.

On the one hand, the consumption of dual cultivation of magic and body is even greater. On the other hand, the Jinding Sect does not have such key products as the elixir weapon of the Alchemy Sect or the beast control and puppets of the Lingyu Sect.

Therefore, Patriarch Mingnan did not have high hopes for the Jinding Sect.

However, on the other hand, we can also see how precious this thing is.

Patriarch Deshan rolled his eyes and said:

"What are you thinking about? I borrowed it! This thing is only for temporary use. Remember to return it when you use it later!"

Ancestor Mingnan nodded, "Okay."

As he spoke, he gently threw the leather coat in his hand towards Patriarch Guangcheng next to him.

The soft bronze leather coat quickly unfolded in the air, showing a complete humanoid outline.

When it is fully unfolded, it looks like a burly real person with bronze skin standing in the void.

This is a complete human skin.

The fallen bronze human skin quickly fell down, completely attached to Ancestor Guangcheng, and then quickly integrated into Ancestor Guangcheng's body.

When this human skin was completely integrated, Patriarch Guangcheng looked the same.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the color of his skin seems to be slightly darker.

At this moment, Yin Youyi threw out two jade pendants and landed in the hands of ancestor Mingnan.

These two jade pendants, one pure white, have many curved lines, giving people a graceful, graceful and extremely light feeling;

A piece of pure black with many sharp corners, giving people a feeling that they would rather break than bend, extremely hard and sharp;

But when the two jade pendants are put together, they can completely overlap.

In other words, their outline shapes are actually exactly the same.

Yin Youyi introduced: "When the time comes, you two will each wear one, and you can bear some injuries on his behalf."

Ancestor Mingnan frowned when he heard this.

Yin Youyi naturally knew what he was thinking and said calmly:

"You have the absolute initiative, so how much damage you share is naturally up to you.

As long as the injury is not serious enough to threaten your life or damage your foundation, what do you have to worry about? "

As he said that, he glanced in the direction of "Qihuangzi". The meaning was very clear. With this person here, as long as he is not dead, are you still worried about getting hurt?

Ancestor Mingnan thought for a while and handed the piece of white jade to Ancestor Guangcheng for sacrifice, while he kept the black jade in a precious and precious way.

Now, Patriarch Guangcheng is his "private property". If possible, of course he still has to save his life as much as possible, and cannot just kill him at once.

Finally, Ancestor Mingnan looked at Qingye and the others.

Qingye, Qingzhan, Qingfeng, Qingtang, and Qingyao are sitting cross-legged together at the moment, in five positions in five directions, with their qi connected, head to tail.

There was energy flowing and brewing among the five of them.

Others may still see it a little unclearly, but Meng Zhou sees it very clearly.

This is similar to the formation he used to purify star power using five dew star lotus clones.

However, what circulates and purifies between the five of them is not the star power, but the power of the five elements.

When Patriarch Mingnan looked at them, Qingye stretched out his finger and pointed a little farther towards Patriarch Guangcheng.

A substantial halo of light flew out from his fingertips and fell towards Patriarch Guangcheng's head.

This aperture is colorful and flowing.

When it landed on Patriarch Guangcheng's head, it seemed as if he was wearing a headband.

Soon, the colorful halo sank into the head of Ancestor Guangcheng and disappeared.

Qing Ye explained to Ancestor Mingnan: "This ring is specifically designed to increase the soul defense. Within a certain period of time, it can double the soul defense ability of fellow Taoist Guangcheng on the current basis."

In this way, the effect is similar to the violent blood-strengthening pill provided by the Alchemy Sect.

Moreover, there is no need to pay the price of burning essence and blood, overdrafting potential, and damaging the foundation.

And because the working principle of this ring is completely different from that of the violent blood-strengthening elixir, the two effects can overlap.

This means that its soul defense ability will be greatly strengthened in a short period of time.

This is a good thing, but both the ancestors of the Alchemy Sect and the ancestors of Mingnan feel a little unhappy.

Several ancestors of the Alchemy Sect have this mentality, but they feel that their family is being suppressed.

Ancestor Mingnan felt this way, but he felt that compared to the other solid aids, a simple "skill blessing" from Qingye and others was a bit too cheap.

Although the effect is not bad, it still feels like "the five elders of Qingxuan are playing tricks" and "taking advantage".

With this thought in his mind, there was nothing wrong with Mingnan Ancestor's face, and his eyes were naturally looking at "Qihuangzi".

Meng Zhou spread his hands and said with a smile: "I haven't made any preparations. I don't know what help I can provide."

Ancestor Mingnan quickly waved his hand and said: "No, no, you don't need to think about this... you just need to watch from the sidelines."

Compared with the help given by the other four sects, this one is the real Dinghai Shenzhen.

At the critical moment, he still expected the other party to help save his life.

Don't dare to let the other party spend their energy on these things.

Meng Zhou naturally understood. He just said it casually, nodded casually, stopped talking, and sat quietly aside.

An ancestor of the Alchemy Sect played a talisman, and Qingye and the other five pointed out a halo again and put it on the spacecraft. Coupled with the ability of the spacecraft itself, the spacecraft quietly disappeared into the void.

After a while, everyone watching the changes in the altar was shocked and held their breath.

I saw a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the incense burner on the top of the altar, like smoke rising and light escaping.

Soon, the smoke rising from the mouth of the incense burner and the light dissipating appeared into a phantom of the statue of Lihen that everyone was very familiar with.

However, what is surprising is that "He" who appeared this time did not immediately reach into the incense burner and fish out the Void God Crystal as he did before.

"He" looked around very alertly.

In particular, the four eyes on the faces of the hateful and happy faces look flexible and energetic.

At the same time, the entire phantom of the Lihen Statue gave people a more dangerous feeling.

It was like a beast preparing to eat suddenly remembered its previous encounter, and looked around cautiously and then with a grin.

After seeing nothing unusual, he turned his attention to the incense burner beneath him.

Everyone in the spaceship not far away let out a long sigh of relief when they saw this.

"I was scared to death. I thought this operation was going to go wrong." Some people were sweating profusely and had lingering fears.

"It seems like His ability is not as exaggerated as we thought." Someone said.

"Don't be too optimistic. Maybe he just doesn't have very good eyesight."

Just when everyone was communicating with each other in the sea of ​​consciousness, Meng Zhou suddenly joined in and said quietly:

"What you have to consider now is that if you rely solely on one Taoist friend Guangcheng, even if you risk your life, the possibility of success is very small."

These words were like a basin of cold water poured on everyone's hearts. (End of chapter)

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