Do not die

Chapter 363 Completed

Staring at the image of Lian Ziling for a long time, sometimes I had many thoughts, and sometimes I couldn't think of anything at all.

For a moment, Meng Zhou felt doubtful in his heart.

“This Lian Ziling’s concealment skills are so profound.

The two hundred years of friendship with Yanzhuang, but from Yanzhuang's perspective, there is no flaw in it.

Why are you so careless this time?

Is it because my strength has improved, my mentality has changed, and I am no longer so vigilant?

Or is it that after years of plotting, nothing has been achieved, so the mentality has exploded, and it doesn’t matter whether to cover it up or not? "

After thinking to no avail, Meng Zhou did not delve into it, and he had no intention of delving into it.

Perhaps Lian Ziling has regarded the existence that ruined his plan, that is, Meng Zhou, as a sworn enemy blocking his way, but Meng Zhou does not have any hatred towards him. The principles he upholds in his heart are so simple. clear.

"You do your thing, and I'll practice mine."

As long as his cultivation can continue, he will always abide by this principle.

Therefore, Meng Zhou quickly readjusted his mentality, and the image of Lian Ziling gradually faded in his heart.

Meng Zhou looked around, but Bai Zhi didn't notice anything unusual about him just now.

At this moment, she was reaching out and pressing the forehead of the monk who had just completed the purification of his soul, reshaping his soul.

In terms of strength, the existence that is considered top-notch within the Five Realms is just letting Bai Zhi handle a piece of "material" at this moment.

When her palm left the other person's forehead, a soul that seemed to be real but still imaginary quietly appeared in her palm.

If Yin Youyi, Qing Ye and others saw it, they would definitely exclaim: "Qihuangzi!"

Bai Zhi took the soul that was reshaped into "Qihuangzi" out of its body, and photographed it into the body of another more real "Qihuangzi" with flesh and blood next to it - this "Qihuangzi" is, of course, Meng Zhou's own soul. The body of Tai Sui transformed from blood.

After doing this, Bai Zhi, who had been holding her breath, breathed a sigh of relief, clapped her palms gently, looked at Meng Zhou, and said with a smile: "I'll leave it to you next... Do you want to continue?"

Hearing this, Meng Zhou shook his head slightly and said, "No, that's okay."

Bai Zhi said: "So, nothing will happen to me now?"

Meng Zhou nodded and stretched out his hand to her.

Bai Zhi also put her hand on his.

The next moment, the feeling in his hand was still there, but Meng Zhou's eyes were already empty. Bai Zhi had disappeared from his eyes, lying peacefully in Meng Zhou's sea of ​​consciousness.

Meng Zhou stared at the "Qihuangzi" lying motionless in front of him. After a moment, he reached out and flicked the "Qihuangzi" into the air and flew into a nearby cave.

This cave is not very large and looks simple, but through Bai Zhi's design and layout, it silently reveals the unique status of the owner in this spiritual land.

Under Meng Zhou's control, "Qi Huangzi" entered the cave and sat cross-legged on the stone couch in the quiet room.

Then, Meng Zhou took out several figures from the spirit gourd space and placed them in different caves.

In addition to "Qi Huangzi" who was at the peak of the Dan formation, there was also a monk at the seventh level of the Dan formation, two monks at the middle stage of the Dan formation, and two monks at the early stage of the Dan formation.

Among these two monks who were in the early stage of elixir formation, one was none other than "Ge Ping Ge Pharmacist".

The size of the core members of the "Qihuang Sect" is slightly smaller than Meng Zhou originally expected.

In addition to "Ge Ping", Meng Zhou also specially transformed nine Tai Sui bodies on Qi Yun Peak.

There are three bodies each for the early stage of pill formation, the middle stage of pill formation, and the late stage of pill formation.

But at the moment, Meng Zhou has only taken out two bodies of Tai Sui in the middle and late stages of pill formation, and there is still one each stored in the spirit gourd space, and he does not plan to take them out later.

Because after an on-site inspection of the scale of this spiritual land, Meng Zhou deleted all the "drama" that belonged to them.

Just because he felt that this "Qihuangmen's old nest" could support the current scale at its limit.

As the master of the "Qihuang Sect", "Qihuangzi" has reached the point where he has to take the initiative to "forage" outside and make room for others below. You can imagine how heavy the burden is on this small spiritual place and how crowded it is. .

Then add a big boss who is in the middle stage of the pill formation and the late stage of the pill formation, and it seems to be somewhat inadequate in terms of rationality.

After placing these monks in their respective caves, Meng Zhou carefully cleaned up the traces left by himself and Bai Zhi, making sure they were clean.

