Do not die

Chapter 361: Rebirth of flesh and blood

At the same time, given a rare opportunity to show off her talents, Bai Zhi was also busy with enthusiasm, immersed in the design and layout of this "Qihuangmen" nest.

All the arrangements and furnishings in this spiritual place look antique and have a unique charm that has accumulated over the years.

It looks casual, but in fact it shows unique ingenuity everywhere, making it extremely authentic and believable.

Meng Zhou carried out "time editing" and re-wrote the "history" of this spiritual place, so naturally he had to include all of this.

This is different from the spirit land formation. The various furnishings, caves, or other arrangements in the spirit land are not only born first, but also have logical cause and effect.

For example, sixty years ago, a new Danjie elder was born in the "Qihuang Sect", and he had a cave of his own in this precious spiritual land.

Then, a new cave mansion was born from scratch.

It can be said that everything in the spiritual land must be closely related to the characters at that time.

It cannot remain unchanged and dead for decades or hundreds of years.

That would look too fake.

For this reason, Meng Zhou also specially designed a complete historical line for this "Qihuangmen" nest.

Create out of thin air the detailed plot lines and daily life lines of all the "Qihuang Clan members" lurking in this secret spiritual place.

Meng Zhou was able to do this not only because of the super-calculating deductive ability given by the transparent Taoist mind brought by the transparent Taoist body, but also because of some ingenuity of Meng Zhou.

First of all, under the premise of ensuring that it is reasonable and reasonable, he adheres to a general principle, that is, the fewer the number of people who can enter this "Qihuangmen Old Nest" to practice, the better, and the simpler the relationship between them, the better. It is best for all of them to be I have an otaku nature and try to minimize interactions if I can.

Secondly, he also cleverly used the "borrowing doctrine".

The daily lives of practitioners are basically similar unless there are special plots to add to the chaos.

Since the "Qihuang Sect" is a sect that is rich in pharmacists and is proficient in many other professions, Meng Zhou referred to many professional associations and sects such as Qingxuan Sect and Danqi Sect who focused on their respective career paths when designing the character. The monk's temperament and daily routine - because of the "transparent round mirror" record, this has a large number of ready-made backups in Meng Zhou's "interpretation world".

What Meng Zhou has to do is to create a character design, then cut and piece together the existing information to create a "Qihuangmen" elixir.

And use the method of "time editing" to create something out of nothing and paste it into the time of this magical place.

Because the amount of the project was too large, and because Meng Zhou had traced this method of time editing back 165 years ago, Meng Zhou's own soul power alone could not support such a huge workload in a short period of time.

In order to complete this matter as soon as possible, Meng Zhou consumed more than half of the remaining soul power accumulated in the soul armor obtained from Yanzhuang.

Meng Zhou saw that the remaining soul power in the Consciousness Sea Space in the Divine Soul Armor was less than one-tenth of what it was at its peak. He shook his head in his heart and put it back into the Spirit Gourd Space.

Originally, the soul power reserve in this divine soul armor was very considerable, but once it got involved with "time", it really didn't burn at all.

The biggest consumption is two times.

The last time, in order to trace back a tetrahedron altar accidentally discovered deep in the lava more than two hundred years ago, a huge amount of soul power was consumed;

Then there is this time. Although the time is much shorter than the last time, the coverage area is much larger than that of the tetrahedron altar. Secondly, this time is not only a time retrieval, but also "editing" while retracing. , the soul power consumed is also very terrifying.

The reason why he only traces the time back to one hundred and sixty-five years ago is, on the one hand, because the soul power storage is limited. Even if he consumes all the soul power remaining in the divine soul armor, it is impossible to reorganize the traces of time. It goes back two hundred years.

Furthermore, Meng Zhou also felt that the time was just right and there was no need to continue chasing.

If one goes back to the years before the Xingxiu Palace was closed, not only would the consumption be greater, but there would also be a very low probability of running into the "ancients" of the Xingxiu Palace.

——Although this place is secretive enough, Meng Zhou cannot guarantee 100% that in the years before Xingxiu Palace closed the mountain, no monk from Xingxiu Palace discovered this place.

It was good to stop one hundred and sixty-five years ago. Not only would we not meet the "ancients" of the Xingxiu Palace, but it also happened to be right after the Xingxiu Palace was closed and before the five sects regained order. This period was the most chaotic period in the five regions. when.

In those sixty or seventy years, no one knows how many individuals or forces have risen, how many have fallen, and how many have changed their appearance and lurked in the Five Realms with another appearance.

Under this general trend, it is absolutely normal for a person who is not good at fighting and does not like fighting to hide in a hidden spiritual place called "Qihuang Sect".

Because with the help of his "clear Taoist heart", Meng Zhou already had a "preparatory plan" in his mind. He basically had a detailed plan before taking action, and he had enough soul power reserves for him to consume.

Meng Zhou completed the remodeling of this spiritual land in less than five days.

After doing all this, Meng Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

But it's not over yet.

Meng Zhou first checked the status of the thirty "ice sculptures" stored in the spirit gourd space, and restored those in poor condition to a certain extent to ensure their freshness.

Then, Meng Zhou took out an ice sculpture with the fourth level of pill formation.

After more than one day and nearly two days of hard "wrestling", this Lihen Cult monk died forty times in a row, and was later resurrected by "flesh and blood" for forty times in a row. Under such repeated "washing", all his The self-awareness was finally wiped away, and the soul was as pure as a piece of white paper.

Bai Zhi was allowed to reshape this soul with reference to the image of a Tai Sui body with a matching cultivation level and transformed from her heart essence and blood. Meng Zhou, who had gained 20,000 points of experience, was already facing a new body. The corpse performed the magical skill of "flesh and blood rebirth", which can resurrect the dead, flesh and white bones.

[The initial level of flesh and blood rebirth is 20,000/150,000]

It took Meng Zhou five days to completely "cleanse" the souls of the three Lihen Cult members with intermediate level of pill formation, and find matching souls for the three Tai Sui bodies in the middle stage of pill formation.

——Specifically, one person has four levels of alchemy formation, one has five levels of alchemy formation, and one has six levels of alchemy formation. A total of 75,000 experience points have been gained.

[The initial level of flesh and blood rebirth is 75,000/150,000]

At this moment, there are still twenty-seven "ice sculptures" preserved in the spirit gourd space. Among them, there are still 14 that have been cultivated in the early stage of pill formation, and there are eight that have been cultivated in the middle stage of pill formation.

Meng Zhou's eyes stayed on the twenty-two ice sculptures for a moment, and then turned to the five "ice sculptures" with the advanced cultivation of Dan Ji.

Among them, there were three that attracted his attention the most. Before being frozen, they all had the cultivation level of the ninth level of pill formation, and their cultivation levels were not inferior to those of the ancestors of the five sects.

If the Lihen Sect's cunning and insidious methods are taken into account, its strength is even greater.

Meng Zhou's eyes glanced back and forth on the three top "ice sculptures", and finally, he selected the one with the lowest accumulation of the ninth level of alchemy - the one who was captured in the thick fog area using the teleportation talisman.

Meng Zhou exhaled and calmed down his mind before taking the "ice sculpture" out of the spirit gourd space.

Meng Zhou stretched out his hand and pressed it between the other person's eyebrows. As soon as a healing power penetrated into the other person's body from his palm, Meng Zhou felt a powerful rebound force.

Fortunately, Meng Zhou had taken precautions against this and easily dispersed the hastily organized resistance.

Then, countless sword energy spread out and exploded in the opponent's body, and the frozen body that had just thawed immediately turned into pieces.

His similarly frozen soul also turned into even and finely broken pieces.

At the ninth level of pill formation, he had no time to make any resistance.

The only difference between his performance and other Lihen cult members was probably that he emitted an extremely strong emotion before his soul was forcibly dismembered and washed away by countless sword energies.

Doubt, despair, resentment, curse...

Such strong negative emotions burst out from Qi's soul, making Meng Zhou almost think that the other party had transformed into another phantom of the statue of Lihen.

——The last time he had such an impression was the phantom statue of Lihen that he encountered not long ago.

The only difference is probably that the emotional release of the phantom of the God of Lihen is followed by power. The stronger the emotional output, the more powerful the power output.

And his negative emotions are just the vent of negative emotions and nothing else.

Meng Zhou used "flesh and blood rebirth" on a pile of corpses and minced meat, and then he was surprised to find that compared to those "patients" in the early and middle stages of pill formation, the treatment of the patient in front of him was much easier.