At this moment, after using Five Elements Escape, his body has separated from the real world and is hidden in the interlayer between the real world and the real world.

As long as he does not take the initiative to show his head, no matter in the real world or the real world, his figure at this moment cannot be observed.

Meng Zhou entered a cave and stood in front of a stone couch in a quiet room.

"Ge Ping" sat cross-legged on the stone couch.

Meng Zhou first hung a high-quality storage bag on "Ge Ping"'s waist, which contained some items - these were basically items obtained from the Lihen Sect's Dan Jie monks, unless they were used to sell spiritual stones. It has basically no effect on him, it just occupies the spiritual gourd space, but its value itself is not low.

If a pill-forming monk didn't even have storage equipment, wouldn't it be too fake?

Just treat it as waste. Meng Zhou comforted himself in this way.

"That's a lot of bleeding."

After stuffing two more pieces of storage equipment into "Ge Ping's" arms, Meng Zhou finally gave up with satisfaction and shot a ball of re-refined third-level low-grade soul clones into "Ge Ping's" soul.

Soon, "Ge Ping", who was sitting cross-legged on the stone couch, rolled his eyes gently under his eyelids. Then he opened his eyes and woke up. When he saw the current environment, his eyes showed a look of surprise.

After confirming that he was in a safe environment, a smile appeared on his lips subconsciously, and then he slowly closed his eyes again.

The five regions are about to be in chaos. If you go wandering around outside now, you may lose your life if you don't pay attention. Therefore, it is better to rest peacefully for a few years before talking about anything else.

Well, this is not the psychological activity of "Ge Ping".

It was a conclusion that Meng Zhou, a bystander, came to naturally through the changes in "Ge Ping's" expression.

Meng Zhou was satisfied and went to the next cave where he practiced in the early stages of forming pills.

But I thought:

“Are the ‘actors’ trained by my method considered method or experience?”

Soon, Meng Zhou came to the cave where another early-stage alchemy monk was cultivating and gave him his "heart".

Like "Ge Ping", Meng Zhou also took great care to match him with several pieces of storage equipment before lighting up the monk's "soul".

Just like that, as he walked by, the originally empty hearts of the alchemy monks were lit up by him, and illusory lights were lit.

The last person whose "soul" was lit up was "Qihuangzi".

Before taking action to light up "Qihuangzi"'s heart, Meng Zhou stood in front of him and stared at him for a long time.

In his mind, he reviewed the "Qihuangmen" that was made up out of thin air.

This was not a useless effort, and he found several flaws in it.

When he decided to take action, he did it very neatly.

When "Qihuangzi" opened his eyes and woke up, Meng Zhou had already left this place far away.

Meng Zhou, who left "Qihuangmen's old nest", did not leave Wumenghai.

After using Five Elements Escape, he transformed into a small drop of water in the ocean and moved quickly through the sea.

Finally, he stopped near an island about five thousand miles away from the "Qihuangmen's old nest".

On this island, evil spirits are everywhere.

But on the other hand, the vitality here is extremely prosperous, ferocious birds and beasts, snakes, insects, rats, ants, and a large number of biological hedgehogs gather on this small island.

But what few people know is that this is just an appearance.

A spiritual place is hidden majestically in it.

Its area is even larger than the "Qihuangmen Old Nest", but the quality of the spiritual land is much worse.

The monks in the early stage of forming the core are the upper limit of what it can carry.

This spiritual place hidden on the island is not completely isolated from the island environment.

After Meng Zhou entered the spiritual land, he saw a scene that made him instinctively feel uncomfortable.

This is because in this spiritual land that is half water and half land, there are a lot of slimy and wet things that look like maggots at first glance, but upon closer inspection, they are sea snakes intertwined together, working hard to reproduce the next generation all the time.

There was a strange smell in the air, more physically uncomfortable than heather. It was the result of the endless release of certain pheromones into the air when a large number of alien creatures were multiplying and reproducing.

Other creatures that mistakenly entered this spiritual land were unable to penetrate deeply, so they fell dead on the edge of the spiritual land one by one.

This smell caused Meng Zhou's instinctive discomfort, and to these creatures, it was no different than a highly poisonous smell.

Meng Zhou walked around the spiritual land and basically confirmed that this was another spiritual land that had not been discovered by others.

After confirmation, Meng Zhou immediately took action.

He stretched out his finger, and part of the natal living poison that had been dormant in the soul pool was immediately activated, flying out from his fingertips and turning into a small flying sword.

Soon, the flying sword drew a sword flower in the air and disappeared from the sky.

It was replaced by a cold wind.

The cold wind swirled around all corners of the spiritual land, leaving no place untouched.

And wherever it passed, whether it was the entangled disgusting sticky snakes or the ubiquitous smell in the air, they all froze and melted.

What was in the air turned into pieces of ice shards invisible to the naked eye, falling to the ground.

Those disgusting sticky snakes on the ground and in the water were shattered into slag after the ice melted.

When the cold wind blows through all corners of the spiritual land, the cold wind turns into a warm breeze, blowing through all the exchanges in the spiritual land at a faster speed.

The remaining ice chips like eye cream melted away one after another, leaving no trace except the spiritual land itself.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Even the waters are clear again.

Those disgusting sticky snakes and the unbearable smell in the air seemed to be just phantoms of the past, or imaginary hallucinations in the mind.

At this moment, Hefeng happened to circle around the spiritual land from the outside and returned to Meng Zhou again.

Under Meng Zhou's eyes, Ze Feng calmed down slightly and turned into a light and delicate flying sword again.

Then, the flying sword seemed to turn into a ray of light.

This light seemed to be frozen in front of him, motionless.

But looking at the rapidly changing environment around them, one can know that this sword light is moving forward rapidly.

In its rapid movement, the traces of time are constantly pierced by it, and then thrown far behind, like a fish swimming upstream in a rushing waterfall.

Finally, when it stopped, it had gone back more than ninety years.

The bright sword light paused for a moment, and then bloomed brilliantly.

It was like a small sun exploded in this spiritual land, and the light and heat it emitted penetrated all corners of this spiritual land.

This light, starting from the past more than ninety years ago, fell downwards at an extremely fast speed, sweeping away all the traces of time around it, and turning everything into nothingness.

When this seemingly illusory sword light turned into a flying sword again, it was scattered as a living poison and was put back into the Sea of ​​Consciousness Soul Pond by Meng Zhou to remain silent.

All traces of time in this spiritual place for more than ninety years were wiped out by Meng Yiyi's sword.

Seeing such amazing results in front of me, neither my soul power nor my mental power have been exhausted, and there is still some left.

Meng Zhou couldn't help but think to himself, Time Editor is good everywhere, but it is not as sharp as the Time Sword, and the consumption is far more than that.

If you want to use time editing to achieve the corresponding effect, it will not be as easy as it is now.

Meng Zhou knew very well that once Lian Ziling was determined to track him down, neither "Qihuangzi" nor "Qihuangmen" could cover him up.

Similarly, "Qihuangzi" has the ability to erase the traces of time with one hand, which can also be found.

Moreover, from a certain perspective, Lian Ziling was the easiest to discover this clue.

Because the most obvious clue is in Baiyue Bay of Cuiyu Lake.

In the eyes of others, this is an ordinary first-order spiritual island. In the eyes of thoughtful people like Lian Ziling, it has almost the same meaning as setting up a piece of "There is no silver here for three hundred taels."

This is not only the final destination of the "Secret Technique of Cleansing Spirits by Blood Heir", but it is also the place where Yan Zhuang returned to Jade Lake and visited it specifically following the traces of time.

More importantly, all the really important traces have disappeared.

There are clear signs of intentional violence.

No matter how he thought about it, Lian Ziling would never miss these clues, it would just be sooner or later.

Therefore, Meng Zhou does not need to hide the skill "Time Flowing Water Sword" because it cannot be hidden at all.

He just needs to use it to hide his "time editing" ability.

In this regard, Meng Zhou is still very confident.

Without knowing each other's background, the "Time Flowing Water Sword" is already amazing and dazzling enough, and no one will know that there are others under its light.

After wiping out all the traces of time in this spiritual land for nearly a hundred years, Meng Zhou circled the spiritual land twice. After leaving the spiritual land, he specially used "time editing" to leave behind a specific time in the past. There are some extremely faint traces.

"That's it."

After a final check to confirm that there was nothing wrong, Meng Zhou escaped from the place quietly.

With this departure, Meng Zhou really left Wumenghai.

But he did not leave Qingxuan Territory.

Meng Zhou quietly sneaked into Kurosawa Plain, which was wider than Wumenghai.

Kurosawa Plain, which has a radius of 50,000 miles, is equivalent to the Sea of ​​Stars in terms of area alone.

Meng Zhou, who sneaked into Kurosawahara, did not look for the spiritual land, but looked for a place where the evil veins were stagnant - in the evil veins, the spiritual land needed to be found, but such places can be found everywhere.

Then, Meng Zhou put a golden lotus with tightly closed pink lotus into it. (End of chapter)

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