Meng Zhou was very surprised by this.

This was exactly the opposite of what he expected.

Before getting started, Meng Zhou thought that the current "patient" would be more difficult to treat than the previous ones.

"This is really an unexpected surprise."

Meng Zhou guessed that there were two possibilities.

First, the other party's self-thought is far beyond that of those monks in the early and middle stages of forming pills.

The second is that all living things have the instinct of "self-healing and strong survival". However, with their death, this instinct has nothing to rely on, and it naturally becomes useless.

But with the help of "flesh and blood rebirth", this instinct was activated again.

The resurrection of the "patient", in addition to the help of the external force of "flesh and blood rebirth", is also driven by this instinct.

The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the vitality in front of the body, and the stronger this instinct is.

"Either way, it's always a good thing."

Meng Zhou thought like this in his mind, and the pile of broken limbs and pieces of flesh in front of him became complete at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The broken soul of the "patient" in the sea of ​​consciousness also became whole again at an extremely fast speed.

Whether it was a flesh and blood body or a spiritual soul, Meng Zhou only restored the opponent's head and main part of the torso. Before he could restore his limbs, the opponent's already dead consciousness showed signs of awakening again.

Meng Zhou is not a pervert and has no habit of cruelty to others.

Therefore, he simply pointed a finger at the opponent's forehead, which had just been intact for a long time, causing his body and soul to fall into pieces again.

Before the soul split again, strong negative emotions emerged from the opponent's soul.

However, what made Meng Zhou feel gratified was that although these outpouring emotions were still strong and negative, they were significantly weaker than the last time.

This made him feel that the other person's soul had become much cleaner during this life and death.

If its initial soul was like a bottle of thick ink, then although the current bottle of ink is still ink, it has at least become a lot thinner.

In this way, as the other party wanders between life and death over and over again, the bottle of ink filled with his soul becomes thinner and thinner, and even gradually becomes clearer.

Watching this gradual change process, Meng Zhou felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

Because the process of resurrecting this person is easier, a successful "flesh and blood rebirth" not only takes less time, but also consumes less effort.

This allows him to perform "flesh and blood rebirth" on this person more times every day and gain more experience.

It was originally thought that it would take three days to "purify" this person, but in fact it only took two days for the soul, which was originally as thick as ink, to be transformed into a puddle of crystal clear pure water without any impurities.

As a result, "Flesh and Blood Rebirth" gained another 45,000 experience points, and this magical skill that was still in its infancy stage gained more accumulation.

[The initial level of flesh and blood rebirth is 120,000/150,000]

Meng Zhou didn't stop and took out another "ice sculpture" with nine levels of alchemy cultivation.

This time, Meng Zhou picked the one with the deepest cultivation, and catching him also cost him the most effort.

With previous experience, there were no variables in the process of "purifying" this person.

What's particularly special is that in the first few times, before death, the negative emotions erupted from his soul were a bit too thick.

However, it is not without its benefits. This person's self-thought is a level stronger than that of the ninth-level pill-forming person.

After going back and forth between life and death a hundred times, his soul was completely cleansed.

As a result, the flesh-and-blood rebirth gained another 50,000 experience points. In the process of purifying this person, the flesh-and-blood rebirth completed the accumulation of the initial stage and advanced to the minor stage.

[Flesh and blood rebirth small amount 20,000/300,000]

With this breakthrough, more experiences and insights poured into Meng Zhou's heart like a steady stream of water.

Meng Zhou handed over the soul, which took more than two days to be purified, to Bai Zhi, who was waiting eagerly to deal with it.

——Although Bai Zhi’s cultivation is only in the middle stage of pill formation, because the soul purified by him is as pure as a piece of white paper, she can still handle even the ninth level of pill formation, and it will only consume a lot of soul power and The effort is slightly greater and the time invested is more.

And because of leapfrogging to deal with this high-quality "material", Bai Zhi's gains are greater than those of those souls who are in the early and middle stages of elixir formation.

This made her feel quite addicted to leveling up.

Just as Meng Zhou was about to take out the third "ice sculpture" to continue purifying it, he was suddenly startled.

His thoughts were already connected with a body of Tai Sui on the other side.

Almost at the moment when his thoughts connected with it.


Tai Sui's body exploded.

The thoughts that had just been connected were disconnected again.

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